Sigil is a tabbed editor for the EPUB format commonly used in eBooks. The program includes basic formatting, customizable fonts and styles, hotkeys and spellcheck. You can generate a table of contents, embed files (audio, video, or other), edit/add metadata, rearrange or split pages, add vector (SVG) images and available "clips" for frequently entered text.
As the format is based on simple HTML, the program includes a WYSIWYG-style book vs. code view, the ability to modify cascading style sheets and additional functionality via plugins. The program can even shrink some eBooks by discarding unused media elements.
Cross-platform with clients for Linux, Mac and supports many languages. Sigil Portable is a wrapper version of the program and an outdated X-Sigil is also available.
Category: | |
Runs on: | Win10 / Win11 / Wine |
Writes settings to: | Application folder |
License: | GNU GPLv3 |
How to extract: |
Download the self-extracting EXE to a folder of your choice. Launch SigilPortable.exe. Optionally, the user guide is available as a separate download. |
Similar/alternative apps: | KompoZer |
What's new? | See: |
TablePro is a simple versatile database for the home and office, with fast and powerful search options, the ability export to various formats, a print, sorting on all fields, adjustment of the user interface, very fast loading and processing of huge quantities of records. The primary use of this program is for storage of telephone directories, tables of employees and clients, edit files, cataloguing of DVD videos, CD music, and book collections, price lists, LOG-files, files of statistics, etc.
Category: | |
Runs on: | Win2K / WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 |
Writes settings to: | Application folder |
Stealth: ? | Yes |
License: | Shareware. Abandonware. |
How to extract: | Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch TableProPortable.exe. |
Similar/alternative apps: | CSVed |
Create, play back, and print sheet music for free. MuseScore is cross-platform, multi-lingual, open source music notation software. It features an easy to use WYSIWYG editor with audio score playback for results that look and sound beautiful. It supports unlimited staves with up to four voices each, dynamics, articulations, lyrics, chords, lead sheet notation, import/export of MIDI and MusicXML, export to PDF and WAV, plus online score sharing.
Category: | |
Runs on: | Win10 / Win11 |
Writes settings to: | Application folder |
Path portability: | Automatic relative path (eg. ..\..\personal\work.doc) |
License: | Freeware/Open Source |
How to extract: | Download the self-extracting EXE to a folder of your choice. Launch MuseScorePortable.paf.exe. |
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MiTeC JSON Viewer include simple JSON Editor with JSON validation, support hierarchical and text preview, text searching and Base64 encoding/decoding.
Category: | |
Runs on: | WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 |
Writes settings to: | Registry, if "Persistent settings" option is enabled (they'll be saved to 'HKCU\Software\MiTeC\JSONViewer'). |
Stealth: ? | Yes. But only if no settings saved; otherwise see "Writes settings to" above. |
Unicode support: | Yes |
License: | Free for personal use |
How to extract: | Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch JSONView.exe. |
Similar/alternative apps: | JSONedit |
What's new? | See: |
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JSONedit is a simple editor for the JavaScript Object Notation format "a text-based open standard designed for human-readable data interchange" (source) with available text and tree views.
Includes array generator using embedded Lua interpreter and Scintilla for text edition.
Category: | |
Runs on: | WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Wine |
Writes settings to: | Application folder |
Stealth: ? | Yes |
Unicode support: | Partial |
License: | Freeware |
How to extract: | Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch JSONedit.exe. |
Similar/alternative apps: | JSON Viewer |
What's new? |
Latest comments |
on 2014-06-03 09:56
Nice tool. Should accept copy&pasted JSON-Data too.
on 2014-11-27 08:29
I would suggest to use online json viewer
on 2017-05-04 01:56
See all
There is also UTF-8 branch - |
MiTeC XML Viewer include simple XML Editor with xml validation, very fast SAX parser, support hierarchical and text preview, text searching, Base64 decoding, SVG preview, attribute listing, image interpretation, Web and Content preview and large files up to available memory.
