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Re: ProEject

#31 Post by guinness »

Drive ejection has got a new name and it's called "ProEject ... ion!"

I've spent the best part of two days working on the GUI interface and improving the source code of ProEject & I'm pretty happy with what I've achieved in such a short space of time. As you can see from the changelog it might not be a huge amount but if you do a comparison of the code before and after you'll see a huge improvement :)

I will probably release a Beta 3 before I go to stable with a few more tweaks and possible bug fixes. Have fun and let me know what I should improve in ProEject and even if you don't use it, at least look at the source code to get an idea of how to use AutoIt :mrgreen:
The GUI is an addition to ProEject and is ideal for those who use multiple USB drives on their system. It comes with a simple interface but more functionality than you would expect from such a simple GUI. By right-clicking on the drive displays an array of options, for example by selecting "Clean" you'll clean any traces of the USB drive in the registry and supported folders. If you wish to hide the GUI at anytime, then double click on the title bar to hide to the traymenu, or if you wish to show then either select "Show" from the traymenu or double click on the trayicon.

If you want the GUI to be shown when running ProEject, then create an empty file called ProEject.dat in the same directory as where ProEject is located, this will ensure the GUI is always shown allowing you to select multiple drives. Deleting ProEject.dat will return ProEject back to it's original functionality.

The following HotKeys are supported:
F5 - Refresh the GUI of connected/disconnected drives.
Enter - If the drive is selected then using the Enter key will ProEject the drive.

Code: Select all

- Added an optional GUI to ProEject a USB drive.
- Added multi-language support.
- Improvements to the source code.
- Added an 'Extra' folder with examples of how to show the GUI & Settings windows.
- Updated the ReadMe.txt file.

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Re: ProEject

#32 Post by webfork »

Testing now.

I like your web page a whole lot more than most and leave it as is without any issue. However, if you want recommendations, this is a loose outline of what I think would appeal to novice and advanced folks alike:
  • Problem: Pulling your USB drive out before you've ejected it can harm the data, but often Windows won't let you eject it!


    Solution: You need something to quickly and easily close everything your system is using on that drive. ProEject.

    Description: [just paste what's on the page already under description]

    History: [paste the first paragraph]

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Re: ProEject

#33 Post by guinness »

I think the theme is alot better than the previous version. Thanks for advice on the content. I have to admit the documentation is something I will improve on in time, since I prefer coding new ideas more than anything. :)

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Re: ProEject

#34 Post by joby_toss »

Stupid question: how do I change the language? :oops:

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Re: ProEject

#35 Post by Lupo73 »

I'm testing it.. a couple of notes:
1. you could consider to use the GUI by default and instead use a command for the command-line mode (in this way the software is much more simple to use also for beginners and all users that desire to use it automatically, need only to copy a .bat file.. I think this solution is more intuitive, because it's like generally software work)
2. I'm testing it from a flash drive, but if I run it in GUI mode that device is not listed (so I can only eject other devices, but not that one).. is it correct? you could allow to eject also the device that contains ProEject simply double-clicking its device icon..

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Re: ProEject

#36 Post by joby_toss »

1. The GUI is used by default if a "ProEject.dat" file is present in ProEject's folder.

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Re: ProEject

#37 Post by Lupo73 »

joby_toss wrote:1. The GUI is used by default if a "ProEject.dat" file is present in ProEject's folder.
OK, but why not do the opposite? Because generally users that use command line software are able to configure bat files or other settings, while beginners prefer more intuitive GUI versions without need any initial configuration..

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Re: ProEject

#38 Post by joby_toss »

I'm not sure I understand.

You would like to use the GUI version every time you double click "ProEject.exe"? Just create an empty "ProEject.dat" file (not .bat). Now the GUI is shown every time the program is executed.

You like using the non-GUI version? Then just delete the empty "ProEject.dat" file you previously created.
Readme wrote:If you want the GUI to be shown when running ProEject, then create an empty file called ProEject.dat in the same directory as where ProEject is located, this will ensure the GUI is always shown allowing you to select multiple drives. Deleting ProEject.dat will return ProEject back to it's original functionality.

