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Duplicati - remote storage backup

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:23 am
by procyon wrote: Duplicati is a free backup client that securely stores encrypted, incremental, compressed backups on cloud storage services and remote file servers. It works with Amazon S3, Windows Live SkyDrive, Google Drive (Google Docs), Rackspace Cloud Files or WebDAV, SSH, FTP (and many more).
Duplicati uses AES-256 encryption (or GNU Privacy Guard) to secure all data before it is uploaded.
I had always been reluctant to store or backup some of my personals data in the cloud storage (privacy concern) until i discovered Duplicati !
Now, in addition to my local backups, i store some of them remotely and securely !

Just configure what you want to backup and Duplicati do the rest.

An example of remote backup (full + incremental) . The local source folder (~ 300 MB) is uploaded in several volumes (here, configured at 10 MB max each):

An example of the main GUI:

Website :
License : LGPL
Dependencies : .NET 2.0+

Portable : Yes. Launch Duplicati.exe with the command-line --portable-mode (cf. Other protection measures)
Stealth : Yes.

Valuable informations are also available in the wiki (e.g: Some Background Information on how it started).

One cons. : sometimes the "Duplicati Wizard" can be non-user-friendly for modifying or updating settings of existing backups. But, according to the roadmap, a new GUI is planned.

Added to the database :

Re: Duplicati

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:48 am
by procyon
Duplicati is out.
Changes in this version (compared to 1.3.2) wrote:
  • Fixed: Upload issue with Google Drive ("Failed to upload file"), issue #637
  • Added: Log file now shows when target server was not available (r1346)
  • Added: After waking up from hibernation, Duplicati pauses for 5 minutes like at startup to grant the system some time to fully recover (r1343 + r1354)
  • Added: Support for symlinks and NTFS junctions ( issue #144 ). Advanced options allow to store|follow|ignore symlinks with store being the default. Look for "symlink-policy" in the advanced options.
  • Added: Filters based on file attributes ( issue #577 ). It's now possible to e.g. exclude system files or hidden files. It's part of the advanced options. The option is called "exclude-files-attributes".
  • Added: Support for loooong file names under Windows ( issue #320 ). It's now possible to backup files with paths >260 chars.
  • Fixed: Donation link lead to Danish page (r1388). This is now in English. Feel free to try that out and see if it stays English when you make a donation ;-) If you do not like Paypal, you can also send Bitcoin. Our wallet is 1ADgoUoE9uN725Ypeh9M9WTKFLJzfWWMBh
  • Fixed: German translation updated ( issue #657 ). We received a few improvements and added these now.
  • Added: Support for Tonido backend ( issue #671 ). We changed the authentication for WebDAV a bit, so that it now works with Tonido.
  • Fixed: Unable to translate Unicode character \uDC63 at index 72 to specified code page ( issue #480 )
Entry updated

Re: Duplicati

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:15 pm
by webfork
Looks portable -- saving settings to the \data folder. Not stealth -- writes a "signature cache" to the AppData folder. If you're backing up a lot of data, this can really build up over time. Can be disabled in the options menu under Advanced (uncheck last item).

I haven't tested this out a great deal, but it's very promising.

Update: the signature cache is very useful. I modified the entry to suggest moving it to a temp folder to get stealth status.

Re: Duplicati

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:15 am
by procyon
webfork wrote:Looks portable -- saving settings to the \data folder. Not stealth -- writes a "signature cache" to the AppData folder.
Update: the signature cache is very useful. I modified the entry to suggest moving it to a temp folder to get stealth status.
When i read you, i had some doubts because the folder "signature cache" is in my folder \data .
I forget that i had modified the path with the environment variable %DUPLICATI_HOME% (cf wiki).

For "full stealth", you can configure like this.
Advanced Tab, section "Cache",

Temporary folder : %DUPLICATI_HOME%\temp
Signature cache: %DUPLICATI_HOME%\Signature Cache

About version. Last time i mistakenly updated the entry with version, which is a "Development Snapshot". Currently, the last is (2012-08-23) (that i had not tested yet). The last stable release is 1.3.2 (2012-05-21).

Should we switch back the entry to 1.3.2 or keep update with last development snapshot version ?

Re: Duplicati

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:46 pm
by webfork
procyon wrote:Temporary folder : %DUPLICATI_HOME%\temp
Signature cache: %DUPLICATI_HOME%\Signature Cache
Yeah that would work much better, although I wonder if the signature files are also relative (e.g. when you insert a USB drive, will the signature files recognize the drive letter change or give an error?).
procyon wrote:Should we switch back the entry to 1.3.2 or keep update with last development snapshot version ?
With backup programs, most users are looking for stability and reliability rather than features. I'd recommend we push back to 1.3.2, unless this is could be considered a late beta.

