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Screenshot Captor v4.41.0

Ennovy on 28 Nov 2021
  • 15MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 31 May 2021
  • Suggested by Ehtyar

Screenshot Captor (SC) is a feature-rich image tool for grabbing, manipulating, annotating, and sharing images. While the program is optimized for taking lots of screenshots with minimal intervention, it also includes multiple sources including games, webcams, and scanners. The program supports photo edition, watermarks, text boxes, arrows, thumbnails, hotkeys, and can export to a host of new and old formats, including sending multiple files to a PDF or animated GIF.

For screenshots, the program supports multiple monitors, is able to capture partial transparency effects, and has a powerful scrolling capture tool. Numerous tools are available to emphasize, diminish, or hide screen elements, such as highlight, blur, and cover.

Sharing is available via automatic or on-demand upload to image hosting services or sending by email. Settings menu allows detailed control of program behavior, menus, automatic functions, and even memory usage.

Runs on:WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10
Writes settings to: Application folder.
Note: ColorCop's version included with SC is no longer natively portable -- you'll have to revert to v5.3 if you use the color picker.
Stealth: ? No. Creates HKCU\RtColorPicker registry key, if you use the color picker included.
Path portability: Automatic relative path (eg. ..\..\personal\work.doc)
License: Registerware for personal use; a license key must be obtained from DonationCoder (either by donating or by registering in their forums for free) to remove the nag message.
How to extract:
  1. Download the portable ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice
  2. Rename the file ConfigDir_Default.ini to ConfigDir.ini
  3. Launch ScreenshotCaptor.exe
Similar/alternative apps: ShareX, PicPick, FastStone Capture
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Midas on 2015-02-18 16:22

@ripu: thanks for reporting.

webfork on 2018-06-23 14:09

I just need to say again, good god this has a ton of features. It's far from smooth or intuitive, but if you do a lot with screenshots, you should get acquainted with what this can do.

vmars316 on 2022-04-15 15:55

An Excellent ScreenCapture Gadget , use it a lot !

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The Battle for Wesnoth v1.14.15

billon on 20 Dec 2020
  • 490MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 19 Dec 2020
  • Suggested by Sam Collett

The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based strategy game with a fantasy theme. Build up a great army, gradually turning raw recruits into hardened veterans. In later games, recall your toughest warriors and form a deadly host against whom none can stand! Choose units from a large pool of specialists, and hand-pick a force with the right strengths to fight well on different terrains against all manner of opposition.

Runs on:Win7 / Win8 / Win10
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
License: Freeware/Open Source
How to extract:
  1. Download the installer and install to the default folder
  2. During installation, select "Store userdata in the install location"
  3. After install, copy all files to a folder of your choice
  4. Uninstall the application
  5. Launch wesnoth.exe
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darkest on 2012-02-24 18:07

revering to the version number, that is. (sorry for double-posting)

Napiophelios on 2017-12-03 08:41

Wesnoth @ v1.12.6 : Maintenance Release

shnbwmn on 2018-05-13 16:30

I'm glad that Wesnoth made it to Steam. Hopefully the community will grow and attract more enthusiasts.

On an unrelated note, I still have the Wesnoth 0.8.8 setup file from 2004/05, only 32Mb. A game must be very good if over a decade later it is still endlessly playable :)

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Iter Vehemens Ad Necem v0.58

billon on 23 Nov 2020
  • 4MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 16 Mar 2020
  • Suggested by Fluffy

IVAN, short for Iter Vehemens Ad Necem, is probably one of the meanest rogue-like games out there. It uses graphical tiles instead of ASCII graphics, and also features all kinds of unique features, such as a fully functional locational damage system (losing limbs won't kill you, but it sure doesn't help), flexible character development environment, and a fluid system where you can track monsters by their blood trails.

Runs on:Win95 / Win98 / WinME / WinNT / Win2K / WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10
Writes settings to: Application folder
License: GNU GPLv2
How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch IVAN.exe.
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aazard on 2020-11-11 23:51

UPDATE: 0.58 under new site & Github

Iter Vehemens ad Necem - a continuation of the graphical roguelike by members of



@fejoa fejoa released this on Mar 15

New Quest: Kingdom of Aslona

A new main quest will see you trying to bring peace back to the kingdom of Aslona, currently in the middle of a civil war.
Add five new locations.
Player can now have a ship to sail the oceans of worldmap. This also means that they can now bring pets that would normally be unable to cross the ocean with them.
Moving over the ocean is slightly slower than on dry land.

Added Aslona!
Added new ROOM_OWNED_AREA type for generic owned rooms. Uses code similar to the Cathedral or Decos' house.
Change structure of quests. Petrus now takes the encrypted scroll and gives you some alone time. If you chat with him again, you will receive the GC quest, or you can find other people to chat for other quests.
Add some new monsters, items, artifacts, materials and crafting recipes.
Hotness can now be used to define materials that deal fire damage on contact, just like Acidicity for acidic materials.
Use GitHub app for LGTM.
Cats can be tamed with fishes.
Orcs have black blood.
Lobh-se is a bit more fun.
Make amulets easily recognizable by color.
Land mines can now be sometimes defused if you levitate over and pick them up.
Willpower now protects against some hostile magic.
Add autopick regex.
Add an option to show info about gods, displaying their last reaction to prayer.
Better 'F1' command in menus:
Some items now have descriptions.
Better help for crafting actions.
New help for config options.
Add options to start with no pet and to use health descriptions.
Add alternate door traps.
Prevent very dumb creatures from using wands.
You cannot unequip locked chastity belt.
Update README and add MANUAL.
A wise player can look at an enemy for a rough estimation of their health.
Add day/night cycle to all above-ground locations.
Enable weather effects for more above-ground locations.
Let monsters also benefit from Detecting status effect.
Coffins now generate with grave goods and do something when you steal from them.
Hammers are good with the undead.
Some monsters now have different diets.
Add many new sound effects.

