Global Net Neutrality Overview

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Global Net Neutrality Overview

#1 Post by Midas »

In light of recent public discussion, a resource that might prove handy, the "How neutral is the net?" world map, based on extensive Glasnost test results:

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Re: Global Net Neutrality Overview

#2 Post by thepiney »

Recently I've been seeing the discussion of "Net Neutrality" around the web again and thought this may be worth posting. If the admins feel this in not appropriate, please delete the post... ... nistration

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Re: Global Net Neutrality Overview

#3 Post by webfork »

Thanks Midas. I was working on something for this (as you might have noticed from my sig and avatar) but got delayed.

Net Neutrality is crucial for freeware. Throttling or outright blocking downloads of some of the larger programs we discuss here on the site would be hugely discouraging to their use and adoption. Meanwhile big companies can easily spend whatever money needed to allow multi-gig downloads.

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Re: Global Net Neutrality Overview

#4 Post by SYSTEM »

For the record, in the EU Net Neutrality is enforced by law, and there aren't any plans to get rid of it. ... neutrality
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Re: Global Net Neutrality Overview

#5 Post by Midas »

Unfortunately, the attack on Net neutrality is part of a global trend intent on striking down civil liberties, IMHO.

US leadership has emboldened leaders everywhere, from notorious prior felons like China, Russia, and the Arab countries, to more recent converts as is Turkey, a couple of African countries, and even some European ones -- I'm looking egregiously at Hungary and Poland here... :(

Still, this is more on topic:

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