Change history for Everything

2024-08-01 07:14:43
Updated by gbrao

  • Version: v1.4.1.10246
  • Release date: 20234-058-2601

2023-05-26 00:31:41
Updated by Ennovy

  • Version: v1.4.1.10234
  • Release date: 2023-05-1026

2023-05-10 23:44:25
Updated by Ennovy

  • Version: v1.4.1.10213
  • Release date: 20223-05-10-03

2022-10-03 05:01:21
Updated by Ennovy

  • Version: v1.4.1.10201
  • Release date: 2022-109-083
  • What's new: See: [url][/url][url][/url].

2022-09-08 21:55:50
Updated by gbrao

  • Version: v1.4.1.101820
  • Release date: 2022-089-1708

2022-08-17 03:11:13
Updated by Special

  • Version: v1.4.1.10178
  • Release date: 2022-058-2017

2022-05-26 07:39:09
Updated by Ennovy

  • Version: v1.4.1.10157
  • System Requirement:
  • Release date: 20212-05-12-160
  • What's new: See: [url][/url][url][/url].

2021-12-16 18:43:09
Updated by Special

  • Version: v1.4.1.10145

2021-12-16 11:22:16
Updated by Special

  • Version: v1.4.1.100914
  • Release date: 2021-01-25-16

2021-06-03 03:00:42
Updated by gbrao

  • Version: v1.4.1.10059

2021-01-25 06:51:58
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.10045
  • Size (in bytes): 250258350
  • Release date: 2021-01-1925

2021-01-19 18:08:20
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.10034
  • Release date: 2021-01-0419

2021-01-08 00:34:00
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.10023
  • Size (in bytes): 25027641835
  • Release date: 2020-12-1201-04

2020-12-11 19:16:05
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.10002
  • Size (in bytes): 25022897641
  • Release date: 2020-112-3012

2020-11-30 00:21:09
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.9991000
  • Release date: 2020-11-2630

2020-11-26 12:44:21
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.9929
  • Size (in bytes): 24950228193
  • Release date: 2020-09-191-26

2020-09-19 06:40:00
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.98892
  • Size (in bytes): 249718193
  • Release date: 2020-089-0419

2020-08-05 02:27:22
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.9878
  • Size (in bytes): 2496714589
  • Release date: 2020-078-304

2020-07-30 16:52:16
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.9867
  • Release date: 2020-07-230

2020-07-23 01:23:27
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.9869
  • Size (in bytes): 24396147465
  • Release date: 2020-037-1623

2020-03-16 03:36:23
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.9659
  • Release date: 2020-03-0516

2020-03-05 20:32:48
Updated by billon

  • Size (in bytes): 124347046312
  • Release date: 2020-023-105

2020-03-04 16:22:05
Updated by billon

  • Download URL:

2020-03-03 19:01:20
Updated by billon

  • What's new: See:[url][/url][url]][/url].

2020-03-03 18:59:08
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.9365
  • Size (in bytes): 21706391269
  • Download URL:
  • Release date: 201920-02-185
  • What's new: FixSeed:[list][*]An issue with really long filenames.[*]An issue when adding or removing an "include only" exclude.[*]An issue with missing changes to excluded files.[/[urlist]See more abouhtt new features and changeps [://[/url][url=rl]htttps://w/]here[/url].

2019-02-18 02:46:50
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.9325
  • Size (in bytes): 2391337269
  • Release date: 2019-01-26-18
  • What's new: Fixed:[list][*]A crash when gan issue with really long filenames.[*]An issue whern adding NTFS file info or removing atn "include only" exclude.[*]An issue wn issue withh missing updchating fes to exclduderd informationles.[/list]See more about new features and changes [url=]here[/url].

2019-01-28 12:49:38
Updated by billon

  • Download URL:

2019-01-26 01:36:29
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.9328
  • Size (in bytes): 23908051337
  • Download URL:
  • Release date: 2019-01-1126
  • What's new: Fixed:[list][*]A crash withhen gathering NTFS file [i]ntdll.dll[/i].[*]A crash when nforenmamitiong a folder with excluded subfolders.[*]An issue with calculating folder children counts wn issue withen uspdating folder excludesr information.[/list]See more about new features and changes [url=]here[/url].

