Resonic Player - fastest audio player/sample browser

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Re: Resonic Beta

#61 Post by Midas »

smaragdus wrote:What is good about WavPack? Its low compression ratio beaten even by the mediocre FLAC?
High compression isn't my deciding factor for lossless audio. And I used to be a fan of FLAC for lossless audio until someone pointed me to a set of technical shortcomings I'm unable to fairly reproduce now.

WavPack happens to be in the recommended list by HydrogenAudio, my goto reference for everything related to high quality digital audio.

Speed and the fact that it alies lossy with non-lossy options are major pluses for me. Would you care to share your reasons to dismiss it, BTW? :?

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Re: WavPack

#62 Post by smaragdus »


No, I do not dismiss WavPack, I appreciate it is actively developed. It is just that for me the compression ratio is more important than the compression speed because compression results are permanent while I do not care that much about the process of compressing. Even small differences in size begin to matter when one has terabytes of audio. In fact my results are similar to the comparison table you mentioned with one exception- in my tests TAK beats APE by a narrow margin. My test results according to compression ratio:
  • 1. OFR (OptimFROG)
  • 2. TAK (Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor)
  • 3. APE (Monkey's Audio)
  • 4. LA (Lossless Audio)
  • 5. TTA (The True Audio)
  • 6. FLAC (FLAC)
  • 7. WV (WavPack)
  • 8. M4A (ALAC - Apple Lossless Audio Codec)
My personal favourites- Monkey's Audio and OptimFROG. Since I do not care for lossy compression I do not care for hybrid mode either. In fact I have WV files in my audio collection- several torrents in WavPack format.

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Re: Resonic Beta

#63 Post by two »

smaragdus wrote:Resonic is now nag-ware:
I could not find the new "Nag" feature in the change log. For me Resonic is a hopeless player and the new "Nag" features puts an end to my tests.
It shows once per update and has been around for a few versions. And you keep coming back to this thread for every single new release hating on a 'hopeless' player.
Midas wrote:Being one of the best non-lossy formats, improvements for WavPack processing are highly welcome. Great job! 8)
+1. One of the few excellent formats that successfully go beyond consumer audio imho, great for 32-bit float and many in-between formats! Also keeps the wav structure untouched.

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Re: Resonic Player - fastest audio player/sample browser

#64 Post by Midas »

Quick note: Resonic Player versions feature comparison matrix is now available at

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Re: Resonic

#65 Post by smaragdus »

It shows once per update and has been around for a few versions. And you keep coming back to this thread for every single new release hating on a 'hopeless' player.
I am interested in audio players and that is why I have been wasting my time with this piece of junk since 2012.12.27 (Resonic Alpha 513) but I will do it no more because I think that this player is hopeless and because I do not tolerate beggars and naggers. If you think that this thread is yours because you started it you are wrong. Yet if you think that my comments violate the rules of this site- go complain to the moderators or to the owner of this site. You say that I "...keep coming back to this thread for every single new release...", which is a lie- I have commented on versions,, and 3 versions cannot stand for "every single new release". In one of my posts I mentioned bugs, in another one I confirmed that the bugs I reported had been fixed and my other posts I expressed my astonishment that after more than 4 years of development there is no support for Cue sheets, a feature available in scores of audio player I have tested and used. I absolutely do not care about you and your posts. But if you think that you can tell me what I should post and what I shouldn't you are wrong. As you were wrong when you said that I hated your player- I simply cannot hate junk-ware, I dump it.

From your posts I presume that you are Thomas Wolf (two=Thomas Wolf), the developer of Resonic. You may feel happy now- I totally lost interest in your player and will never come back to this thread. I have respect for developers who release free software (by the way your player is not really free) but I have no respect for you because time and again you intend to silence me and to reduce my comments to "hate".

I have seen that in the comments section at the database entry of Resonic you called a user who didn't like your player a troll: ... mment28994

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Re: Resonic Player - fastest audio player/sample browser

#66 Post by two »

Resonic 0.8.9b.

This release updates both Player and Pro, and introduces the first set of Pro features for batch
processing ('Batch Targets'), a what-you-hear recording feature (record button), it improves
the musical spectrum, adds metadata support for MIDI files, adds basic CART metadata support
for radio automation users, lets you start different copies (not instances) of Resonic
at the same time, and comes with many bug fixes.

