Change history for NTFS Permissions Tools

2018-04-21 19:46:52
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: NTFS Permissions Tools is an easy-to-use file permissions mwanagement tool. You can use ity to modify, backup, and restore the security settings of files and folders in the NTFS filesystem. The program is faster and more intuitive than the default Windows management interface.NOTE: Main site offline, linking to softpedia and (thanks [i]emoreau[/i]).

2018-04-21 19:46:12
Updated by webfork

  • Website URL:
  • Synopsis: NTFS Permissions Tools is an easy-to-use file permissions management tool. You can use it to modify, backup, and restore the security settings of files and folders in the NTFS filesystem. The program is faster and more intuitive than the default Windows management interface.NOTE: Main site offline, linking to softpedia and (thanks [i]emoreau[/i]).
  • Download URL:

2016-11-27 00:56:35
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: NTFS Permissions Tools is an easy-to-use file permissions management tool f. Yor the NTFSu can use filesyste to m. You can use it to modifodify, backup, and restore the security settings of files and folders. It is far more intuitive and faster thand the drefaulst Wiore the security settindowgs of finterfaceles and folders viewing and managing the NTFS pfilesystem. The programis isi faster and more intuitive than the default Windows management interface.

2016-11-25 13:40:37
Updated by billon

  • Size (in bytes): 1407488796
  • Writes settings to: NApplication folder
  • Icon: Updated
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • Stealth: Yes No
  • Keywords: NTFSPermissionsTools NTFS Permissions Tools
  • Similar/alternative apps: [url=]TakeOwnershipPro[/url]

2016-11-25 02:34:34
Added by Andrew Lee