Change history for TriX

2015-06-14 23:58:25
Updated by webfork

  • Website URL:
  • Synopsis: TriX is a hot key-basedased prodoductitivity toy tool f that dores wimandows OS y simple tasks with key combinationse including text cformputers whatting (upper chase, dloes mawer case, senteny ce casimple tasks using key combinations: text formatte…), web search (Google, Bing, YouTube, etc.), data exporting (uppNoter caspad, MS-Word, MS-Excel…), lowdata extr acase, sentence case…)tion (emails, wlinks…), and more.[b]Note[/b]: Web site offlinearch (Goog- le, Yahoo!, Bing, YouTube…), data exportking (Notepad, MS-Wtord, MS-Excel…), dat a extraction (emails, lhinks…), and mve.oreg.
  • Download URL:
  • Screenshot: Updated
  • Forum topic ID: 06245

2014-08-06 17:04:14
Updated by Checker

  • System Requirement:
  • How to extract: [list=1][*]Download theownload the ZIP P package and extract to a folder of your choice[*]Create an empty file named [i]Trix.ini [/i]in the sackagme folder, with the afollowind extract to a folder of yourg choice.Create an empty file named [i]Trix.ini [/i]in the same folder, with the following contents:[iontents:[indent] [Genereral]AlAllUsers=FalseLsers=FalseLoadOnStatartup=FalalsePortable=True[/indTrue[/intdent][*]Launch [i]TriX.exe.[/i][/list]
  • What's new: V. [list] [*]Fix: Blocked tab key on application's forms. Fix: Remove ";" character when exporting to Excel. Imp: TriX will now try to fix settings file automatically if it is corrupted. New: "Text Manipulations / Expand Text": Expand selected text and replace with text in a clip. New: "Text Manipulations / Phonetic Alphabet": Substitute the NATO alphabet telephony for independent letters and numbers.[/list]

2013-02-12 00:50:02
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Synopsis: TriX is a hot key-based productivity tool for windows OS based computers which does many simple tasks using key combinations: text formatting (upper case, lower case, sentence case…), web search (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, YouTube…), data exporting (Notepad, MS-Word, MS-Excel…), data extraction (emails, links…), and more.
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice.Create an empty file named Trix.ini in the s[i]Trix.ini [/i]in the same folder, with with the folollowing coing contents:[indents:] [Generaeneral]AlllUserss=FalseeLoaadOnSttartup=Fal=FalseePortablee=TrueTrue[/indent]Launch [i]TriiX..exe.[/i]
  • What's new: V. [list] [*]Fix: Blockelocked tab key on on application's forms. Fixix: Remove ";" character when exporting to Excel. Imp: TriX will now try to fix settings file automatically if it is corrupted. New: "Text Manipulationtically if it is / Expand corrupted. New: "Text Manipulations / Expand Text": Expanand seleected tted text and replace with text in replace with text in a clilip. Neew: "Text Manipulationsanipulations / Phonetic A Alphabebet": Suubstitute the NATO alphabet tele alphabet telephony for independent ler independent letters and numbers.[/list]

2011-03-19 16:32:13
Updated by webfork

  • Version: Vv0.0.12.5
  • What's new: V. Fix: Blockelocked ta tab key on on application's forms forms. Fix: Remove ";" character Rwhemove ";" charactern when eexporting to Excel. Imp: TriX mp: TriX will l now try to fix settings file aus file automaatically if itf it is corrupted.upted. New: "Textxt Mananipulations / Expanns / Expand Texext": Expaand selected tted text and replace weplace with t text t in a clip. New: "Text Manipulations / Phonetic Alphabet": Substitute the NATO alphabet telephony for independent letters and numbers.

2010-09-22 05:31:08
Updated by webfork

  • Version: V0.0.12.15
  • Synopsis: TriX is a hot key-based productivity tool for windows OS based computers which does many simple tasks using key combinations: text formatting (upper case, lower case, sentence case…), web search (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, YouTube…), data exporting (Notepad, MS-Word, MS-Excel…), data extraction (emails, links…), and more.
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice.Create an empty file named Trix.ini in the same folder, with the following contents: [General]AllUsers=FalseLoadOnStartup=FalsePortable=TrueLaunch TriX.exe.
  • Size (in bytes): 8268314747
  • Download URL:
  • What's new: V. Cng: TriX settings window appears now in Windows task bar when open. Fix: Tooltip s Blocked tab keys tilon appl wicationd's fow getsrms. Fix: Remove ";" character when exporting to Excel. Imp: TriX will now try to fix settings file automatically if it is corrupted. New: "Text Manipulations / Expand Text": Expand seelected text and replace with text in a clip. New: "Text Manipulations / Pheon eticalling Alphabet"Term: Substintute the NATO alphal"bet ctelephony fommar ind. Imep: Alt key was added to the commaends hoentkeys specia l keys. New: "Files, Folders & Links / View Source": View the souterce code of selected web page's liank. New: "Text Manipulations / Rich Text Editor": Edit content in fully featured rich text mbeditors.