2019-01-11 13:10:16
Updated by billon

  • What's new: Fixed:[list][*]A crash with [i]ntdll.dll[/i].[*]A crash when renaming a folder with excluded subfolders.[*]An issue with calculating folder children counts when using folder excludes.[/list]See more about new features and changes [url=]here[/url].

2019-01-11 03:40:03
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.9248
  • Size (in bytes): 23575290805
  • Release date: 20189-012-211
  • What's new: [list][*]Improved thread yielding.[*]Fixed:[list][*]An issue with Everything detecting renamed files;[*]An issue when restarting Everything would restart as administrator;[*]An icon overlay display issue;[*]An issue with detecting renamed files on ReFS volumes;t][*]An issue wi crash with [i][/i].[*]A crash wheting or renaming Ra folder with excludeFS d subfoldeerss.[/*]An issue with calculating folder children counts when using folder excludest].[/list]

2018-12-23 18:26:58
Updated by billon

  • Download URL:

2018-12-21 22:47:43
Updated by billon

  • What's new: Re[list][*]Improved:[lised t]hread yielding.[*][fFixed:[list][*]An issue with Everything detecting renamed files;[*]An issue when restarting Everything would restart as administrator;[*]An icon overlay display issue;[*]An issue with detect=moing renamed files on ReFS vospaclumes;[*]/NXCOMPAT[/fon issue with delet].[*][foint=g or renamoinospace]g ReFSetDe faultDlolDirdectories[/font].[*][font=monospace]SetD/llDirectory[/fonst].[*]Stack cookie checks.[/list]

2018-12-20 20:26:24
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.9924
  • Size (in bytes): 23590407525
  • Download URL:
  • Release date: 2018-12-215
  • What's new: [list][*]Improved thread yielding.[*]Fixed:[list][*]An issue with Everything detecting renamed files;[*]An issue when restarting Everything would restart as administrator;[*]An icon overlRemoved:[list][*][font=monospay display issue;[*]An issue with detecting renamed files on ReFS volumes;[*ce]/NXCOMPAn issue with deleting or renaming ReFS folders.[/list]T[/list]See more abfout new features a].[*][font=mond chospanges [url=hce]SetDefaultps://[/font].[*][fong/wht=monospace]Sets_newDllDirectory[/font].[*]Stack cookie cherecks.[/urlist]

2018-12-16 20:28:27
Updated by billon

  • Download URL:

2018-12-15 03:06:11
Updated by billon

  • What's new: [list][*]Improved thread yielding.[*]Fixed:[list][*]An issue with Everything detecting renamed files;[*]An issue when restarting Everything would restart as administrator;[*]An icon overlay display issue;[*]An issue with detecting renamed files on ReFS volumes;[*]An issue with deleting or renaming ReFS folders.[/list][/list]See more about new features and changes [url=]here[/url]

2018-12-15 03:04:11
Updated by billon

  • Website URL:
  • Version: v1.4.1.89592
  • License: [url=]Freeware[/url]
  • Size (in bytes): 22354219040
  • Download URL: https://w/
  • Release date: 2018-012-0915
  • What's new: Added:[list][*][i].jpeg[/i] extension to the image information search functions.[*]Support for cluster sizes larger than 64k.[*][font=monospace]preview_context[/font] ini setting.[/list]Fixed:[list][*]A crash when clearing search history.[*]A security issue when running a FTP server.[*]An issue preventing Everything from closing when pressing ESC.[*]An issue where Everything would lose the current sort after reindexing.[*]An issue when using invalid characters to rename a file.[*]A crash when rendering tall or wide images.[*]An issue when shutting down Everything would cause it to miss changes.[*]A memory alignment issue.[list][*]Database corruption when renaming a folder when folder size indexing is enablImproved or when threre is a folder yielding.[*]Fixced:[][*]An issue win issue with Everything detecth circular NTFS/Rng renameFSd foldiler parents.;[/list*]See more aboutAn issue newhen features tartindg cEverythainges [wourl=hd restartp://www.voidtool adm/supporinistrat/evor;[*]An icon overlay displaything/ issue;[*]An issue witha detecting renamed files_new/ on ReFS volumes;[*]An issue with delerting or renaming ReFS folders.[/list][/urlist]

