2024-09-29 12:08:14
Updated by Ennovy
- Version: v1.5.
- Release date: 2024-0
2024-08-12 00:23:26
Updated by Ennovy
- Version: v1.
- Release date: 2024-0
2024-05-10 07:23:25
Updated by lwc
- How to extract: [list=1][*]Download the ZIP or even TGZ package (since the latter lacks an EXE file which isn't relevant for portable use since it requires to have Java installed).[*][url=/faq.php#extract]Extract[/url] to a folder of your choice (if it's the TGZ file, the actual extraction is from its internal TAR file).[*]Prepare the following BAT (e.g. [i]muCommander.bat[/i]) file (which is long since it both auto detects the [b][version][/b] in mucommander-[b][version][/b].jar and makes sure to take the newest one if you accidentally kept previous versions):[section]@echo offsetlocal enabledelayedexpansionset "JAR_FILE="set "LAST_FILE="for %%f in ("%~dp0mucommander-*.jar") do (
if "!LAST_FILE!" lss "%%~nxf" ( set "LAST_FILE=%%~nxf" ))if not defined LAST_FILE!" lss "%%~nxf" ( echo mucommander-*.jar set "LAST_FILE=%%~not xf"))if nount d. exfit /b)snetd "JAR_FILE=!LAST__FILE!":st (echo mucommander-*.jar notAppecho star found.exit "" "%~dp0\..\CommonFile/b)s\Java\bin\javaw.exe" -jart "%~dp0!JAR_FILE=!LAST_FILE!":startAppstart "" "%~dp0\..\CommonFiles\Java\bin\javaw.exe" -pjar "%~dp0!JAR_FILE!" -p "%~dp0.mucommander"endlocal[/section][*]Launch the BAT file (which ...
2024-05-10 07:23:05
Updated by lwc
- How to extract: [list=1][*]Download the ZIP or even TGZ package (since the latter lacks an EXE file which isn't relevant for portable use since it requires to have Java installed).[*][url=/faq.php#extract]Extract[/url] to a folder of your choice (if it's the TGZ file, the actual extraction is from its internal TAR file).[*]Prepare the following BAT (e.g. [i]muCommander.bat[/i]) file (which is long since it
auto detects the [b][version][/b] in mucommander-[b][versboth auto detects the [b][version][/b] in mucommander-[b][version][/bb].jar and makes sure to take the newest one if you accidentally kept previous versions):[sectioon]@echoo offsetlocal eenabledelayedexedexpansionset "JAR_FILE="set "LAST_FILE="for %%f in ("%~dp0mucommander-*.jansir") do ( if "!LAST_FILE!" lss "%%~nxfor /R "" ( set "LAST_FILE=%%~dp0nxf" %%f in ))if not defined LAST_FILE ( echo mucommmander-*.jar) d not fo (sund. exit "J/b)set "JAR_FILE=!LARST_FILE=%%f!"goto :startApp):sttartAppif not defined JAR_FILE (ecppecho mucommander-*.jar not found.exit /b)start "" "%~dp0\."" "%~dp0\..\ComommonFiles\Javava\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "%~dp0!JAR_FILE!" -p "%~dp0.mucommander"endlocal[/section][*]Launch the BAT file (which relies on the [b]Dependencies[/b]).][/list*]...