Category: | |
Runs on: | Win2K / WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 |
Writes settings to: | Registry, if "Persistent settings" option is enabled (they'll be saved to 'HKCU\Software\MiTeC\XMLViewer'). |
Stealth: ? | Yes. But only if no settings saved; otherwise see "Writes settings to" above. |
Unicode support: | Yes |
License: | Free for personal use |
How to extract: | Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch XMLView.exe or XMLView64.exe. |
What's new? | See: |
Latest comments |
on 2016-12-19 12:24
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sorry, it is not portable - wrotes settings to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MiTeC |
Scribus is a desktop-publishing tool similar to Adobe InDesign and Microsoft Publisher. It supports professional publishing features, such as CMYK color, separations, ICC color management and versatile PDF creation. Includes support for a wide variety of file types via import filters, rendering of markup languages and XML file format. Other features include PDF Import, EPS import/export, Unicode text including right to left scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew. Scribus is cross-platform and open source.
Scribus Portable is version of the program. Alternatively, X-Scribus is also available.
Win2K user: Version 1.3 series option (unsupported): Portable Scribus - (choose English or multilingual, extract to any folder of your choice and Launch PortableScribus.exe)
Category: | |
Runs on: | WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 |
Writes settings to: | Application folder |
Stealth: ? | Yes |
Unicode support: | Yes |
Path portability: | Automatic relative path (eg. ..\..\personal\work.doc) |
License: | GPL |
How to extract: |
Optional: to enable a variety of PDF functions, install Ghostscript Portable to the folder adjacent to ScribusPortable (e.g. If you have installed Portable Scribus to X:\PortableApps\ScribusPortable, install Ghostscript to X:\PortableApps\CommonFiles\Ghostscript) |
Similar/alternative apps: | Inkscape |
What's new? | See: |
Latest comments |
on 2019-01-28 03:40
...sorry, my previous comment only applies to the stable version 1.4.7 - changing "HKCU\Software\QtProject.." to "HKCU\Software\Trolltech.." in "ScribusPortable.ini" does it.
on 2023-05-23 09:50
Scribus 1.5.8 released See
on 2023-05-23 09:57
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Download page (Sourceforge): |
CSVed is a fast, basic spreadsheet file editor that supports the CSV file format. You can add/delete columns, rearrange column order, change separator, filter items, remove duplicates, split/join columns etc.
Category: | |
Runs on: | Win2K / WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 |
Writes settings to: | Application folder |
Stealth: ? | No |
Unicode support: | No |
License: | Freeware |
How to extract: |
Similar/alternative apps: | CSVpad, CSV Buddy, CSVFileView |
What's new? |
Latest comments |
on 2023-11-09 13:55
Looks like a nice program, but the first CSV I loaded failed at linefeeds within quotes and treated those as new records, even though the developer site links to a CSV definition article that starts by saying it should be able to. Both excel and libreoffice did load the file correctly. Ah well.
on 2023-11-09 17:23
on 2024-06-28 21:12
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The Proper String's Capitialise Sentences will turn everything into lowercase. The Capitalise on Words will also turn everything into lowercase instead. Nobody has this problem? |
CSVFileView is a simple spreadsheet viewer/converter utility for comma-separated value (CSV) or tab-delimited file. You can sort the lines according to one of the fields, remove unwanted fields and change their order and then save the result back into CSV file, tab-delimited file, XML file, or HTML report.
Category: | |
Runs on: | Win2K / WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 |
Writes settings to: | Application folder |
Stealth: ? | Yes |
Unicode support: | Yes |
License: | Freeware |
How to extract: | Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch CSVFileView.exe. |
Similar/alternative apps: | CSVed |
What's new? |
Latest comments |
on 2017-04-17 12:04
CSVfileView v2.31 released 16-APR-2017
on 2017-11-25 14:03
CSVFileView 2.37 released 23-NOV-2017
on 2020-10-01 01:26
See all
Great little program, which I've used for ages. Nice and fast. Great for viewing CSV files quickly. |
CSV Buddy adds additional functionality to the widely-supported basic spreadsheets known as Comma-Separated Value (CSV) files. The program allows the edition of a variety of formats, import/export, reorder, merge and more. Tasks can be automated with scripting commands.
Works with comma-delimited, tab-delimited and other CSV-type files. A 64-bit version is included. Written using AutoHotKey.
Category: | |
Runs on: | WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Win11 |
Writes settings to: | Application folder |
Stealth: ? | Yes |
Unicode support: | Yes. Unicode support in 64-bit version. |
License: | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
How to extract: | Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch CSVBuddy-x_x-32-bit.exe or CSVBuddy-x_x-64-bit.exe. |
Similar/alternative apps: | CSVFileView |
What's new? |