2018-02-09 04:09:04
Updated by billon

  • Screenshot: Updated

2018-02-09 03:52:20
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.4.1.87795
  • Size (in bytes): 22542480419
  • Release date: 20178-062-079
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]O[i].jption to index size, dates and attributes.[*]Option to enable fast sorting of size, dates, attributes, path and extension.[*]Thumbnail view.[*]Preview pane.[*]ReFS support.[*]Advanced searching.[*]Multi-file renaming.[*]Content searching.[*]Cearch history organizer.[*]Show total size in status bar option.[*]Single click open option.[*]Full row select option.[*]Perl compatible regex.[*]New search functions.[*]/ search commands.[*]Filter functions.[*]New Everything icon.[/list]Improved:[list][*]Folder deletion performance.[*]Indexing whi] extension to the imagen using f ile and folder excludes.[*]Search term highlightation search functing.[*]Database blockingns.[*]Indexes Supdaporting.[*]Folde for index moniclustoer sizes laring.[*]NTFS indexingger than 64k.[*]Re-indexing per[fornt=mance wheonospace]preview_context[/font] ini settin g.[/list]Fixed:[list][*]A crash when existing clearindg sexes are uprch histo datery.[*]IPC.[/lisA securit]Fixy issue whed:[lin running a FTP st]erver.[*]An is*]An issue causinge preventing Everything to hang onto a vhing frolume hand cle osing when tpryessinng to safESC.[*]An issue where Evelry remthing would lose the current sove a devicrt after reindexing.[*]AAn issue when using invalid characters to rename a file.[*]A crash when rendering tall or wide isimages.[*]An issueue when shutting down wiEverything would excludes beingause it to miss changes.[*]A memory alignment issue.[*]Database corruption when renaming a folder when foldered size indexing is enabled or when there is a folder exclude.[*]An issue with circular NTFS/ReFS folder paren rets.[/list]See more abuilout new features and changes [url= /whats_new/][/url]

2017-06-07 07:56:44
Updated by billon

  • License: [url=]Frereewarre[/url]
  • What's new: Added:[list][*]Option to index size, dates and attributes.[*]Option to enable fast sorting of size, dates, attributes, path and extension.[*]Thumbnail view.[*]Preview pane.[*]REeFS support.[*]Advanced searching.[*]Multi-file renaming.[*]Content searching.[*]Cearch history organizer.[*]Show total size in status bar option.[*]Single click open option.[*]Full row select option.[*]Perl compatible regex.[*]New search functions.[*]/ search commands.[*]Filter functions.[*]New Everything icon.[/list]Improved:[list][*]Folder deletion performance.[*]Indexing when using file and folder excludes.[*]Search term highlighting.[*]Database blocking.[*]Indexes updating.[*]Folder index monitoring.[*]NTFS indexing.[*]Re-indexing performance when the existing indexes are up to date.[*]IPC.[/list]Fixed:[list][*]An issue causing Everything to hang onto a volume handle when trying to safely remove a device.[*]An issue with excludes being ignored when rebuilding the...

2017-06-07 07:43:12
Updated by billon

  • What's new:

2017-06-07 07:41:07
Updated by billon

  • What's new: SeAdded:[list][*]Option to index size, dates and attributes.[*]Option to enable fast sorting of size, dates, attributes, path and extension.[*]Thumbnail view.[*]Preview pane.[*]REFS support.[*]Advanced searching.[*]Multi-file renaming.[*]Content searching.[*]Cearch history organizer.[*]Show total size in status bar option.[*]Single click open option.[*]Full row select option.[*]Perl compatible regex.[*]New search functions.[*]/ search commands.[*]Filter functions.[*]New Everything icon.[/list]Improved:[url[list][*]Folder deletion performance.[*]Indexing when using file and folder excludes.[*]Search term highlighting.[*]Database blocking.[*]Indexes updating.[*]hFolder index monitoring.[*]NTFS indexing.[*]Re-indexing performance when the existing indexes are up: to date.[*]IPC.[//www.voidtools.list]Fixed:[list][*]An issue com/Causing Everything to hang onto a volume handle whaen tryinges. txt[/url]o safely remove a and evice.[url]http://ww*]An issue w.voiditooh being ignort/evred when rythebuilding/w thats_new/[/url]...

