Bulk Rename Utility

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Bulk Rename Utility

#1 Post by kwhipp »

Bulk Rename Utility is a utility which allows you to easily rename files and directories, based upon extemely flexible criteria. Add date-stamps, replace numbers, insert strings, convert case, add auto-numbers, process folders and subfolders....plus loads more!
License: Freeware

Download Page: http://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/Download.php

Download the ZIP file. It contains all the files for different platforms.
Windows 98 or Windows ME: "Bulk Rename Utility 98ME.exe"
Windows NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista: "Bulk Rename Utility NT.exe"

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Andrew Lee
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#2 Post by Andrew Lee »

Posted to the database. Thanks!

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Re: Bulk Rename Utility

#3 Post by smaragdus »

Bulk Rename Utility at version, however I haven't tested whether it is still portable.

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Re: Bulk Rename Utility

#4 Post by Midas »

With prior versions gone, Bulk Rename Utility (BRU) v3.0.0.0 forum announcement reads: Now, "Javascript renaming", that's a first for me. :shock:

That feature alone makes BRU stand out amidst the renaming utility crowd. Not to mention the nimbleness of a C application (~15MB memory at startup for 64-bit BRU).

Haven't tested it (yet) for stealth, but BRU portability is a given -- it saves settings to an INI text file in program folder, although it proposes and creates a 'Bulk Rename Utility' folder in Windows "Documents" default location to save "Favourites" from menu "File".

Note that if you rename the executable as I did, it will also affect the INI name, so if you have prior settings you'd like to keep, you must rename it, too.

As did others before me (e.g., linuxamp, Kenneth Just, and bryduck at http://www.portablefreeware.com/?id=1008#comments) I found BRU's UI intimidating: while the folders and filelist view is smallish, you get no less than 14 concurrent control groups for setting the file modification parameters present at all times, with secondary dialogs for some of them.

After you overcome your shock, using BRU is quite self-evident and mostly easy, with some really powerful features -- my highlight goes to filtering, copy/move, regex, and shell integration (optional).

I still think there's plenty of room for improvement, though. E.g., extrapolating from some of my favorite renamers, I cherish the expression approach of Siren and the tabbed parameters of Lupas, or even the shell extension simplicity of awxRename and MultiRen (http://www.portablefreeware.com/forums/ ... p?ft=17019).

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Re: Bulk Rename Utility

#5 Post by webfork »

Midas wrote:Now, "Javascript renaming", that's a first for me.
Actually, Advanced Renamer also does that: http://www.portablefreeware.com/index.php?id=1848 ... but I agree it's impressive. I just recently updated the description to include that bit.

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Re: Bulk Rename Utility

#6 Post by Billo255 »

My favorite (and after I learned it) only renaming program. Always felt that some kind of scripting capablity would be nice, especially for repeat tasks. When I saw this I figured I'd have to breakdown and finally learn javascript (which would come in hand in psPad as well).

I ran across this around page 45 of the Help manual from their website under "Buy Commerical License"

"The commercial license unlocks Javascript renaming and Javascrpt file selection, which are not avaialble otherwise."

I haven't tried the new version yet but I'm guessing that this feature is not accessible in the portable version without buyng a license.


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Re: Bulk Rename Utility

#7 Post by Midas »

Funny, I saw no block or warning in the Javascript expression dialog. But you still have RegEx, which could be just as powerful, IMHO.

And instead of scripting, I'm venturing batch "favorites" could come handy, too.

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Re: Bulk Rename Utility

#8 Post by Billo255 »

Midas wrote:And instead of scripting, I'm venturing batch "favorites" could come handy, too.
There is a favourites option that lets you save the configuration values for a set of common critieria (i.e., image, music, etc.) that can be reused.

For RegEx, I like the way psPad saves a history of the last several RegEx entries in the dialog box so you can tweak them during testing. Sometimes it takes a few tries to get the expressions just right. That would be a nice add to BRU IMHO.

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Re: Bulk Rename Utility

#9 Post by smaragdus »

Bulk Rename Utility at version, change log (pdf).

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