Windows 9 is... Windows 10

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Re: Windows 9 is... Windows 10

#106 Post by joby_toss »

There's always a bug somewhere...especially if something goes awry...

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Re: Windows 9 is... Windows 10

#107 Post by joby_toss »

There's a debate on a forum from my country about the legality of these kind of offers for Win10: click. There are so many people that believe buying OEM licenses online and using them on their private machines is OK, it's not even funny...

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Re: Windows 9 is... Windows 10

#108 Post by joby_toss »

:) Just read an interesting comment on this "Microsoft Silently Re-Enables Windows 10 Upgrades on Windows 7 and 8.1 PCs – Report" article:
CyberWolf64 wrote:SEE! I said it in a previous post. Windows 10 IS malware posing as an OS.
MALWARE does things to your PC WITHOUT your permission. So too does Win 10.
MS MUST be investigated for malware activities. If ANY other company had software on YOUR machine and it did this kind of stuff they would be nailed for being a malware publisher. So, why is MS not governed by this same standard?

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Re: Windows 9 is... Windows 10

#109 Post by SYSTEM » ... ks-option/

Is that what Microsoft meant with clearly prompting whether or not to continue? :roll:

As an investor I've had enough. I sold my Microsoft shares. (I won about 28 % relative to how much I invested, in dollars, or 43 % if I consider the transactions in euro. :) [The dollar strenghtened vs. euro during the time I held the shares.])
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Re: Windows 9 is... Windows 10

#110 Post by Midas »

Yet more article goodness regarding this conundrum:

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Re: Windows 9 is... Windows 10

#111 Post by SYSTEM »

Microsoft created official instructions to block the Windows 10 upgrade on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 systems:
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Re: Windows 9 is... Windows 10

#112 Post by Midas »

SYSTEM wrote:Microsoft created official instructions to block the Windows 10 upgrade on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 systems ...
  • Good news. Although Martin Brinkmann reports that... wrote:It appears as if Microsoft designed the Windows 10 upgrade mechanisms in a way that makes it very complicated for users to block the upgrade offer for good on machines running previous versions of Windows.
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Re: Windows 9 is... Windows 10

#113 Post by SYSTEM »

Midas wrote:
SYSTEM wrote:Microsoft created official instructions to block the Windows 10 upgrade on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 systems ...
  • Good news. Although Martin Brickman reports that... wrote:It appears as if Microsoft designed the Windows 10 upgrade mechanisms in a way that makes it very complicated for users to block the upgrade offer for good on machines running previous versions of Windows.
Brinkmann. And he doesn't really explain that claim.
Martin Brinkmann wrote: The keys mentioned above prevent the upgrade to Windows 10, but it appears that they are not blocking any of the upgrade patches to be installed on Windows 7 or Windows 8 devices.
I consider the upgrade offer to have been blocked if the user doesn't see the "Get Windows 10" prompt.
Martin Brinkmann wrote: In addition, on some computer systems at least, Josh Mayfield, the creator of GWX Control Panel, noted that one of the scheduled tasks, refreshgwxconfig-B, was resetting the AllowOSUpgrade setting every time it runs.
But the DisableGwx setting isn't reset.


There are now official instructions to block the upgrade. The most important change is that the registry values are now documented. Thus, Microsoft needs to honor them (unlike when they were undocumented, because undocumented registry settings are technically implementation details and can be removed at any time). Therefore an user who wants to block the upgrade can simply follow Microsoft's instructions, which is not "very complicated".
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Re: Windows 9 is... Windows 10

#114 Post by Midas »

SYSTEM wrote:Brinkmann.
  • Corrected. Some days you just can't get anything right... :roll:

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Re: Windows 9 is... Windows 10

#115 Post by SYSTEM » ... nnovation/
Terry Myerson wrote:
  • Going forward, as new silicon generations are introduced, they will require the latest Windows platform at that time for support. This enables us to focus on deep integration between Windows and the silicon, while maintaining maximum reliability and compatibility with previous generations of platform and silicon. For example, Windows 10 will be the only supported Windows platform on Intel’s upcoming “Kaby Lake” silicon, Qualcomm’s upcoming “8996” silicon, and AMD’s upcoming “Bristol Ridge” silicon.
  • Through July 17, 2017, Skylake devices on the supported list will also be supported with Windows 7 and 8.1. During the 18-month support period, these systems should be upgraded to Windows 10 to continue receiving support after the period ends. After July 2017, the most critical Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 security updates will be addressed for these configurations, and will be released if the update does not risk the reliability or compatibility of the Windows 7/8.1 platform on other devices.
The most important part of this announcement is that, on computers which have a processor based on Intel's latest Skylake microarchitecture (in particular, the Core i5-6000 and Core i7-6000 series), Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 won't receive all security updates after July 2017. People who have such computers will have to upgrade to Windows 10.

