NOTE: this is one of the larger programs tested here on the site with an 81 meg install file and creates a 242 meg extract folder. There are an enormous number of locale (language support) folders that might be pared down to reduce the overall size.
Testing procedure:
Setup: WinXP SP3
Version: 13.08.30
- Install as normal
- Install to the C:\shotcut directory
- Copy shotcut to another directory, do a standard uninstall via the Control Panel
- Move to another directory, launch shotcut, change one setting item to make sure that it will write a setting somewhere.
- Close program.
Other notes:
Note that the test above appears to have broken the program as it wouldn't open any video file I threw at it.
License: GPL v3
Admin required: untested
Path portability: untested
Softpedia: ... tcut.shtml