Change history for FileOptimizer

2024-07-12 20:33:41
Updated by Special

  • Version: v16.670
  • Release date: 2024-047-012
  • What's new: [list]- Updated SQLite to 3.45.2 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2022 custom builds.- Updated Leanify to Updated pingo to 1.19.3 x64 version.- Updated ECT x64 binaries to 0.9.5.- Updated gifsicle to 1.95.- Updated Ghostscript to 10.03.0.- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.- Updated ffmpeg to 6.1.1 x64.- UpAddated FLAC to 1.4.3.- Updated cjpdf to 2.7.0.- Updated to Minify 2.20.19 x64.- Updated to OptiVorbis 0.2.0 x64.- Updated to mutoogl 1.23.0.- HTML Tidy x64 from libjxl when JPEG lor Wssy is enabledows 5..- Updated libwebp to 1.4.0 RC1.- Updated pingo to Updated UPX to 4.2.3.- Some m x64 version.- Some minor optimtimizations and cod and code cleanup.- Updated to NSIS 3.10.- Updatted to C++++ Buiilder 1r 12.2.1 SIkantorinia Beta. [/list]

2024-04-02 07:07:10
Updated by Special

  • Version: v16.560
  • Release date: 2024-014-092
  • What's new: [list]- Updated cpdf to 2.6.1.- Updated pingSQLite to 3.45.2 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2022 custom builds.- Updated Leanify to Updated pingo to 1.19.3 x64 version.- Updated ECT x64 binaries to 0.9.5.- Updated gifsicle to 1.95.- Updated Ghostscript to 10.03.0.- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.- Updated ffmpeg to 6.1.1 x64.- Updated FLAC to 1.4.3.- Updated cpdf to 2.7.0.- Updated to Minify 2.20.19 x64.- Updated to OptiVo 1rbis 0.2.170 x64 versio4.- Updated to mutool 1.23.0.- HTML Tidy for Windows 5.9.14- U Updated UPX to Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.- Updated WebView2Loader to 1.0.1661.NSIS 34.- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.10.- Updatedated to C++ ++ Buiilder 1r 12.1 Santorini. [/list]

2024-01-09 14:51:10
Updated by Special

  • Version: v16.450
  • Release date: 20234-051-059
  • What's new: [list]- Implemented automatically purging file cache. On close, if cache is enabled and INI size is larger than 200 KB. then FileOptimizer will check all entries on the cache section and remove the ones pointing to unexisting/deleted files.- Switched from OptiPNG to OxiPNG.- Delayed load SHCORE.DLL to improve startup time.- Cached COMCTL32.DLL and USER32.DLL to improve performance.- Fixed BPL required to run.- Added pingo 1.04 compatibility flags.- Updated mozjpeg to 4.1.5 x86 and x64 binaries.- Updated UPX to 4.10.- Updated pingo to 1.12 x64 version.- Updated gifsicle to 1.94.- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.- Updated ffmpeg to 6.0.0.- Updated Ghostscript to 10.02.0.- Updated libwebp to 1.3.2.- Updated cpdf to Minify 2.12.7 x64.- Updated to mutool 1.22.1.- Updated to OptiVorbis 0.1.4 x64.- Updated SQLite to 3.42.0 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2022 custom builds.- U2.6.1.- Updatted jpego ptim ngo to 1.5.517 x64.- Upgrad ved distrsibutions to 7-Zip 23.01n.- Updated UPX to 4.2.1.- Updated WebView2Loader to 1.0.1661.34.- Some minor optimizations and code cleanuppch.- Updated to C++ Buildeckr 2.12...[/list]

2023-10-26 14:07:06
Updated by Special

  • Version: v16.340
  • What's new: [list]- FImplemented automatically purging file cache. On close, if cache is enabled and INI size is larger than 200 KB. then FileOptimizer will check all entries on the cache section and remove the ones pointing to unexisting/deleted files.- Switched from OptiPNG to OxiPNG.- Delayed load SHCORE.DLL to improve startup time.- Cached COMCTL32.DLL and USER32.DLL to improve performance.- Fixed HEIC iBPL required to run.- Added pingo 1.04 compatibility flags.- Updated mozjpeg to 4.1.5 x86 and x64 binaries.- Updated UPX to 4.10.- Updated pingeo to 1.12 x64 dvetectrsion.- Renamed 25. Upo language to 1049.po to automatically lodated this gifsicle ton Windows with Russian locale1.94.- Removed ImageMagick's "-set Updisposated Image background" becMause sometimes git ck torr with HDRI support.- Updated ffmpeg tso 6.0.0.- Updated GIF.- Improved Windows XP chompatibility by PEPatstsching tidy.exe, sqlripte3 to 10.exe, pngo02.0.- Updated limizer.exe,bwebp to 1.3.2.- mkclUpdatead to Min.exe, jsminfy 2.12.7 x64.- Updatexe, jpegoptim.exe,d to mutool 1.22.1.- imUpdagew.exte and gto OptiVorbifsicle.exe 0.1.4 x64.- Updateded SQLite to 3.412.0 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2022 custom bisuialds.- Updated ECT x64 binaries to 0.9.4.- Updated UPX to 4.01.- Updated AdvanceCOMP++ 2022 custo 2.5.- Updated ImageWorsener to 1.3.5.- Updam builds.- Updateed ImagjpeMagick tooptim to with HDRI support.5 x64.- Updgratded l distribwebp to 1.3.0 x64.- Updated uto mutool 1.21.1.- Updated pingoions to 1.00 a6 7 x64 vers-Zionp 23.01.- Updated jpegoptim to 1.5.3 x64.- Updated to C++ Builder 11.3 Alexandria Patch #1.- Updatated t to c cppcpcheck 2.102...[/list]

2023-05-05 17:41:54
Updated by Special

  • Version: v16.230
  • Release date: 2023-015-105
  • What's new: [list]- PFixed HEIC image detection.- Renamed 25.po language to 1049.po to automatically load this file on Windows with Russian locale.- Removed ImageMagick's "-set dispose background" because sometimes it corrupts GIF.- Improved Windows XP comperatibilyity by PEPatching tidy.exe, sqlite3.exe, pngoptimizer.exe, mkclean.exe, jsmin.exe, jpegoptim.exe, imagew.exe and gifsicle.exe.- Updated PNGSQUANLite to 3.41.0 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2022 custom builds.- Updated ECT e x64 binaries to 0.9.4.- Updated UPX to 4.01.- Updated AdvanceCOMP to 2.5.- Updated ImageWorsener to 1.3.5.- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI sutable being cpporrupted (trlkly #124).- SwiUpdatched back fromlibwebp to Windows1.3.0 theme in light mo x64.- Updatede to regular Windows theme because the "enhanced" one is nottool 1.21.1.- aUpdated ptiing io ts colors (trlkly)1.-00 a67 Addedx64 multicovere support to jpegoptim.- Updated jpegoptsim to 1.5.1 x64n.- Upddated ljpegoptibwebp to 1.3.0 RC1 x64.- Updated AdvanceCOMP to 2.4 (WinnieW)m to 1.5.3 x64.- Updpdated pto C++ Buingo to 1.00 a66 x64 version.- Updateld ECT x64 binaeries to 0.9 11.3 Fix.- BettAler performance updxating to ASMLib 2.52 wdrita Patch AVX5 #12 support.- Updated to C++ Builder 11.3 Malawi Beta.- Somte minor optimizations and code to clppcheanupck 2.10.[/list]

2023-04-21 10:24:35
Updated by webfork

  • How to extract: Download the self-extracting 7z pa.exe packaage e and launch. When prompted, selextract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]FileOptimizer32.exe[/i] or [i]FileOptimizer64.exe[/i] (for 64-bit OS).At startup, the program will optionally show ads to support program development. These can be disabled at any time.[b]Optionally[/b], to save space:[list][*]32-bit systems: delete [i]FileOptimizer64.exe[/i] and the [i]\Plugins64[/i] folder[*]64-bit systems: delete [i]FileOptimizer32.exe[/i] and the [i]\Plugins32[/i] folder[*]Delete unnecessary language files[/list]

2023-01-11 04:36:04
Updated by Special

  • What's new: [list][*]- New INI s- Properly fixettingd PersistentGrid=false option to make contents of the file grid persistant across sessions[*]- Implemented files in grid being persistent, and thus allowing to automatically save the session (Krzysztof Janda, Jacobov Landau -#115-).[*]- Added Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X and Ctrl-V to copy and cut grid files to clipboard.[*]- Disabled Help->Topics item if CHM file is not available.[*]- Changed default value for StartupDelay from 1000 to 3000ms in order to support additional processing.[*]- Fixed PNNGQUANT executable being corrupted (trlkly #124).[*]- Added preliminary sbeing corrupport for Windows Daed (trlk/Light mode (Mike Andoly #1234).[*]- Imp.- Switched back frovedm Webvieindows10 cacthe byeme in light smodetting it to system temporary folder.[*]- Updated Leanify to[*]- Updated SQLitre to 3.40.0 x86 agular Wind x64 Visual C++ 2022 cuows toheme becauilds.[*]- Updse the "enhanced" one is not ated aptingo its colors 1.00 a60 x64 version.[*]- Updated UPX (to 4rlkly).01.[*]- Up Addated Ghosmultsicore supporit to jpegoptim.- Updated jpegoptim to 10.00.0.[*]5.1 x64.- Updateed ffmplibweg to 5.1.bp to 1.3.0 RC1 x64.- Updated AdvanceCOMP to 2.[*]4 (WinnieW).- Updated FLAC to pingo to 1.4.200 a66 x64 version.- Updated ECT x64 binaries to 0.9.3 Fix.[*]- UBetter pderformance updating to ASMLib 2.52 with AVX512 support.- Updatted to C++ Builder 11.3 Malawi Beta.- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup...[/list]

2023-01-11 04:34:45
Updated by Special

  • Version: v16.120
  • Release date: 20223-101-170

2022-11-19 05:12:34
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v16.010
  • Release date: 2022-0911-0917
  • What's new: 15.80[list][*]- New INI setting PersistentGrid=false option to make contents of the file grid persistant across sessions[*]- Implemented files in grid being persistent, and thus allowing to automatically save the session (Krzysztof Janda, Jacobov Landau - 2022/06/09-#115-).[*]- Addded Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X and Ctrl-V to copy and cut grid files to clipboard.[*]- Disabled Help->Topics item if CHM file is not available.[*]- Changedd sdefault value for StartuppDelay from 1000 to 3000ms in order to support additional prt tocessing.[*]- Fixed JPENG XL (JXL) images QUANT executable being corrupted (trlkly #124).[*]- Added preliminary support for Windows Dark/Ling Iht magode (Magick (e Ando F#123).[*]- Added additional AVIF extensions: .heif .heifs .heic, .heics .avci .avcs .amproved Webview cache by setting it to system temporary folder.[*]- Updated Leanify to[*]- MUpdatede SQLite optimizatie ton error3.40.0 x86 and x64 handlVing ssuafer.-l C++ 2022 Imprcustoved JPEG 2000 (JP2) handling.- Fixed Korean tranm buildslation (1042.po).[*]- Updatepd Chinese languagtes includ pingo to 1.00 a60 x64 Simplified Chinese (2052, zh_CN) and Traditversional Chinese (1028, zh_TW) (thanks ???~?).[*]- Swi Updatched frd UPX tom HTML Tidy 5.64.0 x86 1.[*]- Updanted HTML Tidy 5.8.0 x64 to HTML Tidy for Windows 5.9.17 x86 and x86.- UGhostscripdated ECT x64 binaries to 10.900.1 (Collpo)0.[*]- Updated to Minify 2.11.2 x64.- Updated cpdf to 2.5.2.- Updated pingo to 1.00 a17 x64 version.- Updated to mutool 1.19.1.- Updated AdvanceCOMP to 2.3.- Updated SQLite to 3.38.4 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2022 custom buildsted ffmpeg to 5.1.2.[*]- Upddated ImageMagick toFLAC to with HDRI support.- Updated to cppcheck 2.8.[*]- Some minor optimiz Updations and coede cleanup...

2022-09-09 14:48:28
Updated by Special

  • Version: v156.900
  • Release date: 2022-079-1209

2022-07-12 19:11:38
Updated by Special

  • Version: v15.890
  • Release date: 2022-067-0912

2022-06-09 08:30:07
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v15.780
  • Release date: 2022-046-209
  • What's new: 15.70 - 2080 - 2022/06/09- Added support to JPEG XL (JXL) images using ImageMagick (A F).- Added additional AVIF extensions: .heif .heifs .heic, .heics .avci .avcs .avif .avifs- Made SQLite optimization error handling safer.- Improved JPEG 2000 (JP2) handling.- Fixed Korean translation (1042.po).- Updated Chinese languages including Simplified Chinese (2052, zh_CN) and Traditional Chinese (102/8, zh_TW) (thanks ???~?).- Switched from HTML Tidy 5.6.0 x86 and HTML Tidy 5.8.0 x64/20- Added suppor to HTML Tidy tfo AVIF r Wimages undowsing Im5.9.17 x86 ageMagicknd x86.- SUpedatedup W EBP compression because dwebp is not needed anCT x64 binaries to 0.9.1 (Collpo).- Updated to Minifymo 2.11.2 x64.- Updated cpdf to 2.5.2.- Updated pingo to 1.00 a17 x64 version.- Updated to mutool 1.19.1.- Updated AdvanceCOMP to 2.3.- ImUprovedated WEBP losSQLite to 3.38.4 x86 and x64 Visualess C++ 2022 compreussion ratio.- Improved WEBP builodsy compression ratio by adding cwebp to the webp tool chain.- FixUpdated issu Image with BMP transparengicies k to with HDRImage Worsener by adding -opt bmp:version=auto (Devedse) #111.- Reduced mu support.- Updated to cppcheck 2.8.- Some minor optool optiimizaation aggresivity from -gggg to -g in order to increase compatibility (Jacobov La andau) #116.- Updated Ghcostscript to 9.56.1.- Updated ffmpeg to 5.0.1.- Updated ImagdeMagi ck to with HDRI support.- Updated ImageW to 1.3.4 test.- Added Korean translation. Thank you Jaehyung Lee.- Updated SQLite to 3.38.2 x86 eand x64 Visual C++ 2022 custom builds.- Updated EXE compatibility to PatchPE 1.35.

2022-04-20 06:24:51
Updated by Special

  • What's new: 15.60 (2022/703/24)- Improved optimization ratio thanks to moving Pingo at top of JPEG toolchain for better results (Dm Kh) #113.- Fixed automatically disabling BeepWhenDone when launched via commandline to allow a proper exit. - Fixed missing VCRUNTIME12022/040_1.dll that was needed by optipng (Devedse) #11/2.- Fixed empty messagebox when closing FO.- Fixed pingo inverted logic that per default removes metadata (Devedse) #110.- Optimized and updat Added pingo settings.- upport to AVImproved ECT execution by F imadding --mt-files (multsithrng ImageMading file)ck.- USpeedatedup WEBP Advacompressionc beCOMP to 2.16 (custom built by scause dwebp is now).-t Upneeded ated SQLitnymore to 3.38.1 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2022- custoImproved WEBP buildos.- Updatsledss compingression ratio 1.00 a14- Improved x64WEBP losy vercompressioon ratio by adding cwebp to the webp tool chain.- UpFixedat issued Imwith BMP transpageMagirenck to with Hth Image Worsener by adding -opt bmp:version=auto (Devedse) #111.- RI educed mutool optimization aggresivity from -gggg to -g in order to increase compatibility (Jacobov Landau) #116.- Updated Ghosupport.- Updated libwebp to 1.2.2 xtscript to 9.564.1.- Updated ffmpegraded t to C++ Builder (Alexan- Updria).- Somted ImageMaginorck to with oHDRI supporti.- Updated ImizatiageW to 1.3.4 test.- Added Korean translation. Thank you Jaehyuns g Lee.- Updanted code cl SQLitea to 3.38.2 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2022 custom builds.- Updated EXE compatibility to PatchPE 1.35.

