Cafe/Coffee/etc questions

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Cafe/Coffee/etc questions

#1 Post by rokth »

Is there a way to make Either Cafe, Coffee, or one of the other tools of this nature that can redirect url handles aside from what coffee and cafe do already, redirecting extension handling.
Keep in mind I don't give two shits about the extension redirection, just url handling(intercepting ftp/http/etc and sending it to the software of my choosing)

If there is let me know.

Edit: Made easier to read.
Last edited by rokth on Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:53 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Cafe/Coffee/etc questions

#2 Post by guinness »

Your message is a little contradictory in places ...
in addition to extension redirection.
Keep in mind I don't give two **** about the extension redirection
The only way these programs work are by intercepting the double clicking of a file, so in theory the only way it could possibly work is by creating a URL Shortcut and then double clicking on this. From there the program would read the Shortcut details and pass to the browser as a commandline argument. I don't think they have this Function at present. But if you know AutoHotKey then it's pretty simple to add.

Where would the URL's be located and how would you select them is what I am interested in? Because it wasn't very clear from your post.

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Re: Cafe/Coffee/etc questions

#3 Post by donald »

PortableFileAssociator from might work depending on your desired mode.

The program edits the registry and then restores it later.

If you are knowledgeable this should be a very good application as long as you want files containing URLs to launch in a specific program.

If however you wish to redirect URLs that have been typed ... well this would likely not do anything for you.

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Re: Cafe/Coffee/etc questions

#4 Post by rokth »

editing the registry and restoring it
Portablecraps you say? I'm familiar with how reliable John's work is when it comes to handling the registry.
I'll have to say no donald, it wouldn't work.

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Re: Cafe/Coffee/etc questions

#5 Post by m^(2) »

It probably doesn't do it (though I don't really know), but it seems it has the needed framework. The only thing it doesn't do is working system-wide, but it's hardly a problem - AFAIK it propagates to child processing, so you need just to have a single starting point for all your programs (many use specialized launchers). I foresee one possible problem - running Jauntized programs. Will 2 copies of JPE with different settings work well together?

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Re: Cafe/Coffee/etc questions

#6 Post by rokth »

No, JauntePE won't do it.

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Re: Cafe/Coffee/etc questions

#7 Post by JohnTHaller »

@rockth - A good chunk of the development in Cafe/Coffee/eXpresso was done in the Forums by several of our developers. I don't think you can directly handle mimetype handling without doing it via the registry. PortableFileAssociator was written by wraithdu over in the forums and handles moving things in and out of the HKCU registry (not HKLM) to temporarily handle file and mime type associations. You decide when it goes in and out and I believe you can run it via script calls on both ends. A similar feature is about to land in the Platform beta.

Our registry handling works really reliably. Even if the portable app itself crashes or the drive is pulled, our launchers still handle registry cleanup properly. Any existing keys are backed up within the registry itself (via simple and quick key move commands) so there's less chance of any data loss due to a pulled drive or file corruption. The only time you could have an issue is if the whole PC were to crash and we'll even have a way to handle that shortly as well.

If you ever notice any issues/bugs with the way our software handles registry entries, please let us know and we'll get it fixed. We hate bugs :)

Oh, it is worth noting that the current Firefox 4 and Thunderbird 3.1 releases allow you to specifically redirect mailto and http (respectively) to a program of your choosing and our launcher will portablize the selection. So, Firefox can be set to launch ThunderbirdPortable.exe for mailto handling and Thunderbird can be set to launch FirefoxPortable.exe. You may be able to do the same for ftp, etc in Firefox though I haven't tried it myself. - The open standard for portable software | Support Net Neutrality

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Re: Cafe/Coffee/etc questions

#8 Post by rokth »

Ignored. Denied. Not what I need.

Also, I've seen your works, not impressed. Typically anything your wrappers handle with the registry results in massive leaking fails. Have a nice day.

I've no need for you or portablecraps.

Elaboration: Anything that edits the registry and the re-edits when the program closes is out of the question, and hardly stealth in the examples of a program crash or a system crash.
Last edited by rokth on Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Cafe/Coffee/etc questions

#9 Post by guinness »

Ignored. Denied. Not what I need.
I've no need for you or portable*****.
Your attitude is disgusting and your language is vulgar.

I suggest you change your attitude if you want more help. People are trying to solve your problem with a viable solution, but you have the audacity to respond in quite frankly a very juvenile way.

This is not the first time you have been like this in the forum. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, its how you express it that makes the difference.

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Re: Cafe/Coffee/etc questions

#10 Post by I am Baas »

guinness wrote:
Ignored. Denied. Not what I need.
I've no need for you or portable*****.
Your attitude is disgusting and your language is vulgar.

I suggest you change your attitude if you want more help. People are trying to solve your problem with a viable solution, but you have the audacity to respond in quite frankly a very juvenile way.

This is not the first time you have been like this in the forum. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, its how you express it that makes the difference.

Very well said, guinness.

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Re: Cafe/Coffee/etc questions

#11 Post by webfork »

Its a troll. Get an axe.

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Re: Cafe/Coffee/etc questions

#12 Post by m^(2) »

Come on guys, why can't you stand a vivid and emotional reaction? rokth definitely wasn't gentle or polite, but so what?

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Re: Cafe/Coffee/etc questions

#13 Post by I am Baas »

m^(2) wrote:Come on guys, why can't you stand a vivid and emotional reaction? rokth definitely wasn't gentle or polite, but so what?
Oh oh oh, look what have we got here, devil's advocate :twisted: :lol:

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Re: Cafe/Coffee/etc questions

#14 Post by rokth »

Hey I could care less for Haller or his inputs. He hardly tries to help, and from my own experience I can say all he does is try to prop himself up. His wrappers when working with registry entries tend to be failure prone. The comment regarding firefox four redirecting http, classic. Kinda defeats the purpose when you're trying to redirect uri's to the browser. @Guiness: you want vulgar? Go put on Carlin's 7 words. My reaction was hardly that...unless you're belong to the cult of ESRB.

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Re: Cafe/Coffee/etc questions

#15 Post by JohnTHaller »

@rokth - If you re-read my response, I was stating that Thunderbird can redirect HTTP now, which is the most common app that people want to redirect HTTP and the usual reason people ask about mimetype handling. I mentioned mailto as that's the 2nd most common. And I was saying that if you want to try and do FTP to an outside provider from within Firefox, that may be possible as well, though I haven't tried it.

Mimetype work requires registry manipulation on Windows if the app itself you want to send to something else does not have an option for it. That's why I mentioned PortableFileAssociator by wraithdu which handles it in the HKCU hive (as an upcoming PA.c Platform release will).

Our launchers work well and are used without issue by millions of people daily. The same reason they've been approved for use with Mozilla's apps and we partnered with The Document Foundation for LibreOffice. As described, they handle registry entries very well with multiple safe-guards. If you ever find an actual bug, please report it. - The open standard for portable software | Support Net Neutrality

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