Cornflower's favorites (38)

PicPick v7.3.0 Updated

Andrew Lee on 2 Feb 2025
  • 113MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 3 Feb 2025
  • Suggested by Cornflower

PicPick is a versatile all-in-one tool for images on the desktop. Includes a powerful screen capture tool, editor, color picker and palette, pixel ruler, protractor, crosshair, whiteboard and more. Can upload images automatically to FTP, Facebook, Twitter, default e-mail program, or send to installed Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, or PowerPoint).

Alternatively, PicPick Portable is stealth and automatically adjusts paths.

Runs on:WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Win11
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? No. Leaves picpick in APPDATA, Cloud Explorer in LOCALAPPDATA, and picpick in ALLUSERSAPPDATA.
Unicode support: Yes
License: Free for personal use. Note that without a blank picpick.ini file, the program will offer optional installation of the Bing toolbar.
How to extract: Download the "Portable" ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Create a blank file called picpick.ini in the same folder. Launch picpick.exe.

Optionally, delete unnecessary language files.
Similar/alternative apps: ShareX
What's new? See full changelog at:
Latest comments
kiwichick888 on 2022-10-24 04:49

I just downloaded using the link here and got the previous version 6.3.1. Downloaded again from the website and got the right one. The link on the website Download page (Portable Version) is different to the one here.

Ennovy on 2022-10-24 09:07

@kiwichick888: Thanks for the info, I changed the download link

Pendrive on 2023-08-02 11:53

It is now at v7.2.2.

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TextWorx v1.6 Updated

Ennovy on 6 Jan 2025
  • 2MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 4 Jan 2025
  • Suggested by webfork

TextWorx lets you access a large suite of text manipulation functions within any text editor or browser. It provides a universal context menu and custom toolbar/s that you invoke with a hotkey. To use, select the text that you wish to manipulate, then open the context menu and select the function that you wish to run the selected text against.

The things you can do includes: insert various date formats, change case to various different formats, delete duplicate lines, HTML tags, multiple regex search-and-replace etc. Note that you can easily add your own functions by editing a INI file, so it can be fully customized to your own needs.

Runs on:Win7 / Win8 / Win10
Writes settings to: Application folder
License: Freeware
How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch TextWorx.exe.
What's new? See:
Latest comments
TxT-man on 2025-01-07 07:49

A very handy tool that adds many(!) functions to all text editors.
Nice to see that BGMCoder is back after a long silence.

BGM on 2025-01-08 09:28

Thanks for your kind mention!

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FreeCAD v1.0.0 Updated

Stephen Leibowitz on 19 Nov 2024
  • 2GB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 19 Nov 2024
  • Suggested by webfork

FreeCAD is an parametric 3D modeler that lets you sketch geometry-constrained 2D shapes and use them as a base to build 3D objects. The program also allows you to easily modify your design by going back into your model history and changing its parameters.

FreeCAD reads and writes to many open file formats such as STEP, IGES, STL, SVG, DXF, OBJ, IFC, DAE.

Cross platform (Mac, Linux). Many user-contributed addons/macros are also available, for example to let you easily create screws and bolts, instantly construct lego bricks, etc.

Win 7 users may encounter an error starting FreeCAD, due to a missing 64-bit .dll file.

Runs on:Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Win11
Writes settings to: Application folder
Unicode support: Yes
License: Freeware/Open Source
How to extract:
  1. Download the x64-portable ZIP and extract to a folder of your choice
  2. In the main folder, create a subfolder called userdata where all the temp files and config data will be stored
  3. Create a text file in the main folder and paste in the following:

    @cd "%~dp0"
    @set FREECAD_USER_HOME="%~dp0\userdata"
    @start "FreeCad" "%~dp0\bin\FreeCAD.exe" --single-instance "%1"

  4. Rename the text file to freecad.bat and launch.
What's new? Release notes

Quick Clipboard Editor v2.3.1 Updated

Ennovy on 14 Nov 2024
  • 18MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 13 Nov 2024
  • Suggested by JnLlnd

Quick Clipboard Editor (QCE) not only helps maintain a history of text copied to the clipboard, it also allows you to make quick edits to the text directory. The built-in text editor provides a set of functions including:

  • find and replace
  • insert new content on each line
  • trim unwanted sections of lines
  • keep or delete lines or characters based on various criteria
  • sort by all sort of criteria
  • change case of text or portion of text
  • convert text for various coding needs (HTML, XML, PHP, AHK, etc.)

