ToDoList is a hierarchical task manager that allows you to repeatedly sub-divide your tasks into more manageable pieces, which makes it ideal for IT-related projects as well as more general activities. Each task can be given a wide variety of attributes including priority, risk, color, category and many more. Viewable in tree, list or calendar format and includes native XML support for custom reporting.
Created lists can be exported to a variety of formats including HTML, ICS (calendar), speadsheet and more. Supports remote todolists and encryption for security.
Category: | |
Runs on: | WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Win11 / Wine |
Writes settings to: | Application folder |
Dependencies: | "Check for update" requires administrator privileges. |
Stealth: ? | No. Registers some components in the registry: HKCU\Software\Abstractspoon |
License: | The Eclipse Public License 1.0 |
How to extract: |
Optionally, delete unnecessary language files at \todolist_exe\Resources\Translations |
What's new? | Version changelogs posted at: |
Download link doesn't work. "There is no file called on this workspace."
Thanks for that info. I was wondering why it wasn't working with XP. Renaming todolist.exe.xp.manifest to todolist.exe.manifest worked.
The download contains the "todolist.exe.xp.manifest" file, and renaming that to "todolist.exe.manifest" works
Solved: the download on the portable freeware site does not include a file "todolist.exe.manifest" that is required to run on XP. If you have an existing earlier version of todolist, it will have a file "todolist.exe.xp.manifest". Dan the developer advises to rename that to "todolist.exe.manifest". Seems to work.
I doubt this version runs on XP. Windows 7 has no problem, but XP throws "This application failed to start etc.".
@ smaragdus: Thanks I really hate to have to sign in or open an account just to download a freeware app. I find this to be a very good and useful program which does everything I want it to do... what a concept :) thanks for the hard work the maker of this software endured, it is greatly appreciated.
Awesome product! Absolutely. Tried so many of its kind but once I came to know of ToDoList and started using it, that was it. Easy, versatile and a plethora of features. Loved it. Loving it. Will always love it. Hats off to its author, ever.
@smaragdus: Thanks ... and updated ;)
Hi, I've been using this app for some time. No writing to registry (Abstractspoon) in my set up.