Change history for Attack of the Mutant Camels

2014-08-03 20:13:58
Updated by Checker

  • System Requirement:
  • How to extract: [list=1][*]Download the zip package and extract to a folder of your choice. Then, run [i]yakattack_setup.exe[/i] and install to a folder of your choice. Move all files except [i]uninstall.ini[/i] and [i]uninstall.exe[/i] to a folder of your choice. Finally, uninstall. Execute tnload the apZIP plication by double-clickinage oan [i]d extract to a folder of your choice[*]Launch [i]yakatakattack.ex_setup.exe[/i] and install to the default folder[/i*].[i](WhCopy all files excew, thapt was [i]uninsta lol.ini[/i] and [i]uninstall.exe[/i] t of a folders of youolder of your c choice!)[*]Finally, uninstall[*]Launch [i]yakattack.exe[/list]

2013-02-12 00:49:10
Updated by Andrew Lee

  • How to extract: Download the zip package and extract to a folder of your choice. Then, run [i]yakattakattack_setup.exe and install to a folder of your choice. Move all files except uninstall.ini and uninstall.exe to a folder of your choice. Finally,setup.exe[/i] and install to a folder of your choice. Move all files except [i]uninstall.ini[/i] and [i]uninstall.ll.exe[/i] to a Execfolder of youtr choice. Finally, uninstall. Execute the application by double-clicking on [i]yakaakattack.ex.exe[/i].[i](Wheww, that was as a lot of of folders of your choiice!)[/i]

2006-06-22 11:07:10
Added by admin