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PSPad v5.5.1 Updated

Ennovy on 11 Feb 2025
  • 15MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 5 Feb 2025
  • Suggested by Andrew Lee

PSPad is a plain text editor with syntax highlighting support and tabbed interface. It includes an integrated hex editor, spell checker, FTP client, code explorer etc. It also allows you to automate repetitive activities through macro recording and playback.

PSPad supports column selection.

Note: The 64-bit version of PSPad is not limited by memory, but is missing the scripting capability of the 32-bit version, as noted here

Runs on:Win95 / Win98 / WinME / WinNT / Win2K / WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? No. HKCU\Software\PSPad
Registers PSPad.project (.PPR) files
Unicode support: Yes
License: Freeware
How to extract:
  1. Download the "Portable" ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice
  2. Delete pspshellx32.dll, pspshellx64.dll and unnecessary language files
  3. Download dictionaries for spell-check (optional) and unpack to .\PSPad\Spell\ folder
  4. Launch PSPad.exe
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Shadeclan on 2012-09-14 13:59

I figured out how to uninstall the user-chosen (custom) languages but it takes a little work.
1: Open PSPad.ini (if you opened it with PSPad or if PSPad is running, save it as something else).
2: Delete the UserHighLighterName# value / data pair where the language is listed (the crosshatch is either null or a number between 1 and 4).
3: Delete the language key and all value / data pairs appertaining to it.
4: If PSPad is running, close it - then replace the PSPad.ini file with your changes. Voila! Your user-selected language slot is ready for another language!
I have posted a request to add a mechanism to do this automatically on the PSPad forum which is very active and the author of the software posts often - not what you'd expect from "dead" software.
BTW: Be cautious about using the installer - it seems to have had some problems. Use the zip file instead and unpack the files to a folder of your choice.

Shadeclan on 2012-09-14 14:46

If it's ok, I'd just like to make a few more comments:
Viniciusban writes that PSPad has no comment-out tool. I don't know if that was true when he posted, but it has one now:
Format menu / Add/Remove Comment.

Webfork writes that it has trouble handling Very Large Files (VLF). In my experience, there are only a very few editors that can handle VLFs without absorbing all available RAM and none of them (with the possible exception of UltraEdit) is as full-featured as PSPad IMHO. If I must view / edit a VLF, I always use HiEditor from as it is made specifically to work on VLFs without hosing the computer. Unfortunately, it isn't offered on but it is completely portable, writes all settings to an INI file and is very fast.

Tom mentions that the "stable" version is 4.5.4. Currently it is 4.5.6 and was uploaded about 11 months ago. Beta version, available from the forum and updated August 2012, is very stable - if the latest version is wanted, grab it from there.

PSPad has its problems but they all do - that's why there isn't just a single text editor that everybody uses. While Notepad++ is (undeniably) the most popular text editor for programmers, I find its interface somewhat obscure and its learning curve a bit too steep to make it useful to me. PSPad's interface is much cleaner and simpler and, if I don't use it for months at a time, I can come back to it without worrying about relearning anything - that's why PSPad is my text editor of choice.

rbon on 2019-12-25 18:09

I wanted a paf version of PSPad and I tried the online installer version of @prapper which unfortunately does not work.
So in the discussion I left a note (# 22).
Be careful: when you extract the installer you have to delete the folders:
- 7zTemp
and copy the rest into .\PSPadPortable.
Then update to the latest portable version which must be unpacked in .\PSPadPortable\App\PSPad\

See all v5.1.3 Updated

Ennovy on 8 Feb 2025
  • 208MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 8 Feb 2025
  • Suggested by nunoleite is an image and photo editing software with support for layers, unlimited undo, image effects and a tabbed thumbnail interface. The program includes a variety of paint bushes and selection tools as well as image filters such as sharpening, red-eye removal, distortion, noise etc.

The program supports plugins and will automatically start in 64-bit within an operating system that supports it.

Use 4.3.12 for: Windows 7 (32/64-bit) [with Platform Update], 8.1 (32/64-bit), or 10 (32-bit). It can be downloaded from here or here.