2024-05-10 07:12:52
Updated by lwc
- How to extract:
Download the "p[list=1][*]Download the ZIP orr even TGZ package (since the labltte"r placks an EXE file which isn't relevant for portable use since it requires to have Java installed).[*][url=/faq.php#extract]Extract[/url] to a folder of your choice (if it's the TGZ file, the actual extraction is from its internal TAR file).[*]Prepare the following BAT (e.g. [i]muCommander.bat[/i]) file (which is long since it auto detects the [b][version][/b] in mucommander-[b][version][/b].jar):[section]@echo offsetlocal enabledelayedexpansionfor /R "%~dp0" %%f in (mucommander-*.jar) do (set "JAR_FILE=%%f"ge aoto :startApp):startAppif not defined JAR_FILE (echo mucommander-*.jar not found.exit /b)start "" "%~dp0\..\CommonFiles\Java\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "!JAR_FILE!" -p "%~dp0.mucommander"end local[/section][*]Laurl=nch the BAT foile (which rums/veliewts opic.pn thp?p=29743#p29743]see forum [b]Depoendenciest[/urb]).[/l] for further instructions.t]
- Dependencies: [url=/index.ph
ttps://portableapps.com/apps/utilit?ies/d=1996]java_portable]Java Portable[/url]
- Stealth (details): Saves some temporary information to [i]
2024-05-10 06:17:17
Updated by lwc
- Synopsis: muCommander is a Java-based skinnable, tabbed file manager with a dual-pane interface. The tool connects to a many online services such as FTP, SFTP, SMB, HTTP, Amazon S3, Bonjour, HDFS (Hadoop), NFS and more. File copying includes transfer verification, rate of speed controls and transfer visualization. It can open and create a variety of archive types as well as view and modify ZIP files without recompression. The program can batch rename, change permissions/date and hash files or folders with a variety of algorithms.Cross-platform (Mac, Linux, *BSD) and available in 27 languages.Alternatively, an outdated [url=https://www.winpenpack.com/en/download.php?view.1101]X-muCommander[/url] is also available.
- What's new: See: [url]https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/
2024-05-10 03:09:52
Updated by Andrew Lee
- Version: v1.
- Release date: 202
- What's new: See: [url]https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/blob/release_1_
2023-07-09 04:21:19
Updated by Ennovy
- Version: v1.
- Release date: 2023-0
- What's new: See: [url]https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/blob/release_1_
2023-03-16 21:39:06
Updated by webfork
- How to extract: Download the "portable"
tar.gz package and [url=forums/viewtopic.php?p=29743#p29743]see forum post[/url] for further instructions.
2023-03-13 03:33:40
Updated by Andrew Lee
- Version: v1.
- Release date: 202
2022-10-13 06:50:14
Updated by Andrew Lee
- Version: v1
- Release date: 2022-10
2022-07-01 06:44:34
Updated by Andrew Lee
- Version: v1.0.
- Release date: 2022-0
- What's new: See: [url]https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/blob/release_1_0_
2022-04-18 09:16:28
Updated by Ennovy
- Version: v
- System Requirement:
- Release date: 202
- What's new: See: [url]https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/blob/release_
2021-06-24 10:34:50
Updated by Ennovy
- Version: v0.9.
- What's new: See: [url]https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/blob/release_0_9_
2020-03-11 00:32:16
Updated by webfork
- What's new: See:[url]https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/
2020-03-06 16:45:33
Updated by billon
- Version: v0.9.
- Release date: 20
2018-11-14 19:50:24
Updated by billon
- Synopsis: muCommander is a Java-based skinnable, tabbed file manager with a dual-pane interface. The tool connects to a many online services such as FTP, SFTP, SMB, HTTP, Amazon S3, Bonjour, HDFS (Hadoop), NFS and more. File copying includes transfer verification, rate of speed controls and transfer visualization. It can open and create a variety of archive types as well as view and modify ZIP files without recompression. The program can batch rename, change permissions/date and hash files or folders with a variety of algorithms.Cross-platform (Mac, Linux, *BSD) and available in 27 languages.Alternatively, [url=http://www.winpenpack.com/en/download.php?view.1101]X-muCommander[/url] is also available.
- Screenshot: Updated
2018-11-14 19:41:00
Updated by billon
- Website URL: https://www.mucommander.com/
- Version: v0.9.
- License: [url=https:
//www.//gnu.ithub.com/mucommander/mucommander/blob/master/src/main/resourgces/licenses/gpl.htmlxt]GNU GPLv3[/url]
- Synopsis: muCommander is a skinnable, tabbed file manager with a dual-pane interface. The tool connects to a many online services such as FTP, SFTP, SMB, HTTP, Amazon S3, Bonjour, HDFS (Hadoop), NFS
, and and more.. File copying includes transfer verification, rate File copying includes transfer verification, rate of speed controls, and transfer visualization. It can open and create a variety oof speed controls and transfer visualization. It can open and create a variety of archive ive types es as well well as view and modify ZIP files without recompression. The program can batch rename, change permissions/date, and hash files or folders with a variety files without recompression. The program can batch rename, change permissions/date and hash files or folders with a variety of algororithms.Crross-platform (Mac, Linux, *BSD) and available iD) and available in 27 lan languages.Alternatilternatively, [url=httptp://www.winpenpacenpack..coom//en/download.pn/download.php?vview.1101]X-muComommander[er[/url] isl] is also available (thanks [i]Danix[/i]).
