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Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:16 pm
by Queue
The website and download links are the same. ... v1.1

I'm not sure how TPFC's links to screenshots work (they appear to all be hosted locally on the domain) but if they can point to an external link, I've created a flash demonstration of EjectUSB in action at

Change Log:
Version 1.1
- Bug fix: Improved ejection capability via EjectUSB's own internal ejection routine.
- Bug fix: TimeToWait is now a maximum per ''phase'' rather than per program; in rare cases EjectUSB could wait for multiple minutes on closing programs with the default TimeToWait value of 5 (seconds).
- Bug fix: Cleaning up dead tray icons was triggered by faulty criteria; in simple terms, dead tray icon cleanup was occuring when it didn't need to (wasting up to 1 second).
- Bug fix: Improved command line argument and input parsing for handle.exe; there were some formatting differences between the output on Win9x and WinXP.
- Improvement: Minor efficiency improvements related to the previous two changes.
- Improvement: EjectUSB can now interface with Unlocker to close open file handles; simply UniExtract the Unlocker installer and put Unlocker.exe and UnlockerDriver5.sys in the same folder as EjectUSB. Unlocker requires admin privileges and doesn't work on Win9x.
- Improvement: Added a FAQ section to the documentation.
- Change: Slight change to the EjectUSB logo.
- Change: Separated the source code into its own ZIP file. Source code for EjectUSB will always be released with each version of EjectUSB.


EjectUSB is now 1.5

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 7:43 pm
by animeaime
Just wanted to inform everone that EjectUSB is now Version 1.5.

Here are the changes in Version 1.5 (copied from the website):
  • Bug fix: EjectUSB's ejection success message will more reliably appear on Vista.
  • Bug fix: EjectUSB's ejection success message will only disappear when the ejected drive is unplugged instead of disappearing when any USB device is unplugged.
  • Bug fix: EjectUSB will no longer display an error if WMI functions fail.
  • Improvement: EjectUSB's ejection success message now displays the ejected drive's name.
  • Addition: Added /ini command line argument to allow a settings file to be specified.
  • Addition: Added /settings command line argument to display a settings interface window.
  • Addition: Included Settings.bat with the download to make adjusting settings easier.
  • Change: Modified the manifest information.

EjectUSB V2.00

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:47 pm
by guinness
EjectUSB was the brain child of user Queue and it first started on this Forum all the way back in 2008. It's still relevant 3 years on and an application I still use! But there are still some silly little bugs present in the application. which I think should be addressed, plus Windows 7 has been introduced during this time, so of course new features can be introduced too.

Therefore ... because this is in AutoIt and Open Source I was wondering would users appreciate it if I updated the code and re-released under the same License perhaps using a new version number? e.g. V2.00? I haven't started creating any code as of yet, because if the overall response is "NO" then it would have been a wasted effort.

Also if anyone believes that I won't be able to do this e.g. License, re-using the EjectUSB name, then please let me know as well.

Re: EjectUSB V2.00 I say go but ...

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:39 pm
by donald
I was under the Impression that this would be coming out in a new version soon.

I see the website is down now.

Has anyone contacted the Author?

My last message from him mentioned a newer version in the works.

I would welcome an update and or competitor to Classic EjectUSB.

Re: EjectUSB V2.00

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:05 pm
by joby_toss

Re: EjectUSB V2.00 I say go but ...

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:02 pm
donald wrote:I was under the Impression that this would be coming out in a new version soon.

I see the website is down now.

Has anyone contacted the Author?

My last message from him mentioned a newer version in the works.

I would welcome an update and or competitor to Classic EjectUSB.
Queue is still active in the MSFN forum. I'm able to contact him. :)

Re: EjectUSB V2.00

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:27 am
by guinness
Has anyone contacted the Author?
Yes and I got no reply!
My last message from him mentioned a newer version in the works.
Because the website is down this gives me cause for concern that it might not be the case anymore. I understand I have designed programs which I have no interest in updating anymore. These days its because the code was really badly designed, so any new additions requires a complete re-write.
I would welcome an update and or competitor to Classic EjectUSB.
So thats a Yes :) A comp
Thanks joby!
Queue is still active in the MSFN forum. I'm able to contact him.
Cheers System.

I look forward to the response.

Re: EjectUSB V2.00

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:56 pm
by MiDoJo
As one of the first beta testers for EjectUSB I'd love to see a new version

Re: EjectUSB V2.00

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:09 am
by webfork
MiDoJo wrote:As one of the first beta testers for EjectUSB I'd love to see a new version
Agreed. I certainly have a need for this and its increasingly important.

I have a system that uses a wide variety of tools to scan/index and manage external devices (that I can't turn off for a variety of reasons) and an eject utility that is in development might help me address why EjectUSB isn't currently working on that system. Yanking the drive before its ready to go isn't something I like doing, especially with drives containing important data.

Re: EjectUSB V2.00

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 6:10 am
guinness wrote:
Queue is still active in the MSFN forum. I'm able to contact him.
Cheers System.

I look forward to the response.
He has replied. :)
Queue wrote: I'm having trouble logging in (or even registering a new account) at the TPFC forums, so I can't reply there directly, unfortunately.

The EjectUSB site is down due to money limitations; I plan to bring it back up eventually.

Guiness is welcome to make a fork of EjectUSB, and alternate support for the project was a large part of why I made the source code available, but the name and logo for EjectUSB aren't up for grabs, so I'd ask that if he does, he come up with a different name and icon/logo.

Development stalled because of two issues: API device ejection on 9x was confounding me, and aside from that, I considered it feature-complete. I also intended to remake EjectUSB in pure assembly (instead of an interpretted scripting language like AutoIt3) but not until after I'd solved the 9x API ejection puzzle. I didn't consider other limitations of EjectUSB to be worth persuing in the short-term and would've just gotten to them when I had the free time for them, which may have been yet more years down the road; I'm not aware of any bugs that exist in the current version. Version 1.7 (unreleased) does have some changes to handling how closing programs is handled (per user requests) but wasn't yet ready for release.

I really appreciate you contacting me here, and if you could pass this along to TPFC, that would be really nice as well.


Re: EjectUSB V2.00

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:05 am
by webfork
SYSTEM wrote:He has replied. :)
Thanks for working on that.
Queue wrote:I'm having trouble logging in (or even registering a new account) at the TPFC forums, so I can't reply there directly, unfortunately.
I'd be glad to try and resolve that if he's still interested in getting on the forum. Send him my email: "foldinghome" over at gmail.

Re: EjectUSB V2.00

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:08 am
by guinness
OK, brilliant news. I didn't realise about the name and icon issue, especially if I was going to use the same code but with a few tweaks. Good to know though :)

I will leave it for a while as I have some software I will be releasing in the next couple of weeks or so :D

I wasn't expecting such a positive response, didn't realise people had such faith in me :P

Re: EjectUSB V2.00

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:05 pm
webfork wrote:
Queue wrote:I'm having trouble logging in (or even registering a new account) at the TPFC forums, so I can't reply there directly, unfortunately.
I'd be glad to try and resolve that if he's still interested in getting on the forum. Send him my email: "foldinghome" over at gmail.
I have sent him a link to your message.

EjectUSB v.1.6 no longer ejecting FINALLY SOLVED!

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:09 pm
by spicydog
I have kept EjectUSB on my WD Passport USB external hard drive for almost a year and it has always performed flawlessly... Unfortunately since a couple of weeks (without having modified any of the EjectUSB settings) to safely eject my USB HDD (from my XP Pro 32 SP3 laptop) I am forced to put my system on standby, as there is no other way to get it to eject the way that it used to.

I know that there might be a trillion factors behind this malfunction and I also know that I am going literally nuts!

I have checked also with Process Explorer but apparently on S:\ T:\ U:\ (the 3 NTFS partitions on the WD Passport) there is nothing running that would prevent the ejection.

Anybody here with a good suggestion (possibly one which does NOT involve using a huge hammer :mrgreen: )?



Re: EjectUSB v.1.6 no longer ejecting

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:43 pm
by m^(2)
I suggest using a huge hammer called ProcessMonitor and creating a log of what does it do.