2022-04-20 06:24:16
Updated by Special

  • Version: v15.670
  • System Requirement:
  • Release date: 2022-034-240

2022-03-25 06:09:00
Updated by Special

  • Version: v15.560
  • Release date: 2022-023-0924
  • What's new: 15.50 - 2022/02/09- Fixed crash in some JPEG due to new CMYK detection code (#108).15.40 - 20260 (202/02/07- Added detection of CMYK JPEG images.- Fixed some compiler warnings (Jean-Marc Dupuis).- Switched from regular Guetzli to guetzli-cuda-opencl because it has a recent build and with --c it is faster (#107).- Execute Guetzli with GPU acceletation if available to Guetzli (Alexey Pavlov3/24).- Avoid JPEG CMYK corruption by excluding jhead in those types.- P Improperly execute rehuff_theora insteaoved of removed rehuff ptimin OGG fzatiles.-on Enrabled ptio thanks to moving Pingo supgo at top orf JPEG toolchain for JPEG images when copy metadata is enablbetter results (Dm Kh) #113.- Fixed automatically disabling BeepWhenDone when launched via commandline to allow a proped.- Updated SQLitr e to 3.37.2 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2022 cusitom.- buFilds.- Updatxed mp4v2 x86issing anVCRUNTIME140_1.d x64ll to 5.0.1hat Viwasual C++ needed by optipng (Devedse) #112022 cus.- Fixed emptomy messagebuilds.- Updated pox when closing FO.- Fixed pingo to 1.00 a8 x64 inversted logion.- Updated cpdf to 2.5.1.- Upd thated ffmpeg to 5.0.- Uper defaulted IremageMagickoves metadatoa 7.(Devedse) #11.0.23- wiOpth HDRI simized and uppodated pingo settings.- Improved ECT execution by adding --mt-file (multit.- Updated Lhreadinig fy to Updated ImageWorsener tod 1.3.4.- UpAdavanceCOMP to 2.16 (custom built by snow).- Updated SQLited to M3.38.1 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2022 custom buinify Updated pingo to 1.00 a14 x64 version.- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.- Updated libwebp to 1.2.2 x64.- Upgraded to C++ Builder 11.1 (Alexandria).- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

2022-02-09 20:09:05
Updated by Special

  • Version: v15.450
  • Release date: 2022-02-079
  • What's new: -15.50 - 2022/02/09- Fixed crash in some JPEG due to new CMYK detection code (#108).15.40 - 2022/02/07- Adddedd detetectiion of CMYK JPEG images.- Fixed some compiler warnings (Jean-Marc Dupuis).- Switched from regular Guetixed some compiler warnings (Jean-Marc Dupuis).- Switched from regular Guetzli to guetzli-uetzli-cuda-opencl because it has a recent build aencl because it has a recent build and with --c it-c it is faster (#107).- Execute Guetzli withwith GPU acceletation if available to Guetzli (Alexey GPU acceletation if available to Guetzli (Alexey Pavlov)avlov).- Avoid oid JPEG CMYK corruption by excluding jhead in those typ corruption by excluding jhead in those types.- Properly execute rehuff_xecute rehuff_theoraa instead d of removed rehuff in OGG filG files.- Enabled pingo support for JPEG images G images whenhen copy metadata i metadata is enabled.- Updated SQLit e to 3.37.2 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2022 custom buileds.- Updated mp4v2 x86 and x64 to SQLite to 3.37.2 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2022 custom builds.- Updated mp4v2 x86 and x64 to 5.0.1 Visual C++ 2022 custom buildds.- Updatpdated pingo to 1.00 a8 x64 version.- Updated cpdf to 2.5.1.-ersion.- Updated cpdf to 2.5.1.- Upddated ffmpeg fmpeg to 5.0.- Upda.0.- Updated ImageMagick to w to with HDRI suppoport.- Updated Leanify to Updated 0.- Updated ImageWorsenener to 1.3.4.- Updated to 1.3.4.- Updated to Miinify 2.y 2.10.0 x64.- Updated libwebp to 1.2.2 RC20 x64.- .- Upddated ted libwebp to cppcheck 21..7.

2022-02-07 13:33:48
Updated by Special

  • Version: v15.340
  • Release date: 2021-12-2802-07
  • What's new: - FixeAdded wrdetectiong of CMYK JPNEGOptim images.- Fizedxed some compiler warnings (Jean-Marc Dupuis).- Switched from verregular Guetzli to guetzli-cuda-opencl because it has a recent build and with --c it is faster (#107).- Execute Guetzli with GPU acceletation if available ton Guetzli (EAlexey Pavlov).- Avoid JPEG CMYK corruption by excluding jhead in those types.- Properly execute rehuff_theora instead of removed rehuff in OGG files.- Enabledw pingo support for JPEG images when copy metadata is enabled.- Updated SQLite to 3.37.2 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2022 custom builds.- Updated mp4v2 x86 and x64 to 5.0.1 Visual C++ 2022 custom builds.- Updated pingo to 1.00 a8 x64 version.- Updated cpdf to 2.5.1.- Updated ffmpeg to 5.0.- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.- Updated Leanify to Updated TruonImag)-eWorsener to 1.3.4.- Updated pto Mingoify 2.10.0 x64.- Updated libwebp to 1.00 a52.2 RC2 x64 version4.- Upgrdadtedd distributions to 7-Zi cppcheck 21.07.

2021-12-28 17:32:30
Updated by Special

  • Version: v15.230
  • Release date: 2021-12-278
  • What's new: - Try to make eFixecutables compatible with Windows XP.- Some code tweaks (thanks Jean-Marc Dupuis).- Improved DPI support in Windows 10 or later.- Updated Pwrong PNGOptimizer x64 to 2.7.- Updated pngquant to 2.17.0.- Updated Ghostscript to 9.55.0.- Updated ffmpeg to 4.4.1.- Updated to mutool 1.19.- Upgraded to C++ Builder 11 Update 1.- Updated to cppcheck 2.6.- Uptimized version (Edward Truong)- Updatted t pingo NSIS 3.08.- Upgraded distributions to 7-Zip 21.00 a5 x64 version.- Some minoUpgraded opdistrimizabutions and ctode cleanu 7-Zip 21.07.

2021-12-27 21:57:53
Updated by Special

  • What's new: - Added .CAB and SFXCAB file detection by contents.- Added skiTry to make executables compping of SFX CAB EXE atible with Windows XP.- Some code tweaks (tallerhanks ( JoeW).an-Marc Dupuis).- Improved DPI support in Windows 10 or not laterun 64 bit.- Uplugins widath FO 32 bit, evend if uPndegOptimizer Wix64 to 2.7.- Updated pngquan6t to 2.17.0.- Updated Ghostscript to 9.55.0.- Updated ffmpeg to 4.4.1.- Updated to mutool 1.19.- Upgraded to C++ Builder 11 Update 1.- Updated to cppcheck 2.6.- Updated pingo to 0.99.5 x64 version.- Updaded Tidy to 5.d to NSIS 3.08.0 x64.-.- Updpgrated libwebp tod 1.2.1 RC2 x64.- Updated gifsstributicle to 1.93 (cuons tom build).- Upgraded to C++ Builder 11 (Alexandr7-Zia).- Updated to cppcheck 2.5.- Updated to NSIS 321.076.- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

2021-12-27 21:55:01
Updated by Special

  • Version: v15.120
  • Release date: 2021-0912-1127

2021-09-12 05:37:01
Updated by Special

  • Version: v15.010
  • Release date: 2021-069-2311
  • What's new: - New INI setting DisableSleep=true option to avoid system going to sleep while optimizing (Lucy Phipps).- Addded italian localization. Th.CAB ank youd GiacomoSFXCAB Margarfile detection by contents.- Added redirection to sourceforge page to get updates (Krzysztof Janda).- Added -z switch to cwebp -activates lossless pdded skipping of SFX CAB EXE installereset with given level (Paul).- Added OGG (.ogm .spx .opus) to the OGG tool chain (necros) #93.- Fixed OGG smart detection by content (nJoecrosW) #93.- Fixed cache Do noot wo rkiung (Jack).- Reverted back cpdfsqueeze to cpdf as in 14.10 because cpdfsqueeze has not been updated since 2 years ago.- Updated mp4v2 x86 and x64 to 5.0.0 Visual C++ 2019 custom builds.- Updated SQLite to 3.36.0 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2019 custom 64 builds.- Updated cpdf to 2.4.- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI sFO 32 bit, even if uppondert Win64.- Updated libwebp to 1.2.0 x64.- Updated to Minify 2.9.17 x64.- Updated pingo to 0ted pingo to 0.99 rc9.5 (10) x64 verersion.- Updated ffmpeg to 4.4 (Stepheon D Brock).- Updatded ECT -> muidy to 5.8.0 x64.- Updated libwebp tithreao 1.2.1 RC2 x64.- Updated pr gifsicle to 1.93 (ceussintom build).- Upg support,aded to C++ Builder 11 (Alexandria).- Updated to cppcheck 2.5.- Updated fto NSIS 3.07.- Some minor optimizations and coldere ..cleanup.

2021-06-25 07:52:39
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v145.700
  • Release date: 2021-046-123
  • What's new: h- New INI setting DisableSleep=true option to avoid system going to sleep while optimizing (Lucy Phipps).- Added italian localization. Thank you Giacomo Margarito.- Added redirection to sourceforge page to get updates (Krzysztof Janda).- Added -z switch to cwebp -activates lossless preset with given level (Paul).- Added OGG (.ogm .spx .opus) to the OGG tool chain (necros) #93.- Fixed OGG smart detection by content (necros) #93.- Fixed cache not working (Jack).- Reverted back cpdfsqueeze to cpdf as in 14.10 because cpdfsqueeze has not been updated since 2 years ago.- Updated mp4v2 x86 and x64 to 5.0.0 Visual C++ 2019 custom builds.- Updated SQLite to 3.36.0 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2019 custom builds.- Updated cpdf to 2.4.- Ups://ndated ImageMagickkhokkh to with HDRI soupporceforge.t.- Updated lio/stbwebp to 1.2.0 x64.- Updated to Minicfy 2.9.17 x64.- Uphp?pdagte=FileOd ptimizerHisngo tory14 0.70 -99 rc5 202(1/04/13-) Fixed detecting file type by contents when it has no extension.- Implemented new Leanify parallel mode to64 version.- mUpdakte optimizatid ffmpeg to 4.4 (Stephen D Bron fasterck).- Reenabled- --mt-Updeflated ECT switch which was no-> mult available in FO 13.- Updated SQLite to 3.35.4 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2019 custom builds.- Updated Ghostscript to 9.54.0.- Updated mkclean to 0.9.0.- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.- Upeadated ffmpeg to 4.3.2.- Updated Leanify to Updated mozjed proceg to 4.0.3 x86 and x64 binaries.- Updated pssingo to 0.99 rc4 (16) x64 version.- Uupgporaded t, fo C++ Builder 10.4.2 (27.0.40680.4203).- Updated EXE compatibility to PatchPE 1.33.- Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.

2021-04-13 16:02:03
Updated by Special

  • Version: v14.670
  • Release date: 2021-024-0913
  • What's new: 70 - 2021/02/1/094/13- Fixed detecting file type by contents when it has no extension.- Impmplemented new Leanify parallel mode to make optimizatiovedn faspter.- Reed and ration withabled --mt-deflate ECT by switch whiconvertih was ng -9 oto -90032 (Julien B. O.)- Replaced JSMin by Minify #87 (Pvaingogeek) for x64 toolable chin FO 13.- Updated SQLite to 3.35.4 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2019 custom builds.- Updated Ghostscript to 9.54.0.- Updated mkclean to 0.9.0.- AUpddeated ImageMaginify tck to withe HTML, CSS, JS/JSON and XML tool chains when HTMLTidy,DRI JSMin or Leanfy is enabled resuppecortively.- Updated SQLitated ffmpeg to 4.3.342.1 x86- Updandted Leanify to Updated mozjpeg to 4.0.3 x86 and x64 binaries.- Updated pingo to 0.99 rc4 (16) x64 Viversuion.- Upgral ded to C+++ Builder 10.4.2 (27.0.40680.42019 custom builds3).- Updated libwebp EXE compatibility to 1.2.0 RC3PatchPE x64.- Updated pingo to 0.99 rc4 (13) x64 version.- Updated Leanify to Updat- Somed ImageMagick to with HDRI suppnort.- Uopdated libdeflmizations and code cle to 1.7.- Updated to cppcheck 2.3.- Upgraded distribnutions to 7-Zip 21.00.

2021-02-10 11:13:28
Updated by webfork

  • What's new: - 2021/02/09- Improved speed and ration with ECT by converting -9 to -90032 (Julien B. O.)- Replaced JSMin by Minify #87 (Pingogeek) for x64 tool chain.- Added Minify to the HTML, CSS, JS/JSON and XML tool chains when HTMLTidy, JSMin or Leanfy is enabled respectively.- Updated SQLite to 3.34.1 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2019 custom builds.- Updated libwebp to 1.2.0 RC3 x64.- Updated pingo to 0.99 rc4 (13) x64 version.- Updated Leanify to Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.- Updated libdeflate to 1.7.- Updated to cppcheck 2.3.- Upgraded distributions to 7-Zip 21.00.

2021-02-10 05:03:30
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v14.560
  • Release date: 2020-11--026-09
  • What's new: See:[url][/url]

2020-12-15 19:07:07
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a broad format file compression tool used to reduce file size without changing the quality, known as "lossless." This is done via wide variety of optimization and recompression tools and techniques. Original files are sent to the recycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed version is preferred. A list of the 400+ supported formats include audio/video (MP3, OGG, M4A), image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), office formats (DOCX, XLSX, ODT, PDF) and system files (DLL, EXE).Supports drag-and-drop of files into the window or onto the program icon. Note that by default the program removes metadata for many file types. This information reduces overall file size and protects privacy but is important to some users (e.g. photographers) and file search tools.A 64-bit version is available within the folder, the author reports the program is functional in [url=]WINE[/url], and can be used on the command line. Many images here on TPFC including our logo have been compressed ...

2020-11-26 12:34:36
Updated by billon

  • Version: v14.450
  • Release date: 2020-0911-0526

2020-09-06 18:26:37
Updated by billon

  • Version: v14.340
  • Release date: 2020-07-29-05

2020-07-29 17:18:06
Updated by billon

  • Version: v14.230
  • Release date: 2020-037-129

2020-03-19 06:25:40
Updated by billon

  • Version: v14.120
  • Release date: 201920-03-11-219

2019-11-21 17:31:59
Updated by billon

  • Version: v14.010
  • Release date: 2019-0911-3021

2019-09-30 05:24:32
Updated by billon

  • Version: v134.900
  • Release date: 2019-079-2730

2019-07-27 03:15:55
Updated by billon

  • Version: v13.890
  • Release date: 2019-057-237

2019-06-30 00:26:48
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a broad format file compression tool used to reduce file size without changing the quality, known as "lossless." This is done via wide variety of optimization and recompression tools and techniques. Original files are sent to the recycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed version is preferred. A long list t of the 400+ supported formats include audio/video (MP3, OGG, M4A), image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), office formats (DOCX, XLSX, ODT, PDF) and system files (DLL, EXE).Supports drag-and-drop of files into the window or onto the program icon. Note that by default the program removes metadata for many file types. This information reduces overall file size and protects privacy but is important to some users (e.g. photographers) and file search tools.A 64-bit version is available within the folder, the author reports the program is functional in [url=]WINE[/url], and can be used on the command line.

2019-06-30 00:17:26
Updated by webfork

  • How to extract: Download the self-extracting 7z package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]FileOptimizer32.exe[/i] or [i]FileOptimizer64.exe[/i] (for 64-bit OS).At startup, the program will optionally show ads to support program development. These can be disabled at any time.[b]Optionally[/b], to save space:[list][*]32-bit systems: delete [i]FileOptimizer64.exe[/i] and the [i]\Plugins64[/i] folder[*]64-bit systems: delete [i]FileOptimizer32.exe[/i] and the [i]\Plugins32[/i] folder[*]Delete unnecessary language files[/list]
  • Screenshot: Updated

2019-05-23 10:42:10
Updated by billon

  • Version: v13.780
  • Release date: 2019-035-223

2019-03-22 11:49:34
Updated by billon

  • Version: v13.670
  • Release date: 2019-02-13-22

2019-02-13 18:51:01
Updated by billon

  • Version: v13.560
  • Release date: 20189-02-12-243

2018-12-24 10:53:22
Updated by billon

  • Version: v13.450
  • Release date: 2018-112-1624

2018-11-16 19:06:19
Updated by billon

  • Version: v13.340
  • Release date: 2018-101-156

2018-10-15 08:37:18
Updated by billon

  • Version: v13.230
  • Release date: 2018-109-105

2018-09-10 16:31:45
Updated by billon

  • Version: v13.120
  • Release date: 2018-079-2610

2018-07-26 16:11:12
Updated by billon

  • Version: v13.010
  • Release date: 2018-07-246

2018-07-24 13:10:48
Updated by billon

  • Version: v123.900
  • Release date: 2018-067-1924

2018-06-19 07:41:03
Updated by billon

  • Version: v12.890
  • Release date: 2018-056-2319

2018-05-23 08:31:35
Updated by billon

  • Version: v12.780
  • Release date: 2018-04-05-23
  • What's new: [list][*]Added LibdeflatSee fo:[ur GZ toolc]hain.[*]Updated:[list][*]jpegoptim to 1.4.5 (custom built with libjpeg 9b);[*]SQLite to 3.23.0 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2017 custom builds;[*]gifsicle-lossy to 1.91 (custom built)[*]libwebp to 1.0.0 RC2;[*]pingo to 0.96y x86 and x64 versions;[*]ImageMagicttps://nikk to with HDRI support;[*]strip thokkho 2.30;[*]To cppcheck 1.83.[/list][*]Some minosour optimizations and cefodrge .io/static.php?page=FileanuOp.timizer[/urlist]

2018-04-05 12:11:18
Updated by billon

  • Version: v12.6170
  • Release date: 2018-04-015
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed corruption when copy to reAdded Libdeflate for GZ toolchain.[*]Updated:[list][*]jpegoptim to 1.4.5 (custom built with libjpeg 9b);[*]SQLite to 3.23.0 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2017 cyustom builds;[*]gifsicle-lossy to 1.91 (custom bbuilt)[*]lin duebwebp to 1.0.0 RC2;[*]pingo too 0 b.96yt x86 and x64 versions;[*]Image file sizes.[*]UpdMated:[list][*]Russgick to wian translatih HDRI supponrt;[*]Ghostscriptstrip to 92.230;[*]pingTo to 0cppcheck 1.96w x86 and x64 versions3.[[/lisist][*]Upgraded distributions to 7-Zip 18.03.[*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.[/list]

2018-04-01 17:39:13
Updated by billon

  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed corruption when copy to recycle bin due to 0 byte file sizes.[/list][*]Updated:[list][*]Russian translation;[*]Ghostscript to 9.23;[*]pingo to 0.96w x86 and x64 versions.[/list][*]Upgraded distributions to 7-Zip 18.03.[*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.[/list]

