KidSafe FINAL [discontinued]

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KidSafe FINAL [discontinued]

#1 Post by rcmaehl »

For those who didn't read my post in the KidSafe Comments (using my old nick rmcomputerlover that I use for posting unregistered). The Feature Packed Final Version of KidSafe is going to be released in Late June/Early July. I MEAN FINAL AS IN STABLE AND NO LONGER IN THE BETA STAGE. The developer build, which will NOW update correctly, is available here:

Some of its new features (Not all have been added to the available developer builds yet):
# Python Version To Be Added For Linux (Delayed until I finish learning Python)
# Less Resource Usage (A LOT LESS)
# Option to kill LogonUI. (Moved to, Currently default if program runs with admin privs)
# Password Reset (Moved to
# Highly Adaptive Forgot Password Function ((Standard Adaptiveness almost done) move advanced system Moved to
# Scroll Lock Locks and unhides KidSafe when it is hidden to tray. ((Originally called hotkey mode)Customizable in
Last edited by rcmaehl on Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:49 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: KidSafe FINAL

#2 Post by guinness »

I'm still a little confused what happened to computerfreaker & why isn't this on the official Google Code site?

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Re: KidSafe FINAL

#3 Post by webfork »

Is the source code included in the download?

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Re: KidSafe FINAL

#4 Post by carbonize »

guinness wrote:I'm still a little confused what happened to computerfreaker & why isn't this on the official Google Code site?
Something I'd like to know as well.

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Re: KidSafe FINAL

#5 Post by computerfreaker »

guinness wrote:I'm still a little confused what happened to computerfreaker & why isn't this on the official Google Code site?
This probably isn't on the official Google Code site because rcmaehl doesn't have privs? (Just guessing, I know as little about that as you do. rcmaehl, if you need access to the Google Code project, PM me and I'll see if I can still get in to give you that access. Just be aware that I will want the source released if you choose to use Google Code.)

As for what happened to me... it's a long story. To cut it short, I have a trio of semi-related issues right now: access, time, and RL issues. Access - my dev machine went down and took the C++ source with it. I still don't have a proper dev machine so I'm running off a USB stick, floating from machine to machine. I believe I may have even gone MIA from PortableApps for a couple of months at one point. (The fact that TPFC is blocked on my primary network, so I can't access it 75% of the time, is not helping with my access issues.) Time - I haven't had the time to try rebuilding KidSafe after my system went down. I'm tied up with my existing projects and RL without taking KidSafe back on. RL issues - I'd rather not discuss this if nobody minds. I will say, though, that within the next four months, the issues will hopefully either be resolved or get seriously worse (probably bad enough to take me entirely offline). I hope nobody wonders which outcome I'm hoping for. ;)

Before my dev machine went down, I temporarily turned the project over to rcmaehl so I would have time to handle RL issues cropping up. Once my system went down, he remained de facto project head, and I'm content leaving him as project head until I can get back to a decent system (seriously, running Code::Blocks off this stick is a massive pain, and not having admin rights can be crippling to a dev) and get my other issues straightened out. I haven't seen the latest KidSafe, but I trust rcmaehl is doing a good job with it.

Once I get back... I don't know what will happen. Frankly, I'm not sure I want to take back over. It was good developing KidSafe, but I've got a lot of other dev commitments. I think I've got 13 apps officially released on PortableApps, which I need to monitor for updates and take care of updating the portable version as quickly as possible. I've also spent some time working on emergeDesktop, an alternate shell (I should add that to the DB as long as I'm back on TPFC), and I'm inclined to stick with it. I think that shell's got a bright future ahead.
In addition to my dev commitments, I'm also (as always) keeping busy offline. I have a job and school to handle, and I'm expecting the time required for those to increase next fall (possibly even sooner if I can get another job for the summer).
Last but not least, KidSafe was... let's say "contentious." Some (most notably John T. Haller of PortableApps, but his was one voice among many) expressed concern about the level of control KidSafe took over a system. Looking back at everything KidSafe could do, I have to agree; it pretty much shut down a user's normal abilities, and it went deep into the system to do it. There were those, however, who liked this level of control (cheers to several of you who actively encouraged me via PM and/or via posts on here - your support was, and remains, much appreciated). There doesn't seem to be a good level of balance here; either I can severely cripple KidSafe or I can give it a great deal of power. Either way, someone's going to be satisfied and someone's going to be unhappy. And either way, I'm not going to be happy with the result: do I have to worry about someone abusing KidSafe (and given KidSafe's OSS license, the KidSafe source) for malicious purposes, or do I have to worry about someone taking advantage of a wide-open "safety shutdown" to nullify any protection KidSafe could offer?