Re: Duplicati

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:43 am
by procyon
webfork wrote:
procyon wrote:Should we switch back the entry to 1.3.2 or keep update with last development snapshot version ?
With backup programs, most users are looking for stability and reliability rather than features. I'd recommend we push back to 1.3.2, unless this is could be considered a late beta.
Solved : 1.3.3 stable is out :D

By the way, if for some reasons you use symlinks in your backups (it's my case), caution:
Changelog wrote: Added: Support for symlinks and NTFS junctions ( issue #144 ). Advanced options allow to store|follow|ignore symlinks with store being the default. Look for "symlink-policy" in the advanced options.
In previous version the policy was "follow" now it's "store". Can be configured in the step "Manually override settings" in "Edit an existing backup".
Duplicati wrote: Value type: Enumeration: Store, Follow, Ignore.
Symlink handling.
Using this option to handle symlinks different. The "store" option will simply record a symlink with its name and destination, and a restore will recreate the symlink as a link. Use the option "ignore" to ignore all symlinks and not store any information about them. Previous versions of Duplicati used the setting "follow", which will cause symlinked files to be included and restore as normal files.

Re: Duplicati

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:11 pm
by webfork
procyon wrote:Solved : 1.3.3 stable is out :D
That works :)

I modified the entry to include the portable directory trick you pointed out. It seems like the users who don't want the signatures feature would probably just use a different backup tool entirely, so configuring that bit for portability seemed the only meaningful way to list that entry.

Re: Duplicati

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:38 am
by webfork
Duplicati 1.3.4 is available


Added: Translations: Chinese, Hongkong, Russian translation

Added: Commands for command line can be exported from UI. (issue #236, Thanks to Nicolas Hatier). When you create a new backup job or edit an existing one, on the last page of the assistant you will get a tab that shows you the command to run the same job from a command line.

Various other fixes

Re: Duplicati

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:09 am
by Midas
Quick account of Google Drive backup testing using both CarotDav and Duplicati in portable mode (they're both DotNET v2 dependent):

- CarotDav (slowly) backups discrete files (my preference, since what I'm trying to get is a redundant web accessible backup of my Dropbox folder), but spits innumerable errors in the process; if allowed to continue, it eventually finishes uploading files and on a perfunctory look it appears to have uploaded everything (~1GB, too many files to check thoroughly);

- Duplicati is way faster, has easier and more intuitive configuration (thanks to its 'wizard' interface) and is able to do full/incremental backups on a schedule, manage old backups and write variable detailed logs of it all; unfortunately, it puts files inside zips (a valuable feature in other contexts, I'm sure) so I get no discrete file access via Web.

On a lateral note, I wasn't able to figure why the 'wizard' generated command line strings appear duplicated... And if you know better than me, please chime in. :mrgreen:

Re: Duplicati

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:36 am
by webfork
Midas wrote:Quick account of Google Drive backup testing using both CarotDav and Duplicati
Thanks for that. I've been working with Duplicati for a while and been trying to come up with some kind of further analysis, so this is good to see.

Re: Duplicati

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 11:51 am
by Joe
I hope nobody minds if I resurrect this old topic but I am trying to find some answers to the following:

(1) Do I have to launch Duplicati.exe --portable-mode from Run every time or is it for the first time only?

(2) Can I create more than one backup job in Duplicati? E.g. Can I create a job to backup one folder to OneDrive then create another job to backup another folder to Google Drive?

I am sorry if these questions sound stupid but I have searched the forums and cannot find any definite answers. Does anyone know?


Re: Duplicati

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:36 am
by procyon
Joe wrote: (1) Do I have to launch Duplicati.exe --portable-mode from Run every time or is it for the first time only?
Joe wrote: (2) Can I create more than one backup job in Duplicati? E.g. Can I create a job to backup one folder to OneDrive then create another job to backup another folder to Google Drive?
Yes, you can have multiple configurations backup.

Re: Duplicati

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:48 am
by Midas
IMHO, a yaP ( ... php?t=5698) launcher is probably the best route here...
  • Code: Select all

    ; configuration file for yaP v0.6.19 (
    ; application name: Duplicati
    ; version: 1.3.4
    ; website:
    application = App\Duplicati.exe
    commandline =--portable-mode

Re: Duplicati

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:52 am
by Joe
procyon wrote:
Joe wrote: (1) Do I have to launch Duplicati.exe --portable-mode from Run every time or is it for the first time only?
I am confused. Does that mean "Yes" I have to use --portable-mode every time or "Yes" it's for the first time only?

Thanks. I'll check it out.

Re: Duplicati

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:33 am
by procyon
Joe wrote: I am confused. Does that mean "Yes" I have to use --portable-mode every time or "Yes" it's for the first time only?
Oups, you are right this short answer is confusing. Sorry :oops:
So, yes, you have to use the parameter --portable-mode every time in order to have a portable Duplicati.