2018-04-01 17:37:32
Updated by billon

  • Version: v12.601
  • Release date: 2018-034-201
  • What's new: [list][*]Added:[list][*]Russian and Swedish translations;[*]Per plugin progress.[/list][*]Disabled:[list][*]ImageMagick on TIFF images when copy metadata because it is not kept;[*]pngquant on APNG images when lossy compression was selectFixed becaorruse it broke animations.[/list][*]Updated:[list][*]ffmpeg pto 3.4.2;[*]pingo ton 0.96u x86 andwhen copy to recycle bin due to 0 byte x64 versions;[*]ImageMagick to with HDRI support;[*]Leanify to daiily binarie s;[*]EXE compatibility to PatchPE 1.30zes.[/list][*]Upgraded disUpdated:[list][*]Russian translation;[*]Ghostscribupt tions to 7-Zi9.23;[*]p 1ingo to 0.96w x8.026 and x64 versions.[/list][*]Statically anUpgralyzed with C++ Builderd Auditstributions to 7-Zip 18.03.[*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.[/list]

2018-03-21 21:34:30
Updated by billon

  • Version: v12.560
  • Release date: 2018-023-271
  • What's new: [list][*]Added:[list][*]Russian and Swiwedish translations;[*]Per plugin progress.[/list][*]Disabled:[list][*]ImageMagichk on TIFF imaged ts when copy AGPLmetadata licbenscause ito pris not kect ipt;[*]pngquant from modifications in nn APNG images when lossy compretwssiork n was selected becausenv it bronoke animations.[/list][*]Updated:[list][*]ffmpeg to 3.4.2;[*]pingo tso 0.96u x86 and making itx64 cversions;[*]Impatible wgeMagick to withh GhHDRI suppostcript.t;[*]Added full licensiLeang ifiles to all plugins y to avoid anyo confusdaion.[*]Made:[ly bist][*]About and Option windows resizable;[*]Ads lonad smoother.[/lies;[*]EXE compatibility t][*]Retested in Windows X PatchPE SP1.30.[*]Updated:[[/list]][*]Upngquant to 2.11.7;[*]pingo to 0.95w x86 randed x64 vedistrsibutions; to 7-Zip 18.02.[*]Im]Statically agnalyzeMagick to wd with HDRIC++ Builder sAupport.[/lditst].[*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.[/list]

2018-02-27 08:55:51
Updated by billon

  • License: [url=]GNU AGPL[/url]

2018-02-27 08:54:30
Updated by billon

  • Version: v12.450
  • License: [url=]GNU LGPL[/url]
  • System Requirement: Win2K
  • Release date: 2018-02-1927
  • What's new: [list][*]Added DSwitched to AGPL license to protect it from modifications in network environments and making it compatible with Ghostcript.[*]Added full licensing files to all plugins to avoid any confusion.[*]Made:[list][*]Aboutc and Option windows resizable;[*]Ads load smooth and German translation.[/list][*]Retested in Windows XP SP3.[*]Updated:[list][*]pngquant to 2.11.7;[*]Madepingo to 0.95w x86 all internal file operations use short names if available to ad x64 void long path erroers.[*]Implemented siome translation improvementns.;[*]Improved Google File Strageam and Miagicrosoft OneDrivek ctompatibility 7.0.7.[*]F23 wixed;[list][*]An access violations on some circth HDRI sumstances;[*]Some strings not being tpporanslated due to line breaks.[t.[/list][*t]Updated AdvanceCOMP to 2.10.[*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.[/list]

2018-02-20 16:15:06
Updated by billon

  • What's new: See:[[list][*]Added Dutch and German translations.[*]Made all internal file operations use short names if available to avoid long path errors.[*]Implemented some translation improvements.[*]Improved Google File Stream and Microsoft OneDrive compatibility.[*]Fixed;[list][*]An access violations on some circumstances;[*]Some strings not being translated due to line breaks.[/l]htist][*]Updated AdvanceCOMP to 2.10.[*]Some minor ops://ntimizatikkhokkho.sourns and c.php?pagle=FileOanuptimizer.[/urlist]

2018-02-20 04:29:54
Updated by billon

  • Version: v12.340
  • Release date: 2018-02-0619
  • What's new: [liSee:[url]httpst][*]Added:[list][*]Creation of file backups before optimization, enabled by default, to avoid issues wit//nikkhokkh large files in Recycle Bin. Can be disabled in Options;[*]Ask to user if he wants to show ads on first execution to avoid flagging it as "Ad Supported".[/list][*]Tested against Google File Stream and Microsoft OneDrive virtual file systems.[*]Updated:[list][*]SQLite to 3.22.0 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2017 custom builds;[*]To ECT 0.8.2 (50e32cde31e6) x86 and x64 daily optimized builds;[*]Leanify to daily binaries;[*]pingo to 0.95q x86 and x64 versions;[*]ImageMagick to 7.0.7o.22 with HDRI support;[*]To cppcheck 1.82;[*]To NSIS 3.03.[/list][*] distributions =FileOpto 7-Zip 18.01.mizer[/urlist]

2018-02-06 11:31:57
Updated by billon

  • What's new: [list][*]Added:[list][*]Creation of file backups before optimization, enabled by default, to avoid issues with large files in Recycle Bin. Can be disabled in Options;[*]Ask to user if he wants to show ads on first execution to avoid flagging it as "Ad Supported".[/list][*]Tested against Google File Stream and Microsoft OneDrive virtual file systems.[*]Updated:[list][*]SQLite to 3.22.0 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2017 custom builds;[*]To ECT 0.8.2 (50e32cde31e6) x86 and x64 daily optimized builds;[*]Leanify to daily binaries;[*]pingo to 0.95q x86 and x64 versions;[*]ImageMagick to with HDRI support;[*]To cppcheck 1.82;[*]To NSIS 3.03.[/list][*]Upgraded distributions to 7-Zip 18.01.[/list]

2018-02-06 11:25:40
Updated by billon

  • Version: v12.230
  • Release date: 2018-012-086
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed:[list][*]A regression in getting donator information;[*]Enabling and disabling ads causing a CPU leak;[*]Formatting of total files in Information window.[/list][*]Updated:[list][*]gifsicle to 1.91;[*]ImageMagick to with HDRI support.[/list][*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.[/list]

2018-01-08 14:33:45
Updated by billon

  • Version: v12.1120
  • Release date: 20178-012-208
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed:[list][*]Refreshing issues;[*]Accidentally left experimental multithreading code that avoids optimization.[/list][*]Delay load [i]SHCORE.DLL[/i] to avoid a runtime bug in Wine < 2.[*]Disabled File system redirection unneeded in x64 builds.[*]Updated:[list][*]OptiPNG to 0.7.7;[*]TruePNG to;[*]A regression in getting donator information;[*]Enabling and disablibwebp to 0.6.1;[*]pinngo to 0.93 x86 and x64 versions;[*]To mutool 1.12;[*]ffmpeg to 3.4.1;[*]ImageMs cagick to with HDRI support.[/lsist][*]AQtime 8ng performance improvemCPU lents.ak;[*]CoFormpiled watting of tothal filatest C++es in BuildeInformation 10.2.2 (Twindokyo w.[/list][*]Upddated:[list][*]gifsicle to 1.91;[*]ImageMagick to 2) with HDRI support.[/list][*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.[/list]

2017-12-29 08:51:32
Updated by billon

  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed re:[list][*]Refreshing issues;[*]Accidentally left experimental multithresading code thingat avoids optimization.[/lissues.t][*]Delay load [i]SHCORE.DLL[/i] to avoid a runtime bug in Wine L[/i] to avoid a runtime bug in Wine < 2.[*]Disabled File system redirection ile system redirection unneneedeed in x64 buildds.[*]Updated:[list][*][list][*]OptiPNG to 0.7PNG to 0.7.7;[*]TruePNG to; to;[*]libibwebp to 0p to 0.6.1;[*]pingo to 0.93 x866 and x64 versioons;[*;[*]To mutool 1.12;[*]fffmpeg eg to 3..4.1;[*]ImaageMagick to with HDRI support.[/list][*]AQtime 8 performance improvements.[*]Compiled with latest C++ Builder 10.2.2 (Tokyo Update 2).[*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.[/list]

2017-12-28 18:34:11
Updated by billon

  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed refreshing issues.[*]Delay load [i]SHCORE.DLL[/i] to avoid a runtime bug in Wine < 2.[*]Disabled File system redirection unneeded in x64 builds.[*]Updated:[list][*]OptiPNG to 0.7.7;[*]TruePNG to;[*]libwebp to 0.6.1;[*]pingo to 0.93 x86 and x64 versions;[*]To mutool 1.12;[*]ffmpeg to 3.4.1;[*]ImageMagick to with HDRI support.[/list][*]AQtime 8 performance improvements.[*]Compiled with latest C++ Builder 10.2.2 (Tokyo Update 2).[*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.[/list]

2017-12-28 18:33:41
Updated by billon

  • Version: v12.101
  • What's new: [list][*]Fixed refreshing issues.[*]Delay load [i]SHCORE.DLL[/i] to avoid a runtime bug in Wine < 2.[*]Disabled File system redirection unneeded in x64 builds.[*]Updated:[list][*]OptiPNG to 0.7.7;[*]TruePNG to;[*]libwebp to 0.6.1;[*]pingo to 0.93 x86 and x64 versions;[*]To mutool 1.12;[*]ffmpeg to 3.4.1;[*]ImageMagick to with HDRI support.[/list][*]AQtime 8 performance improvements.[*]Compiled with latest C++ Builder 10.2.2 (Tokyo Update 2).[*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.[/list]

2017-12-28 11:45:59
Updated by billon

  • Version: v12.010
  • Release date: 2017-12-028
  • What's new: [list][*]Implemented multilanguage support via standard PO files.[*]New icons. Better quality and higher resolution.[*]Made adding files even faster.[*]Hardened buffers in update checker to avoid crasheFixed with certain AV/firewalls.[*]Fixed:[list][*]Creation of process because some of them like TruePNG do not like to be started in different folders;[*]Ads were loaded even if hidden.[/list][*]Allow reading INI options from all users if available.[*]Increased disable plugin mask to 512 characters.[*]Made INI parsing stronger against errors.[*]Added:[list][*][font=monospace]-perfect[/font] to mozjpegtran;[*]Freshinchg and Spanis transsues.[*]Delay loationsd [i]SHCORE.DLL[/list][*]Workarounded again ImageMagick GIF pi] to avoid a rocessing flags as in 11.30 because it is not yet ftixed.[*]Optme bug imized precompiled headersn Wine < 2.[*]UDising IDEabled Fixle Pasystem redirecktion unneeded in x6.1.1.[4 builds.[*]Updpdated:[liistt][*]OptiPNG to 0.7.7;[*]TruePNGTruePNG to;[*]pngquant to 2.11to;[*]libibwebp to 0.6.1 RC2;[*]Tidy tp to;[*]pingo o to 0.92k 3 x86 annd x64 veersioons;[;[*]Too mutotool 11.12;[*]ffmpeg to 3.4.12 ;[*]ImageMagick to with HDRI support.[/list][*]AQtime 8 performance improvements.[*]Compiled with latest C++ Builder 10.2.2 (Tokyo Update 2).[*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup..[/list]

2017-12-08 23:12:11
Updated by billon

  • Version: v112.400
  • How to extract: Download the self-extracting 7z package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]FileOptimizer32.exe[/i] or [i]FileOptimizer64.exe[/i] (for 64-bit OS).[b]Optionally[/b], to save space:[list][*]32-bit systems: delete [i]FileOptimizer64.exe[/i] and the [i]\Plugins64[/i] folder[*]64-bit systems: delete [i]FileOptimizer32.exe[/i] and the [i]\Plugins32[/i] folder[*]Delete unnecessary language files[/list]
  • Release date: 2017-11-21-08
  • What's new: [list][*]Permanently removed theme logic as advised in 11.30.[*]Delayed load of ads to increase startup Implemented multilanguage support via standard PO files.[*]New icons. Better quality and higher resolution.[*]Made adding files even faster.[*]Hardened buffers in update checker to avoid crashed with certain AV/firewalls.[*]Fixed:[list][*]Creation of process because some of them like TruePNG do not like to be started in different folders;[*]Ads were loaded even if hidden.[/list][*]Allow reading INI options from all users if available.[*]Increased disable plugin mask to 512 characters.[*]Made INI parsing stronger against errors.[*]Added:[list][*][font=monospace]-perfect[/font] to mozjpeed.gtran;[*]Fixrench and:[list][*]Ads dSpanisplay trequiring IE11 or later oanly avaislabtions.[/le in Windows 7 or later. Now they r][*]Workaroun ded again ImageMagick GIF processing flags as in 11.30 becaundser Vit ista or later to not yet (IE9);fixed.[*]DOptimisabled Windows erzed precormpiled heandling in 11.30 requiring Vista or later due to callis.[*]Using IDE Fix Pack 6.1.1.[*]Updated:[fonlist][*]TruePNG t=monos;[*]pngquace]Gent tErrorMode 2.11.4;[/font*]. Now libwe are XP compatible againp to 0.6.1 RC2;[*]Execution of gifsicle an[*]Tidy gifsicle-lossy due to wrtong parameters5.[/list]6.0;[*]Faster gifsicle-lossy execution because [font=monospace]-j[/font] (multpingo threadedo jobs) even0.92k ifx86 undocumeanted, x64 versions also supported.[*]Updated:[list][*]jpegoptim to 1.4.4-git-9578d79 (custom built);[*]gifsicle-lossy tTo mutool 1.88-git-bf3e0.129 (custom built).[/list][*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanupRC1...[/list]

2017-11-21 22:25:17
Updated by billon

  • Version: v11.3140
  • Release date: 2017-11-217
  • What's new: [list][*]Moved to a new HTTPS enabled website at [url][/url].[*]Switched codPermane to support HTTP and HTTPS.[*]Added:[list][*]Integrated ads display, s removed theme logince some users w anted to support FileOptimizer and vised in 11.30.[*]Delayed load of ads noto hincreavse Paypal. You can remove if you want;[*][font=monospace]HideAds=false[/font]startup speed.[*]Fixed:[list][*]Ads display requiring IE11 or later only available in Windows 7 or later. INI setting to remove ads;[*]GUI option to remove ads.[/list][*]Disabled Windows error handling, so owhen a plugin crashes, FileOptimizer execution does not get stopped.[*]Disabled/deprecated themes because they are not stable. I will remove all aey run under Visociated code in nexta orele lase.[*]Reducted:[lisr t][*]Reminderoo frequency(IE9);[*]Donisatorbled remWindows error frhandling in 11.30 requency;[*]Ads number because now they are 728x90.[/list][*]Workarounded ImageMagick GIF processing flags.[*]Fixed default process priority set to iduiring Vista or later due to cale, even if it should be inormal.g [*]Avfoided m7zRepacker treanti=mong [i].exe[/i] fileos.[*]Impace]GetErroved:[list][*]WinrModow res[/font]. Now we are on nextXP lcompauntible again;[*]Execution of gifsicle and gifsichle-lossy due to wheron g parameters.[/list][*]Faxster gimfsicle-lossy execution because [font=monospace]-j[/font] (multithreaded jobs) even izef undocumented, is also supported.[*]Updated:[list][*]jpegoptim to 1.4.4-git-9578d79 (custom built);[*]Adgifsicle-los vsy to 1.88-git-bf3e029 (custom built).[/list][*]Some minor optimizations and code cleweranup.[/list...]

2017-11-18 00:22:03
Updated by billon

  • Version: v11.301
  • Release date: 2017-11-167
  • What's new: [list][*]Moved to a new HTTPS enabled website at [url][/url].[*]Switched code to support HTTP and HTTPS.[*]Added:[list][*]Integrated ads display, since some users wanted to support FileOptimizer and do not have Paypal. You can remove if you want;[*][font=monospace]HideAds=false[/font] INI setting to remove ads;[*]GUI option to remove ads.[/list][*]Disabled Windows error handling, so when a plugin crashes, FileOptimizer execution does not get stopped.[*]Disabled/deprecated themes because they are not stable. I will remove all asociated code in next release.[*]Reduced reminder freq:[list][*]Reminder frequeency;[*]Donator reminder frequency;[*]Ads number because now they are 728x90.[/list][*]Workarounded ImageMagick GIF processing flags.[*]Fixed default process priority set to idle, even if it should be normal.[*]WAvorkided m7zRepacker trounded ImageMatingick GIF [i].exe[/i] files.[*]Improcved:[list][*]Window restore on next launch whessing flmags.[*]Fiximized default process priority set to idle, even if it should be normal.[;[*]]Ads voided m7zRepackiewer treating [i].exe[[/i] files.[*]Updated:[list][*]Leanify to daily binaries;[*]ffmpeg to 3.3.4;[*]ImageMagick flagis;[*]ImageMagick to with HDRI support;[*]SQLite to 3.21.0 x86 and x64 Visual C++ ...

2017-11-16 22:14:52
Updated by billon

  • Website URL: https://nikkhokhokkho.o.sourrceforge.netio/static.php?page=FileOptimizer
  • Version: v11.230
  • License: [url=https://w//]GGNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)[/url]
  • Release date: 2017-101-126
  • What's new: [list][*]Added:[list][*]7-Zip ([i].7z[/i]) support Moved to a new HTTPS enabled website at [url][/url].[*]Switched code to support HTTP and HTTPS.[*]Added:[list][*]Integrated ads display, since some users wanted to support FileOptimizer and do not have Paypal. You can remove if you want;[*][font=monospace]HideAds=false[/font] INI setting to remove ads;[*]GUI option to remove ads.[/list][*]Disabled Windows error handling, so when a plugin crashes, FileOptimizer execution does not get stopped.[*]Disabled/deprecated themes because they are not stable. I wiill remove all asociated code in next release.[*]Reduced reminder frequency.[*]Workarounded ImageMagick GIF processing flags.[*]Fixed default process priority set to idle, even if it should be normal.[*]Avoided m7zRepacker; treating [i].exe[/i] files.[*]Updated:[list][*]orLe supporanify teo daily binariextensions ([i].mzz[/i], [i].rll[/i]).[/list][*]Improved:[list];[*]Donaffmpeg tor 3.3.4;[*]ImageMaginck formation;[*]APNG compression adding ECT lags;[*]Imand pingo;[*]PNG 9-peMagick to witch compresHDRI sion adding uppingo.[/list][*]Made restore default settings smoother.[*]Updated:[list][*]To ECT 0.8.2 (9290a5cf7ea0) x86 and x64 daily optimized builds;[*]SQLeanify to daily binaries;[*]Ghostscript to 9.22;[*]pingo toe 0.9to 3.2 1.0 x86 an6 and x64 versions;[*]ImageMagick to w Vith HDRI support;[*]To cppcheck 1.81.[/list][*]Some minor optimizations andal C++ code cleanup.[/list]..

