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Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 1:16 pm
by FileHandler
Caveat: Interface and manuals are German only.

Forum: ... twicklern/

Size: 25 MB, fully portable. No settings are written into the registry or into Windows user locations. Everything resides in the exe-folder.

The program is capable of much more than what the name implies. Over the years it has grown in a full-blown photo editor: Perspective correction, sharpening, color manipulation, curves and graduations, repair and clone stamp, BW-conversion, frames and vignettes and captions and watermarks .... — and yes, it still does a great job in lightening up underexposed areas.

What I like most, is the efficient workflow:
  • Instead of saving modified files right away, you can optionally let it calculate all rendering afterward, once you have edited whole folders. No need to sit idle and wait for each pic to be processed.
  • It always keeps the original file. By default in a subfolder of the original picture location.
  • You can bundle settings into "filters", that act as presets. It comes with pre-made filters that you can tweak. Or save your current settings as a filter. Then apply them in various ways via strength sliders. Batch-processing is possible, too.
I have been using it for about 15 years. Continuous development throughout.

Biggest hurdle (apart from the German interface): You have to get used to their way of doing things. It does NOT use layers and masks! Sliders and dialogs are packed with clever (but hidden) gems, accessible via right-clicking, Ctlr-clicking etc. at unassuming spots.

Re: JPG-Illuminator

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 3:30 pm
by juverax
JPG-illuminator .... looks like a really great graphic application.
I just emailed the author(s):
to ask if there was any hope for an English version ....

Re: JPG-Illuminator

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 9:33 am
by juverax
About the request to have an English version of JPG-Illuminator
Here is the reply of the authors:
thanks für your proposal!
We do not plan an English version, sorry!

Re: JPG-Illuminator

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 10:46 am
by FileHandler
@ juverax
Now that you mention it — I remember asking them the same question about 10 years ago. Back then, I had time on my hands and offered to help with translating the interface and the manual.

From what I gathered, they are photo enthusiasts who were not satisfied with existing solutions. And so they teamed up to program their own software, which quickly became their private pet project. All their free time goes into improving the app rather than widening the user base. They don't want to bother with any extra work that does not directly relate to functions and workflow.

I decided to submit it anyway. Who knows, there may be more German-speaking members in this forum than I am aware of.

Re: JPG-Illuminator

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 1:57 pm
by juverax
@ FileHandler Thank you for your message FileHandler.

Actually in my message to the JPG-illuminator developers I offered to help.

Here is a transcript of my email:

Hi, I just heard about JPG-illuminator.
Great piece of software and great review: viewtopic.php?p=105447
Any hope of an English version?
I may offer some help .....
To the best of my knowledge, the easiest way to make a multilingual application is
to assign an identifier to each message
to place all the messages in a text file

All the best

Uebersetsung in Deutsch (Danke schoen Google Translate)

Hallo, ich habe gerade von JPG-Illuminator gehört.
Tolle Software und tolle Rezension: viewtopic.php?p=105447
Gibt es Hoffnung auf eine englische Version?
Vielleicht biete ich etwas Hilfe an .....
Meines Wissens nach ist es am einfachsten, eine mehrsprachige Bewerbung zu erstellen
um jeder Nachricht eine Kennung zuzuweisen
um alle Nachrichten in einer Textdatei abzulegen

Alles Gute

I also consider that if they were to translate the app in English, I should definitely make donation.

On another note, I tried the software (yes! even if it is in German). Some actions SEEMED pretty straightforward , but I must admit that the techniques they use to implement interaction/usability are far from standard, so NO, I was not able to accomplish anything notable in the time I allotted for the trial.

You are probably right in your assessment of their app, they are photo enthusiasts, they know what they want for themselves, and making their application consistent/compliant with the common usability rules is none of their concerns ( ... euristics/ )

Re: JPG-Illuminator

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:23 pm
by FileHandler
juverax wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 1:57 pm I tried the software (yes! even if it is in German).
A daunting endeavor. You sure don't belong to the faint-of-heart.
It even threw me off in the beginning. Despite being a native speaker. But not a professional photographer, as most of their users apparently are.

And yet, I keep coming back to it. The results are superior to other apps, and I tried tons of them. Along the way, I learned a lot about curves and histograms (both clickable btw, in various smart ways), lens distortion, chromatic aberration .... — you get the picture. :roll: :oops: cheesy pun, not intended.

If I find the time, I might hash up a few commented screenshots of my quick correction workflow
juverax wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 1:57 pm (Danke schoen Google Translate)
:lol: — and here comes another Dankeschön (using it as a noun, therefore contracted into one word). To you, for praising my review. And for the link to interface design guidelines. Very interesting read, I could not agree more. Wish every programmer would read this before going off on their own tangents.

Re: JPG-Illuminator

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 8:36 am
by Emka
@juverax & FileHandler: write me if you need mails or anything translated from or to German.

The correct translation for application in the aforementioned mail would be Anwendung (or simply Programm); for message it might be more accurate to use Benachrichtigung in this context (but here I'm not sure).

Re: JPG-Illuminator

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 4:57 pm
by juverax
I am afraid, my first email to the developers of JPG-illuminator in English and German will also be the last.
Let's see what happens with their application in the next decade ... :shock:
At least, thanks to your feedback on the German Translation by Google Translate, we had just another confirmation that Google and AI are far from being perfect.
And this makes me feel good ... We the (real, human) people are still better :D
And thank you for your kind offer in case we need help to write a msg in German :)