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UltraExplorer - configurable file manager

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:10 am
by dbirdil
UltraExplorer 1.4.4 released 10/7/07

UltraExplorer 2 RC3 (Portable)

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:53 am
by Elminster
As of this version UltraExplorer is really portable. The version 1.4.4 linked in the database here is not. The final version of UltraExplorer 2 is going to be released within the next days if the release candidate proofs stable.

The RC3 is only available via the UltraExplorer Beta Discussions forum on (in this thread).

I just stumbled upon the beta version per chance (well, ver 1 had some quirks and I tried to pin them down). So far ver 2 is a lot more reliable and I think UE is a worth a try if one is looking for a highly customizable explorer replacement that also should work off a stick. :)


Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 4:38 am
by joby_toss
May 25, 2009

Version 2.0.0
  • Each Listview now has its own Tabset
    Faster switching between tabs
    Timer delay before filtering while typing a mask
    User definable "x" close buttons on, no tabs, active tab, all tabs
    Improved keyboard handling on the Columns View
    Columns View is now a stand alone view style for a tab this allows much better integration into UE
    Columns View now works with filters, quick filters, action buttons, etc.
    User defined options for the Listview now work with the Columns View as well
    Columns View now uses a delay time to allow faster navigation in slow folders
    Any View (Flatten Folder, Search, etc) now works as the normal Listview including
    Clipboard Operations (Copy/Cut)
    File Viewer,
    Added a "Common Listview" options tab in the Options dialog. Hopefully this will end the confusion on how to make the user's favorite view type more obvious to the user.
    Layout Manager to save and restore layouts of windows/toolbars/etc
    Numerous stability issue fixes
    User definable default column widths for the Listview
    New Listview Common Options tab to easily find common listview options

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:22 am
by joby_toss
Version up:
  • Fixed the loader to not require the Registry Value to find UE for the Win-E hook
    Fixed problem with Win-E hook opening an Explorer window plus an UltraExplorer Window
    Fixed problem with crashing when removing Tabs
    Fixed problem with setting focus back to tabset if the only Tab was a Flatten Folder or Search Tab
    Fixed spelling of Donate...
    Fixed problem with WM_DDEUltraExplorer and the context menus.
    Removed ability to hide the main menu. It can cause all kinds of confusion getting it back
    Fixed problem with saveing/restoring Layouts with Toolbars Locked
    Fixed problem with setting focus to the Columns mode causing a crash
    Fixed problem with Launcher and *FilePathList*
    Added Slovak translation thanks to Sepp Winkler
    Fixed problem where About and Translation dialogs can go behind the main form, thank to Netex for reporting it
    Fixed some bugs with adding windows to the internal TabList (AV's)
    Fixed the auto caption size option for report, list, and small icon views
    Added ability to clear the Per Folder Storage of the listview in the Options Dialog
    Fixed problem with commands in the customization dialog not being saved in the configuration correctly
    Added ability for the dual listview Action toolbar to be customized/short cuts etc.
    Fixed issue with Layouts being forgotten if UE is shut down forcefully
    Added ability to included multiple files to a launcher parameter list, the legacy way is to add the files names to a file then pass the file the new names are FilePathListCmdLine, FilePathListShortCmdLine, FileNameListCmdLine, FileNameListShortCmdLine
    Fixed problem with the "Open in UltraExplorer" Context Menu extension when UE was not already open
    Fixed problem with Quick Filter not filtering when a refreshing listview, either F5 or if a shell notification occured
    Added the Treeview has the focus Flatten Folder and Search now use the selection in that window as the source for the new tab action
    Fixed problem with the Search and Flatten Folder Listview "jumping" back to the desktop
    Fixed problem with the Search and Flatten Folder not removing objects from the list that have been deleted
    Fixed problem with using Custom startup folders. UE now does not save all the open tabs then set them all to the same custom startup folder. It ignores all tabs and opens a single tab to the custom folder in each tabset
    Fixed problem with shortcuts. Allowed changing of Listview Select All, Copy, Cut, Paste, Delete shortcuts but they did not work and/or the standard shortcuts still executed the action causing problems. Changing these shortcuts will affect the Listview ONLY
    Fixed problem with syncronization of Listview Tab/BreadcrumbBar/Address Bar when editing a folder in the Folders Window
    Fixed incorrect hint message for SpTBXComboBoxGestureNewTab.Hint and SpTBXCheckBoxTreeviewShowToolTip.Hint
    Fixed issue with Hint not being shown on dialog boxes if Options>General>Tool Hints was on
    Added some missing Hints to some of the Viewer dialog boxes
    Traditional Chineese language updated thans to TonyYu27
    Fixed a problem with refreshing after a file change in watched folders
    Increased performance when a lot of file changes are happening in a folder UE is watching ...