New Features:
  • Pro: Batch Targets feature (batch processing.)
    Fixed copy/move/decode/convert target folders can be created in the new right sidebar
    (which can be toggled with F6, analogous to the left sidebar and F4) by dragging folders
    onto the 'Targets' tab.
    Each target can receive files and folders for whatever action is assigned to it.
    Additional conversion options are available through the right-click menu, ranging from
    simple copy/move to audio decoding (to .wav), sample format conversion (bit depth,
    sample rate, channel count).
    Targets are accessible from the (new) right sidebar (through F6, or the button in the status bar),
    which is shown by default on first start of a fresh installation.
    More features are to be added in future versions.
    See for more information.
  • Pro: Recording feature ('what you hear'.)
    Press the record button (transport bar) to record what is currently being played through Resonic,
    including pitch shifting, volume, seeking, live looping, and slice triggering via keyboard keys.
    Recorded audio is stored as .wav files in the 'Recorded Audio' folder in the Resonic user
    profile (in user 'Documents') which is also directly accessible through the browser.
    Click the status message after recording to start playing the file directly.
    This feature is intended to be used for sound design, creative idea finding, or as an audio sketch pad.
    To use recording you must use either a WASAPI or ASIO device for playback.
  • Pro: Musical spectrum and its note/octave estimation have been reduced to a more
    useful range of keys (C0..G8), bar scaling has been updated, bars are now colored
    by average intensity, and fading peak hold has been added.
  • Pro: Standard MIDI files are now fully integrated into the Resonic meta core,
    estimating MIDI file duration, reading copyright, timed markers with labels,
    musical key (first key signature change), track count (non-empty tracks),
    MIDI format (0, 1, or 2), pattern count (for format 2 files), PPQ, and tempo in BPM.
    If there are multiple tempo changes in a file an average tempo will be displayed
    in the file list, and the BPM will be put in brackets.
    As a special feature Resonic also displays the number of unique instrument patches
    used in the MIDI file in the 'Instrument Count' column.
  • Pro: Added 'Cropped Audio' to browser to quickly access this standard folder in the
    Resonic user profile (in user 'Documents'.)
  • Pro: Crop progress display in status bar,
    for both the "Crop selection" and the "Crop selection and play" feature.
  • Pro: Added right-click menu to A-B button for a few selection commands.
    Note that the Play, Stop, and Headphones buttons also have their own right-click menus.
  • Pro: The current mouse-selected region in the waveform is now automatically saved before
    it is modified or cleared, which means you won't accidentally lose the the region.
    The last region can be restored by right-clicking the A-B button, or through the marker
    button menu, using "Restore last selection."
    If a region already exists and a new one is created this feature toggles between
    the last one and the current one.
    This feature is also available as a global hotkey.
  • Pro: Much improved behavior of "Crop selection and play" feature (renders the selected
    waveform region to a new audio file and starts playing it):
    Before the new (cropped) file starts playing the selected waveform region is cleared,
    the current pitch settings (semitones/cents) are cleared, and the loop button
    is enabled (repeating the new file.)
    Note that the last selected region can now also be restored through the marker
    menu, or by right-clicking the A-B button ("Restore last selection".)
  • Pro: New global hotkey for "Loop on/off", which toggles single-file repeat.
  • Pro: AIFF metadata improvements, and reading comment chunks.
  • It is now possible to run different copies of Resonic Pro and Player at the same time
    as long as the database paths are different.
    You could for example start a portable Player, a portable Pro, another portable Pro,
    and a regularily installed Pro in parallel.
    Starting the same copy multiple times is not supported yet; it was removed
    during the Alpha to Beta rework for database stability reasons.
  • You can now CTRL-C the version information when the about dialog is open.
  • Headphones crossfeed presets (BS2B); right-click the headphones button
    to access them. (#1224)
  • New item in column popup menu to quickly hide the clicked column.
  • Pro: Metadata support for compressed AIFF files (.aifc).
  • Added indication of floating point files in bit depth column (using an 'f', e.g., "32f")
  • Pro: Additional metadata support for AES CART chunks.
    Available via columns: artist, title, category, cut id, client id, comment.
  • Pro: Metadata support for Scott Studios (SS32) Wave files, used in radio automation
    and broadcast systems.
    Available via columns: artist, title, cut id, comment.
    Available via waveform: intro end position, segue position.
    (requested: G. Zlot)
  • Pro: Segue (track transition in radio automation), intro markers, and other CART triggers
    are now read from CART/SS32 metadata and displayed in Resonic's waveform as a dashed line.
  • Pro: Addtional metadata support for BSI Wave files (Broadcast Software International),
    used in radio automation and broadcast systems.
    Available via columns: recording year, agency (as copyright), copyright / record label / publisher
    (as publisher), copy / notes (as subject), genre, music key, composer, album, tempo in bpm,
    and track number.
    Available via waveform: hook start position.
  • Pro: Added new broadcast columns "Cut Number ID" and "Client ID" (CART).
  • Essential fixes from the last Pro release were ported to Resonic Player.
  • Utility feature to resize main window to a fixed size, offering a selection of preset sizes,
    which assists in making videos or screenshots of a certain size.
    (see 'Menu | Advanced | Resize main window'.)
  • File list items appear faster when pasted (using the CTRL-V shortcut.)
  • Faster startup with bookmarks that point to mapped network drives, or network locations.
  • Folders can be moved and deleted more reliably as they are unlocked more intelligently
    when necessary, e.g., during drag and drop move in browser.
  • More detailed information in column popup menu.
    It's also easier to find the clicked column and its metadata group
    which both now appear in bold.
  • Opus decoder updated to libOpus 1.2.1 for reduced CPU usage during decoding.
  • MIDI renderer now more resilient in handling invalid XG sysex messages.
  • Some file list copy/paste improvements and fixes.
  • Pro: Playback of REX2 mono files.
  • Fixed taskbar quick controls (buttons) disappearing after a while on Windows 10.
  • Aborting a metadata scan in folders with lots of files could make one CPU core hang
    at a hundred percent usage.
  • Corrected several drag & drop related issues in the browser.
  • Pro: Fixed error message shown on every key press when ''Map temporary slices to letter keys''
    is enabled (for fast slice auditioning) and there are no temporary slices set.

