Universal Extractor Update (Gora version)

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Re: Universal Extractor Update

#16 Post by SYSTEM »

guinness wrote:
loin2kolpotoru wrote:
guinness wrote:I honestly would love to get my hands on the source code to see what I could bring to the tableau.
Yes It Would Have been lot better if it was also open source, but sadly the source is not available.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Wait, how is that possible when the offical versions have always been open source?
Universal Extractor's source code is under the GPL (see the file uniextract_license.txt in the source code archive), so Gora's unofficial version is simply illegal. :(
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Re: Universal Extractor Update

#17 Post by guinness »

SYSTEM wrote:Universal Extractor's source code is under the GPL (see the file uniextract_license.txt in the source code archive), so Gora's unofficial version is simply illegal. :(
Thanks SYSTEM for confirming what I thought too. As I developer I wouldn't dare break a licence agreement, I didn't even do it with ProEject, though I wasn't obligated to do so.

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Re: Universal Extractor Update

#18 Post by I am Baas »

Did anyone request the source? I don't think the GPL requires that the source be available for download at all times. Ask for it and see if the developer complies.

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Re: Universal Extractor Update

#19 Post by guinness »

I am Baas wrote:Did anyone request the source? I don't think the GPL requires that the source be available for download at all times. Ask for it and see if the developer complies.
The GNU GPL demands that as soon as you distribute GPL licensed software in executable format you make available the "complete corresponding source code". The GNU GPL also contains a definition of this term:
“ The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. ”
Source: http://gpl-violations.org/faq/sourcecode-faq.html

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Re: Universal Extractor Update

#20 Post by Userfriendly »

Repacked Universal Extract (gora mod) installer
Features: Includes updates and program improvements by gora, SendTo shortcut is on by default, Quick Launch only offered to Vista or bellow:
http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/9785 ... 5-gora-mod
Alternate place to get download link instead of registering on oszone.

offtopic: Wincert installer repack subforum has convenient .NET Framework 4.5 and microsoft runtime installers that includes all recent updates. Useful for fresh OS installs to make sure all teh softwarez work.

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Re: Universal Extractor Update

#21 Post by Midas »

Just (auto)updated: latest version is

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Re: Universal Extractor Update

#22 Post by loin2kolpotoru »

guinness wrote:
SYSTEM wrote:Universal Extractor's source code is under the GPL (see the file uniextract_license.txt in the source code archive), so Gora's unofficial version is simply illegal. :(
Thanks SYSTEM for confirming what I thought too. As I developer I wouldn't dare break a licence agreement, I didn't even do it with ProEject, though I wasn't obligated to do so.
Although it is right that GPL Requires source code to be made available and all of us will be happy if the source code would have been available, but i think it is better to have at-least continues update of Universal Extractor by Gora even though that might not be truly following GPL rather than having a official but dead version which is totally outdated and will not work most of the time.

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Re: Universal Extractor Update

#23 Post by guinness »

I don't agree with that I'm afraid.

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Re: Universal Extractor Update

#24 Post by Midas »

IANAL, but it seems to me that the spirit of the GPL leans toward avoiding software lockout -- it is there to obstruct private annexation of public code (the P in its name); as long as Gora keeps those updates coming and isn't deriving material profit from Universal Extractor, he's not quite a GPL saint, but he sure ain't a devil, either... (at least he's providing fresh ammunition for lawful reverse engineering). :idea:

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Re: Universal Extractor Update

#25 Post by guinness »

Midas wrote:(at least he's providing fresh ammunition for lawful reverse engineering). :idea:
Please don't.
AutoIt License wrote:Reverse engineering. You may not reverse engineer or disassemble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or compiled scripts that were created with the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
I don't feel like I should have to explain this, but ask yourself this, what happens if the developer decides to quit and fails to post the source code they've been sitting on? You'll have a program which can't be updated due to no source code being present and if someone decides they want to take over will either...
1. Revert back to the old code branch.
2. Create a new application from scratch.
The first option being the easiest, but will require duplicating all the work Gora did before. Therefore it is unlikely any development would take place, considering it's taken years for the application to get this far.

So it might be great a new version is available, that is true, but think of the bigger picture and not just in the now. GPL is there for a reason and I suspect there is a hidden reason as to why the developer isn't releasing the code or at least providing an easy way to do so.
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Re: Universal Extractor Update

#26 Post by Midas »

guinness wrote:Please don't.
AutoIt License wrote:Reverse engineering. You may not reverse engineer or disassemble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or compiled scripts that were created with the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
Is that so? Is Universal Extractor compiled AutoIt? If so, and while I was pretty indifferent to the AutoIt/AutoHotKey licensing wars, I am now starting to see some pretty strong motivation underlying the later's product fork -- that clause is plainly evil when applied to Open Source software, it's like a disguised trapdoor to code locking -- but, still, that's only an AutoIt issue.

That's just my opinion -- you're a coder, yours will trump mine, anyway. And for the record, yes, I am aware and agree on the implications you mentioned. Like I said, Gora ain't no GPL saint...

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Re: Universal Extractor Update

#27 Post by guinness »

Midas wrote:Is Universal Extractor compiled AutoIt
Yes it is.

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Re: Universal Extractor Update

#28 Post by webfork »

I was a little late to the party on this so I am going to rehash some stuff guiness has already gone over...
Midas wrote:the spirit of the GPL leans toward avoiding software lockout
Sort of. One of the arguments against permissive licenses (like BSD and MIT) is that this kind of thing happens all the time: a company picks up the code, adds some important features that ONLY work with their software and then releases it, effectively making their version the only version.

Although the FreeBSD people don't think this is a real issue, big companies including Microsoft and Apple use BSD code and give nothing back. Or -- in it's more nefarious form -- they take an open protocol, add some new features and then intentionally break the old connection method. It's anti-community and one of the major reasons the GPL was created was to push back against this tendency.

Maybe that won't happen here and of course we can't assume why UE's developers licensed their code as GPL, but I don't want to ignore their wishes either. These people put in time, effort, and energy to make a program a certain way and had very minor requirements for it's use and modification. I have benefited from their work so I want to respect their wishes. As such, I don't feel right using a program that uses GPL code in a closed format. Plus, how hard is it to release the code? Why would he close it? It just doesn't make sense to me. On a project made up of SO many different components from SO many different people, it just seems odd against what is clearly the result of so many people.
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Re: Universal Extractor Update

#29 Post by guinness »

Some could say it's also a little suspicious, what are they hiding?

I will admit I am looking at this with my developer hat on.

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Re: Universal Extractor Update

#30 Post by loin2kolpotoru »

I Agree with most of your comments and i also have the doubt that something suspicious may happen, but the problem is no one else who is supporter of GPL is continuing the development of the original Univalsal Extracter and the original version dosn't work properly anymore so i have no option but to use this version as long as it is working properly.

And one thing more i hope someone from this fourm who is supporter of GPL will take the developement of the original UE in his hand and release updates atleast once in 3 months.

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