Runs on:Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Win11
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
Unicode support: Yes
License: Freeware
How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch QuickClipboardEditor-32-bit.exe or QuickClipboardEditor-64-bit.exe.
What's new? See:

IrfanView v4.70

Ennovy on 11 Oct 2024
  • 6MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 11 Oct 2024
  • Suggested by Andrew Lee

IrfanView is a viewer for a wide variety of image, audio and video formats. The program includes batch processing, creation of panoramic images, edition of multi-page TIFF files, lossless JPEG rotate/crop and effects such as sharpen and blur. Other tools such as screen capture, scanner, slideshow, plugin support and ability to capture icons from EXE or DLL.

Alternatively, IrfanView Portable is also available and updates drive letters and handles registry keys.

Runs on:WinNT / Win2K / WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Win11 / Wine
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
Unicode support: Yes
License: Free for personal use (the installer is adware)
How to extract:
  1. Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice
  2. Optionally, delete iv_uninstall.exe
  3. Launch i_view32.exe or i_view64.exe (for 64-bit OS)
Note: Optionally, for more advanced support download the plugins ZIP package and extract the contents to the Plugins sub-folder. Plugins add more than 20 megs to the size and support for more graphics, audio, video and more. Plugins for OCR and PDF tools are available as a separate download -- see the thread in forums on how to enable them with portable installations.
Similar/alternative apps: XnView, Imagine, FastStone Image Viewer
What's new? See:
Latest comments
Cornflower on 2023-12-10 08:43

Also note that virtually every new release updates some plugins, and version 4.65 is no exception. Most users may want to go to and download the 32- or 64-bit package, and dump them into the Irfanview Plugins subdirectory.

Cornflower on 2024-04-05 13:40

I notice in 4.67 that the OCR plugin is updated. It suggests using the Tesseract OCR, which I suspect is not portable. When I test it I will be looking to see if it can be made portable, and if it works with 32-bit Irfanview (there are a number of limitations with the 64-bit Irfanview so I am staying there).

M1P0 on 2024-07-23 21:20

Starting from ver. 4.67.2, the new OCR plugin can read QR Codes and Barcodes by itself, without any Tesseract.
Just get the latest version from the Plugins page, under "PlugIns updated after the version 4.67:".

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PDFArranger v1.11.1

rbon on 8 Oct 2024
  • 95MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 8 Oct 2024
  • Suggested by Midas

PDFArranger is an editor program to merge, split, rotate, crop, rearrange, duplicate and interleave pages. The program supports drag-and-drop insert of other PDF files, auto-crop whitespace, rotation of individual or any combination of pages, scale size (e.g. tabloid to letter size), and more.

The program can print "restricted" PDFs, split pages, export components of the PDF to separate files, or import standard images into a PDF document.

Cross-platform with clients available for Linux.

Runs on:Win7 / Win8 / Win10
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
Unicode support: Yes
License: GPLv3
How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch pdfarranger.exe.
Similar/alternative apps: PDF XChange Editor, PDFtkbuilder
What's new? See:,
Latest comments
Cornflower on 2023-07-11 08:26

A few operational changes in v1.10.0 I've noticed:

Loads more quickly (my perception)
It does Booklet correctly.
Split pages works easier.
New feature: Merge Pages (onto the same sheet)!

Cornflower on 2024-01-11 05:11

This note on the download page:

(As the Windows binaries of version 1.10.0 are supplied with Python 3.10, they are not released with 1.10.1. Windows users should keep using version 1.10.0)

Andrew Lee on 2024-01-11 22:48

@Cornflower: Noted, changes have been reverted. Thanks!

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Textify v1.10.4

Ennovy on 1 Sep 2023
  • 763KB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 1 Sep 2023
  • Suggested by I am Baas

Textify lets users copy text from such normally static dialog boxes, system messages, program tabs and more. Ideal for quickly taking down diagnostic/error messages in system testing, the program lets you grab part or all of the needed text. It also can launch web services such as Google Translate or external programs.

The program also grabs the "alt" text and URL of web images.

