Change history for fungusAltTab

2014-08-06 06:46:27
Updated by Checker

  • How to extract: Download the zip package and eZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launtrach the program byto a folder of youble-clir ckhoice. Laungch [i]fungusAltTab.exe[/i].

2014-03-15 02:51:56
Updated by Checker

  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: fungusAltTab is an Alt+Tab replacement. It sports a small memory footprint, mouse support, arrow keys support and more. A must for any user that uses the Alt+Tab shortcut.[ib]Notete:[/b] Since the application website is no lplication website is no longer avaaillable, I have added I have addedirect downloadirect fdownload for thoose of you who ho wants to to check it out.k it out. Thhanks to to thibeaz for shor shariing hiis copy.[/i]

2013-02-12 00:49:13
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Synopsis: fungusAltTab is an Alt+Tab replacement. It sports a small memory footprint, mouse support, arrow keys support and more. A must for any user that uses the Alt+Tab shortcut.[i]Notete: Since ce the application website is no llication website is no longer avaaillable, I have added dhave added dirrect dt download for those of you who wad for those of you who wantts to c to check it ok it out. Thhanks to thibeaz az for shor sharing hiis copy.[/i]
  • How to extract: Download the zip package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch the program by double-clicking [i]fungusAltTab.exe[/i].

2006-08-04 16:36:52
Added by admin