Change history for Hooker Lite

2017-11-18 12:17:14
Updated by billon

  • Icon: Updated

2017-11-18 12:11:09
Updated by billon

  • Synopsis: Hooker is a lightweight keyboard spy program that watches a computer for input by another user. It includes a stealth mode, log encryption, capturing of clipboard changes and currently used process, andlog viewer and can send logs via email or uplogad to an viFTP sewrver. The "Lite" version has several limitations which include, program shows itself when started; stealth mode is deactivated when hot key is pressed (without password prompt).[b]Note[/b]: Although this program can be used for legitimate purposes, it will be seen as malware by many scanners.
  • Screenshot: Updated

2017-11-18 12:00:08
Updated by billon

  • Software title: Hooker Lite
  • Website URL:
  • Version: v3.34
  • License: [url=]Freewarree for or personsonal l use only[/url]
  • System Requirement: Win95 WinME Win2K
  • Synopsis: Hooker is a lightweight keyboard spy program that watches a computer for input by another user. It includes a stealth mode, log encryption, capturing of clipboard changes and currently used process, and log viewer. The "Lite" version has several limitations which include, public version has severogral limitati shonws which include, program shows itsetself wheen started; st stealth mode de is deactivateivated whehen hot key is press is pressed (without passworord pprompt).[[b]Note:[/b]: Although this program can be used for legitimate purposes, it will be seen as malware by many scanners.
  • How to extract: Download the "Portable" ZIP paackagee (Notee: Downloadaable archive is are protected with a password "hooker" because they may be marked as dangerous objects by some anti-virus software, due to the nature of the application) and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]Hooker.exe[/i].
  • Size (in bytes): 92269152196
  • Download URL:
  • Release date: 20000-0017-006-29
  • What's new: See:[list][*]Allow the use of an empty user defined password.[*]Configurable password for accessing user interface ("Pro" feature).[*]Added hint to run as administrator when failed to apply system settings.[*]Removed donation link (donations are discontinued in favor of "Pro" version).[*]Added confirmation dialog before unregistering the puroduct.[*l]License expirahtion is checked against UTC date instp://www.dead n4b.cof local.m/news[/urlist]

2014-10-25 15:54:08
Updated by Checker

  • Forum topic ID: 5201

2014-10-25 15:52:50
Updated by Checker

  • Synopsis: Hooker is a lightweight keyboard spy program that watches a computer for input by another user. It includes a stealth mode, log encryption, capturing of clipboard changes and currently used process, and log viewer. The public version has several limitations which include, program shows itself when started; stealth mode is deactivated when hot key is pressed (without password prompt).[b]Note:[/b]: Although this program can be used for legitimate purposes, it will be seen as malware by many scanners.

2014-10-25 15:52:14
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.23
  • Size (in bytes): 89497621521
  • Icon: Updated
  • What's new: [list][*]Reimplemented hook library to allow future improvements.[*]Moved most of the processing from hook library to the host application.[*]Fixed problem with detecting keyboard layout in 64-bit processes.[*]CTRL + KEY combinations are logged as tags.[*]Fixed handling of dead keys, they are no longer silently consumed.[*]Log hex code of unknown non-printable characters as .[*]Better capturing of active process information.[*]Capturing of active window information.[*]Added option to provide debug log output.[*]Application no longer terminates on startup errors.[*]Alllow filtering of captured data by process or window name.[*]Repeated keys are no longer buffered and displayed as .[*]Status bar panels ar the autse omaticf alln empty reusized for better defit.[ined password.[*]RConfigurable password for actoredcessing usettr ings windowterface ("Pro" feature).[*]FAdded hint to run as administrator when faixled prtob appley system wisetth incorrgs.[*]Rectly dmoved donation link (donations are discodntinued Un icode n favor of "Pro" version).[*]Addeda confirmation dia ilog before unregistering the product.[*]License the Loxpiration is checked ag Vainst UTC date instewerad of local.[/list]