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Re: Resonic Player - fastest audio player/sample browser

#67 Post by SYSTEM »

two wrote:Resonic 0.8.9b.
Thank you. Entry updated. :)
My YouTube channel | Release date of my 13th playlist: August 24, 2020

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Re: Resonic Beta

#68 Post by webfork »

smaragdus wrote:Resonic is now nag-ware
Part of catching up after a few weeks of being semi-offline.

Did this nag screen show up after some amount of use? I just grabbed it to confirm and I'm not seeing that prompt.

Updating the entry with "pro" version details.

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Re: Resonic Beta

#69 Post by two »

webfork wrote:
smaragdus wrote:Resonic is now nag-ware
Part of catching up after a few weeks of being semi-offline.

Did this nag screen show up after some amount of use? I just grabbed it to confirm and I'm not seeing that prompt.

Updating the entry with "pro" version details.
It is not nag ware. It is shown once per update, which is about every six months or whenever an update is released and a user decides to update manually, to remind people how much work goes into it.
Last edited by two on Thu Dec 28, 2017 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Resonic Player - fastest audio player/sample browser

#70 Post by two »

also, just updated to 0.9b.

from site:

This release marks the beginning of the final stretch on the road to version 1.0.
The last few months went into preparing many of the internals for the upcoming work we'll
be doing on database/search/metadata/tagging/playlists.
Audio device handling was reworked and allows for per-device options in future updates.
Files and folders can be renamed, new folders can be created, directly in Resonic.
Also, lots of new features and fixes, so make sure you read the full change log.