Runs on:WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Win11
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
Unicode support: Yes
License: GNU GPLv3
How to extract:
  1. Download the installer and launch
  2. From the Select type of the install drop-down menu, select Portable and click Next
  3. Select a folder and click Install
  4. Launch Textify.exe


  1. Download the installer and extract everything except $PLUGINSDIR and uninstall.exe to a folder of your choice
  2. Launch Textify.exe
Similar/alternative apps: SysExporter
What's new? See:
Latest comments
Midas on 2022-05-24 05:55

@stevenmonrad: as a suggestion, being a portable program, you could just fire Textify whenever needed and close it afterwards...

rbon on 2022-05-30 13:23

Textify rel. 1.10.1 released at May 30, 2022.
Direct download setup (launch and choose Portable):

AndTheWolf on 2022-06-27 19:44

Now at v1.10.2

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LeoMoon HotKeyz V1.8.12

rbon on 11 Jun 2023
  • 2MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 11 Jun 2023
  • Suggested by hamasaki

LeoMoon HotKeyz is a lightweight system-wide hotkey manager that lets you assign global hotkeys to files, folders, programs, system actions, active windows, URLs, and text snippets. An unlimited number of system-wide hotkeys can be defined, and the program itself can be enabled/disabled with a hotkey (by default [Ctrl]+[Win]+[2]).

Runs on:Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Win11
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
License: Freeware
How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch LeoMoon HotKeyz.exe.
Similar/alternative apps: Shortcut Keys, X-Hotkey-P
What's new?
  • Added more Active Window actions
    • Added Generate Random Password (Letters and Numbers)
  • Fixed date based text macros not evaluating properly

Extra Keys v3.0.0

Andrew Lee on 24 Jun 2023
  • 2MB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 10 May 2023
  • Suggested by I am Baas

Extra Keys helps you to type many letters and symbols that may not appear on your keyboard, including accented characters for French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Scandinavian languages, as well as many other special symbols.

A 64-bit version is available (within the folder).

Runs on:Win2K / WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10
Writes settings to: None
Stealth: ? Yes
License: Freeware
How to extract: Download the ZIP package and extract to a folder of your choice. Launch extrakeys.exe (for 32-bit OS) or extrakeys-x64.exe (for 64-bit OS).
Similar/alternative apps: Free Virtual Keyboard
What's new? See:
Latest comments
juverax on 2023-05-16 10:06

Lexilogos (online service, but downloadable ) has currently 177 different keyboards.

AndTheWolf on 2023-06-24 16:04

Your link points to, which does NOT contain a link to the the zip file. The link to the zip file, which "Includes all editions Extra Keys and Extra Keys Pro, both 32-bit and 64-bit", is located in

Andrew Lee on 2023-06-24 19:45

@AndTheWolf: Updated download links. Thanks!

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LICEcap v1.32

Andrew Lee on 5 Jul 2022
  • 444KB (uncompressed)
  • Released on 8 Jun 2022
  • Suggested by I am Baas

LICEcap can capture an area of your desktop and save it directly to animated GIF files. Features include: move the screen capture frame while recording, pause and restart recording, with optional inserted text messages, global hotkey (Shift+Space) to toggle pausing while recording, adjustable maximum recording framerate, basic title frame, with or without text, record mouse button presses, display elapsed time in the recording.

You can run multiple LICEcap window simultaneously, even of another LICEcap.

Cross-platform with a version available for Mac OS.

Runs on:WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Wine
Writes settings to: Application folder
Stealth: ? Yes
Unicode support: Yes
License: GNU GPLv2
How to extract:
  1. Download the installer and extract licecap.exe to a folder of your choice
  2. In this folder, create an empty text file and rename it to licecap.ini
  3. Launch licecap.exe
Similar/alternative apps: GifCam
What's new?
  • Windows: Prevent positioning window offscreen [issue 72]
  • Windows: sign installer/executable
Latest comments
Checker on 2015-08-27 19:22

@smaragdus: Thanks ... and updated ;)

Cornflower on 2018-01-18 11:41

This is excellent! I'm already creating demos with it.
Of the 2017 utilities, I use this one and Calculor the most.

Ennovy on 2022-07-05 11:04

The website announces the release of version 1.32 for Windows:

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