2017-06-07 07:24:44
Updated by billon

  • Synopsis: Everything is a powerful search tool that locates files and folders by file name instantly, and includes an FTP and Web server interface. It also can search files by their contents. Unlike Windows search, Everything initially displays all files and folders on your computer. You simply type in part of the desired file name to limit what files and folders are displayed instantly. The more you type, the more specific the list becomes.Note that the instant-search capability only works on NTFS/ReFS-formatted drives and only uses file and folder names in a file index. The program can separately catalog non-NTFS/ReFS and network servers for searching on a schedule.

2017-06-07 07:20:59
Updated by billon

  • Icon: Updated

2017-06-07 07:14:19
Updated by billon

  • Synopsis: Everything is a powerful search tool that locates files and folders by file name instantly, and includes an FTP and Web server interface. Unlike Windows search, Everything initially displays all files and folders on your computer. You simply type in part of the desired file name to limit what files and folders are displayed instantly. The more you type, the more specific the list becomes.Note that the instant-search capability only works on NTFS-formatted dri/ReFS-formatted drives, cannot search inside files, and only uses file and fooldeer n names in aes in a fiilee index. . The cane seprograrm can separately catalog non-NTFS/ReFS and network servers for searching on a schedule.

2017-06-07 07:07:58
Updated by billon

  • What's new: See:[url][/url] and [url][/url]

2017-06-07 07:02:53
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.
  • System Requirement:
  • How to extract: [Downlisoad t=1][*]Downlhe "Poad the Portrtable " ZIP package depenage depending on your operating system [list][*]32-bit: ([i]Everything-[version][/i] for 32-bit [*]64-bit: [i]Everythiing-[versi on][/i] for 64.bit[/list][*]Extr your OS and extract to to a f folder of yof your choice ande. lLaunch [i]Everything.exe[/i][/list].
  • Size (in bytes): 122248048576
  • Similar/alternative apps: [url=]HDDB[/url], [url=]Ultra File Search Lite[/url], [url=]UltraSearch[/url]
  • Release date: 20000-0017-06-07
  • What's new: Wednesday, 6 August 2014See: Version[list][*]added MIT license[*]added installer localization[*]added run as admin option[*]added wildcards anywhere option[*]added run date column/sort/search[*]added support for accessible MSAA[*]added etp connection history[*]added recent changes[*]added run history[*]added home page[*]added x64 build[*]added always ontop option[*]added %APPDATA% option[*]added Everything service option[*]added search history option[*]added the option to cancel locked queries after one second[*]added context menu customization[*]added tooltips for hidden items[*]added option to not compress database[*]added custom filters[*]added hotkey option to toggle search window[*]added filelists[*]added folder indexing[*]added optional diacritica[url mark matching[*]added bookmarks[*]added new search funchttions and macros[*]improved performance ://when renaming/deleting foww.voidtoolders[*]i.comproved ETP/FTP server[*]imupporoved HTTP sert/ever[*]fythixed mng/whats_ny ...ew/[/url]

2016-08-13 22:28:56
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: Everything is a powerful search tool that locates files and folders by file name instantly, and includes an FTP and Web server interface. Unlike Windows search, Everything initially displays all files and folders on your computer. You simply type in part of the desired file name to limit what files and folders are displayed instantly. The more you type, the more specific the list becomes.Note that the instant-search capability only works on NTFS-formatted drives, cannot search inside files, and only uses file and folder names in a file index. The can seprogaram ontely cataly worksog non -NTFS-formatted drivand nes, canntwotrk search inside files, and only useervers file and folder names in a file searchindex. Atg startup, the program can take between 5 and 30 se sconheds to read available filule catalogs.

2016-06-19 20:58:37
Updated by webfork

  • Screenshot: Updated

2016-05-13 22:35:10
Updated by webfork

  • How to extract: [list=1][*]Downlload the e Portable ZIP package depending on your operating systage depending on your operating system [list][*]32-bit: ([i][i]Eververythiing-[version][/i]i] forr 32--bit [*]64-bit: syst[i]Evems or [i].x6ything-[version][//i] for 64.bit and extract it[/list][*]Extract to a fo a folderr of your choice.e and Llaunnch [[i]Everything.exe[/i].- download the portab[/le zip packagest]

2016-05-13 22:33:19
Updated by webfork

  • System Requirement:
  • How to extract: Download the Portable ZIP package and extdepending on your operating system ([i]Everything-[version][/i] for 32-bit systems or [i][/i] for 64.bit and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]Everything.exe[/i].- downloact d to a foldher pof yourrtable zip pachoice. Lkaunch [i]Everything.exe[/i].