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Re: ProEject

#39 Post by Lupo73 »

My idea is:
- to use the GUI version by default, every time I double-click the exe
- to use the command line version if "CommandLine.dat" (or "cmd.dat" or "Automatic.dat" or similar, I don't know the best name it could have) is stored in ProEject folder

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Re: ProEject

#40 Post by spicydog »

Lupo73 wrote:My idea is:
- to use the GUI version by default, every time I double-click the exe
I second that BUT only if the GUI shows ALL drives and (possibly) by Ctrl selection, eject multiple drives at once

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Re: ProEject

#41 Post by guinness »

Wow a lot of posts since Friday! Thanks all for testing and I've gone through the questions individually.
Stupid question: how do I change the language?
It's not a stupid question, right now the only way to do it is manually change the English language strings. I was so excited about the new version that I left it out for Beta 3, it will be a combo box where you can select the language automatically.

Code: Select all

1. you could consider to use the GUI by default and instead use a command for the command-line mode (in this way the software is much more simple to use also for beginners and all users that desire to use it automatically, need only to copy a .bat file.. I think this solution is more intuitive, because it's like generally software work)
The main idea is to keep it similar to EjectUSB, whereby you just copy the program to the USB drive you want to Eject. The GUI is really an addition. (see below)
2. I'm testing it from a flash drive, but if I run it in GUI mode that device is not listed (so I can only eject other devices, but not that one).. is it correct? you could allow to eject also the device that contains ProEject simply double-clicking its device icon..
This is in on purpose, I hide the drive it's running on due to the fact I was under the impression users would want to continue using the GUI after ejection, but I will include an option in the right-click menu to show ALL drives. I will play around with some ideas today.
1. The GUI is used by default if a "ProEject.dat" file is present in ProEject's folder.
Correct. I did it this way because the initial idea was to keep it really simple, but I knew people would want to use the GUI at some point. I realise batch files are a little harder to use, but I thought that even a novice user could create an empty file in the same directory. If you look in the Extra folder I have created an empty file called ProEject.dat, so it's as simply as copy and paste.
My idea is:
- to use the GUI version by default, every time I double-click the exe
- to use the command line version if "CommandLine.dat" (or "cmd.dat" or "Automatic.dat" or similar, I don't know the best name it could have) is stored in ProEject
The reason I didn't do it the other way was I don't want a lot of files when using the basic version on the USB drive, if you are using the basic version then I believe copying 1 file (& settings) should be enough to do & not having to create extra files to remove the GUI, which is an addition.

But, I will by default just copy the ProEject.dat file into the same directory & then when a user just wants to use the "basic version" (which is click & go) then they only have to delete the ProEject.dat or copy ProEject.exe to their USB drive.
I second that BUT only if the GUI shows ALL drives and (possibly) by Ctrl selection, eject multiple drives at once
I like the CTRL idea, I'll see what I can do. Please see above for the "ALL" drives option.

I hope this answers your questions. :mrgreen:

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Re: ProEject

#42 Post by Lupo73 »

About GUI by default: if I correctly understand, you propose to keep code like now but distribute the software with ProEject.dat file into main directory by default.. I think it is a good solution, it allows to have only 2 files (exe + ini) in flash drives in basic mode and at the same time is more intuitive for beginners (in this way at first startup the software show the GUI, that is a more immediate solution)..

About show all drives: I think you could avoid an option and show all them, than if a user desires to eject other devices ProEject remains opened, if instead desires to eject that device can simply double click it in the GUI..

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Re: ProEject

#43 Post by guinness »

About GUI by default: if I correctly understand, you propose to keep code like now but distribute the software with ProEject.dat file into main directory by default.. I think it is a good solution, it allows to have only 2 files (exe + ini) in flash drives in basic mode and at the same time is more intuitive for beginners (in this way at first startup the software show the GUI, that is a more immediate solution)..
Correct. Excellent that you're happy with this :)
About show all drives: I think you could avoid an option and show all them, than if a user desires to eject other devices ProEject remains opened, if instead desires to eject that device can simply double click it in the GUI..

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Re: ProEject

#44 Post by guinness »

I was hoping to do a release date every 3 days and I will try to get ProEject ready for today (12th) otherwise ProEject Beta 3 will be coming tomorrow :)

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Re: ProEject

#45 Post by guinness »

Edit: Had a change of plan.

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