It's not a big group, and most of these computers are laptops which came with Windows 10 anyway, as Skylake was launched after Win10. Nevertheless, it looks like Microsoft is getting increasingly desperate to get anyone they can to upgrade... :roll:
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Re: Windows 9 is... Windows 10

#116 Post by Userfriendly »

SYSTEM wrote:Nevertheless, it looks like Microsoft is getting increasingly desperate to get anyone they can to upgrade... :roll:
Please, this was an inevitability. It has to happen sooner or later for technology to move forward. Microsoft can't keep supporting Windows XP/7 on future hardware. It's a waste of time and resources for them to support OS's to work optimally on newer hardware. 7/8 will most likely work anyway on processors beyond Kaby Lake, however certain special features these CPU architectures bring will not be supported. Microsoft won't do any special updates for 7/8 to support them besides security updates.

It's like people forget WinXP stopped receiving any updates to support a lot of newer hardware features a long time ago. Same with Win3.1/95/98. People can still manage to get those to work on newer hardware. Is it optimal? No its not but hey people are free to gimp themselves if so desired.

I'm sure this is more aimed at enterprise customers who like to forever stick with Windows XP or 7 because of stupid legacy software. Microsoft can't coddle with those people any longer. It's in Microsoft's interest to consolidate everyone into one OS ecosystem as it makes it so much easier to support if everyone is on the same page.

So lets not turn this news as another dumb move on Microsoft's part. It isn't. It's just something that needs to happen.

I understand what Microsoft wants to do. But they do a very poor job at communicating things. Especially addressing privacy concerns. I can 100% guarantee that if MS just added more granular control over telemetry data and a switch to turn it all off. All in the same settings page. Same with Windows updates and drivers. Peoples opinion on Win10 will go 180 if they do this and it would be the best thing ever. But no, billions of dollars with supposedly the smartest minds in the industry. Nothing to lose and everything to gain just by doing this. They can't figure this out. It boggles. Shit like this is what makes me lose faith in humanity sometimes. :roll:

Gotta win the hearts and minds of the people. That's how Sony succeeded with the PS4 this generation over the Xbox One. Give the people what they want. Microsoft is somewhat doing this already but half-assing it all the way.

Of course I'm just talking about joby_toss and his utter hatred for Microsoft and Windows 10. Casual normal people don't care either way.

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Re: Windows 9 is... Windows 10

#117 Post by lautrepay »

@Userfriendly: Are you serious?

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Re: Windows 9 is... Windows 10

#118 Post by SYSTEM »

Userfriendly wrote:
SYSTEM wrote:Nevertheless, it looks like Microsoft is getting increasingly desperate to get anyone they can to upgrade... :roll:
Please, this was an inevitability. It has to happen sooner or later for technology to move forward. Microsoft can't keep supporting Windows XP/7 on future hardware. It's a waste of time and resources for them to support OS's to work optimally on newer hardware. 7/8 will most likely work anyway on processors beyond Kaby Lake, however certain special features these CPU architectures bring will not be supported. Microsoft won't do any special updates for 7/8 to support them besides security updates.

It's like people forget WinXP stopped receiving any updates to support a lot of newer hardware features a long time ago. Same with Win3.1/95/98. People can still manage to get those to work on newer hardware. Is it optimal? No its not but hey people are free to gimp themselves if so desired.
What is new is that, as far as I can see, Windows 7 and 8.1 will explicitly check if the device has "too recent" hardware, and refuse to install certain updates (including security updates) in that case. (It wouldn't be possible for those devices to "stop receiving support" otherwise.)