New Features:
  • Audio: Output device handling has been reworked, which includes load and save of the active devices.
    Previously used devices are stored in the order of their last use.
    If an audio device cannot be opened the next in the order of last used devices is tried.
    If Resonic plays through your current Windows default device and that default device
    changes to another device Resonic will try to follow and switch to the new one when the next
    file starts playing (applies to WASAPI output only.)
    For DirectSound use 'DS - System Default Device', which will do the switching automatically.
    We do not recommend the use of DirectSound, as is the lowest quality output system and should
    only be used for hardware compatibility purposes.
  • Audio: When using a WASAPI output device (recommended) and the active device is disconnected,
    lost, or otherwise fails, Resonic will first shut down playback and then the device
    itself, if possible, and finally show a warning.
    If the device was the default device, the new default device will be used.
    If the original device is back online it will be used.
    In any case Resonic will show you a highly visible status message, and only restore
    a device when you start playing a file / a new file.
  • Individual files in file list can now be renamed,
    either via the RIGHT-CLICK context menu, or with F2 when the file list is focused.
    When you rename a file the file extension is not shown, and is left untouched.
  • Individual folders in browser can now be renamed,
    either via the RIGHT-CLICK context menu, or with F2 when the browser is focused.
  • Folders in browser can now be created,
    either via the RIGHT-CLICK context menu, with F7, or with CTRL-SHIFT-N when the browser is focused.
  • Pro: The new 'Shuffle list items' function randomizes the display order of all items
    in the current playlist.
    This works similar to the 'Random' playback mode which keeps the display order untouched.
    You can use the 'Item Order' column to display the items' actual positions, and to return
    back to the original order.
    'Shuffle list items' and 'Random' playback mode can be combined.
  • Faster and less blocking file list updates.
  • Big parts of Drag & Drop have been reworked and improved.
    Dragging files and folders out of Resonic feels more modern and natural now on Windows 10,
    for example by showing drop tips ("Copy"/"Move"/"Open with"/etc.)
    More imporantly is ensuring that files dragged out of Resonic's file list (e.g., to the Desktop),
    are _always_ copied by default, and not occasionally (and seemingly randomly) moved instead
    by the operating system.
    You can still move files by holding down SHIFT during drag, like anywhere else.
  • Usability: You can now horizontally scroll the file list (e.g., when having lots of columns)
    by holding down SHIFT while you use the MOUSE WHEEL.
  • Usability: You can now fast-scroll the file list and the browser (e.g., to go look through your
    files and folders faster) by holding down CTRL while using the MOUSE WHEEL.
  • Resonic now distinguishes between audio-only and video .mp4 files by analyzing
    the file content in depth, and displays these video files in a different color (purple.) (#1245)
    Learn more:
  • Added 'Export file list' item to file list popup menu to copy with full path names
    of selected files to the clipboard. (#1246)
    Resonic Pro can also copy the path names (without file names), or just the file names,
    and offers advanced clipboard quotation settings for developers in the 'Clipboard options' sub menu
    (double quotes, single quotes, escape backslashes in paths, unicode prefix.)
  • New command-line options for basic remote control, and creating loop selections.
    Learn more:
  • File list filter ('Show matching only' is default) now remembers last scroll position and restores
    it when you close or clear the filter. This ensures your workflow is not interrupted when you're
    using the filter often (e.g., via CTRL-F.)
  • Pro: File list filter option 'Keep panel open' makes sure the panel does not automatically hide,
    but stays open.
  • Pro: File list filter option 'Clear filter text on close' clears the entered filter text
    as soon as the panel is closed.
  • When the file list filter panel is open (CTRL-F, or F3) the F3 key can now be used
    to cycle through the filtered results just like in a text editor.
    Use SHIFT-F3 to reverse the cycle order.
  • Metadata scans can now more reliably be suspended until the next folder change using
    the animated activity button (...) in the status bar (only visible when metadata is being gathered.)
  • Pro: It is now possible to scale the selection length via menu items,
    i.e. double, triple, quadruple, etc. as well as half, third, quarter, etc.
    Right click the A-B button to see the options, e.g., 'Selection length'.
  • Pro: Global hotkeys 'Double waveform selection length' and 'Halve waveform selection length'.
  • When the file list filter panel is open (CTRL-F, or F3) you can now use
    PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN directly to do page-wise jumps, CTRL-HOME and CTRL-END to jump
    to the top and bottom of the list, without the need to close the filter first.
  • Pro: New meta options for file list filter. In addition to filename without path
    you can now also filter by file extension, path, and parent folder name (containing folder).
  • New shortcut: CTRL-W closes and unloads the current audio file,
    and potentially unlocks a playing folder when needed.
  • Pro: The shortcut CTRL-SHIFT-ALT-W closes and release the current audio output device,
    which will automatically be reinitialized when the next file is played.
    This is useful to manually 'switch off' the device when another application needs it,
    or to manually reinitialize a non-working device (e.g., after USB reconnect.)
  • New stop button RIGHT-CLICK menu command: 'Close audio streams'.
  • Pro: New stop button RIGHT-CLICK menu commands: 'Close audio streams' and 'Release audio output device',
    which are also available as assignable global shortcuts in Resonic Pro.
  • Explorer file type icons for Advanced Audio Coding files (.aac) and Karaoke MIDI files (.kar).
  • Pro: Added volume percentage presets (0..100%) from Resonic Player to volume popup menu,
    as an alternative to the decibel presets.
  • Pro: Added pitch percentage presets (+/-) to pitch popup (always based on original speed.)
  • Pro: Added 'Speed up' (x2) and 'Slow down' (x0.5) to pitch popup menu.
    Note that you can these items multiple times to double or halve the current speed multiple times,
    and that clicking these items will keep the popup open.