Runs on:Win10 / Win11
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? No. Writes to C:\Users\~\AppData\Local\
Unicode support: Yes
License: Freeware
How to extract: Download the "portable" ZIP package (go with x86 if you're not sure which one to choose) and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch paintdotnet.exe.
Similar/alternative apps: GIMP, PhotoFiltre, PhotoDemon, PixBuilder Studio
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Ennovy on 2022-05-24 23:53

The website reports: NOTE for Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and 32-bit/x86 users: Paint.NET v4.3.x will be the last release(s) that work on Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or on any 32-bit/x86 version of Windows(........)Starting with Paint.NET v4.4, only Windows 10 and 11+ will be supported, and only on 64-bit (x64 and ARM64). Updates for 4.3.x will be released on an as-needed basis until v4.4 is completed.

shiny on 2024-12-05 11:31

so, where is 32-bit?

Ennovy on 2024-12-05 12:15

@shiny: only 64-bit is supported. I removed the 32-bit downloadlink

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Rainmeter v4.5.21 Updated

Ennovy on 5 Feb 2025
  • 9MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 4 Feb 2025
  • Suggested by Fluffy Bot

Rainmeter is a customizable desktop widget program with the ability to display tools such as memory usage, battery power, RSS feeds and weather forecasts. The program includes many functional skins, able to record your notes and to-do lists, launch your favorite applications and control your media player all in a clean, unobtrusive interface.

Installer includes both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

XP/Vista users: download 3.3.3 Release version of Rainmeter.

Runs on:Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Wine
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
Unicode support: Yes
Path portability: Automatic relative path (eg. ..\..\personal\work.doc)
License: GNU GPLv2
How to extract:
  1. Download the installer and launch
  2. Select 'portable install' during installation
  3. Launch Rainmeter.exe
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Latest comments
Magibon on 2013-10-18 19:15

thanks for updating guys..
- after updating to 3.0.. the Weather stopped working for "Essential Bar".
- here's a fix:

an updated version has also been updated on DeviantArt.

Wolfghost on 2016-03-19 19:53

3.3.1 Final Release (r2602) is out!

smaragdus on 2017-01-02 21:27

I am not on a Windows XP system yet I hate when developers drop support for Windows XP. As far as I know the last version of Rainmeter which supports Windows XP is

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Q-Dir v11.98 Updated

Andrew Lee on 29 Jan 2025
  • 1MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 23 Jan 2024
  • Suggested by Island Boy

Q-Dir is a quad-pane file explorer that supports favorites, file/color filtering, export to XLS/CSV/TXT/HTML, screen magnifier, quick preview etc.

Alternately, Q-Dir Portable at automatically switches between 32/64-bit and is approved by the publisher.

Runs on:Win98 / WinME / WinNT / Win2K / WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Win11 / Wine
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
Unicode support: Yes
License: Freeware
How to extract: Download the "Portable" ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch Q-Dir.exe or Q-Dir_x64.exe (for64-bit OS).
Similar/alternative apps: CubicExplorer, Tablacus Explorer
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Ennovy on 2023-09-26 00:26

@pendrive: It was just a friendly question, I did't mean to offend you in any way

Midas on 2023-09-26 09:18

@Pendrive: please don't. Your input is highly appreciated. Would you consider improving your rank by participating in forum discussions, for instance?

shiny on 2024-04-18 07:34

just asked developer about one feature, it still not implemented(

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7-Zip Portable v24.09 Updated

Ennovy on 22 Jan 2025
  • 14MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 21 Jan 2025
  • Suggested by Andrew Lee

7-Zip is an archive manager that can view and create a wide variety of formats. The program includes folder favorites, optional two-pane view, checksum calculator, file split/combine capability and more. Individual archives can be created with high speed or high compression settings, update options (including update, add/replace, synchronize), split volumes and more. Archives can be secured with standard zip or more secure AES encryption.

Although the official archiver for the open, high-compression "7z" format, the program also supports the creation of multiple formats including ZIP, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR and WIM. It will extract a long list of other formats, among them RAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, RPM, VHD, VMDK etc. Even more formats are supported through third-party plugins. Supports many world languages.

Additionally, to use alternative toolbar and file icons, 7-Zip Theme Manager is available.

7-Zip Portable is a wrapper from, auto-detecting 32 or 64-bit automatically. Alternatively, X-7zip is also available.

There is also a 7-Zip standalone console version.

