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FreeCAD v0.21.2

Stephen Leibowitz on 8 Jan 2024
  • 2GB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 8 Jan 2024
  • Suggested by webfork

FreeCAD is an parametric 3D modeler that lets you sketch geometry-constrained 2D shapes and use them as a base to build 3D objects. The program also allows you to easily modify your design by going back into your model history and changing its parameters.

FreeCAD reads and writes to many open file formats such as STEP, IGES, STL, SVG, DXF, OBJ, IFC, DAE.

Cross platform (Mac, Linux). Many user-contributed addons/macros are also available, for example to let you easily create screws and bolts, instantly construct lego bricks, etc.

Win 7 users may encounter an error starting FreeCAD, due to a missing 64-bit .dll file.

Runs on:Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Win11
Writes settings to: Application folder
Unicode support: Yes
License: Freeware/Open Source
How to extract:
  1. Download the x64-portable ZIP and extract to a folder of your choice
  2. In the main folder, create a subfolder called userdata where all the temp files and config data will be stored
  3. Create a text file in the main folder and paste in the following:

    @cd "%~dp0"
    @set FREECAD_USER_HOME="%~dp0\userdata"
    @start "FreeCad" "%~dp0\bin\FreeCAD.exe" --single-instance "%1"

  4. Rename the text file to freecad.bat and launch.
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