2015-08-16 01:31:13
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: Everything is a powerful search tool that locates files and folders by file name instantly, and includes an FTP and Web server interface. Unlike Windows search, Everything initially displays all files and folders on your computer. You simply type in part of the desired file name to limit what files and folders are displayed instantly. The more you type, the more specific the list becomes.[b]LimiNote that the progrations:[/b]m Oonly works on NTFS-formatted drives, cannot search inside files, and only uses file and folder names in a file index. At startup, the program can take between 5 and 30 seconds to read available file catalogs.

2015-06-30 01:28:35
Updated by webfork

  • Similar/alternative apps: [url=]HDDB[/url], [url=]Ultra File Search Lite[/url], [url=]UltraSearch[/url]

2014-08-07 20:28:57
Updated by joby_toss

  • Version: v1.2.1.371.4.686
  • Synopsis: Everything is a powerful search tool that locates files and folders by file name instantly, and includes an FTP and Web server interface. Unlike Windows search, Everything initially displays all files and folders on your computer. You simply type in part of the desired file name to limit what files and folders are displayed instantly. The more you type, the more specific the list becomes.[b]Limitations:[/b] Only works on NTFS-formatted drives, cannot search inside files, and only uses file and folder names in a file index. At startup, the program can take between 5 and 30 seconds to read available file catalogs.[b]Note:[/b] A more recent Beta version (also portable) is also available on the website.[i]Current Beta v1.3.4.680b (released 20-july-2014)[/i]
  • How to extract: Download the Portable ZIP package age and exttraact to a to a folder of your chour choice. Launch [i]Everything-[/i].
  • Size (in bytes): 61024857624
  • Download URL:
  • Icon: Updated
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • What's new: Wednesday, 6 August 2014: Version[list][*]added MIT license[*]added installer localization[*]added run as admin option[*]added wildcards anywhere option[*]added run date column/sort/search[*]added support for accessible MSAA[*]added etp connection history[*]added recent changes[*]added run history[*]added home page[*]added x64 build[*]added always ontop option[*]added %APPDATA% option[*]added Everything service option[*]added search history option[*]added the option to cancel locked queries after one second[*]added context menu customization[*]added tooltips for hidden items[*]added option to not compress database[*]added custom filters[*]added hotkey option to toggle search window[*]added filelists[*]added folder indexing[*]added optional diacritical mark matching[*]added bookmarks[*]added new search functions and macros[*]improved performance when renaming/deleting folders[*]improved ETP/FTP server[*]improved HTTP server[*]fixed many ...

2014-07-22 10:33:54
Updated by __philippe

  • Synopsis: Everything is a powerful search tool that locates files and folders by file name instantly, and includes an FTP and Web server interface. Unlike Windows search, Everything initially displays all files and folders on your computer. You simply type in part of the desired file name to limit what files and folders are displayed instantly. The more you type, the more specific the list becomes.[b]Limitations:[/b] Only works on NTFS-formatted drives, cannot search inside files, and only uses file and folder names in a file index. At startup, the program can take between 5 and 30 seconds to read available file catalogs.[b]Note:[/b] A more recent Beta version (also portable) is also available on the website.[i]Current Beta v1.3.4.67980b (released 1720-july-2014)[/i]

2014-07-17 10:13:05
Updated by __philippe

  • Synopsis: Everything is a powerful search tool that locates files and folders by file name instantly, and includes an FTP and Web server interface. Unlike Windows search, Everything initially displays all files and folders on your computer. You simply type in part of the desired file name to limit what files and folders are displayed instantly. The more you type, the more specific the list becomes.[b]Limitations:[/b] Only works on NTFS-formatted drives, cannot search inside files, and only uses file and folder names in a file index. At startup, the program can take between 5 and 30 seconds to read available file catalogs.[b]Note:[/b] A more recent Beta version (also portable) is also available on the website.[i]Current Beta v1.3.4.6679b (released 2517-junly-2014)[/i]