2010-07-27 21:30:02
Updated by joby_toss

  • Synopsis: TriX is a hot key-based productivity tool for windows OS based computers which does many simple tasks using key combinations: text formatting (upper case, lower case, sentence case…), web search (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, YouTube…), data exporting (Notepad, MS-Word, MS-Excel…), data extraction (emails, links…), and more.
  • What's new: V. Cng: TriX settings window appears nX settings window appears now in Window in Windowss task bar whenen open. Fix: Tooltip stays till window gets closed when ca: Tooltip stays till window gets closed when calling "Terminal" command. Imp: Alt key was added to the commands hotkeys specialt key was added to the commands hotkeys special keys. New: "Files, Folders & p; Liinks / Views / View Souource": Viewiew the e source ccode ode of self selecteted web pagee's link. New: "Text Manipulations / Rich Text Editor": Edit content in fully featured rich text editor.

2010-07-27 13:06:17
Updated by Checker

  • Version: V0.0.112.19
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice.Create an empty file named Trix.ini in the same folder, with the following contents: [General]AllUsers=FalseLoadOnStartup=FalsePortable=TrueLaunch TriX.exe.
  • Size (in bytes): 7824742117
  • What's new: V. Cng: TriXX settings window appears now in Windows task crbashesr while usien openg. EFixp: Toorltip stays t2Exill window gets cel on some scenarios.Imp: If commands search result returns a single command, command is called automatically.New: "Sharing / Blogger": Share content from anywhere on the web in Blogger.New: "Sharing / Evernote": Capture information in any environment and makes this informatilon accessibled and searchable.New: "Sharing / Hotmail": Email selected URL by Hotmail (Live mail).New: "Sharing / Messenger": Share content from anywhere on twhe web in Messeenger Social.New:ling "ShaTerming /al" MySpace": Post limmand. Imp: Alt key was added to the commands hotks ineys special keys. New: "Files, Foulder MySps &ace mpage.N; Links / View: "Sharing / Pourint Friendlyce": Remove graph View the source code of selecsted web pandge's objects from alink. wNebw: "Text Manipulage fortions / Rich bTetterxt priEditor": Edit content int fully featured rich text edingtor.

2010-07-10 23:58:21
Updated by joby_toss

  • Version: V0.0.11.179
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice.Create an empty file named Trix.ini in the same folder, with the following contents: [General]AllUsers=FalseLoadOnStartup=FalsePortable=TrueLaunch TriX.exe.
  • What's new: V. Calling commands by clicking on keystrokes doesn't affect commands statistics.Fix: Switch languages button in translatoTr messed up selected items.Fix: TriiX folder in use cr'as app-data created even mode is heset to portable.Imp: "Fwhile us &aming Exp; Folders / Export t2 Notepad" will now try to open with notExcepad++ and only on failure will n some scenarit tryos.Imp: with the deIf commault notds sepad.Imprch result returns a single command, command is called automatically.New: "Sharing / Blogger": Share content from anywhere on the web in Blogger.New: "Sharing / Evernote": Commands list search box can be used to open web links, files or folders (if exist) after typing them.New: "Web Search / Wolfram Alpha": Search in Wolapture infram Alpha search engine.New: "Sharing" group created. The group will contain commands related url and content sharing using the popular services.New: "Sharing / Facebook": Post links in your Facebook page.New: "Sharing / GMail": Email selected URL by Google, with address book.New: "Shormaring / StumbleUpon": Submit selected URL to StumbleUpion.New:n "Sharing / Twany envittronmer":nt and makes this Twinformation accesseible and searchablected text.New: : "Sharing / Yah Hoo Mailtmail": Emaimail selected URL by Y!Mail, wL by Hotmail (Live mail).New: "Sharing / Messenger": Share content from anywhere on the web in Messenger address bSocial.New: "Sharing / MySpace": Post links in your MySpace page.V. "Sharing: " / Print Friendlesy": Remove graphics and &aobjects from a web page for better p..rinting.

2010-06-27 20:24:59
Updated by webfork

  • Synopsis: TriX is a hot key-based productivity tool for windows OS based computers which does many simple tasks using key combinations: text formatting (upper case, lower case, sentence case…), web search (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, YouTube…), data exporting (Notepad, MS-Word, MS-Excel…), data extraction (emails, links…), and more.

