Text obfuscation or ciphering (not true encryption)

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Shut down after use:
Remain ready in the system tray:
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Text obfuscation or ciphering (not true encryption)

#1 Post by dmg »

So, I have been fiddling for quite a while with writing a text cipher app. This app would be a clumsy implementation of cascade ciphering:
Basically, it would take plain text and process it through multiple distinct ciphers to make the final product more difficult to decipher. The intent is be a toy with some limited real world applications. NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH ACTUAL ENCRYPTION.

I have a question: assuming a gui in which the plain text and a pass phrase would be entered, and which would then present the enciphered text, would it be better to have the app close after it finishes or does it sound like the kind of thing that might be best left running and ready for use in the system tray?

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Re: Text obfuscation or ciphering (not true encryption)

#2 Post by tproli »

In the gui you can add minimize/close buttons, can't you? So let the user decide.

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Re: Text obfuscation or ciphering (not true encryption)

#3 Post by webfork »

tproli wrote:In the gui you can add minimize/close buttons, can't you? So let the user decide.
Agreed. Me personally, I like keeping it available and in the system tray (I think WinPT had this) so I'd recommend that present by default.

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