  • Pro: Additional file list/browser font size ('XX Large') and row density ('Spacious') presets.
  • To stop sorting by a specific column in file list you can now CTRL-CLICK any column header,
    or use the 'Unsorted' item from the file list columns menu.
  • All versions of Resonic will now ask before deleting/recycling files and folders.
  • Pro: There are several settings available in 'Menu | Advanced | Confirmations',
    which allow you to toggle confirmations for deleting a single file, a single folder,
    or multiple files, separately. Another setting lets you only show confirmations whenever
    keyboard shortcuts were used to trigger delete commands.
  • Drag & Drop a file onto the visualization area (waveform) to load and play it (#1313).
  • If Resonic is started without parameters, but an instance is already running (minimized
    or otherwise hidden), it is automatically brought to the front.
  • Files passed into Resonic via command-line at runtime that do not exist will no longer
    change folders and interrupt playback, but cause an error message instead.
  • Pro: Slower but much more accurate audio extraction from MP3/MP2/MP1 files.
  • Pro: Moved some waveform selection features from marker button to the A-B button
    RIGHT-CLICK menu: 'Select all', 'Restore last selection', 'Randomize selection',
    and 'Selection for tempo/beats'.
  • Usability: Further reduced the chance of accidentally creating folder copies in browser
    via Drag & Drop by introducing a Drag & Drop delay.
  • Dim button is now correctly highlighted in orange, as orange in Resonic generally means
    that audio is being affected in one way or another, or uses lossy compression.
  • Pro: Support for iTunes/APE/etc. initial key (shown in 'Musical Key' column, e.g. 'Am'.)
  • Sorting by file extension ('Ext.' column) now uses the filename as a secondary
    sort key for Explorer-compatible groupings.
  • Pro: Now using the root note read from ACID WAV and AIFF files as a fallback for 'Musical Key'.
    All your files will now show a musical key, if at least the root note is known.
  • Pro: Now also detects tempo values (bpm) with 1-2 decimals in filenames (e.g. "Loop 140.5bpm.wav")
    as part of the set of meta-based tempo guessing algorithms, and in addition to the
    actual tempo information read from various metadata sources embedded in files.
    While the actual tempo from embedded metadata will be shown first in the 'Tempo' file list column,
    any guessed tempo will be shown in brackets, e.g. "120 (140.5)".
  • Pro: Now also detects (some) root keys and scale types (major, minor) in filenames (e.g. "Loop Ebmin.wav")
    in additional to the actual key and scale information read from various metadata sources embedded
    in files.
    While the actual key and scale from embedded metadata will be shown first in the 'Key' file list column,
    any guessed key and scale will be shown in brackets, e.g. "C# (Dbm)".
    Not that some keys cannot be reliably detected from filename at this point (e.g. "Loop A.wav"),
    and will be ignored for the time being. Using "Amaj" instead would be recommended.
  • The Resonic meta core will now attempt to correct RIFF WAVE files with broken headers and
    continue to read metadata from RIFF WAVE files.
    Note that future versions of Resonic Pro will start reporting metadata quality, which,
    in the case of broken files, would end up being very low.
  • 'Show matching only' is now the default file list filter mode.
    which means when you open it (CTRL-F) and type something any files that do not match
    your filter pattern will be hidden from the file list, leaving the filtered ones.
    You can change this behavior to 'Show all, but dim non-matching' using the menu button in the filter bar,
    which will then disable any files that do not match your filter pattern and show little
    location indicators in the scroll bar.
  • Refreshed light and dark themes.
  • Improved file list style, file list filter style, and features.
  • Greatly improved responsiveness when selecting files in file list with mouse and keyboard,
    i.e., CTRL-CLICK, SHIFT-CLICK, SHIFT and arrow keys, etc.
  • More consistent PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN (page-wise jumping) in file list.
  • Changed ENTER behavior in file list filter to be more consistent,
    does always restart the file now, but won't auto-start playing accidentally.
    Press DOWN to play the first filtered result instead.
  • Improved new folder feature (F7, or CTRL-SHIFT-N in browser).
    You can now also create multiple levels at once (e.g. "Folder Name\Sub Folder\Another Folder"
    will create the whole structure in one go.)
  • Stop button has now more than one function (using subsequent clicks):
    The first click stops audio playback, as expected.
    When playback is stopped another click closes and unloads the audio files.
  • Pro: Stop button also has a third function (using subsequent clicks):
    When no files are loaded another click closes and releases the current audio output device,
    which will automatically be reinitialized when the next file is played.
  • Header color contrast tweaks, played area overlay color tweaks, and some other color changes.
  • Improved contrast for all Explorer file type icons (unavailable in Portable versions.)
  • Checked menu items within a group are now clearly visible as such (radio buttons,
    instead of check marks.)
  • Better handling of long paths and filenames.
  • Browser and file list now default to a bigger font size on higher resolution screens.
  • Improved tooltips and added support for large multi-line hints that show the full contents
    of cut-off file list columns (#1309).
  • If 'Disable fade on stop' is enabled (see stop button context menu) Resonic will now
    not only stop playback immediately and without short fade out when the stop button is clicked,
    but also on right-click into the waveform, and in most of the other cases as well,
    making operation more instant.
    Fade on stop is disabled by default in Resonic Pro.
  • Pro: Reduced white flashes when resizing the window while using the dark theme.
  • When play/pause are combined into one button (RIGHT-CLICK play button for options)
    play will now properly reopen and restart previously unloaded files.
  • Several smaller fixes throughout the program.
  • Audio output device was not released properly when system goes into sleep or hibernation,
    is now reopened when needed on system resume.
  • The notice that is shown when the file list's auto fit option cannot automatically fit all columns,
    because there is not enough room, has been killed with a shovel.
    We happily accept pizza and beer donations for this outstanding accomplishment
    via ;)
  • Pro: Pitch semitones are now limited to a viable range.