In addition, AFAIK Microsoft has never made an announcement like this before. Looks like a goal (if not the goal) of the announcement was to get some people to upgrade to Windows 10. (Which is quite stupid. Microsoft doesn't have much to win here because nearly all Skylake devices already run Win10, and Kaby Lake and Zen don't even exist yet. Meanwhile they have a lot to lose regarding their reputation: most people who know that they have a Skylake system are technology enthusiasts, and we are an influential and vocal group.)

The worst part of Microsoft's announcement is that it affects existing computers (those with Skylake processors). Some people already have systems with a Skylake CPU and Windows 7, and they believed that it would be a supported configuration until year 2020. And now they were just told that the support will end already in 2017. Microsoft should have made Skylake the last platform that is supported as long as the operating systems themselves are. That way the strongest Win10 haters would just have to avoid future platforms.
Userfriendly wrote: Gotta win the hearts and minds of the people. That's how Sony succeeded with the PS4 this generation over the Xbox One. Give the people what they want. Microsoft is somewhat doing this already but half-assing it all the way.
Yes, Windows 10 introduced some nice goodies for us geeks such as ability to copy and paste in the command prompt with Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V. And MS has opened the source code of parts of the .NET Framework and the Chakra JavaScript engine (used in IE and Microsoft Edge). But they blew a lot of that reputation by having too much telemetry in Windows 10, and now they are making it even worse by pushing Windows 10 more and more aggressively.

This reputation loss is exactly the reason why I sold my shares. It will affect the bottom line in the long run. Apparently I'm not alone with my thoughts: Microsoft's share price has gone down after the sale.

And the Xbox One debacle is unbelievable. MS kept walking from a PR disaster to the next. In the end, they had to back off all controversial decisions: they didn't win anything at all, but they still took the PR hits.
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Re: Windows 9 is... Windows 10

#119 Post by Userfriendly »

lautrepay wrote:@Userfriendly: Are you serious?
No, I'm a paid microsoft shill. Are YOU serious?

I'm just tired of people being really dumb about things. People asking me to downgrade their win10 systems. Asking me how I put up with Windows 8/10 like its the hardest thing in the world to work with. Cleaning malware off peoples PC's/phones which I don't know how stupid you can be to get these days. I'm tired of being THE tech guy around the people I know. It annoys the hell out of me. I'm about to shut them off and tell them to go hit up the geeksquad instead.

This Windows 10 thing is SOOOOOO different from Windows 7, Apple, Google, Android, Linux etc. that some people are having a hard time with it. It's not, just another thing to do a thing. It's doing things that other things are also already doing whether you know it or not.

You wanna move to linux? Move to linux. Shut up and move on. Get out of this website because its about windows portable software. Stop posting anti-ms news to make you feel good about your decision. A lot of it with clickbait and sensationalism which is far from the truth or making it as more serious that it actually is. I'm talking to you Linus Torvalds and the ghost of Steve Jobs. Get outta here.

I'm just venting because every time something dumb happens. Doesn't matter if its tech related, media, politics, or social issues. I'm just sitting here thinking "Are people serious?" "People can be this dumb?" "Kill Me".

Nothing against lautrepay, System or anyone else. I'm just... tired of the internet it seems. A cesspool of negativity. I just want to see the bright side of things but people make it hard for me. I just wanna go up the mountains and leave it all behind sometimes.

-Microsoft Shill #206

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Re: Windows 9 is... Windows 10

#120 Post by webfork »

Userfriendly wrote:A cesspool of negativity
I don’t think so and here’s why:

First, there’s an implicit suggestion in your post that people have control over their computing situation. That’s certainly more true than it once was but far from complete, especially on the sub-$500 desktop. Windows is still very dominant.

Second, it’s not just whining: this site and others are actively helping Windows usability and privacy (e.g. XP-Antispy and XPY) for 15+ years. The reason people are going to download and use programs like those we highlight on the site are complaints made here and elsewhere. We can both improve user experience, privacy, and maybe influence Microsoft to change policies with tools like this. We’re solving problems.

Third, there is a component of this that’s a sort of trainspotting where you’re wondering if Microsoft as a company is still up to the task of maintaining an important and widely used platform. Netscape certainly couldn’t handle the browser and Sun didn’t last with Java. With the tech landscape changing so fast, there’s an ongoing question about whether — as you suggest — it is time to move to something else.

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