2014-06-25 08:55:21
Updated by __philippe

  • Synopsis: Everything is a powerful search tool that locates files and folders by file name instantly, and includes an FTP and Web server interface. Unlike Windows search, Everything initially displays all files and folders on your computer. You simply type in part of the desired file name to limit what files and folders are displayed instantly. The more you type, the more specific the list becomes.[b]Limitations:[/b] Only works on NTFS-formatted drives, cannot search inside files, and only uses file and folder names in a file index. At startup, the program can take between 5 and 30 seconds to read available file catalogs.[b]Note:[/b] A more recent Beta version (also portable) is also available on the website.[i]Current Beta v1.3.4.6667b (released 245-jun-2014)[/i]

2014-06-24 11:51:42
Updated by __philippe

  • Synopsis: Everything is a powerful search tool that locates files and folders by file name instantly, and includes an FTP and Web server interface. Unlike Windows search, Everything initially displays all files and folders on your computer. You simply type in part of the desired file name to limit what files and folders are displayed instantly. The more you type, the more specific the list becomes.[b]Limitations:[/b] Only works on NTFS-formatted drives, cannot search inside files, and only uses file and folder names in a file index. At startup, the program can take between 5 and 30 seconds to read available file catalogs.[b]Note:[/b] A more recent Beta version (also portable) is also available on the website.[i]Current Beta v1.3.4.666b (released 24-jun-2014)[/i]

2014-06-14 02:01:23
Updated by webfork

  • Keywords: everything everythingsearch esearch thingsearch

2014-06-12 08:18:01
Updated by Checker

  • Synopsis: Everything is a powerful search tool that locates files and folders by file name instantly, and includes an FTP and Web server interface. Unlike Windows search, Everything initially displays all files and folders on your computer. You simply type in part of the desired file name to limit what files and folders are displayed instantly. The more you type, the more specific the list becomes.[b]Limitations:[/b] Only works on NTFS-formatted drives, cannot search inside files, and only uses file and folder names in a file index. At startup, the program can take between 5 and 30 seconds to read available file catalogs.[b]Note:[/b] A more recent Beta version (also portable) is also available on the website.

2014-06-12 08:03:52
Updated by Checker

  • Keywords: everything

2014-06-12 07:39:44
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v1.2.1.371
  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: Everything is a powerful search tool that locates files and folders by file name instantly, and includes an FTP and Web server interface. Unlike Windows search, Everything initially displays all files and folders on your computer. You simply type in part of the desired file name to limit what files and folders are displayed instantly. The more you type, the more specific the list becomes.[b]Limitations:[/b] oOnly works on NTFS-formatted drives, cannot search inside files, and only uses file and folder names in a file index. At startup, the program can take between 5 and 30 seconds to read available file catalogs.A more recent Beta version (also portable) is also available on the website.
  • How to extract: Download EXE to a foldthe ZIP package and extract to a offolder your chf your choice ande. lLaunch [i]Everything-[/i].
  • Size (in bytes): 16021371624

2013-12-20 02:50:06
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: Everything is a powerful search tool that locates files and folders by file name instantly, and includes an FTP and Web server interface. Unlike Windows search, Everything initially displays all files and folders on your computer. You simply type in part of the desired file name to limit what files and folders are displayed instantly. The more you type, the more specific the list becomes.EveryLimitathing ons: only works on NTTFS-formatted drives, cannot search inside files, and only uses file and folder names in a file index. The progoram updates automatically watted drith disk changves, cand the initial check genot serally takes only arch inside filew seconds, oand only uses fileve an d folder names in a file index. At startup, the program can targke between 5 and 30 seconds to driead available file catalogs.A more recent Beta version (also portable) is also available on the website.