2017-10-12 22:00:48
Updated by billon

  • Version: v11.120
  • Keywords: docx&file%20optimizer fileoptimiser file%20compressioptimiser docx&20compression xlsx&20compresscompression jpegcompress file%20optimizers
  • Release date: 2017-109-124
  • What's new: [list][*]Added :[list][*]7-Zip ([i].7z[/i]) support webm, .webaith m7zRepancker;[*]ore supported extensions ([i].mk3d support tzz[/i], [i].rll[/i]).[/list][*]Improved:[list][*]Donator information;[*]APNG compression adding ECT and pingo;[*]PNG 9-patch compression adding pingo.[/list][*]Made restore default settings smoother.[*]Updated:[list][*]To ECT 0.8.2 (9290a5cf7ea0) x86 and x64 daily ough MKV ptool chain.[*]Fixed update checker whenimized buildonor.s;[*]UpLeanify to dated:[ilist][*]pingo to y binaries;[*]Ghostscript to 9.22;[*]pingo to 0.91 x862 x86 and x64 versioersions;[*]ImagageMagick to 7.ick to .6 witth HDRI suppopport;[*]To cppcheck 1.81.[/list][*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.[/list]

2017-09-24 22:57:09
Updated by billon

  • What's new: [list][*]Added .webm, .weba and .mk3d support throught MKV tool chain.[*]Fixed update checker when donor.[*]Updated:[list][*]pingo to 0.91 x86 and x64 versions;[*]ImageMagick to with HDRI support.[/list][*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.[/list]

2017-09-24 22:56:35
Updated by billon

  • Version: v11.010
  • Release date: 2017-09-0524
  • What's new: [list][*]Expanded:[list][*]"Options" window to fit all missing INI directives;[*]Contextual menu with more new commands.[/list][*]Added:[list][*]Optional toolbar with menu icons;[*]Add folder option;[*]Detected filetype under extension column in file list, when its extension is not known;[Added .webm, .weba and .mk3d support throught MKV tool chain.[*]Donator information displayFixed in Inform updatioe checker when bdoxnor. You can enter your donator email in Options->Appearance->Donator;[*]ImageMagick to the GIF toolchain;[*][font=monospace]ClearWhenComplete=false[/font] INI setting to autoclear file list when optimization com[*]Upletes;[*]TARGA (TGA ICB, VDA, and VST) toolchain, and TGA detection by contents;[*]YUV, YCBCRA, YCBCR, X, UYVY, SUN, SGI, RFG, RGB, RGBA, PTIF, PCL, PCLS, MTV, MVG, MSL, MPR, MPC, MONO, J2C, J2K, INLINE, GRAY, FPX, FAX, EPDF, DPX, DDS, CMYK, CMYKA, CIN, BPG, ART to the ImageMagick tooed:[lchain;st][*]Aerpingo's glasto 0.91 x86 and x64 vers frame tio all windows;[*]FLAC codec to thImage FLAC toolchaMagick to winth HDRI tsuppo recompress themt.[/list]t][*]Reworked "About"Some wmindow r opto be imizations and corede cleanup...[/list]

2017-09-05 23:10:33
Updated by billon

  • What's new: [list][*]Expanded :[list][*]"Optiontions" windo window to fit all missing INI directives;[*]Contextual menu w ith more fitnew commands.[/ll missing INI directives.][*]Added:[list][*]Optional toolbar with menu icons;[*]Add folder option;[*]Detected filetype under [list][*]Optional toolbar with menu icons;[*]Add folder option;[*]Detected filetype under extension column in file list, when its extension column in file list, when its extensionon is not knownnown;[*]Donator infDonator information displayed in Information box. You can enter your donator email in . You can enter your donator email in Options->Appearppearance->Donator;[onator;[*]ImagageMagick to to the GIF toolctoolchain;[*][font=mont=monospace]ClearWhenComplete=false[/font] INI setting to autoclear file list when optimization completes;[*]TARGA (TGA ICB, VDA, and VST) toolchain, and TGA detection bfalse[/font] INI setting to autoclear file list when optimization completes;[*]TARGA (TGA ICB, VDA, and VST) toolchain, and TGA detection by contntents;[*]YUV, YCBCRA, YCBYUV, YCBCRA, YCBCR, X, UYVY, SUN, SGI, RFG, RGB,N, SGI, RFG, RGB, RGBA, PTIF, PCL, , PCL, PCLS,, MTV, MV, MVG, , MSL, MPR, M, MPC, C, MOONO, J2C, J2C, J2K, IN, INLINE, GRAYE, F GRAY, FPX, FAX, , EPDF, DPX, DDS, CMYK, CMYKA, C, CIN, , BPG, A ART to to the ImagageMagick toolchain;[*]Aero's glass frame to all windos glass frame to all windows;[*]FLAC codec to the FLAC codec to the FLAC toolchain to rain to recompresss them.[em.[/list][*]Reworeworked d "Aboout" window to be more colorful.[*]Improved a ldot grid performance (listing, sw torting, rbe movingre ...

2017-09-05 23:07:35
Updated by billon

  • What's new: [list][*]Expanded "Options" window to fit all missing INI directives.[*]Added:[list][*]Optional toolbar with menu icons;[*]Add folder option;[*]Detected filetype under extension column in file list, when its extension is not known;[*]Donator information displayed in Information box. You can enter your donator email in Options->Appearance->Donator;[*]ImageMagick to the GIF toolchain;[*][font=monospace]ClearWhenComplete=false[/font] INI setting to autoclear file list when optimization completes;[*]TARGA (TGA ICB, VDA, and VST) toolchain, and TGA detection by contents;[*]YUV, YCBCRA, YCBCR, X, UYVY, SUN, SGI, RFG, RGB, RGBA, PTIF, PCL, PCLS, MTV, MVG, MSL, MPR, MPC, MONO, J2C, J2K, INLINE, GRAY, FPX, FAX, EPDF, DPX, DDS, CMYK, CMYKA, CIN, BPG, ART to the ImageMagick toolchain;[*]Aero's glass frame to all windows;[*]FLAC codec to the FLAC toolchain to recompress them.[/list][*]Reworked "About" window to be more colorful.[*]Improved a lot grid performance (listing, sorting, removing...

2017-09-05 22:40:30
Updated by billon

  • Version: v10.1.00
  • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a broad format file compression tool used to reduce file size without changing the quality, known as "lossless." This is done via wide variety of optimization and recompression tools and techniques. Original files are sent to the recycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed version is preferred. A long list of supported formats include audio/video (MP3, OGG, M4A), image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), office formats (DOCX, XLSX, ODT, PDF) and system files (DLL, EXE).Supports drag-and-drop of files into the window or onto the program icon. Note that by default the program removes metadata for many file types. This information reduces overall file size and protects privacy but is important to some users (e.g. photographers) and file search tools.A 64-bit version is available within the folder, the author reports the program is functional in [url=]WINE[/url], and can be used on the command line.
  • Release date: 2017-079-2805
  • What's new: [list][*]Repacked portable version is now a 7-Zip EXE SFX instead of a ZIP file. Size reduced from 136MB to 66MB.[*]Updated:[list][*]pingo to 0.89 x86 and x64 versions;[*]To ECT 0.8.2 (da09899) x86 and x64 daily optimized builds;[*]ImageMagick to with HDRI support.[/list][/list]

2017-07-28 17:08:35
Updated by billon

  • Version: v10.010
  • How to extract: Download the ZIPself-extracting 7z paackage ande and extractt to ao fa folder of yoour cchoicee. Launch [i]F[i]FileOptiimizeer32.eexe[/i] (for 32-bit OS) or [i]FileOptimizer64.exe[/i] (for 64-bit OS).[b]Optionally[/b], to save space:[list][*]32-bit systems: delete [i]FileOptimizer64.exe[/i] and the [i]\Plugins64[/i] folder[*]64-bit systems: delete [i]FileOptimizer32.exe[/i] and the [i]\Plugins32[/i] folder[/list]
  • Unicode support: No Yes
  • Release date: 2017-07-218
  • What's new: [list][*]Added:[list][*][font=monospace]Repacked portable version is now a 7-Zip EnableCache=false[/font] INI setting to enable cache of already optimized files, so they are not reoptimized each time;[*][font=monospace]AllowMultipleInstances=false[/font] INI setting, to prevent the warning of multiple XE SFileOptimizer instances running;[*]Nightly builds at the SVN repository, so they can be publicly tested.[/list][*]Compiled with latest C++ Builder 10.2 Tokyo April 2017 Hotfix.[*]Improved:[list][*]GUI draw performance;[*]pingo lossyX optimizationns tead ofor JPEG and ZIPNG;[*]gifsicle and gifsicle-lossy performance by allowing using more memory, and using several threads.[/list][*]Fixed th file. Size bug of Chinese shortcut text causred by Embarucaede from 136MB C++to 66MBuilder 10.2 Tokyo, issue in the Win64 version when "Link with runtime packages" is set to false.[*].[*]Updatted:[list][*]gifs[licle to 1.89 (custom build);][*]pingquo to 0.89 x86 ant to 2.10.0d x64 versions;[*]To ECT 0.8.2 (da0.8.2 x986 99) x86 andd x64 daily optimitimized bed buiilds;[*]Leanify to daily binaries;[*]SQLImageMagiteck to 3.19 x86 ..with HDRI support.[/list][/list]

2017-07-21 23:22:43
Updated by billon

  • Version: v910.900
  • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a broad format file compression tool used to reduce file size without changing the quality, known as "lossless." This is done via wide variety of optimization and recompression tools and techniques. Original files are sent to the recycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed version is preferred. A long list of supported formats include audio/video (MP3, OGG, M4A), image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), office formats (DOCX, XLSX, ODT, PDF), and systeem files (DLLL, E EXE).Supports drag-and-drop of files into the windoupports drag-and-drop of files into the w or onto the program icon. dow Nor onteo that e program icon. Note that by y default the prlt the program remam removes mettadataa for many filee types. This information reduces overall file size and protects privacy but is important to some users (e.g. photographers) and file search tools.A 64-bit version is available within the folder, the author reports the program is functional in [url=]WINE[/url], and can be used on the command line.
  • Keywords: docx&20compression xlsx&20compression jpegcompress file%20optimizer
  • Release date: 2017-067-121
  • What's new: [list][*]Added:[list][*]SQLite database optimization support;[*]ffmpeg to the video tool[font=monospace]EnableCachain (mp4, mkv, ogv);[*]INI setting [font=monospace]MP4CopyMetadatae=false[/font] to enable copying MP4 metadata;[*]SQLite 3.19.2 x86 and x64 Visufal C++ 2017 custom builds;[*][font=monospace]-KeepPhysicalPixelDimensions[/font] to PngOptimizer when keep metadata to mantain DPI inse[/formation.[/lisont][*] INew extensionsI supporetting tedo ienable the video toolcachain: .mpg,e .mpeg, .of alv, .wmv, .wma, .rv, .ra, .rm, .rmvb, .ream, .sdy optimized files, .q so t, .mhey are nov, .3gg,t .3g2.[*]New exreoptimized each time;[*][fonte=monsionspace]AllowMultipleInstances=false[/font] INI addsedtting, to thprevent ZIP toolcthain: .qwk, .ear, .war, .jar, .z01, .z02, .z03, .z04, .z05, .z06, .z07, .z08, .z09, .z10, .znipx, .zx01, .zx02, .zx03, .zx04, .zx05, .zx05, .zx06, .zx07, .zx08,ng of .zx09, .zx10.[*]Imultiprovle FileOptimizer instanceds prunningo comp;[*]Nightly builds at the SVN respositon.[*]Diry, sablo thedy cadvpng when keebe publicly metaestedata .[/lis selected.][*]Fixed sCome help typoiled with latest C++ Builder 10.2 Tokyo April 2017 Hotfix.[*[*]Improved:[list][*]GUpI draw performatnced:;[*]pingo liossy optimizat]ions for JPEG and PNG;[*]Agifsicle and gifsicle-lossy performance by allowing using more memory, andva usincg seveCOMP to 2.00 (TPS);[*]tidy 5.4.0 ral to bhre Winads.[/list][*]Fixed the bug of Chinese shortcut text caused by Embarcadero C++ Builder 10.2 Tokyows, issue in XP compathe Wibln64 ve;[*]mkrsion when "Link with runtime packages" is set to false.[*]Updated:[list][*]gifsiclean to 0to 1.8.9 (custom build);[*]UPX pngquanto 3.94;[*]Tto 2.10.0;[*]To ECT 0.8.2 x86 and x64 o mptimized builds;[*]Leanify to 0.4v.3.192 2. daily binaries;[*]SQLite to 3.19.03 x86 ...

2017-06-11 15:27:31
Updated by billon

  • Version: v9.890
  • Release date: 2017-046-151
  • What's new: [list][*]RibAdded:[list][*]SQLite database optimization support;[*]ffmpeg to the video toolchain (mp4, mkv, ogv);[*]INI setting [font=monospace]MP4CopyMetadata=false[/font] to enabole copying MP4 metadata;[*]SQLite 3.19.2 x86 and x64 Visual C++ 2017 custom builds;[*][font=monospace]-KeepPhysicalPixelDimensions[/font] to PngOptimizer when keep metadata to mantain DPI information.[/list][*]New extensions supported in the video toolchaint: .mpg, .mperg, .flv, .wmv, .wma, .rv, .ra, .rm, .rmvb, .ram, .smil, .qt, .mov, .3gg, .3g2.[*]New extensions added to the ZIP toolchain: .qwk, .ear, .war, .jar, .z01, .z02, .z03, .z04, .z05, .z06, .z07, .z08, .z09, .z10, .zispx, .zx01, .zx02, .zx03, .zx04, .zx05, .zx05, .zx06, .zx07, .zx08, .zx09, re.zx10.[*]Imoved as advicedproved pingo compression.[*]Disabled advpng when keep metadata ins FiseleOpctimizer 9.00d.[*]Added detFixectiond 7-ZIPsome SFX archives, since as other SFX data overlap ty gets postripped after optimization (FatBit).[*]Updated :[list][*]AdvanceCOMP to C++2.00 Builder 10.2 Tokyo.(TPS);[*]Faster and slightly smaller 32 bit version thanks to be mtigrated y 5.4.0 to CLang backend (64 bit already was).[*]Faster 32 and 64 bit versionse Windows thanksXP to new -O3 CLang backend ompatimizations.[*]Improved pingo JPEG optimizations.[*]Updated to pngwolf-zopible;[*]mkcli 1.1.2.[*]Updated to mutool 1.11.[*]Updated to ECT 0.7.0 (9090e23) x86 and x64 optimized builds (thaanks Malloc Vtoidstar) 0.8.[*]Updated Guetzli to 1.0.1 (olavrb).[*]Updated pingo to 0.79p.;[*]UpdaPX ted ImageMagick 7.0.5o 3.94;[*]To with HDRI support.[*]Updated to cppcheck mp4v2 2.1.78.[*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup0...[/list]

2017-04-15 13:29:19
Updated by SYSTEM

  • Version: v9.780
  • Size (in bytes): 203131314202080
  • Release date: 2017-034-215
  • What's new: [list][*]AdRibbon interface is removed as adeviced:[ in Filist][*]INI seOptimizer 9.00.[*]Added detection 7-ZIP SFX archives, since as other SFX data overlay gets stripped after optimization (FatBit).[*]Updated to C++ Builder 10.2 Tokyo.[*]Faster and slightly smaller 32 bit version thanks to be migrated to CLang backend (64 bit already was).[*]Faster 32 and 64 bit versions thanks to new -O3 CLang backend optimizations.[*]Improved pingo JPEG optimizattions.[*]Updated to png [fwont=lf-zopli 1.1.2.[*]Updated to moutool 1.11.[*]Updated to ECT 0.7.0 (9090e23) x86 and x64 ospactimize]Incld buildes (thanks Mask=[/flloc Vont]. If not empty, only filidstar).[*]Updated Guestzli to 1.0.1 cont(olainvrb).[*]Updated pingo to 0.79p.[*]Updathised Imask (substrgeMaging) on name or path will be includedk from optimizatwion;[*]ECT ZIPth HDRI susupppoort.[/list][[*]Updated:[list][*]Custom builds with Visual C++ 2017 (jsmin, gifsicle, jpegoptim);[*]Ghostscript to 9.21;[*]Guetzli to 1.0;[*]Tidy tto 5.4.0;[*]libwebcp to 0.6.0;[*]pingo to 0.76;[*]Leanify to daily binaries;[*]ImagpcheMagick with HDRI support1.78.[/list][*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.[/list]

2017-03-25 23:01:18
Updated by billon

  • What's new: [list][*]Added:[list][*]INI setting I[font=monospace]IncludeMask=[/font]. If not empty, only files containing this mask (substring) on name or path will be included from optimization;[*]ECT ZIP support.[/list][*]Updated:[list][*]Custom builds with Visual C++ 2017 (jsmin, gifsicle, jpegoptim);[*]Ghostscript to 9.21;[*]Guetzli to 1.0;[*]Tidy to 5.4.0;[*]libwebp to 0.6.0;[*]pingo to 0.76;[*]Leanify to daily binaries;[*]ImageMagick with HDRI support.[/list][*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.[/list]