- Keywords: mu commander midnight moocommander mu%20commander
- Release date: 201
- What's new: See:[url]https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/
2017-06-11 16:52:46
Updated by billon
2017-06-11 15:41:31
Updated by billon
- Version: v0.9.
- Synopsis: muCommander is a skinnable, tabbed file manager with a dual-pane interface. The tool connects to a many online services such as FTP, SFTP, SMB, HTTP, Amazon S3, Bonjour, HDFS (Hadoop), NFS, and more. File copying includes transfer verification, rate of speed controls, and transfer visualization. It can open and create a variety of archive types as well as view and modify ZIP files without recompression. The program can batch rename, change permissions/date, and hash files or folders with a variety of algorithms.Cross-platform (Mac, Linux, *BSD) and available in 27 languages
(including Chinese, Spanish, Russian, and Portuguese).Alternatively, [url=http://www.winpenpack.com/en/download.php?view.1101]X-muCommander[/url] is also available (thanks [i]Danix[/i]).
- Dependencies: [url=https://portableapps.com/apps/utilities/java_portable]Java Portable[/url]
- Release date: 2017-06-
- What's new: See:[url]https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/blob/release_0_9_
2017-01-10 21:13:00
Updated by billon
- Version: v0.9.
- System Requirement:
- How to extract:
[url=forDownload the "portable" tar.gz package and [url=forums/viewtopic.phphp?p=297429743#p29743]Sseee foru forum post[/url] for further instructions.
- Size (in bytes):
- Download URL: https://
- Similar/alternative apps: [url=https://www.portablefreeware.com/index.php?id=2304]Multi Commander[/url]
- Release date: 20
- What's new: See:[url]https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/blob/release_0_9_1/package/readme.txt[/url]
2016-03-21 22:36:12
Updated by webfork
- Synopsis: muCommander is a skinnable, tabbed file manager with a dual-pane interface. The tool connects to a many online services such as FTP, SFTP, SMB, HTTP, Amazon S3, Bonjour, HDFS (Hadoop), NFS, and more. File copying includes transfer verification
and rate , rate of speed controls, and transfer visualization, and. i It can open and create a variety of archive types as well as view and modify ZIP files without recompression. The program can batch rename, change permissions/date, and hash files or folders with a variety of algorithms.Cross-platform (Mac, Linux, *BSD) and available in 27 languages (including Chinese, Spanish, Russian, and Portuguese)Alternatively, [url=http://www.winpenpack.com/en/download.php?view.1101]X-muCommander[/url] is also available (thanks [i]Danix[/i]).
2016-03-21 22:33:04
Updated by webfork
- Synopsis: muCommander is a skinnable, tabbed file manager with a dual-pane interface.
File copying includes transfer verification and rate of speed visualization. The tool The tool connnects s to a many online se services such as FTP, SFTP, SFTP, TP, SMB, , HTTP, TP, Amazon S3, , Boonjourr, HDFS FS (Hadoopadoop), NFS, and more. Can open and creatre. a varFile copying includes transfer verification and rate of speed visualization, and it can open and create a variety of archive types es as well well as view and modify ZIP files without recompreP files without recompression. The program can bhe program can batcch rename an rename, change permissions/d hate, and hash files or folders with a varilesty or foof aldergorithms.Crosss-platfororm (Mac, ac, Linux, *BSD) and available and available in 27 lang7 languages (inincluding Chinese, Spanipanish, Russiasian, and Poortuguese)Alternatively, [url=http://ww//www.winpenpaenpack..coom//en/download./download.php?view.1101]X-mumuCommmanderer[/url] is ais also ava available (thanks [i]Danix[/i]).
- Stealth (details): Saves some temporary information to [i]User\LocalSettings\Temp[/i]
- Keywords: mu commander midnight moocommander
2015-10-31 23:40:20
Updated by webfork
- System Requirement:
- Forum topic ID:
2015-02-07 02:42:03
Updated by webfork
- Additional features: [Files - Checksum Calculators]
- Synopsis: muCommander is a skinnable, tabbed file manager with a dual-pane interface.
