
Post details of freeware that are found to be not portable here. Posts in the submissions forum relating to freeware found to be not portable should also be moved here.
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#1 Post by technicolordreamcoat »

EncryptOnClick is a program that lets you securely encrypt and decrypt files.
http://www.2brightsparks.com/freeware/f ... hub.html#5

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#2 Post by dot »

It's a nice tool. Been using it myself for a short while, but never considered its portability. Just checked, after each start, it writes those EOCfile keys in the registry, in HKCR and HKLM. If properly installed, it also writes a bunch of entries in the registry for the uninstallation (but will run without those).

I suppose, if extracted with UniversalExtractor, it wont enter the uninstall entries, but will still always enter those EOCfile keys in the registry. Would be nice if it wouldn't do that.

Apart from that: I've become wary of encryption tools after once an encrypted folder in an email client could not get decrypted anymore and the files (emails) were lost for good. Also heard, that others experienced the same isssue with other encryption tools and their data were lost, as there was absolutely no way to decrypt them again. ;-)

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Andrew Lee
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#3 Post by Andrew Lee »

This is from the News page:
2005-11-26: I have removed EncryptOnClick from the database because it require at least "Power User" privilege to run (it silently registers a COM component). For an encryption/decryption utililty, I think this is an unreasonable requirement. Thanks to Miguel Molina for the information.
Mmm... though I wonder why it is not showing up in the search as "Rejected". I will check.

EDIT: Must have missed adding it to the "Reject" database. I have just add an entry, so it will turn up in a search.

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Andrew Lee
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#4 Post by Andrew Lee »

Application name: EncryptOnClick

Website: http://www.2brightsparks.com/freeware/f ... hub.html#5

Date tested: 2006-09-21

Status: Not portable

Reason: Requires at least "Power User" privilege to run (it silently registers a COM component). For a simple encryption/decryption utility, this is an unreasonable requirement.

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Re: EncryptOnClick

#5 Post by webfork »

Looks like this is still in development with v. coming out last year. What's great about this program is that it very easily lets you encyrpt and decrypt files using standard compression and encryption tools (7zip). It's crazy simple and

Negatively, it doesn't support drag-and-drop unless you're talking about dragging and dropping onto the file icon. It also encrypts sand saves files individually even if you add a folder. It encodes the contents of the folder.

Status: Unclear -- Appears to write no settings, but I didn't test for the hidden COM registration issue mentioned above.



There's several other simple "noinstall" OnClick programs from the developer 2BrightSparks. ScrambleOnClick is one of the best and simplest text encryption options I've found, greatly simplifying the process of scrambling and unscrambling text. Unfortunately it appears to save settings to AppData.

I don't think HashOnClick and FindOnclick are portable either.

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