
Submit portable freeware that you find here. It helps if you include information like description, extraction instruction, Unicode support, whether it writes to the registry, and so on.
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#1 Post by webfork »

First mentioned by Joby almost 6 years ago to the day, W10Privacy is still around and claims portability.

What I like about it is the number and specificity of settings. Loads of fine-tuned controls might annoy other folks but this feels like you're in the driver's seat. Changelog is in German.

https://www.softpedia.com/get/Tweak/Sys ... vacy.shtml

Status: Untested -- I already have a few other tools in this space that have me covered, but always nice to have more.

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Re: W10Privacy

#2 Post by Midas »

Lack of attention for W10Privacy probably due to having only an install package available for download, which can be used to extract the portable -- it'll only extract 'W10Privacy.exe' to a folder of your choice, while (Uni)extracting will yield some other files/folders.

Upon first run the program will create many other files in program folder -- including an INI -- and advise the user to start it with administrative rights.

W10Privacy has an impressive yet fairly well documented set of system tweaks (e.g., note the always visible legend in the program's UI left bottom corner), distributed throughout several clearly labelled tabs.

Portability info from the homepage (emphasis added, page reading recommended):
Starting with version, W10Privacy is provided in the form of an installer. This can be used to install the software regularly or, in portable mode, to extract the software as an executable file in any folder (in portable mode, however, the program requires write access in the respective folder!) The program settings of an "installed W10Privacy" are stored in the AppData subfolder 'W10Privacy' of the respective user (usually under 'C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\W10Privacy').




W10Privacy current release is v3.8.0.2 from 2022-05-22.

Main executable MD5 hash:

Code: Select all

8543e0c693bd47baffd715b599c6ff1d *W10Privacy.exe
Humorous quote from W10Privacy homepage:
"I was not aware that I was tapped." Angela Merkel

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Re: W10Privacy

#3 Post by giulia »

would be nice to be added in the database

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