Runs on:WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Win11 / Wine
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
Unicode support: Yes
License: Freeware/Open Source
How to extract: Download the self-extracting EXE and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch 7-ZipPortable.exe.
Similar/alternative apps: PeaZip, IZArc, BandiZip
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AndTheWolf on 2019-02-01 14:58 came out with v18.06 yesterday.

hamasaki on 2024-02-01 12:21

Not stealth, stores data at HKCU\Software\7Zip

freakazoid on 2024-02-02 21:52

@hamasaki - It's stealth to me. I don't see anything written to HKCU\Software\7Zip.

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Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition v134.0 Updated

Ennovy on 9 Jan 2025
  • 468MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 9 Jan 2025
  • Suggested by Eu Gene Lim

Firefox Browser is a fast, powerful and secure web browser that supports open standards and many of the latest web technologies. The program includes smart search, bookmark management, web development tools and built-in download manager. Smart content blocking for ads and trackers is available in both standard and private browsing modes.

Versions available for Mac, Android, iOS and Linux with synchronisation of passwords and browser state across devices. Additional features and customisations are available via the add-on system, which allows for thousands of specialized functions.

Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition is a special build licensed by Mozilla and includes both the 32-bit and 64-bit builds and selects the appropriate one for each PC. Beta, Developer, Extended Release, and Win 7/8/8.1 and XP/Vista versions are also available.

Runs on:Win10 / Win11 / Wine
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
Unicode support: Yes
Path portability: Automatic relative path (eg. ..\..\personal\work.doc)
License: Launcher: GPL, Program: MPL v. 2.0
How to extract: Download the self-extracting EXE and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch FirefoxPortable.exe.
Similar/alternative apps: Pale Moon Portable, SeaMonkey Portable
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PAFuser on 2020-06-11 12:24

64 bit system: save 181 MB by deleting firefox folder, and renaming firefox64 to firefox. Beta, standard, and ESR work fine.

AndTheWolf on 2022-09-22 14:45

Now at version 105

AndTheWolf on 2024-03-21 14:28

Now at version 124.0

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Sizer v4.0 New

Midas on 7 Jan 2025
  • 228KB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 16 Apr 2020
  • Suggested by Midas

Sizer is a freeware utility that allows you to resize any window to an exact, predefined size. This is extremely useful when designing web pages, as it allows you to see how the page will look when viewed at a smaller size. The utility is also handy when compiling screen-shots for documentation, using Sizer allows you to easily maintain the same window size across screen grabs.

Sizer 4.0 has been completely rewritten to improve compatibility with modern applications including Windows 10 Apps. Sizer 4.0 is less intrusive than previous versions and therefore is more stable. Unfortunately this increased stability comes at a small price, some infrequently used features have been removed as a result.

Note: Further feature info and previous 32-bit Sizer v3.32 still available from

Runs on:WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
License: Freeware
How to extract: 1. Download the binaries only ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice.
2. In that folder create a text file called sizer.xml with the following content.
3. Launch sizer.exe.
Similar/alternative apps: WinSize2

PeaZip v10.2.0 Updated

Ennovy on 1 Jan 2025
  • 37MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 1 Jan 2025
  • Suggested by Yucca

PeaZip is a feature-rich file archiver with broad support for 200+ file types. The file manager interface includes a hash tool, file wipe, file associations, file splitter, themes, estimated compression level, system benchmark, image crop/rename and much more.

Formats supported include most mainstream archive formats, including ZIP, 7Z, ACE, BZIP2, CAB, GZIP, TAR, UPX, ZIPX, as well as it's own PEA format. Can extact but not create MSI and RAR files.

Note that tools setup through the Task Scheduler are not portable.

Cross platform with clients for Mac, Linux, and BSD, as well as a 64-bit version is available. Alternatively, PeaZip Portable portablizes bookmarks and includes both 32 and 64-bit versions, automatically using the proper one on each PC.

Runs on:Win2K / WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Win11 / Wine
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
Unicode support: Yes
License: GNU LGPL
How to extract: Download the "portable" ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch peazip.exe.
Similar/alternative apps: 7-Zip, IZArc, Bandizip
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Latest comments
AndTheWolf on 2014-11-16 17:37

Download link ( raises a 404 "not found" error. Link instead just to or to

webfork on 2014-11-16 18:56

AndTheWolf: Joby updated, thanks for the note

Happy.Camper2 on 2014-12-24 02:22

My experience with PeaZip is to go to:

Download Link:

Happy Holidays to everyone :)

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Tenacity v1.3.4 New

joby_toss on 1 Jan 2025
  • 53MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 1 Jan 2025
  • Suggested by joby_toss

Tenacity is an easy-to-use, cross-platform multi-track audio editor/recorder for Windows, Linux, and other operating systems and is developed by a group of volunteers as open-source software.

