Wget [& Curl] for Windows

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Wget [& Curl] for Windows

#1 Post by Midas »

Wget (http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/) is an easy and efficient way to mirror websites locally, but it can easily double as a fast and smart CLI file downloader -- e.g., making it a great upgrade for the version included with UnxUtils in the Command Line Toolkit for Windows mentioned at viewtopic.php?t=20529.

In the past, I have recommended Bart Puype page as a source for ready-made( ;) ) Wget Windows binaries; unfortunately, the latest version you'll find there is v1.11.4 (32 bits), which is getting a bit outdated. Luckily, I have recently came across another source for updated Windows binaries -- namely, for the latest v1.14, in both 32 and 64 bit variants, and including the required SSL libraries for HTTPS access, downloads are available from:
For Windows portability, configuration options can be kept in a wget.ini file alongside the executable (syntax is similar to wgetrc's, see www.gnu.org /software/wget/manual/html_node/Wgetrc-Commands.html). Wget is also included as an internal command on Linux Busybox, so info on the Windows port is relevant here -- please see posts from viewtopic.php?p=64138#p64138 down...

For an example script that uses Wget to keep Unknown Devices identifier databases up to date, see the post at viewtopic.php?p=30467#p30467. For further help with Wget, I recommend the following articles:
Last edited by Midas on Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: wget for Windows

#2 Post by billon »

Try WinWget - http://astatix.com/tools/winwget.php

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Re: WinWget

#3 Post by Midas »

Cool! 8)

WinWget is only a wget frontend, but is a good option to supersede the now ailing WackGet with its clipboard monitoring and Firefox integration capabilities; and although wget binaries included/linked to are v1.11.4 at the most, it might be able to drive the v1.4 binary without issues (didn't test this, so YMMV)...

Personally, I liketo use wget from the console: I just drop the wget.exe binary in %WINDIR% and, whenever I need it, I can just download directly from the CLI into the current dir. :)

WinWget 2007 mod: http://astatix.com/tools/winwget.php

Original WinWget webpages: http://www.cybershade.us/winwget/ or http://winwget.sourceforge.net/

BTW, here's a WinWget screener:

EDIT: While testing WinWget in Windows 7-x64, I realized it's a 32 bit program, so even if the wget binary is updated, one is probably safer using the 32 bit version(?)... now if a WinWget for x86_64 would get compiled, it would be just perfect. ;)
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Re: Wget for Windows

#4 Post by Midas »

Old topic update: upstream Wget site is now pointing to Windows 32 bit versions (v1.15 & v1.13) at http://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/...

Moreover, the Mollucas project dev informs that an unofficial 32 bit Wget v1.15 can also be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/tumagcc/files/.

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Re: wget for Windows

#5 Post by freakazoid »

Thanks! I'm using it in my own msys setup.
is it stealth? ;)

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Re: Wget for Windows

#6 Post by Midas »

Forgot to mention that the Mollucas Wget v1.15 build comes complete with 39 different locales, an already populated 'wget.ini', a very professional 68 page PDF manual, and a certificate ('curl-ca-bundle.crt', which BTW I don't know how to use). 8)

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Re: VisualWget (DotNET Wget frontend)

#7 Post by Midas »

VisualWget is a new windows DotNET v2.0 frontend (untested, only compatible with Wget up to v1.11.4, see changelog at http://visualwget.github.io/docs/dev/changelog.html).
[url]http://visualwget.github.io/about/[/url] author wrote:VisualWget is a free and open source, visual download manager to retrieve files from the web -- based on Wget. It provides a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for Wget and some more features. When retrieving a file, VisualWget will gather information, then compute a jobs list displaying a progress bar, speed and ETA. You can easily see the progress of the files yourself.

Download latest VisualWget version (currently v2.6) from http://visualwget.github.io/download/.

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Re: Wget for Windows

#8 Post by Midas »

A word of WARNING: a serious Wget vulnerability has just been made public...

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Re: Wget for Windows

#9 Post by webfork »

Midas wrote:Wget
As far as I could tell that flaw is only connected to *Nix systems. I can't find anything clear about that for Windows wget installs.

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Re: Wget for Windows

#10 Post by SYSTEM »

webfork wrote:
Midas wrote:Wget
As far as I could tell that flaw is only connected to *Nix systems. I can't find anything clear about that for Windows wget installs.
Whether or not Windows ports are affected depends on if they support symbolic links. The NTFS filesystem has supported symbolic links since Windows Vista, but many programs which support symbolic links on GNU/Linux don't do so on Windows. Maybe the authors don't want these programs to behave differently on Windows XP and newer versions... :?
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Re: Wget for Windows

#11 Post by Midas »

Official GNU binaries of Wget v1.16.1 for both 32 and 64 bit Windows have been released (changelog at http://savannah.gnu.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=8159; download is from http://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/).

EDIT: FTR, Wget Firefox integration via Flashgot can be achieved with the following configuration:

- Click "Add" button and type "MyWget" (for example);

- Click "Browse" and navigate to '[%WINDIR%]\System32\cmd.exe', then press "Open";

- Copy and paste the following into the "Command Line Arguments Template" text box:

Code: Select all

/C START wget -c [--directory-prefix=FOLDER] [--referer=REFERER] [--post-data=POST] [--load-cookies=CFILE] [--header=Cookie:COOKIE] [--input-file=UFILE]
(assuming 'wget.exe' is retrievable without path; recipe from http://flashgot.net/features#custom_wget; the screenshot at http://flashgot.net/screenshots#options shows an equivalent alternative).
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Re: Wget for Windows

#12 Post by billon »

Another wGet GUI (old) - http://www.jensroesner.de/wgetgui
Seems stealth

BTW, Midas, what you think about aria2? Seems more complicated but powerful, can even download torrents.
Can't run it on my XP, complains about missing bcrypt.dll

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Re: Wget for Windows

#13 Post by Midas »

billon wrote: Midas, what you think about aria2? Seems more complicated but powerful, can even download torrents.
Sorry for the late answer, been having too much on my plate. Never tested Aria2 anyway, either in Windows or Linux; will keep it my watchlist... :mrgreen:

BTW, Moluccas developer has 32/64-bit Wget Windows v1.16.3 binaries available for download at http://opensourcepack.blogspot.pt/p/wget-and-curl.html.

He also has cURL v7.41.0...

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Re: Wget for Windows

#14 Post by Midas »

FYI, Lord Mulder has released a native Windows alternative to Wget, available for XP and newer, called INetGet: viewtopic.php?t=22258 ...

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Re: Wget for Windows

#15 Post by billon »

Latest Wget from TumaGonx Zakkum version 1.17.1 (and cURL 7.46.0) - http://opensourcepack.blogspot.com/p/wget-and-curl.html

BTW, that site just treasury - http://opensourcepack.blogspot.com/p/converter.html! All that tools compiled in just one file without dependencies. In another situation you need GTK for that. Just imagine such hell - installing GTK for Windows. That guy magician.

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