Wine Compatibility

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Wine Compatibility

#1 Post by giorbu »

I've seen the forum dedicated to compatibility with Linux OS through Wine and I thank who listed the compatible software they tested. But I ask you a question: why don't you add this information for Wine-compatible programs in the "System Requirements" specification?
As Wine updates are free and, as far as I know, retro-compatible, it should be enough to test only the latest stable version.
Portability is becoming an important issue and I think many Linux/Windows users would appreciate it very much!
Thank you.

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#2 Post by JohnTHaller »

For any apps, we mention if an app is Wine compatible on each app's homepage for anyone curious or if the feature is added here and the listing needs updating. - The open standard for portable software | Support Net Neutrality

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Re: Wine Compatibility

#3 Post by webfork »

> why don't you add this information for Wine-compatible programs in the "System Requirements" specification?

Its a very good idea and I've worked to draw greater acceptance for Wine so I certainly understand your position.

However, only a few applications actively advertise that they are developed and maintained FOR Wine. Fre:ac is the only program that comes to mind. Additionally there's some software in my experience that functions, but not all the features and capabilities continue under lengthy or intense use. Also, there's a difference between a program that functions without issue and/or actively supports users who are trying to make their software run under Wine.

That's not to say this can't be done anyway: I've long felt that this website targets the more hands-on users who would know what Wine compatibility means. I think what we'd need is someone to help do that type of more involved testing, maybe together with the WineHQ people. If you'd like to move on that, I'd be glad to help.

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Re: Wine Compatibility

#4 Post by giorbu »

Thank you both for advice. I'll try to get in touch with WineHQ forums as well.

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