KeyNote NF is a tabbed notebook that is particularly suitable for writing and organizing free-form information, especially those that fit naturally within a tree-based structure, such as lists or outlines. It supports rich text and images, multi-level notes and strong encryption. A search function quickly locates information you are looking for. Notes can also be securely encrypted using IDEA or Blowfish.
KeyNote NF is a fork of the original early 2000s' open-source Keynote, which is no longer being developed. It adds many new features, including check boxes on children of selected nodes, hidden nodes, alarms on nodes, better treatment of tables, improved treatment of links, multi-language support, automatic compression, etc.
Category: | |
Runs on: | Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Win11 |
Writes settings to: | Application folder |
Stealth: ? | Yes |
Unicode support: | Yes |
Path portability: | Requires manual entry of relative path (eg. ..\..\personal\work.doc) |
License: | MPL 2.0 |
How to extract: | Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch keynote.exe. |
What's new? | See: |
As of this update, 64bit version available, as well as the 32bit.
This program was great before, now it's superb. Don't let the 90s look deter you from a very capable AND light note taking app.
Those Trillium, Joplin... have nothing on this one.
Been using it for over a decade. Elaborate export feature that turns tree branches into headings, customizable key shortcuts, BG-colors, fonts, icons...
And with recent improvements, it got better than ever. Lots of hidden features, if you take the time to dig deeper.
Alternative margins, for instance, to name just one example. You set them up in keynote.ini, then toggle them on via View > Alternative Margins. Allows to set up a distraction-free writing area with plenty of white space left and right, when coupled with hidden sidebars.
I love this program. Glad someone picked it and started updating it again, if only so it remains running on future hardware and OSes.
@portfree: FYI, a comprehensive solution for creation of portable shortcuts that could be used for that was posted to the forums -- check ...
poss quik way is to create a Keynote shortcut on the desktop
right click for properties
on the shortcut tab go to Target
add at the end after keynote.exe
a space
then -noreg
click apply at the bottom then OK
Windows 10 patch:
Last release:
Beta 7 available (3/8/2017)
Keynote NF is available at
The -noreg argument is NOT required.
@PAFuser: thanks. I changed the downloadlinks