Well, that's pretty much it. I have been keeping an eye on TPFC, so if any of you want to talk (either in this thread or via PM) I will get your message and I will reply. :)

tl;dr version: there's a bunch of stuff keeping me away from TPFC and KidSafe, even if I could go back to working on KidSafe right now I'm not sure I would, and I'm happy to talk to anyone else who wants to.



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Re: KidSafe FINAL

#6 Post by rcmaehl »

Computerfreaker, It's great to finally see a post from you. Anyway I don't have the privs to upload the source code to google code right now but hopefully this will be fixed soon. Anyway I'm thinking of just releasing version which will have the basic functionalitty of the current C++ versions. Also, starting from version (if I decide to release it) or version the KidSafe version numbers WILL go in order ( and ... life_cycle) by: Major.Minor.Beta.Alpha

(Bug testers, which will have a special version of KidSafe will be the only one's able to download Beta and Alpha Versions. This will allow KidSafe to release relatively bug free releases and Versions that have better/more features) Please Contact Me if you want to help beta and alpha test, run out of feature ideas/improvements sometimes.
Last edited by rcmaehl on Fri May 27, 2011 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: KidSafe FINAL

#7 Post by rcmaehl »

computerfreaker wrote:Last but not least, KidSafe was... let's say "contentious." Some (most notably John T. Haller of PortableApps, but his was one voice among many) expressed concern about the level of control KidSafe took over a system. Looking back at everything KidSafe could do, I have to agree; it pretty much shut down a user's normal abilities, and it went deep into the system to do it. There were those, however, who liked this level of control (cheers to several of you who actively encouraged me via PM and/or via posts on here - your support was, and remains, much appreciated). There doesn't seem to be a good level of balance here; either I can severely cripple KidSafe or I can give it a great deal of power. Either way, someone's going to be satisfied and someone's going to be unhappy. And either way, I'm not going to be happy with the result: do I have to worry about someone abusing KidSafe (and given KidSafe's OSS license, the KidSafe source) for malicious purposes, or do I have to worry about someone taking advantage of a wide-open "safety shutdown" to nullify any protection KidSafe could offer?
The latest version of KidSafe is coded to try to balance the Power. Instead of blocking the keypresses, it allows them but keeps itself on top. Alt-Space is not need to be blocked because KidSafe appears to Windows as a window that doesn't have a close, minimize, or maximize button so Windows doesn't give it a window menu for Alt-Space. I am planning on removing the mousetrap and just making it reset the mouse to a position. Basically I'm keeping it's functionality while using less system intrusive methods. By Version or Version KidSafe will detect if it's running on a computer used at a place such as a school and will allow admin override via password. Also, by one of those versions KidSafe will keep itself BELOW certain windows with a higher privilege level than it. I'm actually thinking about making it so you can only use KidSafe on a computer you own, or atleast limiting its' ability on a computer you don't own. Other planned changes include:

# Automatic Saving of Documents when Locking KidSafe
# Hiding Certain Application Windows when Locking KidSafe (so things don't happen to them)
# Getting KidSafe a FREEWARE License instead of OSS

If ANYONE and I mean ANYONE has ANY suggestion then PLEASE suggest it to me.