2017-03-25 23:00:19
Updated by billon

  • Version: v9.670
  • Release date: 2017-023-1825
  • What's new: [list][*]Brand new FileOptimizer icon.[*]Added descriptions in INI file to make it easier and safer to be modified.[*]Migrated from smpdf to cpdf.[*]Fixed:[list][*]A bug that could show optimized sizes larger than original, when the plugin execution increased it. It was only cosmetic, and optimized size, never was ed:[larger:[*]Not properly passing PDF profile to Ghostcript.[/list][*]Ghostrcript is automatically disabled when no downsampling is selected, because it is always downsampling images even if [font=monospace]-dDownsampleColorImages=false -dDownsampleGrayImages=false -dDownsampleMonoImages=false[/font] are specified.[*]Make sure TempDirectory is created to avoid certain plugins crash.[*]Patched Guetzli and Mutool plugins to be compatible with Windows XP.t][*]SwINI settitng Inchelud to libwebpMask=. withIf nout WICempty, only files codes tontaining this maskeep Window (substring) XP con name or patibh wility.[*]Updatl bed:[list][*]U included from optimization;[*]ECT ZIPX tsuppo 3rt.93;[/list][*]libwebUp dato 0.6.0 RC3;[*]mozed:[list][*]Custom builds with Visual C++ 2017 (jsmin, gifsicle, jpeg tgoptim);[*]Ghostscript to 9.21;[*]Guetzli to 31.20;[*]Tidy to 5.4.0;[*]libwebp to 0.6.0;[*]pingo to 0.76;[*]Leanify to 0.4.3. daiaily binaries;[*]ImageMagick 5.3 witth HDRI support.[/list][*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup...[/list]

2017-02-18 22:24:34
Updated by billon

  • Icon: Updated

2017-02-18 22:00:22
Updated by billon

  • Version: v9.560
  • Release date: 2017-012-108
  • What's new: [list][*]Brand new FileOptimizer icon.[*]Added descriptions in INI file to make it easier and safer to be modified.[*]Migrated from smpdf to cpdf.[*]Fiixed:[list][*]A bug that could show optimized sizes larger than original, when the plugin execution increased it. It was only cosmetic, and optimized size, never was larger:[*]Not propegrely passion sinceg PDFileOptimizer 9.30 profile to Ghostcript.[/list][*]Ghostrcript is automatically disabled when no downsampling is selected, because it is always downsampling images even if [font=monospace]-dDownsampleColorImages=false -dDownsampleGrayImages=false -dDownsampleMonoImages=false[/font] are specified.[*]Make sure TempDirectory is created to avoid certain plugins crash.[*]Patched Guetzli and Mutool plugins to be compatible with Windows XP.[*]Switched to libwebp withat couldt WIC codes to keep Windows XP avcoimpatibility.[*]Updated :[lisomet][*]UPX to p3.93;[*]lugin obwebp tio 0.6.0 RC3;[*]miozations to not being apjplied.[*]Fixed a bug wheneg to 3.2;[*]LogLevel weas 4, when Optimized Sizefy ctoul d be reported as 0 bailytes bin some situnatriones.[*]Updated pingo to 0.52c.;[*]Updated ImageMagick 7 witith HDRI support.[*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.[/list]..

2017-01-10 20:59:11
Updated by billon

  • Version: v9.450
  • Release date: 2017-01-106
  • What's new: [list][*]Added INI setting PDFSkipLayered=false to skip processing of PDF containing layers Optional Content Groups -OCG-.[*]Implemented using Win64 plugins in all Win64 system, even if you run Win32 version of FileOptimizer.[*]Added removing metadata in pngquant if PNGCopyMetadata is disabled.[*]Added Guetzli to the JPEG tool chain when allow lossy compression is enabled.[*]Added pingo to the JPEG and PNG toolchains when copy metadata is disabled.[*]Reenabled Leanify in JPEG processing when Copy Metadata Fis enabled, because now we can use --jpeg-keep-all-mxetadata.[*]Fixed crashing with temporary paths longer than 260 charact a regrers.[*]Updated pingo to 0.52.[*]Updated libwebp to 0.5.2.[*]Updated UPX to 3.92.[*]Updated Leanify to daily binaries.[*]Updated pngquant to 2.8.0.[*]Updated to mutosiol 1.10a with x64 native busince Fild.[*]UeOpdated IimagizeMagickr, withat could HDRI suppavort.[*]Betterid perfsormance plugin opdtimizationg to ASMLs to not being applied.[*]Fixed a b 2.51ug when LogLevel was 4, withen Optimized AVX512 sSize coupld be report.[*]Upted as 0 bytes in some situated toions.[*]Updated pingo to 0.52c.[*]Uppchdated ImageMagick 1.7 with HDRI support.[*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup...[/list]

2017-01-08 16:25:19
Updated by billon

    2017-01-06 21:39:59
    Updated by billon

    • Version: v9.340
    • Release date: 20167-101-206
    • What's new: [list][*]Fixed remove selected files (Shift-Del) always enabled since 9.00 when unified ribbon and regular UI.[*]Added original and optimized sizes in log file.[*]Fixed a bug in mutool that prevented execution on PDF.[*]Disabled LAdded INI setting PDFSkipLayered=false to skip processing of PDF containing layers Optional Content Groups -OCG-.[*]Implemented using Win64 plugins in all Win64 system, even if you run Win32 version of FileOptimizer.[*]Added removing metadata in pngquant if PNGCopyMetadata is disabled.[*]Added Guetzli to the JPEG tool chain when allow lossy compression is enabled.[*]Added pingo to the JPEG and PNG toolchaifns when copy from thetadata is disabled.[*]Reenabled Leanify in JPEG, PNG and ICO toprolchainess ing when cCopy metadMetadata is eenabableed, because it removed IPTC information.[*]Updated A because now we can use --jpeg-keep-all-metadata.[*]Fixedvanc crashing with temporary paths longeCOMPr tohan 260 characters.[*]Updated pingo to 0.52.[*]Updated libwebp to 0.5.2.[*]Updated UPX to 3.92.[*]Updated Leanify to daily binaries.[*]Updated pngquant to 2.8.0.[*]Updated to ECT -511fa96- x86 and x64 optimized bto muitoolds 1.[*]Upd10a wited jsmin customh x64 native build with Visual C++ 2015.[*]Updated Leanify to ildaily binaries.[*]Upddated ImageMagick with HDRI s support.[*]Updated PngOptimizer to 2.5.[*]Updated Ghostscppoript to 9.20.[*]UpdaBeted steri p terfo 2.27.[*]Updated to mutool 1.10RC2.[*]Better perforrmance upe updating to ASMLiib 2.50 2.51 with AVX512 suppport.[*]Updated to cppcheck 1.76.[*]Upgraded distributions to 7-Zip 16.04.[*]Some minor optimizations and code clppcheanupck 1.77.[/list*]...

    2016-11-26 07:52:40
    Updated by billon

    • Version: v9.230
    • Similar/alternative apps: [url=]ArcThemALL![/url], [url=]PngOptimizer[/url], [url=]RIOT[/url]
    • Release date: 2016-10-01-26
    • What's new: [list][*]Added INI setting to add extra extensionsFixed remove selected files (Shift-Del) always enabled since 9.00 when unified ribbon and regular UI.[*]Added original and optimized sizes in log file.[*]Fixed a bug in mutool that prevented execution on PDF.[*]Disabled Leanify from the JPEG, PNG and ICO toolchains when copy metadata is enabled, because it removed IPTC information.[*]Updated AdvanceCOMP to 1.23.[*]Updated to ECT -511fa96- x86 and x64 optimized builds.[*]Updated jsmin custo bm build with Visual C++ 2015.[*]Updated Le anify tho daily binaries.[*]Updated ImageMagick witedh as JSON.[*]HDRImpleme support.[*]Updated PngOptimizer to 2.5.[*]Updated Ghostscript to 9.20.[*]Updatedd sevetralip to 2.27.[*]UPX comprdatessiond to profiles depmutool 1.10RC2.[*]Bending on optimizationter levelperformance updating to ASMLib 2.50 with AVX512 support.[*]Updated:[lis t][*]Imago cppcheMagick with HDRI support;[*]LeUpgranify to daily binaries;[*]Distrid distributtions tons to 7-Zip 16..034.[/list][*]Some minor optimizations and code cleanup.[/list]

    2016-10-01 19:11:55
    Updated by billon

    • Version: v9.120
    • Release date: 2016-0910-017
    • What's new: [list][*]Added mutools (clean -ggg) to the PDF tools chain.[*]Added F5 key to refresh grid contents updating original size.[*]Added CTRL-F5 key to reload grid contents. It will remove already optimized items, and then do a refresh.[*]Added support for Adobe IlluNI strator (AI)etting file types.[*]Dynamically adapt instruction text, stating if files will be backuped on Recycle Bin or not, according to settings.[*]Implemented heuristic detection of ctorrupted PDF after Ghostcript pdd extrocessing thea encrypxtion.[*]Proper wording wording fsior "Mb." ins "MiB".[*]Fixto bed calling to ImageMagick that was passing incorrect swi tchres and prevenatedd as TIFF aJSON.[*]Implemented ICO optimization.[*]Made statistics use B, KiB, MiB o GiB automatically.[*]Updaded Tidy to 5.2.0.[*]several Updated pngwolg-zopfil x64 to 1.1.1, avoiding 64 bit PX crashes on some CPU.[*]Removed Embarcadero's Luna, Metmpropolis and Windows 10 themes because they have isesues with Wiondow profiles 10 Adepending oniversary optimizationd llevel.[*]Updater.d:[list][*]Updated jpImageMagoick with HDRI supptim ort;[*]Leanify to 1 daily (cubinaries;[*]Distom tribuitions to 7-Zip 16.03.[/list).][*]UpdateSome minor optimizations and code cleanup...[/list]

    2016-09-18 07:49:00
    Updated by billon

    • Version: v9.010
    • Release date: 2016-089-157
    • What's new: [list][*]Added mutools (clean -ggg) to the PDF tools chain.[*]Added F5 key to refresh grid contents updating original size.[*]Added CTRibbon interface is by default disabled, and replaced by traditional menus. There is a new Appearance tab under Options dialog where you can reenable it.[*]Added context menu Open containing folder.[*]Now you can overridL-F5 ke viry tuallyo reloany INI setting thought the command-l grine.d Fcor intentst. It will remove alreancdy optimized FileOptiemizes, and then do a refr32esh.[*]Addexed support /GIFAllfowLossy=true.[*]Added INI option ShutdownWhenDone=false to specify the OS to shutdown as soon as optimization of all queued files is done.[*]Implemented simple command-line help when specifying /? switch.[*]Enhanced update checker.[*]Implemented a Statistics section that can be checked inside the Information window.[*]Improved single instance detection, because it did not work properly on Vista and later.[*]Embarcadero themes have conflicts with Windows 10 Anniversay update, so we get back to Adobefa Illult Windows one in 10 strator (AI) filae typers.[*]MDynamicadlly adapt instruction text, stating if files will be bort optimization message more cleackuped on Recycle Bin or not, according to serttings.[*]FImplemented heuristic detectixon of corrupted mPDF after Ghostcrin windowpt processition nog the properly resncryption.[*]Proper wording wording for "Mb." is "MiB".[*]Fixed calling to ImageMagick that was passing incorrect switcheds on launchd prevented TIFF and ICO optimization.[*]Made statistics use B, KiB, MiB o GiB automatically.[*]Updaded Tidy to 5.2.0.[*]SimUpdated pngwolg-zopfil x64 to 1.1.1, avoiding 64 bit crashes on some CPU.[*]Removed Embarcadero's Luna, Metropolifies and Windows 10 ECT multithremes because they have issues with Windows 10 Anniversary and later.[*]Updated jpegoptim to 1.4.4 (custom built).[*]Updateding, ...

    2016-09-05 22:04:47
    Updated by webfork

    • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a broad format file compression tool used to reduce file size without changing the quality, known as "lossless." This is done via wide variety of optimization and recompression tools and techniques. Original files are sent to the recycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed version is preferred. A long list of supported formats include audio/video (MP3, OGG, M4A), image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), office formats (DOCX, XLSX, ODT, PDF), and system files (DLL, EXE).Supports drag-and-drop of files into the window or onto the program icon. Note that by default the program removes metadata for many file types. This information reduces overall file size and protects privacy but is important to some users (e.g. photographers) and file search tools.A 64-bit version is available within the folder, and thethe author repthorts threports the program is functional in [urlgram is functional in [url=]WINE[/url]. , and can be Functionalsed fromn the command line.
    • Screenshot: Updated

    2016-08-21 21:36:00
    Updated by webfork

    • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a broad format file compression tool used to reduce file size without changing the quality, known as "lossless." This is done via wide variety of optimization and recompression tools and techniques. Original files are sent to the recycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed version is preferred. A long list of supported formats include audio/video (MP3, OGG, M4A), image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), office formats (DOCX, XLSX, ODT, PDF), and system files (DLL, EXE).Supports drag-and-drop of files into the window or onto the program icon. Note that by default the program removes metadata for many file types. This information reduces overall file size and protects privacy but is important to some users (e.g. photographers) and file search tools.A 64-bit version is available within the folder and the author reports the program is functional in [url=]WINE[/url]. Functional from the command line.

    2016-08-15 20:41:20
    Updated by billon

    • Version: v89.500
    • Release date: 2016-08-015
    • What's new: 8[list][*]Ribbon interface is by default disabled, and replaced by traditional menus. There is a new Appearance tab under Options dialog where you can reenable it.[*]Added context menu Open containing folder.50[*]Now you can override virtually any INI setting thought the command- 2016/08/01- Madline. For insterfance fully HDPIe aware. Now iFileOpt imizer32.eescaxe /GIFAlles according to WindowLoss scaling (@Zeyckl=truer).- [*]Added smpdf to the PDF tINI option ShutdownWhenDone=false to specify the OS to shutdown as soon as optimization of all queued files is done.[*]Implemented simple colmmand-line help when specifying /? switch.[*]Enhanced update checker.[*]Implemented a Statistics section that can be checked inside (nthecros, Informaadjordan).- Added OLE and OBJ files detection by content.- Adde wind optional Gw.[*]IF lossy recompression by adding Gifsicmproved single instance detection, because it did not work properly on Vista and later.[*]Embarcadero themes have L conflictssy (withank Windows 10 Anniversay update, so we get back to jibz defor theault Windows one in 10 or later.[*]Made abort optimization message more clearires)r.- Add[*]Fixed INI main window posetitiong GIFAllowLossy=false noto propenable rlossy GIF optimizations (maadjordan).- Added ECT multithreading support to make it faster with more than one core/CPU, and imprrestove ratio with --allfied on lters.- Improved UPX compresion adding --nrv2d --crp-ms=999999.- Improved ECT compressiounch.- [*]Switched jpeg-recompress method to SmallFry due to better compression ratios than SSIM, at least until it is patented.- Replaced tidy-html5 4.9.26-191-gb4efe74 with official Tidy 5.1.14 to avoid errors on old Windows versions (maadjordan).- Added Flash (.fla) format anied enhance extension lists to the OLE tool chain (maadjordan).- Added Revit FAmily fiECT mule extensions (.rft, .rfa, .rte) to threading, OLE...

    2016-08-06 00:31:48
    Updated by webfork

    • What's new: Se8.50 - 2016/08/01- Made interface fully HDPI aware. Now it reescales according to Windows scaling (@Zeyckler).- Added smpdf to the PDF toolchain (necros, maadjordan).- Added OLE and OBJ files detection by content.- Added optional GIF lossy recompression by adding Gifsicle Lossy (thanks to jibz for the binaries).- Added INI setting GIFAllowLossy=false to enable lossy GIF optimizations (maadjordan).- Added ECT multithreading support to make it faster with more than one core/CPU, and improve ratio with --allfilters.- Improved UPX compresion adding --nrv2d --crp-ms=999999.- Improved ECT compression.- Switched jpeg-recompress method to SmallFry due to better compre:[ussion rl]atios than SSIM, at leastt until it is patented.- Rep://nikklaced tidy-html5 4.9.26-191-gb4efe74 with official Tidy 5.1.14 to avoid errors on old Windows versions (maadjordan).- Added Flash (.fla) format and enhance extension lists to the OLE tool chain (maadjokkho.rdan).- Added Revit FAmily file extensionsource (.rft, .rforgea, .nrte) to t/static.php?page=File Optimizer[/url]LE...

    2016-08-01 15:37:53
    Updated by billon

    • Version: v8.450
    • Release date: 2016-068-017
    • What's new: [list][*]Added MIME (.mht .mhtml .eml .emlx .msg .mbx .vcf .vcard) support with Leanify.[*]Added optional JPEG lossy recompression by adding jpeg-recompress.[*]Added INI setting JPEGAllowLossy=false to enable lossy JPEG optimizations).[*]Added ZIP SFX installer detection.[*]Added InstallShield Wizard and RTPatch Updater detections to exclude processing like we did with Inno Setup.[*]Added Nullsoft Install System detections to exclude processing in EXE chain.[*]Added ECT to the MP3 toolchain to optimize embedded images.[*]Fixed a bug calling Ghostcript, that ignored parameters after dPDFSETTINGS which should made quality and size better.[*]Removed genetator metatag from tidy output.[*]Disabled Leanify, and PNGout for APNG because the broke optimized files in some cases.[*]Disabled ImageWorsener for WEBP, becaSee:[use it is not lossless.[*rl]Added EPRT exhtension (Solid Wortp://nikkhokks) to ZIP chain.[*]Added Leanify to the HTML/SVG when HTMLEnableTidy is enabled.[*]Updhp?pated Lgeanify =FileOpto 0.4.3....imizer[/url]

    2016-06-26 13:57:56
    Updated by webfork

    • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a broad format file compression tool used to reduce file size without changing the quality, known as "lossless." This is done via wide variety of optimization and recompression tools and techniques. Original files are sent to the recycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed version is preferred. A long list of supported formats include audio/video (MP3, OGG, M4A), image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), office formats (DOCX, XLSX, ODT, PDF), and system files (DLL, EXE).Supports drag-and-drop of files into the window or onto the program icon. Note that by default the program removes metadata for many file types. This information reduces overall file size and protects privacy but is important to some users (e.g. photographers) and file search tools.A 64-bit version is available within the folder and the author reports the program is functional in [url=]WINE[/url].