Ultra Explorer

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:07 am
by Elminster
UltraExplorer V1.5.0 as listed in the database here is quite outdated (as well as this version was not really portable).

The current Version is available at (under "Download" or the first news entry on the homepage). It has become much more stable and after a long break the development is now pretty fast paced again.

If you like betas, you can also try here: ... =13&t=2066

Please note: The setup and the portable (exe) versions are really different. Only the portable version checks for the config files in the UE folder. (Just in case anyone would try ;))

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:14 am
by I am Baas

Re: UltraExplorer

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:55 pm
by joby_toss
July 3, 2009

  • Fixed - If "Select First Item" in the listview is NOT checked the Listview will try to find and select the folder that was browsed up from. It was not scrolling this item into view
    Fixed - Changed wording of General>"Show Path in Caption" to "Show Path in Title Bar" to better reflect what it does
    Added - Listview>"Hide Icons" option
    Fixed - Search masks totally broken
    Fixed - If the Folders Window does not have the focus and no folders are selected in the Listview the Listview Root is used as the default search path when the Search Tab is opened
    Fixed - Potential to crash in ILIsEqual or ILIsParent functions
    Fixed - Issues with shortcuts with spaces (Num +, Num -, etc)
    Fixed - Issues with exiting while copying, showing property sheets etc
    Added - UE should now copy/move/delete files asyncronously in the background better
    Added - When a View Setting (View, Sort Direction, Sort Column, Grouped, etc) is changed UE now asks if you want to apply the new settings to all open Tabs, the Active Tab or New Tabs
    Fixed - Shift and Control now work with the ContextMenu commands and Delete
    Fixed - Extra commands in customizer now show text/icon correctly depending on what Toolbar they are placed on
    Added - Extra command in customizer to delete files bypassing the Recycle Bin
    Fixed - When an invalid path is entered into the Addressbar the resulting error box may end up under UE so it appears to hang.
    Fixed - Report (Details) view did not AutoSize the Name Caption
    Fixed - The Thumbnail Stretch and Size controls did not disable when their functionality could not be used in the view
    Fixed - Color/Font Coding did not work with selected items
    Added - When adding a new Color Coding Extension the "Enable Color Coding" is automatically checked for you
    Added - A new View, Report (Detail) Thumbnail View.
    Fixed - Problem with the short cut for New Folder
    Improved - Optimized startup time a bit
    Fixed - Bug were file starting with "D" are not shown when grouping by name
    Fixed - In the rework for 2.0 I messed up some conditional defines so the listview was not enumerating in the background so it was freezing the app while enumerating a large folder
    Improvement - Major reworking of core components made huge speed increases and memory use reductions. Especially noticable in Vista and up
    Fixed - Problem with the SHSetThreadRef and context menus when using the cut/copy commands not allowing the App to close ...


Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:33 pm
by Checker
It's now V2.0.3.1 :!:

Following changes included:
Version (released July, 25, 2009):

Fixed - Problem with Listview deselecting all it items when dragging from UE to another application
Fixed - Problems with the MultiPath Listviews (Search/Flatten Folder) and clipboard operations
Added - Capability to show/hide Main Menu Bar to restore right click the toolbar area and check the new Main Menu Bar item
Fixed - Problem with Listview popup hints/Query Info not working
Added - HotKey for Quick Filter now Toggles the Filter Bar
Improvement - When the Quick Filter Bar is hidden the filter is cleared automatically
Added - HotKey to Toggle Addressbar Visibility, Set Focus to it and Select the text ready for typing
Fixed - If UE was closed when minimized it reopened minimized, now opens to a normal window
Fixed - Save Per Folder would not work on startup and loading a fresh Tab
Added - Option in the Listview Coloring to allow user to decide if extension coloring is used when a file is selected. Coloring can make the filename unreadable when using themes if colors not well thought out
Added - Option to show/hide the images on the tabs, in the Tab Options Dialog
Fixed - Default Sort Column Index did not work
Improvement - The set column width for all views now includes custom sort order, visibility, and column width
Fixed - Mega-crash when changing Languages
Fixed - Layouts broken in last release
Fixed - No response/hanging when deleting/adding a significant number of files in the Listview
Fixed - Not selecting browsed up from folder in the listview
Fixed - Column header titles on the root of a network folder
Improvement - Changed Language instruction from rich text format to HTML making install 5Meg smaller
Improvement - Added shortcuts to Move/Copy files from the Active Listview to the Inactive Listview
Added - "Persist between sessions" added in the History options dialog to save the folder browse history of the tabs between sessions
Fixed - Potential for crash on shutdown
Fixed - Issue with Copy/Move from one Listview to another with no items selected in the source listview. UE would pickup any files on the clipboard and perform the operation
Fixed - BreadCrumb Dropdowns not sorted correctly in some instances
Fixed - ColumnsView Banding not enabled when Tab created
Fixed - F5 refresh did not refresh the Treeview or Breadcrumb bar
Improvement - Themes draw gradients 2x faster
Fixed - If images used the alpha channel for transparency UE did not draw the transparency correctly
Fixed - Memory Leak when using Dual Pane
Improvement - Speed increase when resizing column if Color Coding was enabled
Improvement - Significant speed increase when files are added to any view of UltraExplorer
Improvement - Sorting of the folder is now done in the enumeration thread which keeps the user interface from being frozen as much
Fixed - Bug in the writing of the Options to the options file

Version (released July 26, 2009):

Fixed - Bug in the writing of the Options to the options file fix from would crash on a restart after opening once and saving the Options file

Re: UltraExplorer

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:02 am
by joby_toss
I've just lost my config file :evil: when I launched version
It said my old config file is corrupt and a new config file is created.
Not pleasant at all.

UltraExplorer V2.0.3.1

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:20 am
by Checker
TPFC: is on V1.5.0

V2.0.3.1 is available :!:
There's now a portable version for download :!:

Re: UltraExplorer V2.0.3.1

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 5:59 am
by Dwel
Is there a way to make ultra explorer the default explorer ?

UltraExplorer V2.0.3.1

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:15 am
by Checker
Dwel wrote:Is there a way to make ultra explorer the default explorer ?
Enable the "Win-E hook" shell extension (Tools -> Shell Extensions -> Win-E Hook). This way, when you press Window-E, UltraExplorer will open instead of WindowsExplorer.

Re: UltraExplorer V2.0.3.1

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:06 am
by joby_toss

UltraExplorer V2.0.3.1

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:31 am
by Checker
Sorry for that ... I'm getting old old :oops:
Did they have the portable version already?

Re: UltraExplorer V2.0.3.1

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:34 am
by joby_toss
No problem at all!
I was amused by the fact that you were the one that posted the same update in that topic.
On the other hand if one searches for "ultra" for example, that topic does not show up. Strange.

P.S.: Yes, they did.

Later edit: 'just realized one should search for "ultraexplorer" and not only "ultra" for that topic to show up. Is this the behavior intended for the search function of the forum?