Decos no longer lets you steal from him.
You can no longer leave the Black Market through walls.
Slightly nerf Black Market.
Display Willpower in wizard mode secrets.
Running in wilderness now correctly takes stamina.
Fix some quest messages not being saved as already displayed.
Reveal gas traps when you step on them.
Fix several places where panic immunity or disease immunity was not respected.
Fix several crafting bugs, hopefully preventing crashes.
Fix Terra not offering priestly services after you killed Lobh-se.
Spill more water over a burning player when they pray to Silva, so there's a better chance to be extinguished.
Prevent long strings in config options from overflowing when displayed.
Prevent building features in owned rooms.
Explosive liquids can no longer be used to douse flames.
Wands of webbing were not causing hostility.
Fix horns of fear causing panic without checking the panic resistance of the victim.
Remove redundant messages from auto map notes.
Fix sitting on fountains and drinking from non-water fountains.
Fix AI not using equipped zappable items.
Make taming/possessing more powerful creatures scale correctly.
Fix a bug where boots were not correctly considered for kicking effects.
Fix teleport lock from non-equipment sources never timing out.
Assorted minor fixes and balancing.
See v057...v058 for a list of changes since 0.57

aazard on 2020-11-12 00:00

NOTE to my update post, tldr: v0.51 is last "fix" of original game:

v0.52+ (to current v0.58) are "add-ons + more add-ons & patches to them" at 28.7mb zipped, 36.8mb UPX (lzma) compressed

v0.51 is last "fix" of original game the zip is 4.32mb, unzipped & UPX (lzma) compressed its 9.16mb

aazard on 2020-11-12 01:09

sorry for comment spam (no edit function): extended testing report

Versions v0.51 to current really should be seen as a "GOLD LABEL/GOTY" GAME, the base is the same, but its basiclly expansion on expansion, added to the game.

the v0.50 is ITS OWN "classic" TITLE, imho,

It size to, on USB drive UPX (lzma) compressed to: 1.63mb, compared to a whopping 36.8mb in the "continuation" game

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DOSBox v0.74-3

lwc on 1 Apr 2023
  • 4MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 26 Jun 2019
  • Suggested by Rob Loach

DOSBox emulates an Intel x86 PC, complete with sound, graphics, mouse, modem etc. that are necessary for running many old DOS programs and games incompatible with any modern OS.

Alternatively, Portable DOSBox is also available.

Runs on:Win95 / Win98 / WinME / WinNT / Win2K / WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? No
Unicode support: No
License: GNU GPLv2
How to extract:
  1. Download the installer and extract using an extractor (like 7-Zip) to a folder of your choice
  2. [Optional] Delete uninstall.exe
  3. Create an empty file called dosbox.conf
  4. When run from another folder, launch DOSBox.exe -conf "[application folder]\dosbox.conf"
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Smurflover on 2011-02-01 14:10

Frontend and easier config can be found here

a on 2011-02-01 19:54

Smurf, that looks sweet, if it is portable I suggest this be added to database. (possibly as a replacement?)

There's a note:
D-Fend Reloaded may be installed in a portable operation mode (for USB-Sticks etc.).

My eyes lit up when I read that.

SYSTEM on 2011-07-17 09:39

I have updated the extraction instructions. Chris Morgan had pointed out that DOSBox is not portable if launched without any command-line switches.

Thanks Chris. :)

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Spews v1.1.3

billon on 22 Jan 2019
  • 1MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 22 Jan 2019
  • Suggested by Checker

Spews (Simple Process Excluding Wallpaper Switcher) is designed to automatically switch your wallpapers on a configurable schedule. You can add image folders, choose wallpaper options and check/uncheck the images paths as needed; only checked paths will be scanned for images.

The program will automatically suspend wallpaper switching if it detects any process names you configure in the Exclusions section. This can be beneficial, for instance, when running games that will be disrupted if the wallpaper is changed.

Runs on:WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win10
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
Unicode support: Yes
License: Freeware
How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch Spews.exe.
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Ganamyde on 2014-01-17 15:41

You can easily clean up your temp left over, here is what I use...
run, CMD /C CD /D "%a_temp%" & PING -n 1 -w 2000 & RMDIR /S /Q "%script_tempFolder%",,hide useErrorLevel

MIKLO on 2015-01-26 19:24

The word "Stealth" came into use recently in reference to the "stealth" airplanes the United States government started to use back in the 80's. As for these "stealth" airplanes they are in fact not invisible, what they show is a very small imprint in hopes to fool a radar operator into thinking that what they see is nothing to worry about. I suppose the fact of the matter is that there is no magic way to keep anything totally invisible on a computer. I for one can live with this free software calling itself "stealth" cuz that's what it looks like to me... Just sayin :) Thank you to the person for their hard work in bring me this free "stealth" software that does what it says.

misan on 2016-04-11 12:39


There are portable apps that are "stealth". I use lot of them.

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