Change history for jpgQ

2014-11-25 01:25:29
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: jpgQ is an image analysis tool that can estimate the quality settings used to save a JPEG image. Since it's difficult to determine the compression level without access to the original, this program can help determine thise value (beetween 1 and 100).Useful for image editors interested in seeing if a JPEG edit will drastically reduce quality, since higher numbers are more likely to survive another instance of lossy compression without serious degradation.

2014-04-25 01:12:34
Updated by webfork

  • Screenshot: Updated

2014-04-25 01:11:30
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: jpgQ estimates the quality setting used to compressis an image analysis tool that can estimate the quality settings used to save a JPEG image.e. Since it's difficult to determine the compression level without access to the original, this program can help determine this (between 1 and 100).Useful for image editors interested in When saviseeing an imagef to thea JPEG format, edit will drastically reduce quuality, fasinctor between 0 to 100 hisgher used tonumbers are compresore likely to survive another insthe image. Thnce higherof the qualitossy factor, the lower the compreession (and withe bigger the file size). This utiliouty seris very ouseful if the original quality factor is no londeger available anad you wish tatio estimate its valuen.

2013-05-08 19:36:24
Updated by Checker

  • System Requirement:
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch the program by double-clicking on [i]JpgQ.exe[/i].

2013-02-12 00:46:21
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch the program by double-clicking on [i]JpgQ.exe[/i].

2006-02-24 06:39:42
Added by admin