The JauntePE 12-step Program

Discuss anything related to JauntePE, the utlimate utility to help you tame non-portable applications. Share your experience about the apps that work with JauntePE, and the apps that don't.
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The JauntePE 12-step Program

#1 Post by redllar »

Here's the beginnings of what I'm calling the JauntePE 12-step program. It's meant to be a guide of sorts for helping you to "properly" configure an application for initial portable use via JPE. There's still a lot of negative-path problems to be addressed, so don't be surprised if you try the steps on an app and it doesn't work. I'll try and fill in the missing parts as soon as I can.

One thing I'll point out now is that not every app requires this type of set up. But this is the most generic set up and shouldn't cause problems for those apps that don't require it. It will just make things a bit more messy for you.

@Andrew, I think this might be a good sticky candidate.

Code: Select all

 1. Create a portable directory for your app. From here on "your app" will be
    referred to as %appname%. So if your app is generally known as Snafu, then
    replace %appname% with Snafu everywhere within this document.
    - Don't create the directory on the desktop or in Program Files or
      MyDocuments, etc.
    - Use some place like "E:\Portables\%appname%". From here on this directory
      will be referred to as %appdir%.
 2. Copy JPE's distributed JauntePE_jauntePE.ini file to %appdir%.
 3. Edit it to contain the additional following lines at the top (sans numbering):
     1. [Registry]
     2. Use=1
     3. Data=.\jauntePE_registry.reg
     5. [Filesystem]
     6. Use=1
     7. Data=.\
     9. [Redirection]
    10. Logging=1
 4. Copy the %appname% installer to %appdir%. If it doesn't have one, then do
    the following:
    - Create a "Files" sub-directory in %appdir%.
    - Create a "ProgramFiles" sub-directory in "Files".
    - Create a %appname% sub-directory in "ProgramFiles".
    - Copy all of the app's files and sub-directories to this lowest-level sub-
      directory, i.e., copy to %appdir%\Files\ProgramFiles\%appname%.
    - Skip to step 8.
 5. Start JPE and drag-n-drop the %appname% installer onto the JPE launchpad.
 6. Open up the launchpad icon's properties and:
    - Check "Registry",
    - Check "File system",
    - Check "App-specific registry storage",
    - Un-check "In-memory registry".
 7. Run the %appname% installer via the JPE launchpad icon:
    - Accept the settings per your requirements, but make sure that the app is
      to be installed in the typical "%ProgramFiles%\%appname%" location, where
      %ProgramFiles% is the full path to your standard "Program Files" directory.
    - Don't have it run the app or do anything else after the installation has
 8. Create a JauntePE_jauntePE.ini in the %appdir%\Files\ProgramFiles\%appname%
    directory that contains the following lines (sans numbering):
     1. [Registry]
     2. Use=1
     3. Ini=..\..\..\JauntePE_jauntePE.ini
     5. [Filesystem]
     6. Use=1
     7. Ini=..\..\..\JauntePE_jauntePE.ini
 9. Drag-n-drop the %appdir%\Files\ProgramFiles\%appname%\%appname%.exe file
    onto the JPE launchpad.
10. Open up the launchpad icon's properties and:
    - Check "Registry",
    - Check "File system",
    - Check "App-specific registry storage",
    - Un-check "In-memory registry".
11. Run the %appname% app via the JPE launchpad icon.
12. If all goes well, then you can, if you wish, modify the %appdir% directory's
    JauntePE_jauntePE.ini file to be more specific to your app, i.e., optimize
    the redirection entries to create the fastest possible JPEized solution,
    use the build wizard to create a standalone app launcher for it, etc. I like
    to keep the launchpad icons handy for editing, re-building, etc. If the new
    JPE gui is ever released, it allows you to edit the app-specific JPE runtime
    settings just like you can now edit the default equivalents.

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#2 Post by ispy »

Hi Redlar :D ,

Firstly can I express my gratitude that you are progressing JauntePE, portable program makers owe a great debt of gratitude to you!!!

Can I be so bold as to ask what the following phrase means:
There's still a lot of negative-path problems to be addressed, so don't be surprised if you try the steps on an app and it doesn't work. I'll try and fill in the missing parts as soon as I can.
Much Regards,

ispy :D

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#3 Post by crownixx »

Hi ispy,

Regret to say that redllar will not around to answer your question. The phrase is from old post and i'm sure some of the problems have been solve in the latest version of JauntePE available here.

My assumption maybe one of the problem that redllar might refer to is the absolute path that might be stored in the registry during installation. This issue can be solve with RegTokens settings. Redllar also make new 12-Step Program procedure in the latest JauntePE 0.3.0. It's in the readme.html

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#4 Post by rokth »

I would assume relative path as in ..\

The ".." is for going to the parent directory. So I hope that answers your question.

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Re: The JauntePE 12-step Program

#5 Post by Devildevilira »

I just want to ask things:
1.there's a 12step and on the tutorial, another way in w/c i'l have to run the original exe installer directly on jpe quickie. What's the difference & w/c type of apps require the 12step & the one w/c will run the original setup.exe on jpe quickie? Thx.
2.i tried the tutorial using windows vista and made my app portable. Sadly, my usb had a virus (from that vista loptop), so i tried to make a new one, using windows xp. After a successful installation on jpe quickie, i did ran my app. But whenever my app tried to browse the pc, it hangs. Im using runtime 050(is it right,i mean the latest dll release). But other features of the app are ok. Only when browsing,it ends up unresponsive.

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Re: The JauntePE 12-step Program

#6 Post by crownixx »

Devildevilira wrote:1.there's a 12step and on the tutorial, another way in w/c i'l have to run the original exe installer directly on jpe quickie. What's the difference & w/c type of apps require the 12step & the one w/c will run the original setup.exe on jpe quickie? Thx.
During the early stage of JPE development, redllar made The 12-Step Program tutorial to guide us in creating the portable package properly.Then in version 030 is where JPE Quickie first introduced. I believe JPE Quickie is a tool to automate the 12-Step Program tutorial with several feature enhancement. Recommendation? Use JPE Quickie
Devildevilira wrote:2.i tried the tutorial using windows vista and made my app portable. Sadly, my usb had a virus (from that vista loptop), so i tried to make a new one, using windows xp. After a successful installation on jpe quickie, i did ran my app. But whenever my app tried to browse the pc, it hangs. Im using runtime 050(is it right,i mean the latest dll release). But other features of the app are ok. Only when browsing,it ends up unresponsive.
There is one user also facing the hang issue but it could be different bugs from yours. So could you please do several more test to ensure your problem. Try replacing the 050 runtime with 030 runtime and check if you still face the unresponsive problem. If yes, then you should have the following to pass along to the developer in JauntePE Bugs Tracker for further action
  • name of the app
  • the detail explanation on how to replicate back the problem
  • configuration ini
  • log file of the app

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Re: The JauntePE 12-step Program

#7 Post by Midas »

Old topic update: just a quick note with a couple of pointers. Firstly, two from the "JauntPE Launchers" forum -- my own JauntPE status update (@ ... 485#p62485) and joby_toss excellent JauntPE launcher tutorial ( ... php?t=6743).


TPFC's database entry:

JauntPE official site:

Softpedia JauntPE review and download page: ... erPE.shtml

CornHolio the Gringo
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Re: The JauntePE 12-step Program

#8 Post by CornHolio the Gringo »

I really hope some genious whould make JauntePE 64-bit compatible, come day....

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