Submit portable freeware that you find here. It helps if you include information like description, extraction instruction, Unicode support, whether it writes to the registry, and so on.
[Moderator note: this is the primary RedNotebook program thread. View database entry]
RedNotebook is a modern journal. It includes a calendar navigation, customizable templates, export functionality and word clouds. You can also format, tag and search your entries. RedNotebook is Free Software under the GPL.
Spell Check
Format your text bold, italic or underlined
Insert Images, files and links to websites
Links and mail addresses are recognized automatically
Automatic saving
Backup to zip archive
Word Clouds with most often used words and tags
Export the journal to PDF, HTML, Latex or plain text
The data is stored in plain text files, no database is needed
There's a portableapps version I tested briefly. It has sort of the Linux interface rather than a more native Windows look and feel, but its really helpful for keeping track of date-based information. Great stuff.
JohnTHaller wrote:especially since RedNotebook Portable was already in the database
Someone help me out here: I can't anything other than what Hydaral posted.
JohnTHaller wrote:why did you remove RedNoteBook Portable's entry and add this convoluted setup that's not fully portable and only list RedNoteBook Portable as an alternative? If anything, it should be the other way around due to the more complicated setup for your method and the fact that it leaves files behind
Some people on the site don't care for the PortalbleApps format and prefer the Universal Extract route, so its important to offer both. Additionally, while the extract instructions for the PortableApps version aren't really something we need to explain, Hydaral's method does require explanation, so it seems reasonable to note under the official description noting that PA's format is more stealth and let visitors choose.
webfork wrote:Some people on the site don't care for the PortalbleApps format and prefer the Universal Extract route, so its important to offer both. Additionally, while the extract instructions for the PortableApps version aren't really something we need to explain, Hydaral's method does require explanation, so it seems reasonable to note under the official description noting that PA's format is more stealth and let visitors choose.
Which is just fine, but given that the portable version that RedNotebook's own publisher suggests you use is the Format version, it makes far more sense for the PA.c Format version to be the primary version and list the manual extract, unstealth process as an option for users who want it that way.
The Universal Extractor-generated version is 11 megs smaller and can use AppCompactor to shrink to 47 megs. The PortableApps version compresses to 57 megs.
JohnTHaller wrote:given that the portable version that RedNotebook's own publisher suggests you use is the Format version
I don't think it follows that linking to the PortableApps indicates a promotion or preference on the part of the developers.
webfork wrote:Some people on the site don't care for the PortalbleApps format and prefer the Universal Extract route, so its important to offer both. Additionally, while the extract instructions for the PortableApps version aren't really something we need to explain, Hydaral's method does require explanation, so it seems reasonable to note under the official description noting that PA's format is more stealth and let visitors choose.
Which is just fine, but given that the portable version that RedNotebook's own publisher suggests you use is the Format version, it makes far more sense for the PA.c Format version to be the primary version and list the manual extract, unstealth process as an option for users who want it that way.
I'm with webfork here, some of us prefer to use the natively portable version (even if it's not 100% stealth), I only resort to versions if I really cannot be bothered figuring out if an app can be portableised. That's not to say your contribution is not valued, I use lots of apps, I just wish that every single one of them was natively portable, as soon as they are I will stop using the version.
I'm of the opinion that the natively portable version should always be the main one in the DB and the PortableApps version should be mentioned as an alternative, if people specifically want versions then there is a whole site for that.
Also, WRT the portable version listed on the official RedNotebook site, I wonder why they didn't mention that the native version has the "portable=1" option?
JohnTHaller wrote:especially since RedNotebook Portable was already in the database
Someone help me out here: I can't anything other than what Hydaral posted.
I searched before I added it, with spaces and without, and with the "@" to find private entries. I couldn't find an existing entry, or any mention of it in the forums.
JohnTHaller wrote:why did you remove RedNoteBook Portable's entry and add this convoluted setup that's not fully portable ... especially since RedNotebook Portable was already in the database
I searched before I added it, with spaces and without, and with the "@" to find private entries. I couldn't find an existing entry, or any mention of it in the forums.
Just checked the changelog: ... nobody overwrote an existing PA entry -- Hydaral was the first. Additionally, I've tried every search term I can think of to find another RedNotebook entry without success.
webfork wrote:The Universal Extractor-generated version is 11 megs smaller and can use AppCompactor to shrink to 47 megs. The PortableApps version compresses to 57 megs.
The PA.c Format version is the same as RedNotebook installed (which is where we get the files from). If the extracted version is smaller, you're missing some files. UPX compression produced some oddities on some systems so I know an earlier version was not compressed. Not sure if the current one is or not.
I don't think it follows that linking to the PortableApps indicates a promotion or preference on the part of the developers.
As it's the only mention of portable on the download page at all, I'd say it does. When you go to RedNotebook's site looking for a portable version, you get RedNotebook Portable. Why would PFC's listing second guess the publisher and list an alternate manual method that requires additional software (Universal Extractor) to get at and is less portable and leaves files behind on every PC?
webfork wrote:Just checked the changelog: ... nobody overwrote an existing PA entry -- Hydaral was the first. Additionally, I've tried every search term I can think of to find another RedNotebook entry without success.
If that's the case, I'm sorry for implying that you'd removed it. I was under the impression it was already listed.
Isn't the PortableApps Version a little more Stealth than the Official Version? I haven't tested because it's already been Voted for in the DB, so I'm a little curious?!
guinness wrote:Isn't the PortableApps Version a little more Stealth than the Official Version? I haven't tested because it's already been Voted for in the DB, so I'm a little curious?!
And on the other point in the post above, any time an app has a 'native portable' feature (via config or command line) we use it. Our launcher is there to clean up after it (if necessary) on the local machine and portablize things like settings and Most Recent Files and the like. If an app doesn't need cleanup, most of our launchers won't even stick around running while the app is. When it does stick around, all our newer launchers consume as little memory as possible (under 1MB) while waiting for the app to close.
For a fully portable app that handles keeping it's data properly, the launcher acts more like a shortcut, an easy way to launch the app without needing to learn the command line and configure it in your start menu or a batch file. There are even apps in PA.c Format that have no launcher if they don't need it.
guinness wrote:Isn't the PortableApps Version a little more Stealth than the Official Version? I haven't tested because it's already been Voted for in the DB, so I'm a little curious?!
Yes there are two files that appear to be created by GTK: