MyImgur is a tool to quickly upload pictures to, is able to send multiple files in a queue, crop an area of the screen, clipboard, or capture the active window (by default F11). Once uploaded, the program can copy a link to the file directly to your clipboard.
The program can also auto-resize pictures and/or lower quality automatically if file exceeds a given size to speed-up uploads on slow connections. Captures can be stored from cropping or paste and supports multiple monitors in any configurations (spanned horz/vertically etc.).
Functional in Linux via Wine.
Category: | |
Runs on: | WinXP / Vista / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 / Wine |
Writes settings to: | Application folder |
Stealth: ? | Yes |
Path portability: | Automatic relative path (eg. ..\..\personal\work.doc) |
License: | Free for personal use |
How to extract: |
Similar/alternative apps: | ShareX |
What's new? |
See: |
Download link is a 404. Link provided on the website is a 403.
This one stopped working for me. Anyone else?
Version update is: v3.7 Beta -> v3.71 Beta (not v3.8 Beta).
Sorry for typo.
v3.71 Beta
Gretz: confirmed. Joby pointed out we were missing a launching argument. Entry updated.
v3.61 Beta
Why is this listed as portable? It creates folders and writes its settings to %appdata%\MyImgur.
v3.61 Beta
@aurel211252: MyImgur is a tool for uploading pictures to Imgur website, not downloading them.
RO: MyImgur este o aplicatie pentru urcarea pozelor pe site-ul Imgur, nu pentru copierea lor de acolo.
@ aurel211252: No Romanian please. Otherwise only joby_toss will answer you ;)
Rugamintea mea ar fi sa ma ajutati:ce pasi am de urmat pt.a putea copia cu ajutorulMyImgur...multumesc...
@stfly: Not yet, no. But it's on the "to do" list from what I've understand.
Not working. Don't forget to go into your Imgur account settings and revoke access once you get frustrated and need to uninstall this program. Also, WTH does it need to restart my computer to uninstall.