Change history for Seizure Dome

2014-08-03 19:53:27
Updated by Checker

  • Synopsis: Seizure Dome is an arena shooter with plenty of motion blurring, flashing colors and hefty pixels. Your goal is to destroy everything that comes at you without being pushed to the sides of the screen or otherwise disposed of. Addictive action combined with stomach-churning visual effects and a song that you'll never get out of your head is what this game is all about.Contains some mild nudity, although 8-bit and not graphic by any stretch of the imagination.[b]WARNINGote:[/b] Please exercise your personal discretion as to whether your health permits playing this game; the name is not to be taken lightly at all. If you suffer from headaches, nausea or photosensitive seizures while playing any other game you will likely want to avoid this one.
  • How to extract: Download the zip package and eZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launtrach the program byto a folder of youble-clir ckhoice. Laungch [i]sdome.exe[/i].

2013-02-02 19:04:47
Updated by webfork

  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: Seizure Dome is an arena shooter with plenty of motion blurring, flashing colors and hefty pixels. Your goal is to destroy everything that comes at you without being pushed to the sides of the screen or otherwise disposed of. Addictive action combined with stomach-churning visual effects and a song that you'll never get out of your head is what this game is all about.WARNING! This game does contContains some mild nudity, ain some nudity, tlthough it is very 8-bbit t annd not gr not graphic by any y any sttretch of t the iimaginatioon. [b]WAlso,RNING[/b] pPlease exercise your personal discretion as to whether your health permits playing this game; the name is not to be taken lightly at all. If you suffer from headaches, nausea or photosensitive seizures while playing any other game you will likely want to avoid this one.
  • How to extract: Download the zip package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch the program by double-clicking [i]sdome.exe[/i].

2008-01-20 06:45:59
Added by admin