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My comments are disappearing

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:31 am
by grannyGeek
Maybe this should have been posted in site suggestions, but anyway......

I have tried three times over the last few days to post a comment for TabbyCalc, and get message "thanks for commenting...", but the comment never appears.

The TabbyWare site is gone for good (and too bad for us, he made some cool tools).
Another commenter was requesting a download link for TabbyCalc v2.0, and my comment included a link to my MediaFire upload. Is this link the reason the comment is blocked/removed?

(Is there a possibility that PFC can host the app? I know Andrew has done that for a few programs)

Re: My comments are disappearing

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:13 pm
by Andrew Lee
Could you please post a copy of your comment here for me to check?

Currently, the comments module does implement keyword blocking, but they are quite obvious spam keywords ("mediafire" is not one of them), so I am curious to find out why your comment is blocked. Hopefully it's not a bug in the keyword matching module.

Anyway, I will update tabbyCalc and point it to Softpedia.

Re: My comments are disappearing

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:38 pm
by grannyGeek
Comment was something on the order of
@ Roilf, I uploaded a copy to MediaFire.

Maybe if we ask real sweet, Andrew will post a direct download here. TabbyWare has left the building, his website/domaine name is up for sale. Too bad.
Softpedia and other reputable software sites only carry the last stable version 1.2.
I do see that Version 2.0-beta is available on some of the less, ummmm, "popular" sites.
(I wouldn't visit them without chem-warfare gear :mrgreen: )

So I uploaded it.

Re: My comments are disappearing

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:13 pm
by grannyGeek
Andrew, I submitted a reply on this thread with my comment quoted, and got a message that my thread post was being held for moderator review.
I hope that was you snagging it before it posted.
Otherwise I'm going to think my IP address is flagged for some resaon.

Re: My comments are disappearing

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:41 am
by webfork
think my IP address is flagged for some resaon.
You aren't flagged or anything. I've had some of my posts get thrown into a moderator approval process as well. The filter is just turned up really high.

Re: My comments are disappearing

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:25 pm
by Andrew Lee
Found the reason why your comment and reply on this forum was flagged. The reason is the keyword pair "for sale". Shows how difficult spam detection is based on keywords alone.

Personal rant: I have similar experience with my company's content filter too, where perfectly legit websites are blocked for containing keywords related to porn or games. You know, I am guessing keywords like breast, gaming etc. Sigh...

Anyway, I have removed the keyword pair "for sale" for the time-being. I have reviewed the other keywords, and I think they are still OK to go. You know, keywords like Pr*pecia, U** boots etc. A few are potentially problematic eg. prescription, wholesale etc. but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

Re: My comments are disappearing

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:50 pm
by grannyGeek
Ok, good to have an answer to the mystery! Andrew, thank you for taking the time.

Yes, workplace filters can be fun.
Obviously, we're blocked from downloading EXE files, but also RAR and INI.
(Zip and 7Z are still allowed)

I was tasked to research some food recipes to plan product purchasing, and perfectly innocent gourmet and cooking sites were blocked, I'll never know why.

But the saddest note of all, I've never been able to visit the DeviantArt site from my work computer.....
(well of course, we can't be allowed on a site for deviants, can we? :P )

Re: My comments are disappearing

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:16 am
by Wolfghost
The filter is just turned up really high.
Nice, let it be like this, I see already a big effect :wink:

Re: My comments are disappearing

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:33 pm
by ChemZ
Nice, let it be like this, I see already a big effect
Agreed :!:

Re: My comments are disappearing

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 7:14 pm
by grannyGeek
Ya, I also do agree.
Now that I know the whole story, I'll be more careful with my wording.

I will add this, spammers are patient.
On another forum I visit, a member noticed a recent spam post that was IDENTICAL to one posted 3 or 4 years ago. Bots have no sense of time, I suppose.