  • Recording from audio devices (real or virtual)
  • Export & Import a wide range of audio formats (extendible with FFmpeg)
  • High Quality including up to 32-bit float audio support
  • Plug-Ins providing support for VST, LV2, and AU plugins
  • Scripting in the built-in scripting language Nyquist, or in Python, Perl and other languages with named pipes
  • Editing arbitrary sampling and multi-track timeline
  • Accessibility including editing via keyboard, screen reader support and narration support
  • Tools useful in the analysis of signals, including audio

Runs on:Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Win11
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? No. Creates an empty SessionData folder in AppData.
Unicode support: Yes
Path portability: Requires manual entry of relative path (eg. ..\..\personal\work.doc)
License: GNU GPL Version 2
How to extract:
  1. Download the installer according to your OS architecture (eg. tenacity-win-x.x.x-x64.exe for 64-bit Windows) and extract to a folder of your choice.
  2. Create an empty folder and name it Portable Settings in the same directory
  3. Launch tenacity.exe
Similar/alternative apps: Audacity, ocenaudio
What's new? v1.3.4 Changelog:
  • Increased default maximum spectrogram frequency to 20 kHz.
  • Tenacity now warns you if you save to a FAT32 drive on FreeBSD.
  • Enabled drag-and-drop project importing.
  • Fix sync-lock drawing.
  • Update about dialog to add new contributors plus Matroska info (#226).
  • Updated manual packaging (#406).
  • Added FFmpeg 7 support (#484; an accidental backport believe it or not but why not ;)
  • Windows: Fixed some flickering issues.
  • Windows: Fixed issues when building Tenacity for ARM.
  • Windows: Fixed issues with garbled text in the installer (#486, #509).
  • Windows: Fixed OGG imports causing crashes (#311, #511)
  • Windows: Changed EXE description to reduce confusion in Task Manager (#510).
  • macOS: Applied patches from @ryandesign to improve macOS support.
  • Haiku: Applied patches from @davidkalory to improve Haiku support.
  • Linux: remove unused launcher script (#358, #513).
  • Some error help buttons and preferences no longer point to broken links (#519).
  • Removed some overhead on initialization (#526).

For packagers and other advanced users
  • Updated vcpkg to 2024.12.16 (our fork).
  • Enable SBSMS timestretching by default in vcpkg builds.
  • musl libc builds should now be less susceptible to breakage, although you will see new output if ran from the terminal.
  • Build times should be much faster with vcpkg (#483) and slightly faster without it (#405).
  • Due to its use of VLAs and a recent update, lilv is no longer built on Windows. LV2 isn't supported on Windows currently either, but will be once vcpkg has suil.
  • Tenacity can now be built against a more minimal wxWidgets configuration. It only requires the base, core, html, and net wxWidgets libraries now (#525). To see this in action, view our Flatpak maniefst.
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Guido76 on 2025-01-01 05:39

Version 1.3.4 available but cannot be extracted to a folder....

joby_toss on 2025-01-01 08:44

Yes, it can. Make sure you're using the latest innounp.exe ( ) in your [UniExtract\bin] folder.

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Stellarium Portable v24.1.0 Updated

Ennovy on 22 Dec 2024
  • 940MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 26 Mar 2024
  • Suggested by krungthep

Stellarium is a planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars, or a telescope, with realistic atmosphere, sunrise and sunset. It features over 120,000 stars from the Hipparcos catalog with associated information.

Stellarium Portable is a portable version of the program. The 0.22.x 32-bit version is also included for use on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10 32-bit. Version 0.13.3 is available for Windows XP. Alternatively, X-Stellarium is also available.

Runs on:Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Win11
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
Unicode support: Yes
Path portability: Automatic relative path (eg. ..\..\personal\work.doc)
License: GNU GPLv2
How to extract: Download the self-extracting EXE and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch StellariumPortable.exe.
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Midas on 2014-07-22 10:13

@Foot: sorry about that, I forget they're third party repacks. PA has updated now...

Foot on 2014-07-22 12:39

@Midas: No harm done. Thanks for the alert to PA's timely update.

MIKLO on 2017-12-30 15:54

Very cool :)

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