X-Camstudio (
https://www.portablefreeware.com/index.php?id=1126) is a screen recorder that still works fine with Win10. It stores the videos in AVI or SWF files.
The SWF files are much smaller than the AVI, and if the size matters, then you want the SWF .... The X-CamStudio has a built-in SWF player that actually is based on the Adobe Flash Player, that is no longer available in the typical Win10 environment ... therefore, the built-in SWF player is useless.
However, since I absolutely need the SWF over the AVI, I had to find a SWF player. The Eolsoft Flash Movie Player did not work for me (
https://www.portablefreeware.com/index.php?id=821), but I found this little jewel on the macromedia ftp server:
https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/f ... _32_sa.exe
Download and Run! Problem solved!