2013-02-15 23:38:47
Updated by webfork

  • Screenshot: Updated

2013-02-02 19:11:30
Updated by webfork

  • Similar/alternative apps: [url=]Ultra File Search Lite[/url], [url=]UltraSearch[/url]

2013-02-02 19:09:27
Updated by webfork

  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: Everything is a powerful search tool that locates files and folders by filen name ine insttantlly, and and includes an FTP and Web server innterface. Unludikes a server Wintdows serface. Unlike Windows searrch, Everything initially displays all filely displays all files and folders on yoour computer. You simply type in part of the desired file name to limit what files and folders are displayed instantly. The more you type, the more specific the list becomes.Everything cannot search inside files, can only search NTFS-formatted drives, and only uses file and folder names in a file index. However, the program uou simpdates automatically with disk changes and the initial check generally takes only a few seconds; a fresh install of Windows XP SP2 (about 20,000 files) generally takes only a few seconds.Th type pin parogramt also incluf the des an available basicred Wfile nameb to limit what files and Ffolders are displayed instantly. TPhe more you type, the more specific the list becomeser.Ever. Tythe web ing only works on NTFS-formatted drives, cannot searface has a inside files, and only usest afile and folder names in a file ind dex. The program updates automatically with disk changes and the initial check generally takes only a few secondse on even large drives.A more recent Beta version (also portable) is also available on the websitoole.
  • Forum topic ID: 3901
  • Similar/alternative apps: [url=]Ultra File Search Lite[/url]

2012-07-01 19:39:00
Updated by freakazoid

  • Categories: [Internet - Web Servers] [Internet - FTP Servers]
  • Additional features: [Internet - FTP Servers] [Internet - Web Servers]
  • Version: Vv1.2.1
  • Synopsis:

2012-05-10 01:40:06
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: Everything is a powerful search tool that locates files and folders by filename instantly, and includes a server interface. Unlike Windows search, Everything initially displays all files and folders on your computer. You simply type in part of the desired file name to limit what files and folders are displayed instantly. The more you type, the more specific the list becomes.Everything cannot search inside files, can only search NTFS-formatted drives, and only uses file and folder names in a file index. However, the program updates automatically with disk changes and the initial check generally takes only a few seconds; a fresh install of Windows XP SP2 (about 20,000 files) generally takes only a few seconds. 1,000,000 files will take about 30 seconds.The program also includes an available basic Web and FTP server. The web interface has a fast and easy search tool.

2011-10-18 19:55:47
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: Everything is a powerful search tool that locates files and folders by filename instantly, and includes a server interface. Unlike Windows search, Everything initially displays all files and folders on your computer. You simply type in part of the desired file name to limit what files and folders are displayed instantly. The morhe more you t type, the more the more specific the list becomes.Everything cannot search inside files and only uses file and folderverything cannot search inside files, can only search NTFS-formatted drives, and only uses file and folder names i in a file index. However, the program updates automatically with disk changes and the initial check generally takowever, the program updates automatically with disk changes and the initial check generally takes only a few seconds to build it's database; a fresh install of W a fresh install of Windows s XP P SP2 2 (about t 200,000 0 files) generally takles) generally takes only a few seconds. only a few seconds. 1,000,000,000 fililes willl take about 1 minut30 seconds.The program also includes an available basic Web and FTP server. The web interface has a fast and easy search tool.

2011-10-18 19:48:59
Updated by webfork

  • Categories: [Internet - FTP Servers] [Internet - Web Servers]
  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: Everything is an administrative tool that locates files and folders by filename instantly. powerful search tool that locates files and folders by filename instantly, and includes a server interface. Unlike e Winindows search, Everything initially displays all files and folders on your computer. You simply type in part of the desired file name to limit wshat files and folders are displayed insetarchntly. The more you type, Ev the moryte specific thinge linistially di becomes.Everything cannot search inside files and only uses file and folder namesp in a file index. However, the prograys evm updates automatically with disk changes and the initial check generally takes only a few seconds to build it's database; a fryesh install of Windows XP SP2 (about 20,000 filees) agend folder on allyour computer. You type in a search filter to limit what files and folders are displ tayked.s Everythingonly a few seconly useds. 1,000,000 file and foldilers namwill takes about 1 mind genute.The prally takes a fewogram alseconds to bincluildes an avait's datlable basic Web and FTP server. A fr The wesh b insterface hall of Windows XP SP2 (about 20,000s files) willa tfakest aboutnd 1easy seearch toond to index. 1,000,000 files will take about 1 minute.

2009-03-13 14:51:25
Added by admin