Classic Browser proceeds apace, v6.9 released [2021-04-13] (
Be forewarned, if you want to test it, that
Classic Browser will by default clear your '%
TEMP%', '
Prefetch' and a couple of other '
%APPDATA%' locations, as instructed by the '
cleanup.bat' it executes on exit; despite this, it also leaves traces in the system registry at '
HKCU\Software\nwjs' (if you're wondering what this is, check; for traces left, see below).
Finally, I wish the dev(s) would include dates in their update log... and wouldn't be so in love with gradient effects and wonky UI options, as promised in the homepage ("
A browser that doesn't look like Vogue!") -- I'd be content if it only followed the regular Windows controls look and placement.
Registry traces found:
Code: Select all
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
If anyone can confirm this findings, I'll move the topic to "
Not Portable".