2010-06-27 14:48:44
Updated by guinness

  • Version: V0.0.11.517
  • Synopsis: TriX is a hot key-based productivity tool for windows OS based computers which does many simple tasks using key combinations: text formatting (upper case, lower case, sentence case), web search (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, YouTube), data exporting (Notepad, MS-Word, MS-Excel), data extraction (emails, links), and more.
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice.Create an empty file named Trix.ini in the same folder, with the following contents:[General]AllUsers=FalseLoadOn youStar tup=FalsePortable devic=True. Launch TriX.exe.Note: Portable mode is active only when launched from a Portable device, not from thxe HDD.
  • Size (in bytes): 737421168
  • What's new: 0.0.1V. Calling commands by clicking on keystrokes doesn't affect commands statistics.Fix: Switch languages button in translator messed up selected items.Fix: TriX folder in user's app-data created even mode is set to portable.Imp: "Files & Folders / Export 2 Notepad" will now try to open with notepad++ and only on failure will it try with the default notepad.Imp: Commands list search box can be used to open web links, files or folders (if exist) after typing them.New: "Web Search / Wolfram Alpha": Search in Wolfram Alpha search engine.New: "Sharing" group created. The group will contain commands related url and content sharing using the popular services.New: "Sharing / Facebook": Post links in your Fix: acebook page.New: "Stharing / GMail": Email seleckted URL by CTGoogle, with address book.New: "Sharing / StumbleUpon": Submit selected URL k to StumbleUpon.New: "Sharing / Twittey inr": Twit somelected text.New: of"Sharing / tYahe commands.o ImpMail": TriX Email seleconted URL by chY!Mangesil, when TriX deactivated / activated (default). Imp: Better detecition of local IPh addredresss in "Fun & Info / C boomputer Card" commandk.V. New0.0.11.13: "Web Search / IconFinder": Search icons & images in IconFinder search eCngine. New: "Web Search / Koders": Search source code samples in Koders search engine. New: "Fun & Info / Statistics": Count number of characters, blanks, words sentences and paragraphs in selected text. New: "Security / Encrypt" & "Security / Decrypt": Transform un/readable text to un/readable based on options selected by the user...

2010-06-12 10:31:50
Updated by joby_toss

  • Website URL:
  • Synopsis: TriX is a hot key-based productivity tool for windows OS based computers which does many simple tasks using key combinations: text formatting (upper case, lower case, sentence case), web search (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, YouTube), data exporting (Notepad, MS-Word, MS-Excel), data extraction (emails, links), and more.

2010-06-12 09:00:18
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • Version: V0.
  • Size (in bytes): 73116934778
  • What's new: Cng: Desktop shortcut no longer created automatically; Shortcut can be created either manually or using the new "Create Shortcut" in the settings menu0.0. Fix: Save & Exit icons missing in generate password settings form11. 5: Fixix: "Misc / Calculate" returns "expressionSticky invaliCTRL key in some of the command" error message. s. Imp: User TriX ican nown turchan off hotkgeys. Imp: User can now deactivate commanwhen TriX ds, means filter them ouctivated / act from TriX commands window and deactivate their hotkey. New: "Sound" category: Allows you adjust the computer's volume. Another cool function is a reader which speaks selected text or file's content. New: "Export Data/Export 2 Email": Send selected text to a friend via email using thed (default email client). NewImp: "MBetter detection of local IP addressc in "Fun & Info /O Compen Wiuth Ner Card" cotepmmand. New: "Web Search / IconFinder": OSearch icons & images in IconFinden selr search engine. New: "Web Searcted filh / Koders": Search source code wsamples ith then Kodefaulters search enginotepad. New: ""Fun & Info / Send to Frtatistiendcs" f: Count numbeatur of characters, blanks, words sentences and paragraphs in selectedd text. New: "Security / Encrypt" & "Security / Ded crypto": TriX tray nsforme un/readable text to un/readable based on options selected by the user.

2010-05-24 01:32:52
Updated by Onesimus Prime

  • Synopsis: TriX is a hot key-based productivtivity tool for windows OS based compS based computers whhich does maes many simple tasks usimple tng key combinasks in a cltickons: t textt formatting (upper case, lower case, sentenormatting (upper case, lower cease, csentence case…), web search (Google, Yaoogle, Yahooo!,, Bing, , YououTube…), data exporte…), data exporting (Notepad, MS-d, MS-Word, MS-Excel…),xcel…), dataata exttraction n (emails,ils, links…), and more.

2010-05-21 12:02:42
Added by joby_toss