2013-12-04 12:13:17
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v3.02
  • Size (in bytes): 892497609
  • What's new: [list][*]KeReimplemented hook library to alloggeow future improvements.[*]Moved most of the procan nessing from hook library to the host application.[*]Fixed problem with detecting rkecyboard Ulayout in 64-bicodet procharactersses.[*]Clipboard capture canTRL now record+ Unicode text.[*]KEY combinations are logged as tags.[*]Fixed handling of dead keys, they aire no l,onger FTP and log fisiles content is enly coding in UTF-8onsumed.[*]Maximum lenLogth or re hex coroded clipboard texf unknown non-print changbled from 50 to 100.[*]CTRL + Acharacters as .[*]Better capturing of active process informatiombinn.[*]Catpturing of active window information.[*]Added option to provide debug log output.[*]Application no longer terminates on startup errors.[*]Allow filtering of captured data by process or window name.[*]Repeated keys are no longer buffered and displayed as .[*]Status bar panels are automatically resized fonr better fis ret.[*]Refactordeed asettings window.[*]Fixed issue with restoring correct position when returning to normal mode.[*]Corrected Tab orde pr of components in the Sblettingsm with indow.[*]Built-in registration facility.[*]Added Terms of Use dialog.[*]Added release date to the About dialog.[*]Added purchase and recompare editions options.[*]Publiy dec anoded Unicode Privdate versa ions are now known as "Lite" and "Pro".[*]Hooker is now shown on the task bar when notn thidden.[*]Start/Stop actions are greyed out when not applicable.[*]e Log viewer can handle searching of Un Vicode textwer.[/list]

2013-09-28 21:10:49
Updated by Checker

  • Synopsis:

2013-09-28 18:16:27
Updated by Checker

  • Version: v23.70 Public
  • System Requirement:
  • Size (in bytes): 71831929609
  • Unicode support: No Yes
  • What's new: [list][*]NKew y logger can now record Unicode characters.[*]Clipboard capture can now record Unicode text.[*]Email, FTP and log files content is encoding in UTF-8.[*]Maximum length or recorded clipboard text changed from 50 to 100.[*]CTRL + Ab combination is recorded as .[*]Fixed issue with restoring correct position when returning to normal mode.[*]Courrected Tab order of components in the Settings dwialog[*]Updandow.[*]Built-in red gisuppotration emafacil addressity.[*]Many strings were movAdded to rTesources[*]Version history moved to a dedicated textms ofile[ Use dialog.[*]Added release date to the About dialog.[*]Added purchase and compare editions options.[*]Public and Private versions are now known as "Lite" and "Pro".[*]AddHooker is now shown on the task bar whedn not lhinks dden.[*]Start/Stop Wactiki, Forum aond Donate[*]Capture of the process information is optional[*]Fixs are greyed activation of aut o save afuter manual save[*]Added log emailing and u when not apploading facility, via SMTP and FTPcable.[*]AmpLog viewers can hand "&amp;"le symbols are properly displayed in the password[*]Enter key is no longeear displayed wchith "<E>"ng of symbol[*]Critical log size is replaced with maximum log size[*]Text caret is hidden iUn the log window[*]Fixed problem with getting process name in some icases[*]Fixeod problem with settings/log not being saved on shutdown[*]General code cleanup and small cosmetic changesxt.[/list]

