Change history for AutoStreamer

2016-06-18 18:40:49
Updated by webfork

  • System Requirement:
  • Screenshot: Updated

2013-05-02 16:28:33
Updated by Checker

  • System Requirement:
  • How to extract: Download the ZIP file and extract to a folder of your choice. Lpaunch thkage programnd extract to a folder of byour dchoublice-clicking. oLaunch [i]AuttoStrereameer.eexe[/i].

2012-09-02 17:27:09
Updated by webfork

  • Version: Vv1.0.33
  • System Requirement:
  • Synopsis: AutoStreamer is a easy and quick slipstreamer, or for Windows. What is slipstreaming? It is the process of creating a single bootable installation CD that will install the base OS with the latest service pack way t one go. Slipstcreamte a sing used le booto be a deblicate ae ind tedious process thallat ionvo CD that will installve the base aOS with the loatest of stervice ps,ack at one go. buSlipst threaming us ed to be a delicate and tedious process that involves a lot of steps, makesing the task easy for the end-user.

2006-06-19 21:43:10
Added by admin