FenrirFS v2.7.2

Andrew Lee on 20 Apr 2024
  • 314MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 14 Mar 2024
  • Suggested by webfork

FenrirFS is an application that helps you manage your files with labels. It lets you organize your files by classifying them with colors and stars, and by adding them to your favorites. You can organize multiple files by just dragging them to the labels, or by just typing the label's name. It also lets you preview audio, text and pdf files, check images, and play videos.

Runs on:Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
Unicode support: Yes
License: Freeware
How to extract: Download the portable ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch FenrirFS.exe.
What's new? Seeļ¼šhttps://www.fenrir-inc.com/jp/fenrirfs/note.html

1 comment on FenrirFS  The Portable Freeware Collection Latest Entries Feed

Cornflower 2024-04-21 10:15

I've used this for 2 years and in general like it. I've set it up for a photographer relative to tag his vast family and sport photo collections.

Note it is NOT intuitive. And for Portable users, there is a catch-22. Either all your files end up in one directory, or if you use Alias mode, the files remain where they are, but if you move them (say to a different directory structure or to a different drive), the hard-coded aliases are broken. They are in a UUIC-named text file and I have not been able to relate which alias to which file/document without opening the alias.


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