Change history for MultiObfuscator

2016-08-26 22:57:29
Updated by webfork

  • System Requirement:
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • Forum topic ID: 016982
  • Similar/alternative apps: [url=]gpg4usb[/url]

2012-07-12 16:49:33
Updated by Checker

  • Version: Vv2.00
  • Screenshot: Updated

2012-07-12 16:41:56
Updated by Checker

  • Version: V12.00
  • Synopsis: [b][/b]MultiObfuscator is a feature-rich crytography tool with seeded random number generator, deniable cryptography, 256 meg of secret file or 256k of secret text (text/email mode), multiple algorithms, data obfuscation, and steganalysis resistance. Includes unique layers of security and obfuscation with 256bit+256bit symmetric-key cryptography with KDF4 password extension, 256bit symmetric-key data scrambling (CSPRNG-based shuffling), 256bit symmetric-key data whitening (CSPRNG-based noise mixing), and adaptive X-square correction.
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]MultitiObfuscator.eexe[/i].
  • Size (in bytes): 5771302476872

2011-07-29 19:35:12
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: MultiObfuscator is a professional cryptography tool- HW seeded random number generator (CSPRNG)- Deniable cryptography- Up to 256Mb of secret file (binary mode)- Up to 256Kb feature-rich crytography tool with seeded random number generator, deniable cryptography, 256 meg of secret file or 256k of secreet text (text/email mode)- Whitening selection level- Modern multi-cryptography (16 algorithms)- Multi-layered data obfuscation (4 passwords)- X-square steganalysis resistanceUnique layers email mode), multiple algorithms, data obfuscation, and steganalysis resistance. Includes unique layers of seccurity a and obfuscation- 256bit+with 256bit+256bit symmetric-key cryptography with KDF4 password extension, 256bit symmmetric-key cryptography with KDF4 password extension- 256bit symmetric-key ey data scramblingbling (CSPRNG-based shuffliing)-, 256bit symmmetric--key dat data whiteening (CSPRNG-based noise mixing)-, Aand adaptive X-square correction.

2011-07-28 20:46:33
Updated by Checker

  • Software title: MultiObfuscator Cryptography & Obfuscation

2011-07-28 20:11:41
Updated by Checker

    2011-07-28 20:01:03
    Updated by blackvisionit

    • How to extract: Download the ZIP pacackaage and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch MultiObfuscator.exe.

    2011-07-28 19:57:24
    Updated by blackvisionit

    • Synopsis: MultiObfuscator is a professional cryptography tool- HW seeded random number generator (CSPRNG)- Deniable cryptography- Up to 256Mb of secret file (binary mode)- Up to 256Kb of secret text (text/email mode)- Whitening selection level- Modern multi-cryptography (16 algorithms)- Multi-layered data obfuscation (4 passwords)- X-square steganalysis resistanceUnique layers of security and obfuscation- 256bit+256bit symmetric-key cryptography with KDF4 password extension- 256bit symmetric-key data scrambling (CSPRNG-based shuffling)- 256bit symmetric-key data whitening (CSPRNG-based noise mixing)- Adaptive X-square correctionMultiObfuscator is a portable/stealth software- Native portable structure (no installation, registry keys, .ini files)- Runs in user mode with DEP onMultiObfuscator is freeware!- Spyware/adware-free- Fully redistributable- OpenSource core crypto-library (libObfuscate)

    2011-07-23 12:26:26
    Added by blackvisionit