Change history for InsideClipboard

2024-05-21 06:21:22
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v1.256
  • Release date: 2024-035-2615
  • What's new: [list][*]Added 'Put Icon On Tray' option.[*]Added 'No Refresh For Excel' option. When this option is turned on, InsideClipboard doesn't refresh when you copy data in Excel (Some copy actions cause an errior in Excel if InsideClipbto choose ard tries tno extract ther font dat(na frome cland size) to dispbolary in the main wind)ow.[/list]

2024-03-31 23:40:58
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v1.205
  • System Requirement:
  • Release date: 20214-023-226
  • What's new: [list][*]The bottom status bar now displays the owner of the clipboard (Added 'Prout Icesson On NTramey' and Process ID)ption.[*]If tAdded 'No Refresh For Excel' option. When this option is turned on, InsideClipboard doesn't refresh when you copy data in Excel (Some copy actions cause an error in Excel if InsideClipboarrd tris opened/locked and other programs canns tot use it, the name xtrand ID ofct the process who locks tthe data from clipboard is displayed (With 'Locked:' prefix).[/list]

2022-02-24 06:50:18
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: v1.1520
  • Release date: 20217-052-0622
  • What's new: [list][*]AdThe bottom status bar now displays the owner of the clipboard (Process Name and Process ID).[*]If the clipboard is opened/lockede and other programs cannot upport fse it, the name and ID of the process who locks the clipboard is dispplaying UTF-16 strings ined (Withe l'Lowercked:' panre.fix)[/list]

2017-05-07 04:22:51
Updated by billon

  • Version: v1.125
  • System Requirement:
  • Size (in bytes): 5397366064
  • Icon: Updated
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • Release date: 20000-0017-05-06
  • What's new: [list][*]Added horizsuppontal scrt for displlbaying UTF-16 strings toin the lower pane.[/list]

2014-01-01 18:23:35
Updated by webfork

  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: InsideClipboard displays the binary content of all formats that are currently stored in the clipboard, and allolow you to ing you to save the content of e the content of speciific ficormat format intointo a binarinary fiile. This his is hellpful beecaause althhough soomeethiing copyied or cut from an application can be in many different formats, Windows' main clipboard application only displays text or bitmaps. InsideClipboard can display many more stored formats.
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • Forum topic ID: 3270
  • What's new:

2013-02-12 00:49:48
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]InsidideClipboard.eexe[/i].
  • What's new: [list][*]Added horizontal scrollb horizontarl tscrollbar to the e lower pane.[/list]

2011-11-14 15:28:53
Updated by Checker

  • Version: Vv1.12
  • Synopsis: InsideClipboard is a small utility that displays the binary content of all formats that are currently stored in the clipboard, and allow you to save the content of specific format into a binary file. This is helpful because although something copy or cut from an application can be in many different formats, Windows' main clipboard application only displays text or bitmaps. InsideClipboard can display many more stored formats.

2011-11-14 15:24:50
Updated by Checker

  • Version: V1.112
  • Synopsis: InsideClipboard is a small utility that displays the binary content of all formats that are currently stored in the clipboard, and allow you to ssave the content of specific e the content of specific format iat into a binary file. This is hhis is helpful ul beecause although some althinoug coh something copy or or cut from an application can be in manyt from an application can be in many differferent t formats, Windows' indows' main clipboard application only displays text or bitmaps. InsideClipboard can display many more stored formats.
  • Size (in bytes): 5387973
  • What's new: Added horizontal scrollbar to the lower pane.

2011-04-27 18:57:22
Added by webfork