  • Shortcut changes:
    'Play-scroll previous/next file' was moved to SHIFT-CTRL-WHEEL (from CTRL-WHEEL.)
    'Play-scroll previous/next folder' was moved to SHIFT-CTRL-WHEEL (from CTRL-WHEEL.)
    'Play-scroll random file' was moved to SHIFT-ALT-WHEEL (from ALT-WHEEL.)
    Refresh your knowledge:
  • Pro: Excuse some minor visual Beta dark theme issues (e.g., global hotkeys preferences),
    but we'd rather continue working on important features for the time being.
  • We'll continue to support Windows Vista up to version 1.0,
    but please note that Windows XP is no longer supported!

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Re: Resonic Player - fastest audio player/sample browser

#71 Post by Midas »

Impressive. 8)

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Re: Resonic Player - fastest audio player/sample browser

#72 Post by two »

And another one: 0.9.1b

This release introduces a disk cache that makes already scanned metadata available much faster,
and comes with much improved Drag & Drop features.
Metadata in DSD audio files (DSF/DFF) is fully supported (some parts in Pro only),
new shortcuts were added, usability and integration has been improved,
and lots of little things have been fixed.
Also, the currently playing path is now highlighted in the browser.

Full list of changes:

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Re: Monkey's Audio v4.40

#73 Post by Midas »

OT (but marginally related): Monkey's Audio v4.40 released (changelog at

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Re: Resonic Player - fastest audio player/sample browser

#74 Post by two »

So, Resonic was updated to 0.9.2b.
This release is an accumulation of fixes, features, and performance improvements in both Resonic Pro and Player.
Features include reworked file list usability, an improved double-click mode, sticky selections,
fast file list scrolling, browser folder history, per-device ASIO channel offsets (Pro), mono mix (Pro),
and custom pause after tracks (Pro).
Improvements have been made around overall usability, high DPI support, playback buffering, and batch targets (Pro).
The Pro version is upgraded with the long-awaited 'bullet mode' for browing very large amounts of audio files
with the lowest possible application overhead, much improved metadata support (e.g., Soundminer),
and a new meta panel which presents a lot of the information from the Resonic Meta Core.

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Re: Resonic Player - fastest audio player/sample browser

#75 Post by two »

Midas wrote: Sun Nov 18, 2018 6:21 am OT (but marginally related): Monkey's Audio v4.40 released (changelog at
Thanks! Haven't checked in a while.

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