    2016-06-17 23:41:07
    Updated by billon

    • Version: v8.340
    • Release date: 2016-046-3017
    • What's new: [list][*]Added UMIME (.mht .mhtml .eml .emlx .msg .mbx .vcf .vcard) support with Leanify.[*]Added optional JPEG lossy recompression by adding jpeg-recompress.[*]Added INI setting JPEGAllowLossy=false to enable lossy JPEG optimizations).[*]Added ZIP SFX installer detection.[*]Added InstallShield Wizard and RTPXatch Updater detections to exclude processing like we did with Inno Setup.[*]Added Nullsoft Install System detections to exclude processing in EXE chain.[*]Added ECT to the MP3 toolchain to optimize embedded images.[*]Fixed a bug calling Ghostcript, that ignored parameters after dPDFSETTINGS which should made quality and size better.[*]Removed genetator metatag from tidy output.[*]Disabled Leanify, and PNGout for APNG because the broke optimized files in some thcase EXE/s.[*]DLL toolisabled ImageWorsener for WEBP, bechause it is not lossless.[*]Added INI setting bEXEEnableUPX=false toRT extenable UPX EXEsion compression. F(Solid Wor inkstance bEXEEnableUPX=true will en) to ZIP chable UPX processing.[*]Added INI setting LeanifyIterations=-1 to specify desirded Leanify iteratio the HTML/SVG toolchains inwhen HTMLEnableTidependantly of the compression level. For instance LeanifyIterations=128 will instruct Leanify to always use 128y is iternations.[*]Added stereo extensions: MPO (Multi Picture Object), PNS (PNG Stereo) and JPS (JPEG Stereo).[*]Added LXF extension (Lego Digital Designer) to ZIP chain.[*]Tweakeed ECT invoking to make it get better compression ratios.[*]Fixed ECT execution iUpdat does not use -Mx but -x instead.[*]Fixed disable ZIP recurse handling in Leanid Leanify.[*]Fixed an Embarcadero's VCL bug that caused view modes in add files Windows common dialog show strange strings.[*]Removed crop-transparency from gifsicle arguments, since it can downsize resulting GIF image, and thus not being lossless.[*]Disable TruePNG ton ICO files because it crashes0.4.3....

    2016-04-30 14:57:24
    Updated by billon

    • Version: v8.230.1427
    • Download URL:
    • Release date: 2016-024-130
    • What's new: [list][*]Added INI setting [font=monospace]DisablePluginMask=[/font] to allow excluding execution of certain plugins. For instance [font=monospace]DisablePluginMask=leanify;advpng.exe[/font].[*]Added INI setting [font=monospace]AllowDuplicates=false[/font] to allow adding same file more than once. If enabled, adding to the grid will be much faster, specially on very large grids.[*]Better High DPI compatibility.[*]Use Windows 10 theme by default on Windows 8 and newer.[*]Cleanedup JPEG optiX tons page glitches.[*] EXE/Delay load shcore.dll LL to avoid l cha C++ Builder bug on WINE.[*]MakAdde child windows show alway INI s on ettop, even if main window usg bEXEEnables [UPX=false to ent=able UPX EXE compression. For inosptance]Al bEXEEnableUPX=true waysOill enTop=false[/font].[*]Make FiableO UPX ptimizer a true lossless tool by default by settinrocessing PDF Profile to none by default..[*]Fix WinAdows 8.1 and laterd detINI section, by usting [ LeanifyIterati]Rons=-1 tlGetVo specify desirersiod Lean[/i]ify bitecrautionse olindependantly of the comprevssion level. For instance LeanifyIterations=128 will instruct Leanify tou always functionse 128 ([i]GtetVersion[/i], [i]IsWin10OrLater[/i], [i]...[/i]) only work for manifeste.[*]Ad applided stereo extensions: MPO (Multi Picture Objecatit), PNS (PNG Stereo) and JPS (JPEG Stereo).[*]Added LXF extension (Legons Digital Designer) to ZIP chain.[*]Tweaked ECT invoking to make it get better compression ratios.[*]Fixed xed ECT execution it does not use -Mx but -x instead.[*]Fixed disable ZIP LP recurse handling in Leanify.[*]Fixed an Embarcadero's VCL bug that canused vify ew modes in add files Windows common dialog show strange strings.[*]Removed crop-transprarency from gifsicessinle arguments, since it can downsize resulting GIF image, and thus not being lossless.[*]Disable TruePNG on ICO files because it crashes...

    2016-02-26 00:29:45
    Updated by webfork

    • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a file compression tool used to reduce file size without changing the quality, known as "lossless." This is done via wide variety of optimization and recompression tools and techniques. Original files are sent to the recycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed version is preferred. A long list of supported formats include audio/video (MP3, OGG, M4A), image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), office formats (DOCX, XLSX, ODT, PDF), and system files (DLL, EXE).Supports drag-and-drop of files into the window or onto the program icon. Note that by default the program removes metadata for many file types. This information reduces overall file size and protects privacy but is important to some users (e.g. photographers) and file search tools.A 64-bit version is available (within the folder) and the author reports the program is functional in [url=]WINE[/url].

    2016-02-26 00:29:07
    Updated by webfork

    • Additional features: [Security - Privacy Tools]
    • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a file compression tool used to reduce file size without changing the quality, known as "lossless." This is done via wide variety of optimization and recompression tools and techniques. Original files are sent to the recycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed version is preferred. A long list of supported formats include audio/video (MP3, OGG, M4A), image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), office formats (DOCX, XLSX, ODT, PDF), and system files (DLL, EXE).Supports drag-and-drop of files into the window or onto the program icon. Note that by default the program removes metadata for many file types. This information reduces overall file size and protects privacy but is important to some users (e.g. photographers) and file search tools.A 64-bit version is available (within the folder) and the author reports the program is functional in [url=]WINE[/url].

    2016-02-14 18:47:32
    Updated by webfork

    • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a file compression tool used to reduce file size without changing the quality, known also known as "l"lossssless" compressions. " This is done is done viia widee variety of optitimiizattioon tools and recompression tools and techniques. Original files are sent to the recycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed version is preferred. A long list of supported formats include audio/video (MP3, OGG, M4A), image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), office formats (DOCX, XLSX, ODT, PDF), and system files (DLL, EXE).Supports drag-and-drop of files into the window or onto the program icon.A 64-bit version is available (within the folder) and the author reports the program is functional in [url=]WINE[/url].

    2016-02-14 15:49:38
    Updated by billon

    • Version: v8.120.139427
    • Release date: 20156-02-12-263
    • What's new: [list][*]Enhanced GZ,Added INI setting [font=monospace]DisablePluginMask=[/font] to allow excluding execution of certain plugins. For instance [font=monospace]DisablePluginMask=leanify;advpng.exe[/font].[*]Added INI setting [font=monospace]AllowDuplicates=false[/font] to allow adding same file more than once. If enabled, adding to the grid will be much faster, specially on very large grids.[*]Better High DPI compatibility.[*]Use Windows 10 theme by default on Windows 8 and newer.[*]Cleanedup JPEG aoptionds page glitches.[*]Delay load shcore.dll to avoid a C++ PNGBuilder bug compression by adding WINECT 0.1.[*]Fixed W.[*]Make child windows 10 tsheme.[*]Workedow always on top, even if main window uses [font=monospace]AlwaysOnTop=false[/font].[*]Make FileOptimizer a true lossless tool by default by setting PDF Profile to none by default.[*]Fix Windows 8.1 and laterr detection, by using [i]RtlGetVersiond a[/i] bug inecause C++ Buiolder Seattle that madprevious exefuncutableions r ([i]GetVeqursion[/ire BORLANDMM.DLL], ([url=https:/i]IsWin10OrLater[/i], [i]...[/i]) only work forums.e a?messageID=706835]https://forums.embarcadero.plicatiom/thread.jnspa?messageID=706835[/url]). [*]Fixed d ZIP Leanify problcem with disabled menu itemsing after optimization.[/list]..

    2015-12-26 19:58:02
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v8.010.138792
    • Size (in bytes): 117799264202080
    • Release date: 2015-12-256
    • What's new: [list][*]Added WiEndows 10 theanced GZ, JPEG and PNG come, enabled by default on Windows 10 or later.[*]Pprevented misssiong BTHPROPS.CPLby addind BLUEg ECTOOTHAPIS 0.DLL error on Wine by mak1.[*]Fixed Wing them delay loadend on Win32 binaries to overcome C++ Builder XE7 bugws 10 theme.[*]Removed custom window fWorame, because it was always lookked black with C+rround a bug in C+ + Builder 10.[*]Made check for updates detect faulty routers and switches returning HTML content when no valid data connectionuilder Seattle that made exists.[*]Added INI option TempDirectory="" to specify FileOptimizer temporary folder to use. If empty, it will use system defaults. Set it to a fast SSD drive or ramdisk to increase performance.[*]Prevented Windows message aecutabout "Program not responding" whlen adding lots of files.[*]Upgraded to Ghostcript 9.18.[*]Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI suppo rt.[*]Updated pngquant to 2.5.1.[*]Updated ire BORLANDMM.DLLeanify to 0.4.3.([*]Uurl=httpdated Trs://foruePNG to[*35]Updated tidy-html5 to 4.9.26-191-gb4efe74 patched to be Windowtps XP c://forumps.embarcatibldero.[*]Updacom/thread libw.jspa?mebp to ssageID=706835[/url]).4.4. [*]UFixed a pdroblem with disatbled menu items aftedr optimization...[/list]

    2015-12-25 21:57:32
    Updated by Checker

    • What's new: 8.00 - 2015/12/25- Added Windows 10 theme, enabled by default on Windows 10 [list][*]Added Windows 10 theme, enabled by default on Windows 10 or later.[*]Prevented missing BTHPROPS.CPL and BLUETOOTHAPIS.DLL error later.- Prevented missing BTHPROPS.CPL aond BLUETOOTHAPIS.DLL error on WiWine by making them delay loaded on Win32 binarries to overcomee C++ Builder XE7 7 bug.[*]Removed custom window frame, because it was always looked bug (trlack with C++ Builder 10.[*]Made check for updates detect faulty).- Remroved custom window frame, becauste it was alwayrs looked black nd switch C++ Builder 10.- Made check for updates detect faulty routers and switcheses returnning HTML contenont ent when no en no valid d datata con connection exists (Armin Mueller).- [*]Added IINI optio option TempDirectorectory="" to specify FileOptimizer temporary fer temporary folder to use. If empty, it willd user tosystem defaults. Set it to a fast SSD drive. If eor rampty, it wdill usesk systemo dincrefaults. Set it to a perfast SSD drive or rammance.[*]Prevented Windows messkage about "Program noto increaese ponding" wherfn adding lots of files.[*]Upgrmancde (Newtd to Ghomistc).- Prevented Windows message aboupt "Program not responding" when adding lots of files (Zulfikar Raditya Hernanta).- Upgraded to Ghostcript 9.18.- 9.18.[*]Updadateed ImageMaagick to with HDRI suppupport.- [*]Updated pngquant to 2.5.1.- .[*]Updadateed Leanifyy to 0.4..3.- [*]Updated TruePNG to UpdG to[*]Updated tidy-html5 t to 4..9.26--191-gb4efe74 efe74 patched to be Windows XP compatible.[*]Updated libwebp to 0.4.4.[*]Updatched to be ...

    2015-12-25 20:04:07
    Updated by joby_toss

    • What's new: 8.00 - 2015/12/25- Added Windows 10 theme, enabled by default on Windows 10 or later.- Prevented missing BTHPROPS.CPL and BLUETOOTHAPIS.DLL error on Wine by making them delay loaded on Win32 binaries to overcome C++ Builder XE7 bug (trlkly).- Removed custom window frame, because it was always looked black with C++ Builder 10.- Made check for updates detect faulty routers and switches returning HTML content when no valid data connection exists (Armin Mueller).- Added INI option TempDirectory="" to specify FileOptimizer temporary folder to use. If empty, it will use system defaults. Set it to a fast SSD drive or ramdisk to increase performance (Newtomic).- Prevented Windows message about "Program not responding" when adding lots of files (Zulfikar Raditya Hernanta).- Upgraded to Ghostcript 9.18.- Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.- Updated pngquant to 2.5.1.- Updated Leanify to 0.4.3.- Updated TruePNG to Updated tidy-html5 to 4.9.26-191-gb4efe74 patched to be ...

    2015-12-25 19:59:14
    Updated by joby_toss

    • Version: v78.00.1387
    • What's new: [list][*]Added Windows 10 theme, enabled by default on Windows 10 or later. [*]Prevented missing BTHPROPS.CPL and BLUETOOTHAPIS.DLL error on Wine by making them delay loaded on Win32 binaries to overcome C++ Builder XE7 bug.[*]Removed custom window frame, because it was always looked black with C++ Builder 10. [*]Made check for updates detect faulty routers and switches returning HTML content when no valid data connection exists.[*]Added INI option TempDirectory="" to specify FileOptimizer temporary folder to use. If empty, it will use system defaults. Set it to a fast SSD drive or ramdisk to increase performance.[*]Prevented Windows message about "Program not responding" when adding lots of files.[*]Upgraded to Ghostcript 9.18. [*]Updated ImageMagick to with HDRI support. [*]Updated pngquant to 2.5.1. [*]Updated Leanify to 0.4.3. [*]Updated TruePNG to [*]Updated tidy-html5 to 4.9.26-191-gb4efe74 patched to be Windows XP compatible. [*]Updated libwebp to 0.4.4. [*]...

    2015-12-25 14:29:33
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v7.900.132587
    • System Requirement:
    • Size (in bytes): 1080801779926084
    • Release date: 2015-0812-205
    • What's new: [list][*]Tested to be compatible on new Microsoft Added Windows 10 theme, enabled by default on Windows 10 or later. [*]Prevented missing BTHPROPS.CPL and BLUETOOTHAPIS.DLL error on Wine by making them delay loaded on Wiin32 binaries to overcome C++ Builder XE7 bug.[*]Removed custom winddow frame, because it was always looked black wsith C++ Builder 10. [*]BMade check for updates detect faulty routers and switches returning HTML content when no valid data connection existtes.[*]Added INI option TempDirectory="" to specify PNG oFileOptimizations ber temporary folder to use. If empty, it will use sy astem defaults. Set it to a fast SSD drive or ramdisk to increase performance.[*]Prevented Windows message about "Program not responding" when adding lots of files.[*]Upgraded to Ghostcript 9.18. [*]Updated ImageMagick to wiith HDRI support. [*]Updated png tquant to 2.5.1. [*]Updated Leaningify to 0.4.3. [*]Updated TruePNG to [*]Updarameters,d including remove metadata anid lossy recompressi-html5 ton 4. [*]Better JPEG o9.26-191-gb4efe74 patimizations by allowing to run jhead wchen metada tao should be copied too. [*]Do not convert SVG to SVGZ.[*]Updatebe Wind Leanify tows XP daily binaries. [*]Ucompdated ImageMagick to with HDRI support.ble. [*]Updated gifsicle to 1.88 (custom libwebuild). [*]Updated TruePNG to [*]Updatedp stripo to 2.25.1. [*]Updated to NSIS 3.0 beta 2. 4.4. [*]Updated custom builds with Visual C++ 2015 (gifsicle, jpegoptim, jsmin). [*]Upgraded distributions to 7-Zip 15.06.[/list].

    2015-08-21 17:37:27
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v7.890.132985
    • Size (in bytes): 10098080627084
    • Release date: 2015-068-201
    • What's new: [list][*]Fixed an incompatibility with Windows XP introduced in 7.50 Tested to by unsupported COPY_FILE_NO_BUFFERING flag that makes CopyFileEx API function fail (Vivil). [*]Fixed lossy PNG comptimizatiible on new Micron was performed even ift "allow lossy" was unchecked (guWindows98, al10. [*]Bex, tter PNewtomic).G optimizations by allowing tunning [*]Tested over mapped and runmapped network shares.ePNG [*]Keeparameters, rotation on EXIFcluding remove metadatea and JPEGlossy imagres, even if metadata is stcompripped (Jaff). [*]Updated ImageMagssick to 6.9.14n. [*]UpdaBettedr JPEG optidmizations by- allowing to run jhead whtmen metadata shoul5 to 4.9.26-26-g9785399d patchbed to b copie Windows XP ctoompatible. [*]Do not convert SVG to SVGZ.[*]Updatedated Leanify to 0..4..2..645 daily biinaries. [*]Updatearies. [*]Updated ImozjpageMag to 3ick to with HDRI support. [*]Updated jpegoptim to 1.4.3 d gifsicle to 1.88 (custustom built)d). [*]Updated TruePNG to [*]Updated strip to 2.25.1. [*]Updated to NSIS 3.0 beta 2. [*]Updated custom builds with Visual C++ 2015 (gifsicle, jpegoptim, jsmin). [*]Upgradded d distriibutitions to 7-Zip 15.036.[/list]

    2015-06-01 17:18:05
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v7.780.12982
    • Size (in bytes): 10109627872004
    • Release date: 2015-056-017
    • What's new: [list][*]Added a new PNG option to optionalally allow lossy PNG recompression support with pngquant 2.4.0. [*]Made higher compression profiles, optimize better at a cost of extra prFixed an incocessing time. Now on best setting, we are using 30 zopfli iteraations instead of 9.[*]Added MNG fbililes detecty wionth by content. [*]Added WWinRARdows SFX detection P into exclude producessing like we did wiin 7.50 by unsupporthed COPY_FInno Setup. [*]LE_NO_BUFFixed regression on files with uppercase extensions, compression ratio was less than in 7.40 and before.[*]Make child windows open on top, when always on top is checked. [*]Do not reset column widths after minimizing window.[*]Use TMP iERING f TEMP is not available or else use current directory to avoid issues when reading theat makes CopyFileEx API function fail (Vivil). [*]Fixed le extensionossy PNG were converptimization was performed even if "allow lossy" was uncheckedd to l(guindowercase.98, ie: JPG to jpg. [*]Updatledx, jpNegoptim wto 1.4.3 beta (custom builtmic). [*]UTested over mapped and unmapped network shares. [*]Keepd rotated tion cppcheck 1.69. [*]Some mionor optiEXIF rotated JPEG images, even if metadata is stripped (Jaff). [*]Updated ImizageMagick tioo 6.9.14. [*]Updated tidy-html5 to 4.9.26-26-g9785399 patched to be Windows aXP compatible. [*]Updated Leanify to daily binaries. [*]Updated cmozjpeg to 3.10. [*]Updated jpegoptim tode c 1.4.3 (custom builet). [*]Upgranded distributions to 7-Zip 15.03.[/list]

    2015-05-21 22:55:53
    Updated by webfork

    • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a file compression tool used to reduce a variety of filee typsizes without changing the quality, also known as "lossless" compression. This is done via wide variety of optimization tools and recompression tools and techniques. Original files are sent to the recycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed version is preferred. A long list of supported formats include audio/video (MP3, OGG, M4A), image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), office formats (DOCX, XLSX, ODT, PDF), and system files (DLL, EXE).Supports drag-and-drop of files into the window or onto the program icon.A 64-bit version is available (within the folder) and the author reports the program is functional in [url=]WINE[/url].

