muCommander v1.5.1 Updated

Ennovy on 29 Sep 2024
  • 18MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 29 Sep 2024
  • Suggested by spillej

muCommander is a Java-based skinnable, tabbed file manager with a dual-pane interface. The tool connects to a many online services such as FTP, SFTP, SMB, HTTP, Amazon S3, Bonjour, HDFS (Hadoop), NFS and more. File copying includes transfer verification, rate of speed controls and transfer visualization. It can open and create a variety of archive types as well as view and modify ZIP files without recompression. The program can batch rename, change permissions/date and hash files or folders with a variety of algorithms.

Cross-platform (Mac, Linux, *BSD) and available in 27 languages.

Alternatively, an outdated X-muCommander is also available.

Runs on:WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10
Writes settings to: Application folder
Dependencies: jPortable
Stealth: ? No. Saves some temporary information to %TEMP%
License: GNU GPLv3
How to extract:
  1. Download the ZIP or even TGZ package (since the latter lacks an EXE file which isn't relevant for portable use since it requires to have Java installed).
  2. Extract to a folder of your choice (if it's the TGZ file, the actual extraction is from its internal TAR file).
  3. Prepare the following BAT (e.g. muCommander.bat) file (which is long since it both auto detects the [version] in mucommander-[version].jar and makes sure to take the newest one if you accidentally kept previous versions):
    @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set "JAR_FILE="
    set "LAST_FILE="
    for %%f in ("%~dp0mucommander-*.jar") do (
    if "!LAST_FILE!" lss "%%~nxf" (
    set "LAST_FILE=%%~nxf"
    if not defined LAST_FILE (
    echo mucommander-*.jar not found.
    exit /b
    set "JAR_FILE=!LAST_FILE!"
    start "" "%~dp0\..\CommonFiles\Java\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "%~dp0!JAR_FILE!" -p "%~dp0.mucommander"
  4. Launch the BAT file (which relies on the Dependencies).
Similar/alternative apps: Multi Commander
What's new? See:

2 comments on muCommander  The Portable Freeware Collection Latest Entries Feed

appsuser 2019-12-10 09:11

This program still supports SMB 1.0, which is no longer supported by Windows 10. Very useful if you have older devices and don't want to make your Windows 10 insecure by re-enabling this protocol.


Danix 2011-04-08 21:37

winPenPack has released X-muCommander Portable.
Note: the JRE setup will be downloaded and installed automatically in the "Lib" directory.


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