Windows Vista UAC like program?

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Windows Vista UAC like program?

#1 Post by portackager »

I do system maintenance for my mom and she has Windows Vista UAC (User Account Control) enabled, which makes it almost impossible for me to do my job! She is an admin, and I've told her numerous times that it won't keep other people off her computer from changing settings, or from running programs like the UAC falsely suggests, she thinks that if someone was to use the computer they wouldn't disable UAC themselves :D She still insists that it be left on. Her account is password protected though. Which has anti-adware, anti-spyware, anti-virus, ect and firewalled up the rear.

Now.. If I do get her to disable UAC I need a program that will save her from herself. One that uses a whitelist/blacklist, maybe like a firewall for programs, sort of UAC-ish but less invasive. When you run a program it will check to see if its in the whitelist (then allow program), blacklist (then deny program), if neither then ask to to allow or block with the option to do this everytime.. If it's configurable (for me) and easy to use (for her) that's a definite plus.

In the meantime, I might have her try Winpooch..

Thanks :)

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#2 Post by joby_toss »

You could try Trust-No-Exe:
"Trust-no-exe is a executable file filter. It attaches to the operating system and filters all executable files, be it .exe .com .dll .drv .sys .dpl etc from all drives and all network shares against a list of files or paths, you, the administrator provide as trusted applications. If a prohibited executable (one not in the allow list or one explicitly defined in the deny list) is loaded, a popup box informs the user with an intelligent message that can be customised to your site." ... no-exe.htm
I don't have Vista though and so, I can not test it, sorry. But on my XP it works fine.

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#3 Post by Terrine »

There are many. Search for keyword 'HIPS' on

or go straight to

They have a freeware version too! Threatfire is another good option:

None of these are portable, though.

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