SiteAnalyzer - website details

Submit portable freeware that you find here. It helps if you include information like description, extraction instruction, Unicode support, whether it writes to the registry, and so on.
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SiteAnalyzer - website details

#1 Post by webfork »

A remarkable number of website tools in a freeware package:
SiteAnalyzer is designed to analyze the site and to identify technical errors (search for broken links, duplicate pages, incorrect server responses), as well as errors and omissions in the SEO-optimization (blank meta tags, excess or complete lack of headers h1 pages, page content analysis, relink quality and a variety of other SEO-parameters). In total, more than 60 parameters are analyzed.
Claims portability, downloads in a zip file.

Status: Untested, but I'm definitely going to have a need for this in the months ahead so I expect to come back to it. Even some for-pay tools I've seen don't appear to have these features. Great to see.


There's also a text similarity checker by the same developer that I'm thrilled to see but that's a little too niche. Focusing this thread on the website analyzer, as I expect that will get a lot more interest.

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Re: SiteAnalyzer - website details

#2 Post by webfork »

Update here:

License: Adware

Status: Not portable, appears to use IE for a web interface so unlikely to be stealth even if it did save locally.


Screenshot of analysis:

SiteAnalyzer is a web crawler for technical analysis and SEO site auditing.

Key features
- Scanning of all pages of the site, as well as images, scripts and documents
- Getting server response codes for each page of the site (200, 301, 302, 404, 500, 503, etc.)
- Determining the presence and content of Title, Keywords, Description, H1-H6
- Find and display "duplicate" pages, meta tags and headers
- Determining the presence of the attribute rel="canonical" for each page of the site
- Following the directives of the file "robots.txt", the meta tag "robots", or X-Robots-Tag
- Accounting "noindex" and "nofollow" when crawling the pages of the site
- Reference analysis: the definition of internal and external links for any page of the site
- Calculation of internal PageRank for each page of the site
- Site Structure Visualization on the graph
- Check and Show Redirect Chains
- Scanning an arbitrary external URL and Sitemap.xml
- Sitemap "sitemap.xml" generation (with the possibility of splitting into several files)
- Filtering data by any parameter
- Export reports to CSV, Excel and PDF

Differences from analogues
- Low demands on computer resources, low consumption of RAM
- Scanning websites of any volumes due to the low requirements of computer resources
- Portable format (works without installation on a PC or directly from removable media)
- Freeware

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