Fast Folder Eraser Pro - rapid file deletion

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Fast Folder Eraser Pro - rapid file deletion

#1 Post by webfork »

So the stated purpose for this program is to delete files quickly, but that's not all it does. There's lots of other clean system tools built into this.

That said, needing to delete a lot of files quickly comes up only once a year for me, but if you're ever clearing out a folder with 200,000 files (some portable program backups can easily get into this range), you may notice that it takes ages to actually remove from your computer. If it's on an external drive you can of course do a quick format, but for everyone else the novirusthanks crew came up with this.

Image ... raser-pro/

Steps: Uniextract2, launch FFE.exe

Status: Portable, writes to Settings.ini (tested v.3.8)

Other notes

* Resources (in megs): With "reduced memory usage" enabled, it goes down to 2.7 RAM. The download is 5.6.
* The program does include a wipe feature, although I expect that's not just slower but dramatically slower. Even if you were to "zero out" a file it will still take up much more time than a standard delete.
* A CLI version included, ideal if you need to clear files out frequently or in batch.
* Would love to see some kind of program like this for MacOS, which has an exceptionally long delete time. It's balanced somewhat by the fact that file recovery of deleted files in MacOS is notoriously difficult.

Includes a filter to only delete files of a specific type:


And certain file properties such as age and size:

Last edited by webfork on Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: (better wording, added bit about Macos)

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