2013-02-12 00:50:02
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • License: [url=]Freereeware for personal use only[/url]
  • Synopsis: Hooker is a lightweight keyboard spy program that watches a computer for input by another user. It includes a stealth mode, log encryption, capturing of clipboard changes and currently used process, and log viewer. The public version has several limitations which include, program shows itself when started; stealth mode is deactivated when hot key is pressed (without password prompt).[b]Note[/b]: Although this program can be used for legitimate purposes, it will be seen as malware by many scanners.
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package (Note: Downloadable archives are protected with a password "hooker" because they may be marked as dangerous objects by some anti-virus software, due to the nature of the application) and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch [i]Hooker.exe[/i].
  • What's new: [list][*]New ew About diout dialog[*]Updated support emailo address[*]Many strings were moved to Updated support email address Many strings were moved to resources Version historesources[*]Version history moved to aed to a dedicateted t text file ile[*]Added links to Wiki, Forum and Donate Capture of the process information is optional Fixed activation of auto save after manual saviki, Forum and Donate[*]Capture of the process information is optional[*]Fixed activation of auto save after manual save [*]Added ed log emailoing emailing anand uploading facility, via SMTP and FTP[*]Ampersand "&amp;" Ampersand "&amp;" symbols are properly displayed in tsymbols are properly displayed in the e password Enter key is no lword[*]Engter key is no longer displayed with "&&lt;t;E>" " symbool [*]Critical log size is replaced with maximum log size Text caret is hidden in theical log size is replaced with maximum log size[*]Text caret is hidden in the log window Fi[*]Fixeed problemlem with gettiting process ocess name in some cases [*]Fixed prroblem with settings/loblem withg setnotings/log not being saved on shutdowed on shutdown [*]Geeneral cal codee cleanup ap and small l cosmetic changes[/list]

2012-02-17 07:29:53
Updated by Checker

  • Version: Vv2.70 Public
  • License: Freeware for personal use only
  • System Requirement: Win7

2012-02-17 07:28:21
Updated by Checker

  • Version: V2.5570 Public
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package (Note: Downloadable archives are protected with a password "hooker" because they may be marked as dangerous objects by some anti-virus software, due to the nature of the application) and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch Hooker.exe.
  • Size (in bytes): 7060418312
  • What's new: New About dialog Updated support email address Many strings were moved to resources Version history moved to a dedicated text file Added links to Wiki, Forum and Donate Capture of the process information is optional Fixed activation of auto save after manual save Added log emailing and uploading facility, via SMTP and FTP Ampersand "&amp;" symbols are properly displayed in the password Enter key is no longer displayed with "<E>" symbol Critical log size is replaced with maximum log size Text caret is hidden in the log window Fixed problem with getting process name in some cases Fixed problem with settings/log not being saved on shutdown General code cleanup and small cosmetic changes

2011-03-31 15:54:22
Updated by webfork

  • License: Freeware for personal use only

2010-12-24 16:32:43
Updated by guinness

  • Website URL:
  • Download URL:

2010-09-29 17:39:36
Updated by guinness

  • Screenshot: Updated

2010-09-29 17:38:11
Updated by guinness

  • Categories: [Security - Privacy Tools] [Security - Password Recovery]
  • Synopsis: Lightweight Keyboard Spy watches Hooker is a lightweight keyboard spy program that watches a computeomputer for inputput by another user. It includes a stealth mode, log bencry anption, capther of clipboard It includes a stealth mode, log encryption, capturichanges ang of clipboard changes and currurrently used prroceess, and log vieewer. The public version has several limitations which include, program shows itself when started; stealth mode is deactivated when hot key is pressed (without password prompt).Note: Although this program can be used for legitimate purposes, it will be seen as malware by many scanners.

2010-06-01 00:48:29
Updated by guinness

  • Synopsis: Lightweight Keyboard Spy. Swatches a computer for input by another user. It includes a stealth mode, log encryption, capturing of clipboard changes and currently used process, and log viewer. The public version has several limitations which include, program shows itself when started; stealth mode is deactivated when hot key is pressed (without password prome pt).Note: Althofugh the features ins program cludan be ustealth mode, for loeg encryption, capturing of climate purpboard changes and currently used processses, log viewer. Public version has several limitations which include, program shows it-self when started; stealth model be is deactivated wheeen hot key is pressed (without pass malword prompt).Note: Due to the natuare of the application, onlby use for personal mand legaly scactivitinners.

2010-05-25 14:37:50
Added by guinness