ResizeEnable v1.4

Andrew Lee on 12 Feb 2013
  • 114KB (uncompressed)
  • Released on
  • Suggested by modussn

ResizeEnable lets you turn usually static windows into resizeable windows. This is useful for small message screens that require the user to scroll to see all the contained text, common with Windows error messages as well as programs designed for smaller screens.

Not all static windows will be affected.

Runs on:WinNT / Win2K / WinXP / Vista / Win7
Writes settings to: None
Stealth: ? Yes
License: Freeware
How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch ResizeEnableRunner.exe.

4 comments on ResizeEnable  The Portable Freeware Collection Latest Entries Feed

Nemu 2010-12-15 18:44

sounded useful for the reason i was looking for it in the first : the resizing of firefox's annoyingly small description box in bookmark properties window..what happened there was it resized alright, smaller. and when 'bigger' the dialog boxes stayed as were, just extra blank space. and yes, the readme does say it reads for last config. i suppose only when the program is on.
if anyone else has a solution to my problem, please tell =D

thank you for reading and sorry to bother you.

poopooisforthedogs 2010-03-23 13:48

There's a reason some program windows aren't re-sizable. You have to add code to resize the GUI controls properly otherwise the controls will get all mangled up. this would be useful for really horribly designed windows. (where text cuts off, and you have to vertical scroll)

@mark, some of us were lucky enough to buy and install vista, before win7 came out.

Mark 2010-03-23 13:37

I would recommend Sizer - - over this one.

Jake 2010-03-23 01:04

The correct statement should be, "Some windows will respond correctly, but most will not!"

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