    2015-05-18 17:56:37
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v7.670.12582
    • Size (in bytes): 1010111847200
    • Release date: 2015-045-2617
    • What's new: [list][*] Addedd a new PNG option to optionalally allow lossy PNG recompression support with pngquant 2.4.0. [*]Made higher compression profiles, optimize better at a cost of extra processing time. Now on best setting, we are using 30 zopfli iterations instead of 9.[*]Added MNG files detection by content. [*]Added WinRAR SFX detection to exclude processing like we INIdid optwion AlwaysOnTop=false toth Inno Setup. [*]Fixed regression on files with uppercase extensions, compression ratio was less than in 7.40 and before.[*]Make child windows open on top, when always on topeci is checked. [*]Do not reset column widths after minimizing window.[*]Use TMP ify TEMP is not available or else use current directory to avoid issues when readifng FileOptimizher main Wm.[*]File extensions were condows shoulverted stayo alowercays on e. ie: JPG to jpg. [*]Updated jpegoptim to 1.4.3 beta (custom built). [*]Updated to cppcheck 1.69. [*]Some minor Uopdtimizated Leanify daily binarieons[*] Adanding files not working f cor the x64 edition due to some aggressive optimizations iclean C++ Builder with -O3p.[/list]

    2015-05-16 21:45:48
    Updated by Checker

    • Release date: 2015-04-246

    2015-05-16 18:53:21
    Updated by webfork

    • Version: v7.560.124752
    • Size (in bytes): 10009211189640
    • Keywords: docx&20compression xlsx&20compression jpegcompress
    • What's new: [list][*]Add support for files larger than 4 GB, now up to 4 TB (Spotted Cow). [*]Speedup file copies by using C Added INI opyFileEx. [*]Updated help file. [*]PNGOUT aond FLAClwaysOUnT has been unpacked to avoid false positives by scary antivirus. [*]Fix PDF no downsampling profiop=false. [*]Revert to ghostcript 9.15 since Ghostcript 9.16 crashes witho sperrorlevel 0 (evercifyth ingf FileOK),ptimizer main Windows shen source file name has extended chstay arlwacterys. It worked properly on 9.15. [*]U on topdated ImageMagick to 6.9.12. [*]Some minor o Uptimizdated Leanionfy daily binaries[*] anAdd cing files not working for the x64 edition due to some aggressive cleaoptimizations in C++ Bup.ilder with -O3[/list]

    2015-04-25 16:43:54
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v7.450.122947
    • Size (in bytes): 10175870092896
    • Release date: 2015-04-1024
    • What's new: [list][*]We are now checking retAdd support for files larger than 4 GB, now up to 4 TB (Spotted Cow). [*]Speedurned errorlevelsp fromile coplugins to avoid corruption such as in pasesword by using CoprotyFilectedEx. PDF.[*]Fixed removal of range selection of files.[*]Make sure temporary filenames have no collisions even if original files are named the same across different folders. [*]UUpdated helpdated Leani fy daily binaries. e. [*]Updated APNG Optimizer to 1.4.UT and FLACOUT [*]Upgrhads beed to Ghostcript 9.16. [*]Un unpgradcked to avoidi falstributione positives to 7-Z by scary antivip 15.00rus. [*]Some minorFix PDF optimizations ando cdode cwnsampleainug p. rofile. [*]UpRevert to ghostcript 9.15 since Ghostcript 9.16 cradshed tos with errorlevel 0 (everything OK), when C++ Bsource file name has extended characters. It worked properly on 9.15. [*]Updated ImageMagick to 6.9.12. [*]Some minor optimizations and coder XE8cleanup.[/list]

    2015-04-11 18:01:53
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v7.340.120629
    • Size (in bytes): 10113758709968
    • Screenshot: Updated
    • Release date: 2015-034-150
    • What's new: [list][*]We are now checking returned errorlevels from plugins to avoid corruption such as in password protected PDeF.[*]Fixed removal of range selection of files.[*]Make sure temporary filenames have no collisions even if original files are named the same across different folders. [*]Updated Leanify daily binaries. [*]Updated APNG Optimizer to 1.4. [*]Upgraded to Ghostcript 9.16. [*]Upgraded distribultions to 7-Zip 15.00. [*]Some minor optimization level is natiow 5:ns and Ncormal,de icleanstead of 9: Bestup. [*]Fixed wronUpg percadend to calcC++ Builation.[*]Minoder optimizationsXE8.[/list]

    2015-03-21 02:37:22
    Updated by webfork

    • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a file compression tool used to reduce a variety of file types without changing the quality, also known as "lossless" compression. This is done vis is done via wide variety of optimization tools and ation tools and recompressioression tools and techniques. Original files are sen t to the rechniquycles combined into one progin for restoration in the event the uncom. pressed version Origis preferred. A lonalg fliles are senst to the recycle binf supported for restoormation in thes eveint the cluncompressed version is preferrde aud. Fiormats include audio/v/video (MP3, OGG, OGVG, M4A), image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), office formats (DOCX, XLSX, XLSX, ODT, PDF), ), and s system files (DLLL, EXE). Supports drag-and-drop of files into the window or onto the program icon.A 64-bit version is available (within the folder) and the author reports the program is functional in [url=]WINE[/url].

    2015-03-16 13:43:09
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v7.2030.119206
    • Size (in bytes): 1011123052996
    • Release date: 2015-03-135
    • What's new: [list][*]FileOptimizer is now able to partially detect file types by its contents instead of file extentions (BMP, DLL, FLAC, GIF, GZ, JPG, MKV, MP3, MP4, PCX, PDF, PNG, SWF, TIFF, WEBP, and ZIP). More to come later. [*]Added custom PDF profile to allow specifying desired downsampling DPI.[*]Added new column extension between file and original on the grid to allow sorting by filetypes. [*]Added INI option BeepWhenDone=false to beep and notify used when optimization is complete.[*]Added INI option FilenameFormat=0 (0: full path+filename; 1: only filenamDe). (To Do: 2: driveletter + “:”+partial path + filename; 3: driveletter + “:”+partial path if fits+”...” last part of filename) to specify how File grid column is displayed.[*]Information window now sorts extensions supported alphabetically, and better formats them. [*]Improved window layoult operfortimance by eizationab level ings dnoubw 5: Normal, inste bufad of 9: Best. [*]Fixed wrong percent calculationg. [*]Added .GALLERY, .GALLERYCOLLECTION, .GALLERYITEM, .INK, .NBK, .NOTEBOOKinor optimizationd..s.[/list]

    2015-03-14 11:43:28
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v7.120.11964
    • Size (in bytes): 10111208696452
    • Release date: 2015-023-2013
    • What's new: [list][*]Added Matroska support with mkclean for .mkv, .mka, and .mks file extensioFileOptimizer is ns.[*]Added XML (.xml, .fb2 .xsl, .xslt) supportw with Leanify. [*]Addabled LUA (.lua .luac) supto poart with Leantifally. [*]Allow concurrent detexecut file types by its contents ins of teadi of filer enxtentions (BMP, DLL, FLAC, GIFileOptimizer instances over different file sets. [*]Added more PDF profiles, including without downsampling, 100 dpiGZ, JPG, MKV, MP3, MP4, 200 dpi and 600 dpi.[*]Added 250 dpi setting forPCX, PDF.[*]Added INI option ExcludeMask="" to specify paths (folder/files) that contain it as substring will be excluded.[*]Exclusion list can now optionally contain more than one substrings if separated by semicolon (;). [*]Added I, PNI option ZIPRecurse=false prevent LeanifyG, SWF, insideTIFF, ZIP files. [*]Added INI option XMLWEnableLeanify=false enableBP, Leanify on XML files. [*]Added ZINI opP). More to come lation LUAEnableLeanify=false enable Leanify on LUA filesr. [*]Allow dded custoptimizing J PEGDF profiles to allowhen cospecify ing desired downsampling DPI.[*]Added new column extension between file and original on theta gridata is ento abledlow by usorting new --keep-ex by filetypes. [*]Added INI option BeepWhenDone=false to beep and notif sy used when optimization its complete.[*]Added INI option FilenameFormat=0 (0: full path+filename; 1: only filename). (To Do: 2: driveletter + “:”+partial path + filenas wme; 3: driveletter + “:”+partial path if fits+”...” last part of filename) to specify how Fille grid as icolumns ides ZIP filedisplayed.[*]Information window now sorts extensions supported alphabetically, and better formats them. [*]Ad]Improved window layout performance by enabling double buffering. [*]Added .GALLERY, .GALLERYCOLLECTION, .GALLERYITEM, .INK, .NBK, .DNOTEB,OOK and .IPK file ...

    2015-02-21 17:54:48
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v6.87.10.3291164
    • Size (in bytes): 894799101086964
    • Release date: 20000-0015-02-20
    • What's new: [list][*]Added NoMatroska support with mkclean for .mkv, .mka, and .mks file extensions.[*]Added XML (.xml, .fb2 .xsl, .xslt) support with Leanify. [*]Added LUA (.lua .luac) support with Leanify. [*]Allow concurrent executions of different FileOptimizer instances over different file sets. [*]Added more PDF profiles, including without downsampling, 100 dpi, 200 dpi and 600 dpi.[*]Added 250 dpi setting for PDF.[*]Added INI option ExcludeMaski="" to specify paths (folder/files) that contain it as substring will be excluded.[*]Exclusion list can now optionally contain more than one substrings if separated by semicolon (;). [*]Added INI option ZIPRefocus/Smrse=fartCamlse .NAR aprevent Leanify inside ZIP files. [*]Added OINI opera extensiion XMLEnableLeanify=false enable Leanify ons XML files.OEX [*]Addextensions td INI o pthe ZIPion LUAEnableLeanify=false enable Leanify on tool chainLUA files. [*]Added .JPEllow aoptimizindg THM extension to the JJPEG too fil chain.[*]Added thes /y switchen con TruePNGpy metadata is enabled by using implemnew --kented in 6.70 which will causp-e xif swit toch as well ask for overwriting existing file each timenside theZIP plugin was usedfiles. [*]Fixed a cosmetic problem where skipped files were counteAdd sometimes in the stats as producing .DEB, a size saving. [*]Minor source code improvem.IPK filents ...[/list]

    2014-04-29 17:24:31
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v6.780.3249
    • Size (in bytes): 89477869908
    • What's new: [list][*]Faster PDF compression upgrading to Ghostcript 9.14. [*]Improved deflate compression by better combining deflopt and defluff. [*]Improved JPEG compression ratio including jhead. [*]ImproveAdd PNG compression ratio inclueding TruePNG. [*]Improved GIF compression ratio upgrading to gifsicle 1.83 (custom build). [*]Upgraded jpegoptim to 1.3.1 (okia Refocustom build with libjpeg 9). [*]jsmin build is now faster in both Win32 and Win64 versions. [*]Updated to I/SmageMagick [*]Fixed rtCam bug introduced in 6.50NAR that couldnd Opera cause filxtensions with.OEX extensions lto the ZIP tool chain.[*]Added .JPE angerd THM than 3extension to the JPEG tool charachain.[*]Added thers /y swito not be processed.h [*]Soon TruePNG impleme minnted in 6.70 which will cause it to ask for overwriting existing file each time the optlugimizn was used. [*]Fixed a cosmetiic pronblem where s akipped files were counted sometimes ind cthe stats as prode ucleing a size sanving. [*]Minor source code improvements.[/list]

    2014-04-27 15:53:51
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v6.670.31724
    • Size (in bytes): 845293477860
    • What's new: [list][*]Fixes extra title bar on Metropolis and Windows themeaster PDF compression upgrading to Ghostcript 9.14. [*]Improved deflate compression by better combining deflopt and defluff. [*]Improved JPEG compression ratio including jhead. [*]Improved PNG compression ratio including TruePNG. [*]Improved GIF compression ratio upgrading to gifsicle 1.83 (custom build). [*]Upgraded jpegoptim to 1.3.1 (custom build with libjpeg 9). [*]jsmin build is now faster in both Win32 and Win64 versions. [*]Updated to ImageMagick [*]ReenablFixed jpegtran as in 5.90 because sometimes it is better than mozjpeg. (Sbuggested by [b]webfork[/b])[*]Installer n introw transparentlly ducetectsd in OS6.50 bitness, and hat could cause files with extrtensions longer than 3 characts ers to nly 32 or 64ot bite binaprieocessed. [*]UnpackSomed minozjpeg plugin to avoid antivirus false opostimizatives. [*]Installer version now properly registers ons Aandd/Remove Programs. [*]Upgraded to C++ Builder XE6. [*]Prcojdect cleanup.[/list]

    2014-04-26 18:30:33
    Updated by Checker

    • What's new: [list][*]Fixes extra title bar on Metropolis and Windows themes.[*]Reenabled jpegtran as in 5.90 because sometimes it is better than mozjpeg. (Suggested by [b]webfork[/b])[*]Installer now transparentlly detects OS bitness, and extracts only 32 or 64 bit binaries.[*]Unpacked mozjpeg plugin to avoid antivirus false positives. [*]Installer version now properly registers on Add/Remove Programs. [*]Upgraded to C++ Builder XE6. [*]Project cleanup.[/list]

    2014-04-26 18:29:41
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v6.560.30217
    • Size (in bytes): 834529750380
    • What's new: [list][*]Added HTML optimization support with tidy-html5. [*]Added CSS optimization support with TidyCSS. [*]Added JS optimization support with jsmin (custom built). [*]Added DCX to the PCX tool chain. [*]Added ini option HTMLEnableTidy=false to enable tidy-html5 when processing HTML files. When activated HTML files will be optimized, and be visually equal to the original, but may prevent the to be edited. [*]Added ini option CSSEnableTidy=false to enable CSSTidy when processing CSS files. When activated CSS files will be optimized, and be visually equal to the original, but may prevent the to be edited. [*]Added ini option CSSTemplate=low to set compression template in CSTidy, ranging from low (safer and less compression), to highest. [*]Added ini option JSEnableJSMin=false to enable jsmin when processing JS files. When activated JS files will be optimized, and beFixes visually equalextra to ithle original, but mbayr on pMetreveopolis and Wintdows the to be edited. [*]Added EXE optionemes tab. [*]AddReenabled HTML o jpegtran as in 5.90 because sonmetimes it is better thabn mozjpeg. [*]...

    2014-04-19 01:10:36
    Updated by webfork

    • How to extract: Download the ZIP or self-extracting "7z.exe" package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]FileOptimizer32.exe[/i] (for 32-bit OS) or [i]FileOptimizer64.exe[/i] (for 64-bit OS).[b]Optionally[/b], to save space:[list][*]32-bit systems: delete [i]FileOptimizer64.exe[/i] and the [i]\Plugins64[/i] folder[*]64-bit systems: delete [i]FileOptimizer32.exe[/i] and the [i]\Plugins32[/i] folder[/list]

    2014-04-15 16:23:50
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v6.050.30281
    • Size (in bytes): 8403975034218
    • What's new: [list][*]Added PHTML optimization support with tidy-html5. [*]Added CSS optimization support with TidyCSS. [*]Added JS optimization support with jsmin (custom built). [*]Added DCX to the PCX tool chain. [*]Added ini option HTMLEnableTidy=false to enable tidy-html5 when processing HTML files. When activated HTML files will be optimized, and be visually equal to the original, but may prevent the to be edited. [*]Added ini option CSSEnableTidy=false to enable CSSTidy when processing CSS files. When activated CSS files will be optiimizaed, and be visually equal to the original, but may prevent the to be edited. [*]Added ini option CSSTemplate=low to set compression template in CSTidy, rangiong from low (safer and lessupp compression), to with PCXLhiteghest. [*]Do Added inoi opt alion JSEnableJSMin=false tow addieng the able jsame file more thann when once.[*]Improved GIF compression ratio upgradiocessing to gifsicle 1.82 (custom build). [*]Compiledg JS gfifsicles. witWh Ven activated JS fisual C++ 2013. [*]Improved JPEG compress wion replacl be optiming jpegtran with mozjpeg. [*]Improved GZ, MNG, PNG, and ZIP compression ratio updating to AdvanceCOMP 1.19. [*]Improved WEBP compression ratiod, updatingd be visually equal to libwebp 0.4.0.the original, but [*]libwebp changed to witmay prevent thout WIC codes to reducee externalo be dependencitesd. [*]UpgraAdded ImageWorsener to 1.2.0. [*]Upgraded to zRecompress 2.12. [*]UEXE opdated to ImageMagick [*]Fixed remove selected files out of bounds error. [*]Windows 8.1 compatibility enhancemeonts. [*]Bet ter performance updating to ASMLib 2.34. [*]Upgrab. [*]Added to WinCHTM 4.35. [*]Upgraded distribuL options to 7-Zip 9.32ab. [/list*]...