It opens a wide variety of file types and connects to a many online services such as FTP, SFFile copying includes transfer verification and rate of speed visualization. The tool connects to a many online services such as FTP, SFTP, SMB, HTTP, Amazon S3, Bonjour, HDFS (Hadoop), NFS, and more. Can open and create a variety of archive types as well as view and modify ZIP files without recompression. The progre.am Ccan open band tcreate a variety ofh rename arcnd hash five types as well aes view and m odir fy ZIP fioles without recompderession.Cross-platform (Mac, Linux, *BSD) and available in 27 languages (including Chinese, Spanish, Russian, and Portuguese)Alternatively, [url=http://www.winpenpack.com/en/download.php?view.1101]X-muCommander[/url] is also available (thanks Danix).
- Keywords: mu commander midnight
2014-06-28 00:53:14
Updated by webfork
- Additional features: [Files - Compression/Decompression] [Internet - FTP Clients] [Others - Java Apps]
2014-06-28 00:51:20
Updated by webfork
- Synopsis: muCommander is a skinnable, tabbed file manager with a dual-pane interface. It opens a wide variety of file types and connects to a many online services such as FTP, SFTP, SMB, HTTP, Amazon S3, Bonjour, and more. Can open and create a variety of archive types as well as view and modify ZIP files without recompression.Cross-platform (Mac, Linux, *BSD) and available in 27 languages (including Chinese, Spanish, Russian, and Portuguese)Alternatively, [url=http://www.winpenpack.com/en/download.php?view.1101]X-muCommander
Portable[/url] is also available (thanks Danix).
2013-12-08 21:39:22
Updated by webfork
- Forum topic ID:
2013-12-08 21:38:25
Updated by webfork
- Synopsis: muCommander is a skinnable
file manager with a dual-pane interface. It opens a wide variety of file types and connects to a many online services such as FTP, SFTP, SMB, , tabbed file manager with a dual-pane interface. It opens a wide variety of file types and connects to a many online services such as FTP, SFTP, SMB, HTTP, Amazon on S3,, Bonjour, and more. Can open and create a variety of archive types as well as view andd more.dify ZIP files without recompression.Cross-platform (Mac, Linux, *BSD) and available in 27 languages (including Chinese, Spanish, Russian, and Portuguese)Alternatively, [url=http://www.winpenpack.com/en/download.php?view.1101]X-muCommander Portable v[/url] ieweds and mlsodified wiavailable (thoutanks recompressDanionx).
- Stealth (details): Saves some temp information to [i]U
- Keywords: mu commander
- Forum topic ID:
- Similar/alternative apps: [url=http://www.portablefreeware.com/index.php?id=2304]Multi Commander[/url]
2013-12-08 15:43:04
Updated by joby_toss
- Download URL: http://www.mucommander.com/download/mucommander-0_9_0
2013-12-08 15:40:47
Updated by joby_toss
- Download URL: http://www.mucommander.com/download/mucommander-0_
2013-12-08 15:24:48
Updated by joby_toss
- Version: v0.
- System Requirement:
2013-02-12 00:49:04
Updated by Andrew Lee
- License: [url=http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html]GPL[/url]
- How to extract:
S[url=forums/viewtopic.php?p=29743#p29743]Se e fororum post[/url] for instructions.
- Dependencies:
J[url=http://portableapps.com/apps/utilities/java_portavble]Java Portablle[/url]
2011-05-10 22:34:02
Updated by webfork
- Version:
- How to extract: See forum post for instructions.
Step 1 Substep 1 Substep 2 Step 2 Step 3
2011-05-10 22:32:32
Updated by webfork
- How to extract:
aSee forum post for instructions. Step 1 Substep 1 Substep 2 Step 2 Step 3
2011-05-10 22:31:51
Updated by webfork
- How to extract:
See forum post for instructions. Step 1 Substep 1 Substep 2 Step 2 Step 3a
2011-05-06 21:22:09
Updated by webfork
- How to extract: See forum post for instructions. Step 1 Substep 1 Substep 2 Step 2 Step 3
2010-12-20 01:04:57
Added by webfork