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Re: KidSafe FINAL

#8 Post by rcmaehl »

Also, I would like to have permissions to update KidSafe on TPFC, as I do not have them currently but will require them to release and other versions here. Oh and computerfreaker ignore that PM. I just figured out how to upload the code. Oh and ComputerFreaker since you lost KidSafe just download which should have the source code with it.

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Re: KidSafe FINAL

#9 Post by SYSTEM »

rcmaehl wrote:Also, I would like to have permissions to update KidSafe on TPFC, as I do not have them currently but will require them to release and other versions here.
AFAIK, only Andrew Lee is able to manually give permissions and he does that very rarely.

Whenever you want the DB entry to be updated, just post to this subforum ("Portable Freeware Update"). The subforum is intended to allow people to report updates to the maintainers (like me ;) ).
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Re: KidSafe FINAL

#10 Post by rcmaehl »

Okay guys the option to block logonUI is back although it really isn't blocking but killing of the process. The version I had before BLOCKED LogonUI. The new version will Kill the Process which is a-ok with Microsoft, so long as make sure the user can enable it and disable the option.

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Re: KidSafe FINAL

#11 Post by webfork »

I'm increasingly worried that these forums can be a gigantic wet blanket for people who want to get community feedback on their software. So please remember that we like software and we like active projects so if something here doesn't make your job easier, ignore it and keep moving.
computerfreaker wrote:There doesn't seem to be a good level of balance here; either I can severely cripple KidSafe or I can give it a great deal of power. Either way, someone's going to be satisfied and someone's going to be unhappy.
I recommend that you write software you want to put on YOUR computer and YOUR interests. If you write a bunch of software that you never actually end up using, your interest working on the software over time will drop off. In that case, everyone is going to be unhappy.
rcmaehl wrote:do I have to worry about someone abusing KidSafe (and given KidSafe's OSS license, the KidSafe source) for malicious purposes, or do I have to worry about someone taking advantage of a wide-open "safety shutdown" to nullify any protection KidSafe could offer?
Most users here know I'm a strong advocate of open so here goes my predictable defense:
  • That someone may misuse the code somewhere down the line really shouldn't impact your decision to keep it open. Malware is and has been very good at screwing with people long before code existed for locking someone out of their machine. Consider the possibility that someone might also do something very good with KidSafe.
  • Based on my work on the initial program, KidSafe wasn't supposed to be a strong security measure: its designed to help prevent non-techy people from causing problems. Using complex techniques to avoid circumvention doesn't seem necessary when keeping kids out.
  • If the program's scope has expanded and you want to improve Windows security in a legitimate way, it should still be done in a transparent way using community feedback. Its paranoid people who are going to use your software in the first place and its paranoid people who by nature want access to the software internals.
  • I participated in this program in its initial stages because it was open even though I don't really have a need or use for it. Open doesn't guarantee collaboration, but when people feel like the software belongs to the community (as with the GPL), you're more likely to see involvement.
Whatever you decide, if you do end up taking the program a closed-source route, please leave the Google Code site up.

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Re: KidSafe FINAL

#12 Post by guinness »

I'm increasingly worried that these forums can be a gigantic wet blanket for people who want to get community feedback on their software.
I personally will stop posting my programs on the Forum from here on in. I don't want to be known for abusing the Forum :(
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Re: KidSafe FINAL

#13 Post by joby_toss »

Isn't here a forum section, made by Andrew, called "Portable Freeware Development" ?

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Re: KidSafe FINAL

#14 Post by I am Baas »

joby_toss wrote:Isn't here a forum section, made by Andrew, called "Portable Freeware Development" ?

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Re: KidSafe FINAL

#15 Post by I am Baas »

guinness wrote:
I'm increasingly worried that these forums can be a gigantic wet blanket for people who want to get community feedback on their software.
Valid point. I personally will stop posting my programs on the Forum from here on in. I don't want to be known for abusing the Forum :(
Please don't stop, guinness.

I don't see the problem / share your concerns. Isn't it a win-win thing? I can recall a few software written based on TPFC forum members idea / needs. Also, if there will be no interest in the software in the first place.... there will be no feedback.

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