    2014-04-06 12:55:36
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v5.96.00.26781
    • Size (in bytes): 74581740534271
    • What's new: [list][*]Added PCX optimization support with PCXLite.[*]Do not allow adding the same file more than once.[*]Improved GIF compression ratio upgradini g to gifsicle 1.82 (custom build). [*]Comption EXEDisablePETrim=false to dled gifsicle with Visuable PETrim when C++ 2013. [*]Improcvessing EXd JPE files. Resulting executabG compression replacing jpegtran with mozjpeg. [*]Improved GZ, MNG, PNG, and ZIP compression ratio updating to AdvanceCOMP 1.19. [*]Improved WEBP compression ratio updating to libwebp 0.4.0. [*]libwebp changesd to willithout WIC codes to reduce be laxternal dependencies. [*]Upgraded Imager, buWorsener to 1.2.0. [*]Upgraded ito zRecompress 2.12. will [*]Uprevdatend t broking soIme SFX and ageMagick [*]Fixed remove selected files out of boundstall ers asror. [*]Windowells 8.1 compas stripping digital sbignatures (Ascend4nt).lity enhancements. [*]Added ini option DoNoBetUseRecycleBin=false toer perevent copying original files to yfour Recyrmancle Bin. Be aware that enabling s uch opdationing to wASMLillb 2.34. [*]Upgradevent recovering original files (Runner112). d to WinCHM 4.35. [*]Much impUpgrovead WebPd opdistrimizabution by using cwebp and dwebp in libwebp (Runner112). [*]Improved PDF compression upgrading to Ghostcript 9.10. [*]Updateds to ImageMag 7-Zickp[/list]

    2013-09-11 18:07:46
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v5.890.25867
    • Size (in bytes): 7267945811727
    • What's new: [list][*]Added JNGini to pthe JPEG toion EXEDisablePETrim=false chto disain. [*]Ible PETrim when plemrocessinted generic .aai .avs .dcEXE files. Resulting ex .ecutables will be larger, but it will prevent broking some SFX and installers as well as stripping digital signatures (Ascend4nt). [*]Added ini option DoNotUseRecycleBin=false to prevent copying original files to your Reccycle Bin. Be aware that enabling such option will .prevent recxovering original .fitles .jp(Runner112 ).jpc .[*]Muchdr .himprz .mifoved .WebP optimiff .mtv .zatiotb .p7n by using cwebp .palm.pdb .pnd dwebm .pcd .pcds .pfm .pgmp .picon .pic .pict .pnm .ppm .pslibweb .psd .s(Run .vicaner .112). [*]Improviffed PDF .wbcompression .xbm .xpm .xwd tupgrading to the ImageMagic Ghostool charinpt 9.10. [*]Updated to ImageMagick [*]Better performance updating to ASMLib 2.31. [*]Included vcomp100.dll required byed to ImageMagick (Kolpotoru)6. [*]Upgraded to C++ Builder XE4 Update 18.6.9.[/list]

    2013-07-30 18:47:28
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v5.780.24758
    • Size (in bytes): 72567698311
    • What's new: [list][*]Added JNG to the JPEG tool chain. [*]Immplemented generic .aai .avs .dcx .pcc .pcx .fits .jp2 .jpc .hdr .hroz .mif .miff .mtved PNG c.otb .p7 .palm.pdb .pbm .pcd .pcds .pfm .pgm .picon .pic .pict .pnm .ppm .psb .pression ratio and .speed updating to Pnun .vicar .viff .wbmp .xbm .xpm .xwd to the ImageMagic tool chain. [*]Updated to ImageMagOick [*]Better performance updatimizer to ASMLib 2.31. [*]UIncluded vcompg100.dll requiraded Gifsby ImageMagicle to 1.71k (custKom buildpotoru). [*]Added supUport fograded Gifsicle x64 too (customo C++ bBuild). [*]Upgraded jpegoptim to 1.3.1 beta (custom build with libjpeg 9). [*]Prevented zRecompress generating larger files. [*]Closing windows is now more resXE4 Uponsive. [*]Some minor optimizadations and codee cleanup1.[/list]

    2013-07-16 02:10:23
    Updated by webfork

    • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a file compression tool used to reduce a variety of file types without changing the quality, also known as "lossless" compression. This is done via wide variety of optimization tools and recompression techniques combined into one program. Original files are sent to the recycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed version is preferred. Formats include audio/video (MP3, OGG, OGV), image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), office formats (DOCX, XLSX, ODT, PDF), and system files (DLL, EXE). Supports drag-and-drop of files into the window or onto the program icon.A 64-bit version is available (within the folder) and the author reports the program is functional in [url=]WINE[/url].

    2013-07-16 02:09:26
    Updated by webfork

    • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a lossless file size optimizer supporting a long list of ile compression tool used to reduce a variety of fiile types without changing the quale ityp, also known as "lossless". The program keeps tThis is done via wide beha vioariety of the f optimization toole untouches and, but wirecompression tech nits sques combize reducned tha inks to a variety of recom one pression grand optimization techniques. Original files are sent to the recycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed version is preferred. Formats include audio/video (MP3, OGG, OGV), image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), office formats (DOCX, XLSX, ODT, PDF), and system files (DLL, EXE). Supports drag-and-drop of files into the window or onto the program icon.A 64-bit version is available (within the folder) and the author reports the program is functional in [url=]WINE[/url].
    • How to extract: Download the ZIP or self-extracting "7z.exe" package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]FileOptimizer32.exe[/i] (for 32-bit OS) or [i]FileOptimizer64.exe[/i] (for 64-bit OS).[b]Optionally[/b], to save space:[list][*]32-bit systems: delete [i]FileOptiontimizer64.exe[/i] and the [i]\Plly: deleugins64[/i] folder[*]64-bit syste the Plugins32 anems: delete F[i]FileOptimizertimizer32.eexe[/i] and the for 64-bit systems or [i]\Plugins64 and FileOptims32[/izer64.exe] folder 32-b[/list systems.]

    2013-07-14 16:00:51
    Updated by webfork

    • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a lossless file size optimizer supporting a long list of file types. The program keeps the behavior of the file untouched, but with its size reduced thanks to a variety of recompression and optimization techniques. Original files are sent to the recycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed version is prefrerred. Formats include auddio/video (MP3, O, OGG, OGV), image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), and even, PNG), office formatmats (DOCX,X, XLSX, ODT, PDF) , and sysstem files (DLL, EL, EXE). T Supports drag-and-drop of files into the window or onto the prograram keeps icon.A 64-bithe bvehavior siofn is the favaile untouched, abut le (within the folder) and the its size redauced tthanks to a variety ofr rrecomporessionts the prograndm optimizationis techniqfues. Original fnctionales are sent to the in [urecycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed versio= is preferredhq.Supports draorg-and-drop of files into the window or onto the program icon.A 64-bit version is available (within the fo]WINE[/urlder)].
    • How to extract: Download the ZIP packor self-extracting "7z.exe" and extrpact to a folder of ykage and extract to a folder of your c choicce. Launch [i]FileOptimizer3h [i]FileOptimizer32.exe[/i] (for 32.-bit OS) or [i]FileOptimizer64.exe[/i] (for 32-bit Ofor 64-bit OS)).Optionally: delete the Plugins32 and FileOptimizer32.exe for 64-bit systems or [i]Plugins64 and FileeOptimizer64.eexe[/i] (e for 64 32-bitt OS)systems.
    • Screenshot: Updated

    2013-06-20 14:36:50
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v5.670.2417
    • Size (in bytes): 7249907567683
    • What's new: [list][*]Improved PNG compression ratio and speed updating to PngOptimizer 2.3. [*]Upgraded Gifsicle to 1.71 (custom build). [*]Added ICO PNG osupportimizati for Gifsicle x64 too (custom build). [*]Upgraded jpegon suptim to 1.3.1 beta (custom build with libjpeg 9). [*]Prevented zRecompress generat withng files. [*]Closing windows is now more responsive. [*]AddSomed TIFF/FAX ZIPminor optimization support with ImageMagi and ck. [*]Added DIB format to thde BMP chain. [*]Updatled ImageMagick to [*]Upgraded to C++ Bnuilder XE4p.[/list]

    2013-05-01 10:58:46
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v5.560.2341
    • Size (in bytes): 72461699075
    • What's new: [list][*]Added BMP optimization support with ImageMagick. [*]Improved GZ, MNG, PNG, and ZIP compression ratio updating to AdvanceCOMP 1.17. [*]Improved PNG compression upd optimizating pngwolf tio pngwolf + zo suppfli. [*]Improved PNG compression speed removing advdef which makes no sense together with advpng. [*]Improved JPEG compression updating to jpegtran 9. [*]Improved Grt with ImageMagick. [*]Added TIF and JPEG compression updating to ImageMagick [*]Prevent optimizing F/FAX ZInno Setup EXE files because they get broken with strip and PETrim. [*]Dynamic window title and application caption to show progress information. [*]Original size and Optiimized size columns are now right aligationed for better legibility. [*]Fixes some number fpport with ImattgeMaging issuesck.[*]Some minor cosmetic an[*]Added DIB usability impforovemenats. [*]Oto ther minor ste BMP chability and. [*]Updaterformancd Image Magimck to [*]Uprovemgradend tso C++ Builder XE4.[/list]

    2013-04-06 17:36:31
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v5.150.21934
    • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a lossless file size optimizer supporting a long list of file types from audio/video (MP3, OGG, OGV), image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), and even office formats (DOCX, XLSX, ODT, PDF) and system files (DLL, EXE). The program keeps the behavior of the file untouched, but with its size reduced thanks to a variety of recompression and optimization techniques. Original files are sent to the recycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed version is preferred.Supports drag-and-drop of files into the window or onto the program icon.A 64-bit version is available (within the folder).
    • Size (in bytes): 724685728271699
    • What's new: [list][*]Added BMP optimization support with ImageMagick. [*]Improved GZ, MNG, PNG, and ZIP compression ratio updating to AdvanceCOMP 1.17. [*]Improved PNG compression updating pngwolf to pngwolf + zopfli. [*]Improved PNG compression speed removing advdef which makes no sense together with advpng. [*]Improved JPEG compression updating to jpegtran 9. [*]Improved PNGIF compression updating tod JPNEGOUT 02/20/2013. [*]Wind compressiown updating to ImageMagick [*]Properevent optimizing Inno Setup EXE fieles becaus wer they ge not prbroperly loaded.[*]Make the minimizn with strip and PETrim. [*]Dynamic window title and application caption to show progress information. [*]Original size and Optimized status of thize columns are now right aligned for betterib legibility. [*]Fixes some n pumberma formatting issuents. [*]RemSome minor cosmetic and usability improve horizomental scrollbar in filess. grid.[*]Using a Otheme different that Wr mindows, make drag&drop not work.[*]Process Priorr stabity=Realtime ty andd Checkperforupdormates=Never were not restored pnce improperly.[*]Shorten vemanifest description.[*]Make ribbon load faster/refretsh better.[/list]

    2013-02-25 20:21:09
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v5.010.2139
    • Size (in bytes): 68571280327
    • What's new: [list][*]Improved JPENG compression by adding ImageMagick. [*]Improved PDF compression upgrading to Ghostcript 9.07. [*]EXE compression is now safer by removing /StripFixups:Y in PETrim. [*]Upgraded ImageWorsener to 1.1.0. [*]Upgraded Gifsicle to 1.70. [*]New ribbon interface, just for those complaining about ugly interface. For the rest, the tradicional context menu is still available, and ribbon can be minimized to save screen space. [*]Implemented remove selected files option. [*]Total bytes saved are now shown when finishing the optimization. [*]Solved an issue with Add files dialog in Windows XP and older, by switchompressing from TFileOon upenDidalog toing to PNGOUTOpenDialog 02/20/2013. [*]FWixend a Windows Vista incompatibility (lastMonkey). [*]Fixed a bug that caused the program to confirm more than one time to exit when procesow properties were not properly loaded.[*]Make the minimized status wof the re still active. [*]Solved some issuesibbon optiermizing OBJ/o and LIB/A filesnt. [*]PrevRemove horizontal scrollbar in files grid.[*]Using a ted hemptye log creation in x64 build whdifferennt that LWindogLevws, makel=0 (drag&drop n6333373).ot work.[*]Preveocess Priority=Realtime and Checkforupdates=Never were not restored properly.[*]Shortedn manifest odescriptimized fileson.[*]Make ribbon load faster/refresh being..tter.[/list]

    2013-02-17 18:39:25
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v45.00.21943
    • Size (in bytes): 68577118033
    • What's new: [list][*]Added OBJ (OBImproved J,PEG compression by adding ImageMagick. [*]Improved PDF compression upgrading to Ghostcript 9.07. [*]EXE compression is now safer by removing /StripFixups:Y in PETrim. [*]Upgraded ImageWorsener to 1.1.0. [*]Upgraded Gifsicle to 1.70. [*]New ribbon interface, just for those complaining about ugly interface. For the rest, the tradicional context menu is still available, and ribbon can be minimized to save screen space. [*]Implemented remove selected files option. [*]Total bytes saved are now shown when finishing the optimization. [*]Solved an issue with Add files dialog in Windows XP and Oolder, LIB and A) optimization suppor by switching from TFileOpenDialog to TOpenDialog. [*]Fixed a Windows Vista incompatibility (lastMonkey). [*]Fixed a bug that caused the program to confirm more than one time to exit with sten process where still actipve. [*]ImproSolved EXE and DLL compression by adding strip. [*]Added context menu for Add some issues optimizing OBJ/o and LIB/A files. . [*]AdPrevented edmpty log contrexat meion in x64 bu for Exit. [*]Adlded co whentext mLogLevenu forl=0 About(n6333373). [*]Added ini option PDFProfile=ebook|screen|priPreventer|prepress|tedefault t o set PDF recompression profile settings. [*]Added intimi option LogLevel=0 to log output. [*]Genzerald performance improvements by using ASMLb 2.30. [*]Win64 performance improvemles bents. [*]Win64 portability enhancements. [*]Other minor cosmetic and usability improvements. [*]Distribution size reduced by using 7-Zip archives/SFX.[/list]..

    2013-02-03 18:03:13
    Updated by webfork

    • Similar/alternative apps: [url=]ArcThemALL![/url], [url=]PngOptimizer[/url], [url=]RIOT[/url]

    2013-02-03 18:02:42
    Updated by webfork

    • Similar/alternative apps: [url=]ArcThemALL![/url], [url=]PngOptimizer[/url]

    2013-01-30 00:19:44
    Updated by webfork

    • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a lossless file size optimizer supporting a long list of file types from audio/video (MP3, OGG, OGV) image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), and even office formats (DOCX, XLSX, ODT, PDF) and system files (DLL, EXE). The program keeps the behavior of the file untouched, but with its size reduced thanks to a variety of recompression and optimization techniques. Original files are sent to the recycle bin for restoration in the event the uncompressed version is preferred.Supports drag-and-drop of files into the window or onto the program icon.A 64-bit version is available (within the folder).
    • Similar/alternative apps: [url=]ArcThemALL![/url]

    2013-01-20 15:24:16
    Updated by Checker

    • Version: v34.00.16194
    • Size (in bytes): 57718824841033
    • What's new: [list][*]Added OBJ (OBJ, O, LIB and A) optimization support with strip. [*]Improved EXE and DLL compression by adding strip. [*]Added context menu for Add files. [*]Added context menu for Exit. [*]Added context menu for About. [*]Added ini option PDFProfile=ebook|screen|printer|prepress|default to set PDF recompression profile settings. [*]Added ini option LogLevel=0 to log output. [*]General performance improvements by using ASMLb 2.30. [*]Win64 performance improvements. [*]Win64 portability enhancements. [*]Other minor cosmetic and usability improvements. [*]Distribution size reduced by using 7-Zip archives/SFX.[/list]

    2013-01-05 23:52:48
    Updated by Ruby

    • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]FileOptimizer32.exe[/i] (for or 32-bit OS) or [i]FileOptimizer64.exe[/i] (for 64-bit OS).

    2013-01-05 19:43:44
    Updated by webfork

    • Synopsis: FileOptimizer is a lossless file size optimizer supporting AIR, Aa long list of file types from audio/video (MPK3, OGG, OGV) image (GIF, JPEG, APNG), and even office formats (DOCX, APPXLSX, BMP, CBZ, D OCXDT, PDF) and system files (DLL, EPUBL, EXE, GIF, GZ, ICO, JAR, JPEG, MNG, MP3, MPP, PNG,). PPTX,he program keeps the behavior of the file ODT, OGG, OGV,untouched, but with its size reduced thanks to a variety of recompression and optimization techniques. PDF, PUB, SCR, SWF, TIF, VSD, WEBP, XAP, XLSX, and ZIP fileOriginal formatiles among others. Ite keepsent to the recycle behaviour of then fileor untouchred, bustoration win the event the its size reduced thanks to several recompressioned and optimizatversion techniqus presferred.A 64-bit version is available (within the folder).
    • Forum topic ID: 017627

    2013-01-02 17:17:38
    Added by Checker